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Despite its importance to educational psychology, prominent theories of motivation have mostly ignored emotion. In this paper, we review theoretical conceptions of the relation between motivation and emotion and discuss the role of emotion in understanding student motivation in classrooms. We demonstrate that emotion is one of the best indicators of the classroom goal structure as well as of students’ reports of avoidance behaviors. Furthermore, we suggest that emotional constructs should be included in comprehensive studies and theories of motivation. We conclude with a discussion of both methodological and theoretical implications of including emotion in classroom studies of motivation.  相似文献   

新时期大学生思想政治教育工作面临新的挑战.在治理理论的视域内·加强和改进大学生思想破治教育,对于培养"理想远大、信念坚定、品德高尚、意志顽强、视野开阔、知识丰富、开拓进取、艰苦创业"的新一代大学生,进而加快我国从教育大国向教育强国迈进,确保中国特色社会毒义事业后继有人,具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

翻译理论与实践是辩证统一的关系,而非互相矛盾。本文将从中国翻译史上的四个翻译大潮中涌现的翻译名家们中列举少数,论证翻译实践对于翻译理论的作用是不可或缺的,并呼吁业界翻译研究者们应当更好的落实理论与实践的结合,而不只是空想理论,纸上谈兵。  相似文献   

对许多发展中国家而言 ,政府在扩展高等教育时常常面临很大的财政困难。结果 ,高等教育的入学机会常常规限于较低的水平 ,许多愿意承担一定成本的个体则被排斥在高等学校之外。本文应用局部均衡分析模型证明了成本回收是调动私人资源扩展高等教育进而缓解这种状况的有效方法  相似文献   

高等教育理论创新的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无论是高等教育发展还是高等教育学科发展,都需要高等教育理论有新的突破和创新。因此,高等教育理论创新,不仅有重大的现实意义,也具有十分重要的学科意义。高等教育理论创新有两种趋势:一是通过高等教育学科知识的不断分化,建立高等教育分支学科体系,从而实现高等教育理论创新;二是引入不同学科的理论和方法解决高等教育问题,并从中实现高等教育的理论创新。对于上述两种情况,都采用举例的方式作了详细的说明。  相似文献   

制度转型的演化视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济演化理论为观察制度变革提供了一个有效的工具。制度转型是制度竞争过程、制度结构变化过程和制度均衡过程的统一,由此决定动态演化是实施并完成制度转型的常规形式。揭示制度演化的内在逻辑可以更加准确地把握制度变革规律,科学地设计制度变革路径,有效地推进制度变革进程。  相似文献   

Contemporary critiques of student learning research call for new theoretical and methodological approaches. This article proposes a social realist approach to this research, using the morphogenetic theory of sociologist Margaret Archer. The applicability of this approach is demonstrated by reference to an empirical study of engineering students at a South African university, using narrative analysis. In the article itself, two narratives are given in some detail, illustrating the key outlines of the analysis. Students’ emerging personal identities are shown to be highly dependent on their social backgrounds, yet when in the university the possibilities for the morphogenesis of student agency are very constrained. A critical interrogation of these findings proposes that a true higher education should facilitate the development of an enlarged sense of agency for students.  相似文献   

本文将结合自己多年的工作经验,将思想政治教育与建设和高校师生关系结合起来,提出了高校思想政治教育下新型师生关系的重要性。  相似文献   

远程教育的均等理论——来自美国的远程教育理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了远程教育均等理论产生的背景和主要思想,并对构成均等理论的关键要素进行了详细的介绍。均等理论在界定了均等、学习经验、有效应用、学生和学习成果等五个关键要素的基础上,提出了远程学习者在学习中获得的学习经验与常规学习学生在学习中获得的经验越相等,则他们所取得的学习成果也越接近。这一理论对于我国现正进行的基于现代信息技术的远程教育理论研究和实践探索具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical critique of citizenship education in England and Wales, as a means of raising pedagogical considerations for teachers, and policy issues for curriculum makers and planners. Drawing on a range of recent empirical studies, we construct an analysis of practice and suggest that differences between dominant models of citizenship in England and Wales owe much to their histories. We suggest that such differences create opportunities for new curriculum‐making practices as well as democratic possibilities in the context of citizenship education, at a time when curricula in both England and Wales are under revision. Considering school councils/forums as an exemplar of practice common to both contexts, we question the wisdom of schools employing a narrow conception of active citizenship, via forums, in order to demonstrate they are satisfying the relevant requirements of the Order for Citizenship in England, and aspects of the Personal and Social Education curriculum in Wales. While the exemplars are both from the UK context the arguments apply beyond these borders and to more general concerns regarding the development of global citizenship.  相似文献   

This article raises the question of how to conceive of religious education as a research discipline. The theory of activity systems is used in an analysis of the relationship between theory and practice, the systems of research and the systems of school. The author argues for a dialectical relationship between research and school practice, where understandings of school practice may enable theoretical expansion and where the language used in the field of research may give renewed understanding to the field of practice.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical model for message design proved capable of improving the quality of instruction while increasing cost effectiveness. Integrating classical rhetoric, information theory, contemporary media criticism, social psychology, and the psychology of human information processing, the model directs the designer to design a block of time that optimizes the information load and message complexity within the constraints of the receiver’s abilities and experience, the requirements of the source, and the capabilities and limitations of the medium.  相似文献   

建构开放德育范式是开放时代背景下增强大学德育实效性的题中应有之义。在开放中对话,以对话促大学生道德养成是大学开放德育范式的核心理念。基于对话已经或正在成为人们的生存状态,在对话哲学视域中建构大学开放德育范式须有坚实的理论作为支撑。在大学开放德育实践中,对话哲学理论、交互主体性理论、生活世界理论和美学理论共同构成了大学开放德育范式的理论基础,它们交相辉映,齐促大学德育实效性不断增强。  相似文献   

The article explores the historical background of comparative policy studies. These studies are traced back to the comparative approaches in political science and public administration. Following a discussion on the methodological aspects of the comparative approach, an overview and assessment of a number of recent comparative policy studies in higher education is presented.  相似文献   

伴随着教育的发展,高职院校的思政教育要求也越来越高,其考评角度有很多不同,其中站在德育教育的视角来审视高校的思政教育就是一个重要考评角度,同时也是一个很大的难题。本文将从德育视角来进行大学思政教育的探讨,为高职院校思政教育的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

论述了美育尤其是音乐教育在高校素质教育中的定位、作用,指出音乐教育在人格健全和完善中起着不可忽视、不可替代的作用;随后,探索了新时期高校音乐教育的课程结构模式,即"三层次"(基础类、欣赏理论类、提高类)和"三类型"(理论类、鉴赏类、实践类),其中,"理论类"是指导,"鉴赏类"是主体,"实践类"是亮点;最后,提出一些教学手段改革的建议.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,西方人文社会科学领域出现了"空间转向"。文学批评家也开始从社会空间角度分析文本来揭示文本中隐匿的种族、性别等异质性因素。《秀拉》是托妮·莫里森的第二部作品。通过《秀拉》反映的社会空间、身体空间可以窥探出美国黑人一战后的生存状态,及黑人女性如何通过身体构建自我的主体性。  相似文献   

高职院校体育教学的价值定位问题,关系到高职院校体育教学目标的确定以及体系的构建,因此,在实用理论的引导下,运用文献综述法对高职院校体育教学的价值做出理性的定位,旨在于为推动高职院校体育教学的改革发展,实现其社会化发展的目标,提供必要的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

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