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迈克尔是那种你真想恨一恨的家伙,他总是乐呵呵的,总是说些积极上进的话。每当有人问他近况如何,他总是这样回答:“如果我还能再好,我就成双胞胎了!“他生来就会让人积极进取。如果哪位雇员有天过得很糟糕,迈克尔就会告诉他如何看待问题的积极一面。看到这一点着实让我好奇,所以有一天我找到迈克尔问:“我真弄不明白。你不可能时时万事如意。可你怎么这么乐观?“迈克尔回答说,“每天早晨醒来时我心理想,‘迈克,今天你有两种选择。你可以选择心情愉快,你也可以选择心情恶劣。’  相似文献   

胡适所谓"国语的文学"的"文学"是广义的,他固然重视小说、诗、戏剧等狭义的文学样式,也重视实用性的非文学体裁.正是在"五四"新文化运动中文学创作实绩丰硕堪称大家的人们,敏锐地指出语文与文学的区别,重视语文的实用性.看来,"把语文看作是工具型的,把语文看做应用文化",并非如王教授所说的是"最近"的事.时下的语文教学和语文高考侧重实用性是符合语文学科特性的.语文教学要改革,但不论怎样改革,文学只能是语文的重要部分,语文终究是语文.  相似文献   

One of the conceptual and definitional issues that has plagued the study of child maltreatment is the relationship between intention and outcome. This paper flows from the finding that the common developmentally destructive element in all forms of child maltreatment is psychological maltreatment, that the study of child abuse and neglect is the study of child maltreatment in a fundamental way. The key is to find a way to embrace the dynamic character of defining “psychological maltreatment,” by creating and sustaining a model that locates that dynamic in the conceptual space between science and professional practice on the one hand, and culture and community norms on the other.  相似文献   

扎实做好试点项目总结性评估是当前学校的重点工作.我们务必要增强全局意识、忧患意识、责任意识.要明确总评的基本要求,把握其特点和用力方向,找准问题,全力整改,求真务实,创优争先,使总评过程真正成为促进学校科学发展的过程,开创电大教育工作的新局面.  相似文献   

本文分析了从“为某些人的算术”转化成“大众算术”的三个主要因素,探讨了从“为某些人的数学”转化成“大众数学”的三个主要条件,论述了实现这一转化的必然性,给出了“大众数学”内容的框架。  相似文献   

Free for all     
《New scientist (1971)》2001,169(2278):3

Wadi D. Haddad 《Prospects》1990,20(4):441-448

IT for all     


This article examines a number of unclear and sometimes erroneous notions about multicultural education. These notions are distinguished from its central core of meaning, which is a focus on the teaching and learning process. It also examines the relationship between multicultural education and the social foundations of education.  相似文献   

职业教育作为现代国民教育体系的重要组成部分,是面向人人、面向全社会的教育,对促进就业、繁荣经济、消除贫困、保障公平和社会和谐具有重要意义。坚持中国特色是我国职业教育发展的必由之路,面向人人是我国职业教育的历史责任。面向人人的中国特色职业教育发展道路,必须以构建现代职业教育体系为先导,创新体制机制,提高办学质量,重点发展农村职业教育。  相似文献   

长期以来,学生不喜欢作,对作充满了惧怕之感,丧失了写作的信心和兴趣。这是由于教师一开始就对学生束缚太紧,要求过高。在作起步阶级,应把难点降低,坡度变缓,尊重学生,让学生自由习作;丰富习作内容,与生活融为一体;振动想象的翅膀,放飞习作的心灵,使学生喜欢作,爱上作,乐于写作,并充分享受到写作的快乐。  相似文献   

Recent national reports stress the importance of inservice education in helping schools face a period of great change. This small study examines the relationship between inservice education and educational change in a large and successful comprehensive secondary school

Teachers outlined their involvement in inservice education and other professional activities and assessed the usefulness of each in the maintenance and development of the school's curriculum and pastoral care.

They rated inservice education courses less useful than other professional contacts and sources of information

School‐focused policies must provide facilities which give direct support to schools facing educational change in a form teachers recognize as relevant, taking account of these other professional activities.  相似文献   

Joy Faulkner and Carolyn Blyth are two professional educational psychologists who feel the evidence of research suggests that the setting of homework, which is both appropriate to the subject and correctly administered, can be a valid component of the learning process. Pupils who set a high priority on homework tend to achieve higher academic results, and furthermore, they frequently develop work skills and self‐discipline which will stand them in good stead in the world of work beyond school. The article examines factors which might influence the effective use of homework, and makes some suggestions to ensure that all children benefit equally from this potentially very valuable source of extra support. The article does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of our employing local education authority.  相似文献   

不知何时,开始在梦境中浮现过往的篇章,而光影则成为了梦境中的主角。一张张白色的幕布从天空倾泻而下。稚嫩的我坐在斑驳的木凳子上,双手捧脸,眼神中流露无限的渴望。那神奇的厚实手掌只是轻轻摇动我叫不出名字的把手,就能让我在光影中体验不同的人生。说是人生严重了些,幼小的我怎能明白“人生”二字的含义呢?  相似文献   

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