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有效教学的根本要义:促进学生更有效地学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新课程改革的不断推进,教学有效性越来越为人们所关注。研究者从不同的视角(如课程领导者、教学管理者、理论研究者等)解读了有效教学的意涵,但这也给一线教师带来困惑:有效教学的落脚点到底是教师的"教"还是学生的"学"?如何实施有效教学,促进学生更有效地学习?本文试从学习科学(learning sciences)的观点出发,对有效教学的要义作比较深入的分析。  相似文献   

论促进学生有效学习的学习管理制度构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转变学习方式,提高学生学习的有效性,是当前学校教学改革所关注的重点问题.学习管理制度是实现学生学习方式转变,促进学生有效学爿的重要保障.为了促进学生的有效学习,学校应改革传统的被动接受式学习管理制度,建立新的能够体现学生学习主体性,保障学生主动参与并探求、发现、质疑的学习管理制度.  相似文献   

网络有效学习的理论模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络远程高等教育的教学质量问题一直是远程教育界所关心的热点问题,而其教学质量的高低归根结底是以学生的学习有效与否.因此,本研究在了解国内外有关网络学习研究现状的基础上,从"有效学习"的视角出发,以有效的网络化社会交互环境为支撑,以网络有效学习循环为核心,从激发学习者心智系统,规划网络有效学习,网络有效学习行动,监察、评价和修订学习行为和策略,学习成果产出,以及对学习成果的有效反馈等六个环节构建了网络有效学习的理论模型.希望该理论模型能为网络化社会交互环境的建设提供一定的理论依据,同时为网络有效学习中各个环节交互有效性的深入探讨提供研究框架.  相似文献   

只有立足于学,才能弄清楚教,关于有效教学的研究只有立足于有效学习才有可能生成有效的教学策略。有效学习是指学生积极主动参与学习,并能够运用适合自己的学习方法高效率地、批判反思地获得新知、提高能力和培养情感的学习活动,具有动机的内发性、行为的自控性、过程的反思性和结果的创新性等特点。有效学习不仅需要学生主动地投入学习状态、适时的调适学习策略、积极地反思学习问题,还需要教师高屋建瓴的指导。  相似文献   

无论是"有效教学"理念,还是"有意义的学习经历"理念,关注学生需求是重要核心。二者既有相同,又有差异。二者都强调学生是否从学习中获得了知识和本领,但有效教学更强调的是学校中的教学效果,强调学生是否从教学中获得了知识和本领;这种知识和本领是否对学生融入社会具有价值,有效教学并未注重。而有意义的学习经历更强调的是学习为学生将来更好地融入社会所提供的价值,它注重的是学习对学生将来、对学生的终身发展的价值,而这更代表和符合新课程改革发展的方向。  相似文献   

分析信息化环境下有效学习的内涵。阐述信息化学习的特征:学习资源的多样性、学习者的自主性、学习过程的协同性。论述信息化环境下有效学习应关注的问题:提高学习者的信息技术技能与素养;注重对学习者信息化学习方式的指导;促进有效学习,要求教师与学习者转变传统的角色。  相似文献   

教师课堂的有效管理是指授课教师对课堂教学内容、课堂学习状态、课堂学习行为、课堂学习方法及课堂学习资源的有效整合。其中,课堂教学内容的有效管理是基础.课堂学习行为的有效管理是保障,课堂学习状态的有效管理是关键。  相似文献   

一、有效学习的特征 教学的一个重要的目标就是要促进学生的有效学习,这不仅是学习心理学、教育心理学研究十分关注的焦点,而且也是教育教学一线的迫切要求.一般认为,有效学习有以下特点:  相似文献   

邹见芳 《中国教师》2009,(16):31-32
现在的课堂教学大力倡导有效教学。提倡学生有效学习。有效学习主要是指通过学生自主性的、探索性的、研究性的学习,着重发展学生探索问题的能力的学习活动。而培养学生发现问题、提出问题的能力,让学生的积极思维由问题开始,在解决问题中发展,让问题意识始终贯穿于整个教学的过程,是实现有效教学、打造高效课堂的最主要的途径和策略。基于上述认识和思考,我对自己的课堂教学进行了改革,初步探索出“问题教学”模式。  相似文献   

有效教学的区域推进实践,必须从有效教学的“本体”角度出发,更加关注其价值理性,只关注其工具意义的实践是十分有害的;有效教学的区域推进实践,必须关注其技术和策略,因为这是每位教师的实践,否则观念就容易落空和虚化;有效教学的区域推进实践,还必须关注其最终的结果,让学生学会学习,实现主动的发展,这也是当前课堂教学改革的本质诉求.  相似文献   

对课例的评价,其中一个视角就是要考察该课例是否充分地挖掘和利用了数学课程资源。其中,内隐条件性资源主要指教师根据对素材性课程资源的理解,结合外显条件性资源去构建一种适宜于学生学习的环境。一个教学设计或一堂课的教学是否充分地挖掘了内隐条件性资源,就是指该设计是否根据教学目标,为学生构建了一个学习的最佳场景。本文试从内隐条件性资源开发的角度从上述几个方面对有关”验证勾股定理”的四节课例作一剖析。  相似文献   

When the conditioned stimulus (CS) is located some distance from the unconditioned stimulus (US), pairings of the CS and US can yield either conditioned approach to the CS (sign tracking) or conditioned approach to the US (goal tracking). However, goal tracking is the more common outcome, and, because of that, goal tracking has come to serve as a “standard” measure of associative learning in several laboratories. In contrast, in previous studies of sexual conditioning with domesticated quail, only sign tracking was observed. In the present study, quail continued to show sign tracking rather than goal tracking whether or not the US was highly localized (Experiment 1), whether food or a sexual US was used (Experiment 2), whether the CS was mobile or immobile (Experiment 3), and whether the CS was 91 or 233 cm from the US compartment (Experiment 4). The present findings encourage caution in the routine use of goal tracking as a measure of learning. The possible mechanisms of goal tracking are discussed in terms of occasion setting and behavior systems theory.  相似文献   

This article reports findings on a study of educational computer games used within various classroom situations. Employing an across-stage, mixed method model, the study examined whether educational computer games, in comparison to traditional paper-and-pencil drills, would be more effective in facilitating comprehensive math learning outcomes, and whether alternative classroom goal structures would enhance or reduce the effects of computer games. The findings indicated that computer games, compared with paper-and-pencil drills, were significantly more effective in promoting learning motivation but not significantly different in facilitating cognitive math test performance and metacognitive awareness. Additionally, this study established that alternative classroom goal structures mediated the effects of computer games on mathematical learning outcomes. Cooperative goal structure, as opposed to competitive and individualistic structures, significantly enhanced the effects of computer games on attitudes toward math learning.  相似文献   

学生学习动机调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在学习过程中,学习动机是学习者能否成功的关键因素之一。通过问卷调查,运用定量分析和对比的方法,着重研究了学生的学习动机状况。结果表明,多数学生有明确的学习目标,但学习兴趣不浓厚,自我效能感普遍较低,对成功和失败的归因不同,从而导致其学习成绩不理想。尽管如此,他们仍然认为学习是有价值、有意义的事。只是所取得的成绩与付出的代价不平衡,不免产生心理落差。通过方差分析还发现,成功学习者和非成功学习者在效价、学习兴趣、目标设置、目标定向、自我效能以及归因模式方面均存在差异。据此,在教学中,教师应采取一些行之有效的措施增强学生的学习动机,以提高其学习成绩。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate whether single executive function (EF) tests were predictive for learning performance in mainly young and middle‐aged adults. The tests measured shifting and updating. Processing speed was also measured. In an observational study, cognitive performance and learning performance were measured objectively in 851 adult students and analyzed using multiple linear regression. EFs and processing speed were measured via cognitive tests. Learning performance was evaluated after 14 months. The results show that updating performance is predictive for learning performance, with a small effect size, while shifting performance was not. This means that a single updating test has predictive value for learning performance acquired over a longer period of time. However, as the effect size is rather small, the test on its own does not serve as a proper selection tool for determining whether a student will be successful or not.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not formative evaluation could facilitate goal attainment in a biochemistry course and produce desired learning outcomes consistently by altering course materials and/or instruction. Formative evaluation procedures included the administration of the Inorganic-Organic-Biological Chemistry Test Form 1974 and the Methods and Procedures of Science test to course participants over three consecutive years. A one group pretest-post-test design was used. The statistical analysis involved the use of the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test. The study involved 64 participants. The findings indicate that the use of formative evaluation can be effective in producing desired learning outcomes to facilitate goal attainment.  相似文献   

This study examines the acquisition of the linguistic mass/count distinction in English by bilingual (Spanish-English) children. The goal of the study is to explore whether bilingual children, like their monolingual peers, can draw information from the linguistic context in which a new noun id presented to determine whether the new word refers to an object or a substance. Results indicate that at 7 years of age, even bilinguals who are strong in English do not yet draw such inferences. By 9 years of age, however, bilinguals who are strong in English have response patterns similar to those of their monolingual peers but bilinguals who have lower English abilities still lag behind their monolingual peers in drawing such inferences.  相似文献   

Monitoring refers to online awareness and self-evaluation of one's goal-directed actions, while Control refers to the generation and selection of goal-directed actions (Osman, 2010a). The present study examines the extent to which external estimations of performance influence monitoring and control behaviors. To achieve this, a complex dynamic decision making task was used in which three different cues were manipulated in order to control three outcomes. The experiment was divided into two conditions. The Externally guided-condition received information designed to influence people's evaluation of control performance, whereas the Self-guided-condition was not provided this information. The findings revealed that control performance differed according to whether the success of one's actions was evaluated against external or self-guided estimations of performance. This article proposes that Monitoring behaviors can strongly influence control behaviors and this is achieved according to the way in which outcomes of decisions are evaluated. Finally, with respect to adult learning, the findings from this study suggest that setting one's own goals do not lead to improvements in learning when the task is a complex one.  相似文献   

主体教育与以学习者为中心的教学设计思想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾通达 《教学研究(河北)》2002,25(4):298-299,302
主体教育就是有目的地增强和发展人的现代感,效能感,能动性,自主性和创造性的过程,主要通过构建以学习者为中心的现代教学新模式得以实施,以学习者为中心的教学设计思路是:用“情境”帮助学习者进行“意义建构”,“协作学习”是意义建构的关键,教学设计侧重于对学习环境的设计,利用各种信息资源来支持“学”学习过程的最终目的是意义建构。  相似文献   

Due to apartheid policies, Black African learners in South Africa have been severely disadvantaged in school science. Despite policy changes to redress these historical imbalances, Black African learners continue to underperform in science. Previous research has identified motivation as a key factor that impacts performance. Achievement goal orientation is a construct of motivation that explains learning behaviour. In an attempt to address the problem of learner motivation, this study investigated the effect of inquiry‐based learning on the achievement goal‐orientation of grade 10 physical sciences learners at historically disadvantaged township schools in South Africa. In South Africa, the term “township” usually refers to under‐developed urban areas that were historically created for “non‐whites” during the apartheid era. The findings showed that the experiment group of learners who experienced inquiry‐based learning significantly gained in mastery goal orientation, while the control that were taught through a traditional direct didactic approach had an insignificant change in their mastery goal orientation. From these results, it can be concluded that inquiry‐based learning does support a mastery goal orientation in learners. This orientation is regarded as desirable because mastery approach goals could support positive outcomes in conceptual learning, leading to an improvement in science achievement of learners.  相似文献   

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