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Educational, state, cultural, and university radio stations have already developed over more than 70 years of history in Brazilian radio broadcasting. Currently, there are hundreds of stations transmitting across the country, from the North to the South. Some of them—that in the 1990s included 100 broadcasting stations and among these, the oldest and nationally referenced—up to this decade operated and were referenced as a component of the educational radio system. Mainly from this period on, most of these stations began to call themselves public. And, especially due to their programming, they have been attempting to define themselves within the profile of public radio stations. The purpose of this article is to uncover the historical construction of this group of radio broadcasting stations, by means of a timeframe, from the advent of the non-commercial segment in the 1930s until today. It reconstructs referential models and presents main threads and features of the programming of these stations throughout these seven decades. In this way, it will also evince how Brazil is constructing its model of public radio.  相似文献   

In 2009, Congressional subcommittees approved a bill which would impose a performance fee on radio stations playing music over the air, known as the Performance Rights Act (PRA). Passage of the PRA could historically alter the relationship between the radio broadcast industry and the music industry. Terrestrial broadcast radio stations have paid music licensing agencies fees to songwriters and composers but never to the artists. This study examines the acrimonious relationship radio broadcasters have had with the music licensing agencies over the past eight decades, and the potential impact of the PRA on the future of terrestrial radio.  相似文献   

Although foreign ownership regulations, embodied in Section 72 of the Radio Act of 1927, are most commonly associated with propaganda and broadcasting, this study shows that they targeted wireless telegraphy as a weapon of war. Archival research reveals that these rules formed part of the U.S. Navy's strategy to break the supremacy of Britain in international communications. Foreign ownership rules are only one example of pro- visions in the Radio Act that target telegraphy, not broadcasting, prompting us to reinterpret the Act as a hybrid legislation, designed to regulate two different uses of the same technology.  相似文献   

With music being one of the key elements of radio, and plurality one of the most important principles of public service, this article’s central argument is that one of the missions of public radio is to foster musical elements produced in the country’s national language. Focusing on traditional musical genres of the Portuguese-speaking countries, we will analyze the role of music in public radio by selecting specific musical shows focused on the Lusophone world. In order to determine the presence and impact of Lusophony in national stations, music will be the common thread for a reflection on how multicultural their programming strategies are able to be.  相似文献   

Radio possesses a special lyrical capacity and a sincere intonation that enables the audience to confide more easily in an invisible voice than in a printed page or a TV screen. Perceived through voice alone, speech becomes deeply emotional, expressive, and profoundly meaningful. Barely noticeable vocal modulations can deflate arrogance and pathos or disclose the absurd and silly in what seems serious and thoughtful. The article cites specific examples to demonstrate how the regional broadcasting in Russia successfully employs radio's “lyrical resources” and describes how the broadcasting majors at Saratov State University learn the art of creating moods and emotions.  相似文献   

The loss of localism has been a common trend in most radio markets in Europe and the United States. Deregulation of ownership led to a concentration phenomenon that has affected local radios in several western democracies. New forms of regulation have been considered as possible ways to stop the erosion of localism by applying rules to markets in the defense of diversity, pluralism, and the local dimension. This article analyses the local radio market in Portugal, by assessing the changes in the legislation and by examining the regulatory action that can, according to its remit, act preventively to avoid market forces to harm these principles.  相似文献   

Canadian historical literature of early radio broadcasting focuses largely on policy and formation of two successive public networks: the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). This literature rests fundamentally on the assumption that the CRBC and CBC were formed to counter the threat of American cultural domination. This study is based on a stratified random sample of radio schedules selected from Vancouver, Montreal, and Halifax newspapers. This content analysis of radio schedules demonstrates an overall trend of greater U.S. programming within Canadian radio station schedules coinciding with the introduction of programs produced in the United States by the CBC.  相似文献   

A relatively unstudied development in the recent history of U.S. community and public radio is the emergence of metropolitan-based public radio networks. These are being constructed by buying out college and community facilities and frequencies by larger stations, resulting in student and community radio outlets being shifted to online streams and giving universities a one-time cash infusion, though this seems to vitiate the purpose of their educational licenses.  相似文献   

Rising sales output of broadcasting has depended upon total hours worked more than new dollars for structures and equipment. Regulatory burdens appear to have had little effect upon stagnating productivity.  相似文献   

This article contributes to scholarly literature on local stations in early radio broadcasting history. Taking KVOS in Bellingham, WA as a case study, it attends to how regional geography in conjunction with station operators, broadcasting policy, and audiences helped to define localism in relation to broader national, regional, and international identities forming at the beginnings of early radio and between 1930–1953. KVOS’ history demonstrates how radio was always bound up with the production of locality and how local identity was constituted in and through its relation to broader collective sensibilities taking shape at the time.  相似文献   

The Public Broadcasting Act’s 50th anniversary provides an opportune moment to reassess justifications for creating a noncommercial media system. This commemorative occasion coincides with a particularly precarious moment for public radio and television’s future, adding some urgency to revisiting and reasserting its normative foundations. With this in mind, it is instructive to look back at public broadcasting’s long history to recover some of the original arguments for establishing an alternative to commercial news media. These earlier visions suggest a social democratic ideal for broadcast media, one clearly recognizing that a market-driven system cannot provide for all of democratic society’s communication needs.  相似文献   

This essay addresses why Rosie O'Donnell's “coming out” as a lesbian, as a gay parent, and as an advocate for gay adoption generated such little and lukewarm response, arguing that O'Donnell's lesbianism was rationalized in the public discourse by powerful preexisting narratives that constructed her as both maternal and childlike. These narratives converged with the narrative alterity of O'Donnell's homosexuality in such a way as to sharpen and strengthen established heteronormative discursive margins. The O'Donnell case contributes to an understanding of how dominant narratives negotiate competing narratives of resistance and offers an opportunity to examine mediated representations of “coming out.”  相似文献   

英国公共广播体制是在社会民主主义思潮的影响下形成的。英国社会民主主义的两个基本原则(公有制和民主)决定了公共广播的两个基本特征(非市场和非政府)。社会民主主义思潮还形塑了公共广播要为民主服务的广播理念。在探讨英国公共广播体制的起源时,只有从这一角度来看问题,才能真正理解英国公共广播的兴衰以及广播的公共服务理念的核心所在。  相似文献   

张骏德 《新闻大学》2001,35(2):67-70
江泽民同志在2000年12月25日为中国人民广播事业暨中央人民广播电台创建60周年作了重要批示: “在中国人民广播事业暨中央人民广播电台创建60周年之际,我向全国广播战线的同志们致以亲切的问候! 广播事业是党的新闻事业的重要组成部分。60年来,中央人民广播电台为宣传党的路线方针政策,弘扬中华民族精神,弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会  相似文献   

Offshore broadcasting pirates, transmitting radio shows from international waters back into the borders of nation-states, have been largely examined from a media-communications perspective. Drawing on pirate stations broadcasting into Britain I argue that new insights into the regulation of this phenomenon can be formed if it is considered not only as a media-communications venture, but likewise a maritime one. Following the Marine &c. Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967, Section 42 of the Broadcasting Act 1990, and the surveillance missions which ensued, I contend that these were not only aerial strategies designed to deal with an aerial problem (that of broadcasting), but also sea-based strategies, designed to deal with a maritime problem (that of broadcasting from ships and forts at sea). I thus propose re-thinking the ways in which successive British administrations regulated the radio pirates, paving the way for an alternative understanding of this phenomenon in media history.  相似文献   

公共图书馆第五次评估定级标准(少儿馆部分)释读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
少儿图书馆第五次评估定级系列标准,基于第四次评估标准修订而成,修订思路主要体现在三个方面:少儿图书馆的公共馆属性、少儿图书馆的特性、各级图书馆在少儿图书馆服务体系中的不同功能定位.修订的重点包括:调整框架体系及各部分所占分值,调整指标数量,对设施与设备、经费与人员、文献资源等各部分指标进行调整,规范不同分值的档数划分标准.在修订标准的调研中发现:少儿图书馆评估相关的统计数据缺失,相关研究成果较少,标准规范体系不健全.  相似文献   

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