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Adult non-formal education and training (NFET) in South Africa was adopted in 1990 to address the problem of unemployment of non-educated and unskilled adults. Public and private NFET centres aim to meet the training needs of adults who were deprived of formal education that would foster access to opportunities for employment. The paper reports on a study conducted to investigate what constitutes NFET enabling environments for employment. The paper focuses on the approach of training delivery fostering labour market entry of graduates. The findings show that individual trainees who participated in private centres had a higher probability of being employed because of the creation of internal enabling environments for skills acquisition and focus on income-generating activities. The authors conclude that an integration of technical skills with business skills and ‘learning by earning’ is a potential training delivery approach enabling graduates to participate in economic activities.  相似文献   

This article outlines the results of a qualitative study, which investigated the adult non-formal education and education (NFET) centre linkages with external role-players in providing post-training support for the employment of graduates. The concern that informed this article is that adults who face long-term unemployment remain unemployed after completing the NFET programmes in South Africa. The article reports on an empirical study conducted to investigate what constitutes NFET enabling environments for employment. The findings reveal that most managers did not create institutional centre linkages that could enable graduates having access to essential post-training support, community resources, public goods and services. The author concludes that without linking the NFET programmes to external stakeholders, graduates will continue finding it difficult to be integrated in the labour market which perpetuates unemployment and chronic poverty in South Africa.  相似文献   

经济发展水平的不均衡性导致了亚洲各国职业培训发展水平的差异性.进入新世纪以来,亚洲各国的职业培训发生了重大变化.首先,尽管各国基本上均有公立培训和私立培训两种体系,但是发达国家更加重视利用私立机构开展培训;其次,各国基本上均由劳动或就业部门管理培训,且重视制定相关法律和战略规划;再次,在受训学员的构成方面,发达国家为在职工人提供的培训较多;最后,在培训的层次方面,发达国家更加重视提高性培训.  相似文献   

高职院校的培养目标是培养毕业即能上岗的技能型人才,然而,现有的人才培养模式存在的弊端,使高职院校并不能很好地完成这一目标。随着大学生毕业数量逐年增加,就业竞争激烈,高职学生学历不如本科,技能如果再不过硬,就不能达到毕业就可以上岗的“零过渡”,高职毕业生的竞争力将大打折扣。基于此,应将“公司化”运营的培养模式引入实际教学,让学生通过真实项目在做中学,真正提高动手能力,掌握岗位所需技能。  相似文献   

高职院校物流专业教学与就业结合模式探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着物流行业的兴起,掌握物流管理技能的一线“实用型”人才,成为21世纪紧缺人才。在目前激烈的就业竞争中,要培养出具有有较强的就业竞争力的高职物流专业毕业生,物流专业就应明确培养目标,改革教学内容和教学方法,加强理论和实践教学,在课时安排以及就业指导环节上进行科学合理的安排。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to obtain an understanding of which factors determine whether an university graduate receives formal on-the-job training or not and the amount of informal training received. Using a cross-sectional survey of Spanish graduates, this paper confirms that the informal training graduates receive in their jobs is more intense among doctors and lawyers – professions that require a more extensive period of learning before reaching the required level of skills. Likewise, those graduates that hold jobs requiring greater know-how than they can actually provide (infra-educated) also receive more informal training. In the case of formal training, the likelihood of taking part in in-house training programs is greater among civil servants and the employees of large private firms. However, the belief that workers with higher ability (a positive signal of a worker’s trainability) should have higher chances of receiving employer-provided formal training is not confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the profiles of women who choose to pursue vocational training in either public institutions (community colleges) or private institutions (career colleges) in Canada with particular attention given to respondents’ life‐course positions. The study employs 1998 Adult Education and Training Survey data. Correspondence analysis shows the relation between training choices of women, their individual characteristics and selected situational, dispositional, and institutional factors. The space topography determined by the correspondence between training choices and women profiles indicates that duration of training constitutes the primary institutional feature distinguishing choice. Older women who need to balance both work and family obligations tend to enroll in single courses and are attracted to the modular programming of the private colleges. In contrast, the traditional program‐based vocational training offered by community colleges is the preferred option for younger women.  相似文献   

Unemployment in Tanzania and many other sub-Saharan African countries has remained one of the daunting challenges in these nascent economies. Drawing on secondary sources, this article reviews and analyses the employment barriers tanzanian graduates face, with a view to discussing possible counter-strategies. the article reveals barriers to employment which include the choice of field of study, job–skills mismatch, ineffective career guidance, lack of confidence and poor communication skills, ineffective labour market information system (LMIS) and gaps in the employment policy. It argues that addressing these barriers requires deliberate efforts to inform prospective graduates about various occupation options through career guidance. there is a need to review university training curricula in order to incorporate key generic skills like communication and entrepreneurship. this will steer graduates towards self-employment amidst an almost saturated formal labour market. Indeed, a thorough assessment by higher learning institutions of the labour market needs vis-à-vis training programmes is crucial.  相似文献   

目的:调查武汉大学全球健康本科生的毕业去向,并进一步探讨全球健康本科生培养存在的问题,为全球健康本科人才培养方案的优化提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查法,面向武汉大学全球健康专业2012—2014三届本科毕业生开展调查;采用描述性分析了解毕业生就业去向等,采用内容分析法梳理毕业生对全球健康本科教学的建议。结果:三届共有43名毕业生,44.2%的毕业生选择国内读研,25.6%的学生境外深造,16.2%的学生选择了国内就业,14.0%的同学继续考研或待业。关于全球健康本科教育的建议集中在加强专业技能、增加国际交流机会、参与全球卫生项目实践等方面。结论:全球健康本科生教育为全球健康高端人才培养提供人力资源,全球健康人才培养方案要注重全球健康的核心能力和实践,在设置多学科培养方案的同时强调全球健康专业技能培养。  相似文献   

文章结合本校技能训练课程经验,从推动学生就业、创业、提高学生创造性技能等方面阐述了开发高职高专学生技能训练课程的必要性,开发技能训练的四项原则,并提出完善技能训练课程的建议。  相似文献   

我国民办高等院校毕业人数庞大,承担着巨大的就业压力,是当前社会存在的不稳定因素之一。革新人才培养模式,加强和改进对民办高校学生的就业指导、就业管理,提高毕业生的就业竞争力,培养能适应社会、符合岗位、满足人才需要的毕业生,是当前十分重要而紧迫的课题。  相似文献   

针对学生分析能力的欠缺,基于元认知理论,指出高职学生可以大幅度提高分析能力的可能性,提出在高职院校创设《分析能力培养》公共选修课,课程内容涵盖了分析过程所依赖的思维基础(知识),如辩证法、逻辑学、认知语言学基本知识,同时也包含元认知理论及分析技巧训练。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的迅猛发展,社会对电子商务专业人才的需求日益增强。提高电子商务毕业生的职业能力对于满足社会需求和改善毕业生的对口就业具有重要意义,其中以赛带训是促进高职电子商务专业学生技能培养的一种重要途径。通过探讨社会对高职电子商务专业学生实践能力的需求,电子商务专业的特点及以赛带训对于实践能力培养的意义,提出充分发挥职业技能竞赛的作用,促进实践教学体系改革、师资队伍建设等措施,以促进学生综合职业素养的提高。  相似文献   

"秘书职业资格考证"课程是文秘专业的一门特殊的专业核心课程,它具有知识汇总与考试培训的双重性。分析"秘书职业资格考证"课程对其他专业课程在教学内容与考试方法上产生的影响,发掘该门课程在文秘专业人才培养过程中的价值,可以提高学生的职业技能和职业素养,并顺利通过国家职业资格鉴定考试。  相似文献   

The longitudinal study described in this report investigated the effects of postsecondary public and proprietary school vocational training on students' subsequent job success in the United States. The study surveyed dropouts and graduates from public and proprietary schools in six vocational programs in four major cities, and compared their personal characteristics, job placement and earnings. Results showed that, compared with graduates, dropouts were more frequently males who were black, older, of lower socioeconomic status, and more likely from public programs. Also, few students who studied for upper status jobs (accountant, computer programmer, and electronic technician) got those jobs, regardless of whether they had graduated from or dropped out of their vocational programs. On the other hand, the majority of students who studied for lower-status jobs, in which women typically predominate, (secretary, dental assistant and cosmetologist) successfully found those jobs. Further, graduates fared significantly better in job placement than dropouts. Finally, persistence in, and graduation from a program (persistence and graduation) were unrelated to students' first earnings. However, students in lower-status occupations had higher later earnings if they completed their programs. These results suggest that vocational training, which may be done more efficiently in proprietary than public schools, enhances placement and later earnings only in lower-status jobs.  相似文献   

在深入阐释职业能力的内涵及价值意义的基础上,认为我国高校继续教育存在的主要问题为:培养的学生缺乏相应的职业能力,专业技能特长不明显。提出普通高校继续教育人才培养的改革发展对策为:融入现代职业教育体系,以职业能力培养为重点,围绕专业人才的成长搭建能力结构,改革继续教育人才培养方案,推进高校继续教育的良性持续发展。  相似文献   

对湖北、湖南、河南三省的抽样调查和访谈发现,三省返乡农民工文化素质偏低.自主创业意识差,其技能培训参与率也较低.针对这些问题,各省应疏通信息渠道,建立多种返乡农民工培训信息平台;充分利用资源,鼓励职业学校开展返乡农民工职业培训,多渠道解决经费投入,创新培训方式,加强督导检查.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的新的学习领域课程体系下,按照会计职业的成长规律和学生的认知规律,高职会计专业的实训由易到难分为三个阶段:初级会计阶段实训、中级会计阶段实训和仿真阶段实训,以培养具备会计岗位工作所需的基础理论知识及较高会计职业技术能力的初中级技术人才。  相似文献   


This article addresses the labour market effects of two rather different forms of vocational education, full‐time education with practice periods that have no employment status versus dualized education with an emphasis on continuous on‐the‐job/in‐service training and employee status for the apprentice. Although most developed countries know both forms of vocational education, these usually have clearly different positions in a qualitative (standardization of curricula and degrees) and a quantitative (cohort shares) sense. The Netherlands present an interesting case, because in this country both systems coexist and contribute largely to the vocational training of each new generation. That provides a good opportunity for investigating differences in the labour market effects of these ‘treatments’ in vocational education. In this article, differences in labour market careers (i.e. the chances of getting promoted or getting unemployed) between graduates from full‐time vocational education and from the dual system are explored, using event history analysis. The results show that graduates from full‐time tracks have higher chances of getting promoted. However, the period of transition to the labour market is very unstable, involving job shifts and periods of unemployment. Graduates from the dual system on the other hand experience a more stable period of labour market entry. At the same time their careers often involve many dead‐end jobs, from which no promotion takes place. Moreover, they have difficulty in transfering their skills to other sectors than the sector for which they are trained.  相似文献   

实训是高职高专教学中的重点环节。高职连锁经营管理专业要从专业技能要求出发加强实训,以使学生毕业后能更好地适应社会的需求。提出连锁经营管理专业实训计划方案编写原则、总体目标;实训内容与目的;实训准备、组织形式与保障措施等。  相似文献   

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