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The campus of Harvard University is located on both sides of the Charlies River. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States was founded in 1636. In 1638 it was named for John Harvard, its first benefactor. During the 1640s the college expanded despite inadequate fi-  相似文献   

哈佛大学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
①Have you heard of the Harvard University?The Haryard University is the oldest and one of the most famous universities in America. 你听说过哈佛大学吗?哈佛大学是美国最古老的大学,也是最杰出的学府之一。  相似文献   

美国向来有3所杰出的明星大学号称“南方哈佛”(The Havard of the South),它们是北卡罗莱纳州的杜克大学(Duke Universi-ty)、弗吉尼亚州的弗吉尼亚大学(Universityof Virginia)、得州的莱斯大学(Rice Univer-sity)。然而,曾几何时,杜克大学很骄傲地把传统的“杜克:南方的哈佛”,修改为“哈佛:北方的杜克”(Harvard:The Duke of theNorth)。对于在美国大学排名扶摇直上的杜克大学来说,挑战哈佛已经逐渐成为一项众所周知的事实。它已经在美国的学术教育界  相似文献   

The theory of Speech Act is one which analyses the role of utterancesin relation to the behaviour of speaker and hearer in interpersonal comm-unication.It was originally put forward by John Langs haw Austin.a pro-fossor philosphy at Oxford University.In 1955,he gave a serics of lectu-res at Harvard University in U.S.A,and after his death,the written s-cripts of his lectures were published(1962)with the title How to Do T-hings with words.The theory aroused wide interests among the Linguisticphilosophers.Late,Searle and Grice,two ther philosophers made furthercontributions to the theory.  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The Library of Congress,the largest library in the United States,contains about eighteen million books.Harvard University  相似文献   

Barry C.Keenan has been acknowledged as an influential American Sinologist since his doctoral dissertation entitled The Dewey Experiment in China:Educational Reform and Political Power in the Early Republic was published by Harvard University Press in 1977.His deft approach to the sociological history of Chinese education was further exemplified in his second monograph,Imperial China's Last Classical Academies:Social Change in the Lower Yangzi,1864-1911,published by the University of California Press in 1994.This academic background suggests that Keenan had been actively involved in the new cultural history movements that sprung up in the 1970s.  相似文献   

蒋瑛瑛 《海外英语》2014,(4):225-226
Evidentiality talks about the source of information and the speaker’s commitment to the statement.This paper aims at analyzing the visual,hearsay and inferential evidential markers in the Harvard University commencement address given by J.K.Rowing,and thus explore the interpersonal and evaluative functions of evidentiality based on the speech.If we say that a speech is an interaction between the speaker and the listener,the evidentiality just makes the interaction more fluent,by gaining the credibility from the listeners and influencing them.  相似文献   

高燕定 《留学生》2009,(11):60-61
在历史上,杜克大学曾有“南方哈佛(The Harvard of the South)”的美称,其高质量的教学和强大的学术能力被其他大学极为赞羡。近两年,杜克大学又在美国教育界绽放光芒,在《美国新闻与世界报导》公布的排行榜上一路飙升,成为“南方的常春藤”。这所只有171年校史的私立大学,已成为世界备国学子心驰神往的求学圣地。  相似文献   

德里克·博克是美国当代著名高等教育学家,其高等教育著作主要有:<走出象牙塔>(Beyond the IvoryTower)、<美国高等教育>(Higher Learning)、<大学与美国的未来>(Universities and the Future of America)、<与哈佛学者的对话>(Conversatiohs with Harvard Scholars).他既是一位思想家,也是一位实践家.  相似文献   

Scientists at Harvard University have found a way to boost your immune system:a small cup of tea, five times a day. Tea contains, among other things, antigens. These antigens are also found in some bacteria, parasites and mushroom. Jack Bukowski, a scientist with Harvard medical school, tested antigens on human cells in the laboratory. He found that cells that had been exposed to the antigens were good at fighting infection by bacteria. Cells that had not been exposed were not so good at fighting infection.  相似文献   

余敏 《海外英语》2012,(8):33-34,49
Development of multiple intelligences theory since 1983 by the Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner(Howard Gardner) Professor since so far,nearly 20 years of history,has gradually attracted global attention and become since the 90’s one of the guiding ideology of many education reform in many countries.Multiple intelligences theory can help teachers to change traditional classroom teaching successfully into new teaching program.Multiple Intelligences Theory offer us,our English teachers many methods to find students’intelligences and meet their characteristic needs.  相似文献   

1.Princeton University普林斯顿大学 2.Harvard University 哈佛大学 3.Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院  相似文献   

根据《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志对美国大学的最新排名,前十名如下:Princeton University普林斯顿大学Harvard University哈佛大学Yale University 耶鲁大学California Institute of Technology加州理工学院Duke University杜克大学Massachusetts Institute of  相似文献   

On one Sunday, I was viewing on the web, the video of Harvard University public class, positive psychology, which was taught by Tal Ben Shahar attracted me deeply, it has total twenty-three classes, and I finished watching it in four weeks and benefit a lot from it. I would like to share it with others who have no idea about it.  相似文献   

Harvard University reelected the first of the world Academic reputation哈佛大学蝉联世界高校学术声誉排行榜榜首【泰晤士报高等教育专刊】英国《泰晤士报高等教育专刊》3月15日发布2012年度世界高校学术声誉排行榜。美国哈佛大学蝉联冠军,日本东京大学蝉联亚洲高校头把交椅,中国的北京大学和清华大学也跻身百强。  相似文献   

A gay and noisy crowd,mainly of professorsand students from the University of Pisa, wasgathered in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.A math professor from the University was to doan experiment,which was thought to fail,by allpresent.The young man was “fooltish”enough to challenge a theoy of thegreat Aristotle,now he was to turnhimself into the laughing stock of theworld.  相似文献   

Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world.What for?  相似文献   

Supplementary tests for confirmation of brain death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1959, the concept of brain death (BD) or ir- reversible coma was described by Mollaret and Goulon (1959). The first guideline (the Harvard cri- teria) for deciding BD was established in 1968 (Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, 1968). This concept has been accepted worldwide although its fundamental meaning is not exactly globally uniform yet. Some countries (e.g., the US) view BD as whole brain death, while  相似文献   

Five years ago, Taiwanese singer Fan Fan (Fan Weiqi) quit her studies at Harvard University to pursue her dream of singing. It's a bold decision that most would not dare to make. "If I live to be 70 years old, I will go back to school to learn at age 50," said Fan. "But this chance to sing might be the only one. I want to do things I truly love doing, stick to my dream and leave no regrets."  相似文献   

如ly2—5 Australian Council of TESOL Associations and QATESOL.2000 Conference,“Reclaiming the Ground in TESOL,”BrisbaRe,Australia.Jenny Miller.E.mail._『.肘iZ如r@mailbox.uq.edu.6tu.U鬈NATECIA National Annual Conference to be held at the University of G1amorgan Treforest Campus,Pontypridd.Contact Emilia Prodanova for further details on co.ordinator@ru~tecla。f~net.co.uk7—9 American University TESOL Program.Summer Intensive Workshop,“Classroom Management,”Washington,…  相似文献   

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