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1.IHm afraid there isnHt any for you in my car.A.place B.room C.seat D.sit2.it is to listen to music!A.How fun B.How a fun C.What a fun D.What fun3.Something was wrong with car,but luckily they knew how to fixit.A.JimHs and TomHs B.Jim and TomHsC.JimHs and Tom D.Jim and Tom4.I was told that he is a friend of.A.KateHs fatherHs B.KateHs fatherC.fatherHs of Kate D.Kate fatherHs5.We all know that turn green in spring.A.leaf B.leafs C.leave D.leaves6.I went to my yesterday and ha…  相似文献   

1.H eres m y card.Lets keep in . A .touch B.relation C.connection D .friendship 2.Y ou can take as m any as you like because they are free of . A .fare B.charge C.m oney D .pay 3.A willbe offered for inform ation leading to the arrestofthe bank robber. A .price B.fund C.reward D .profit 4.D o you know the ofthe saying I justquoted? A .source B.resourse C.course D .cause 5.H e gained his by printing offam ous writers. A .wealth;work B.wealths;works C.wealths;work D .wealth;works 6.Ifb…  相似文献   

1.You have the of marrying or remaining a bachelor. A .selection B .preference C .alternative D .access 2.Itwas the chief of the world thatyear thatthe USA army attacked Iraq. A .thing B .affair C .event D .matter 3.—B luto was beaten black and blue.D o …  相似文献   

1. I!m afraid there isn!t any ____ for you in my car. A. place B. room C. seat D. sit 2. He is provided with ____. He needs various ____. A. food, food B. food, foods C. foods, foods D. foods, food 3. ____ it is to listen to music! A. How fun B. How a fun C. What a fun D. What fun 4. As we all know, the Chinese people ____. A. is a great people B. are a great people C. are great people D. are great peoples 5. Something was wrong with ____ car, but luckily they knew how to fix it. A. …  相似文献   

1.At first,the bag seem s m ade of real leather.But actually it isjustan im itation.A.sight B.look C.appearance D.view2.—W hat do you think ofthe headm aster ofyour school?—O h,she is headm aster w ho is kind-hearted and helpful.A ndits pleasure to work…  相似文献   

曲敬幽 《高中生》2008,(20):32-32
含争‘.He哑days._ hasn’t slepr at all for three he 15 tired out. A .There 15 no point B.There isnoneed C .It 15 no wonder D.It 15 no way 2 .The head offiee ofthe bank 15 in Beiiing,but it has_all over the eountry. A·eomPanies B.branehes C .0嗯anization  相似文献   

一、选择适当的答案。()1.Mrs.Jennygave us on howtolearn English well.A.some advices B.manyadvicesC.some advice D.an advice()2.We have bought two for the comingparty.A.boxofapple B.boxes ofapplesC.boxofapples D.boxes ofapple()3.Mr.Tomis a friend of.A.John!s uncle B.John uncle“sC.John#s uncle$s D.John uncle()4.——Would you like tea?——No,thanks.I have drunk two.A.any;bottles oforange B.some;bottles oforangeC.many;bottles oforanges D.few;bottle oforange()5.When doyou usuallyhave your …  相似文献   

英语中有些名词后需与固定的介词构成搭配,我们在学习时需多加留意、归纳和总结。下面是一组这样的练习,请根据前面的名词填上与之固定搭配的介词。1.It has equipment____making electricity from sun-shine.2.The problem____lookingintospace fromthe earthis that there is  相似文献   

从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.(MET1990)Oh,John.yougaveme!A.HowapleasantsurpriseB.HowpleasantsurpriseC.WhatapleasantsurpriseD.Whatpleasantsurprise2.(MET1990)Ifwehadfollowedhisplan,wecouldhavedonethejobbetterwithmoneyandpeople.A.less;lessB.fewer;fewerC.less;fewerD.fewer;less3.(MET1992)terribleweatherwevebeenhavingthesedays!A.WhatB.WhataC.HowD.Howa4.(MET1992)Shortlyaftertheaccident,twopoliceweresenttoth…  相似文献   

冠词的学习是中国学生学习英语的难题之一。现存的语法书大部分是对冠词使用规则的讲解,对冠词与名词之间一些违背基本语法规则的现象缺乏分析。本文分析了冠词与名词搭配的特殊用法,指出冠词的使用反映出使用者对其修饰的名词的特定理解。  相似文献   

文章从系统功能的角度分析英语中的“名词词组 of 名词词组”结构。尽管传统语法注意到了中心词和后置修饰语之间不同的意义关系 ,但意义的不同却没有在句法分析中反映出来。Halliday认为词组中的纯理功能必须分为语义和逻辑两个组成部分。该文作者采用系统功能语言学的分析方法 ,按照“名词词组”和“of名词词组”语义的不同进行分类 ,把这种不同表现在句法结构的分析中并特别对这类结构中的“of”提出新的看法。作者认为 ,既然形式是意义的体现 ,那么句法分析就必须反映名词词组各个成分的功能和意义。  相似文献   

法国色彩的社会主义原称“法国式的社会主义”。1976年法国共产党第22次代表大会正式确定的战略目标。1968年五月风暴之后,法共在其行动纲领《香比尼宣言》中就有此思想萌芽。1973年法共总书记马歇在《民主的挑战》一书中第一次提出了“法国式的社会主义”的思想,并给它下了简单的定义:“民主的社会主义”。后来的22大、23大(1979年)、24大(1982年)正式全面地阐述了这一远景目标。这个战略目标是法共根据二战后的国内  相似文献   

总量失衡与结构失衡总量失衡是总量均衡的对称,指总供给与总需求之间存在着一定程度的差额,是一种宏观经济现象。在现实经济生活中,总供给与总需求是不可能完全相等的,甚至就一定时期总供给与总需求的平均状态而言,也不会完全相等,但是,只要总供给与总需求之间的差额不超过一定限度,总量关系仍属于基本均衡状态,在理论上则被视为总量均衡。只有当总供给与总需求之间的差额超过了一定限度,才可视为总量失衡。总量失衡有两种具体表现,一种是总供给大于总需求,  相似文献   

甲听说你爱猜谜语?乙此话不假,我听说你爱好数学,我出一个数学谜语给你猜怎么样?甲好!不过你顶好唱一首歌,让我在歌词中猜一个数学名词,在大家面前与你比个高低,决一雌雄,你着如何?乙好.开始吧!我要你猜了.听好一一决一雌雄.甲者见好利宫,搞突然袭击.(略加思索)决一雌雄,清一数学苦词,这Dq公分因.Z(唱)张者三,我问你,伽的家乡在哪里?甲这on$根,询问你的“根墓”在四方.(唱)李者二,告诉做.我的家在数轴上.Z你家住在数轴上?暗,这是实数,数轴上任意一点,都难一对应着一个实数.甲(倡)树上的鸟儿成双…  相似文献   

后工业社会当代西方未来学理论中一种比较流行的新型社会发展理论,由美国社会学家丹尼尔·贝尔(Daniel Bell 1919~)提出,他于1973年出版的《后工业社会的来临——对社会预测的一项探索》是后工业社会理论的代表作。贝尔认为,后工业社会是相对于前工业社会和工业社会而言的未来社会。前工业社会主要分布在亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲,它的经济以第一产业,即农、矿、牧、渔等业为主,社会成员的主要职业是农民,矿工和牧民等,人们主要利用经验和常识的方法来与自然界竞争,它以传统为轴心,重在考虑土地和资源的作用等;工业社会分布在西欧、苏联和日本,主要从事的是第二产业,即制造业和加工业,主要职业是半熟练工人和工程师,人们用经验、试验等方法来同经过加工的自然界竞争,它以人和机器之间的关系为中心,  相似文献   

STVU ,AModelinAsiainits 50 ?WangYibin  STVUbecameamodelofopenuniversityinChinain 4 0years,IpersonallywouldliketoraiseandproposeavisionforSTVUtobeamodelofopenuniversityinAsiaatits 50s.Thisisnotimpossible .However,tomakethevisionareality ,requiresnewthinking,newm…  相似文献   

TheNecessityandCertaintyofDevelopingDistanceEducationbyZhangDeming  OnJanuary 2 4thof2 0 0 0 ,ShanghaiDistanceEducationBlocwasfounded,asaneces sityofthefurtheringofShanghaieducationalreformandthedevelopmentofeducationindus tryforthepurposeofservingeconomicco…  相似文献   

ContinuingEducationinaGlobalizedandKnowledge -basedEconomyWangYibin  Inthenewsocialparadigmofglobalizationandknowledge basedeconomy ,theguidelinewillbeglobalskills ,internationalunderstanding ,newtechnology ,information ,knowledgeandwisdom .Thisnecessitates…  相似文献   

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