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In typical differential item functioning (DIF) assessments, an item's DIF status is not influenced by its status in previous test administrations. An item that has shown DIF at multiple administrations may be treated the same way as an item that has shown DIF in only the most recent administration. Therefore, much useful information about the item's functioning is ignored. In earlier work, we developed the Bayesian updating (BU) DIF procedure for dichotomous items and showed how it could be used to formally aggregate DIF results over administrations. More recently, we extended the BU method to the case of polytomously scored items. We conducted an extensive simulation study that included four “administrations” of a test. For the single‐administration case, we compared the Bayesian approach to an existing polytomous‐DIF procedure. For the multiple‐administration case, we compared BU to two non‐Bayesian methods of aggregating the polytomous‐DIF results over administrations. We concluded that both the BU approach and a simple non‐Bayesian method show promise as methods of aggregating polytomous DIF results over administrations.  相似文献   

本研究引入能够处理题组效应的项目功能差异检验方法,为篇章阅读测验提供更科学的DIF检验法。研究采用GMH法、P—SIBTEST法和P—LR法对中国汉语水平考试(HSK)(高等)阅读理解试题进行了DIF检验。结果表明,这三种方法的检验结果具有较高的一致性,该部分试题在性别与国别变量上不存在显著的DIF效应。本研究还将传统的DIF检验方法与变通的题组DIF检验方法进行了比较,结果表明后者具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is traditionally used to identify different item performance patterns between intact groups, most commonly involving race or sex comparisons. This study advocates expanding the utility of DIF as a step in construct validation. Rather than grouping examinees based on cultural differences, the reference and focal groups are chosen from two extremes along a distinct cognitive dimension that is hypothesized to supplement the dominant latent trait being measured. Specifically, this study investigates DIF between proficient and non-proficient fourth- and seventh-grade writers on open-ended mathematics test items that require students to communicate about mathematics. It is suggested that the occurrence of DIF in this situation actually enhances, rather than detracts from, the construct validity of the test because, according to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), mathematical communication is an important component of mathematical ability, the dominant construct being assessed. However, the presence of DIF influences the validity of inferences that can be made from test scores and suggests that two scores should be reported, one for general mathematical ability and one for mathematical communication. The fact that currently only one test score is reported, a simple composite of scores on multiple-choice and open-ended items, may lead to incorrect decisions being made about examinees.  相似文献   

Do eighth-grade males and females display the same DIF patterns as older examinees? Are the patterns the same for different content areas in mathematics? Does a DIF test for essential dimensionality yield expected results?  相似文献   

RCMLM模型是基于Rasch测量理论的通用拓展模型。利用RCMLM模型对一份普通高中数学试卷进行不同性别的DIF分析。结果表明:该模型可对具有二分计分和多分计分的试题同时进行DIF分析,避免了以往分别对两种计分方式试题进行DIF分析的弊端,保持了试卷的完整性,使DIF分析结果更加有效。  相似文献   

Lord's Wald test for differential item functioning (DIF) has not been studied extensively in the context of the multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) framework. In this article, Lord's Wald test was implemented using two estimation approaches, marginal maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation, to detect uniform and nonuniform DIF under MIRT models. The Type I error and power rates for Lord's Wald test were investigated under various simulation conditions, including different DIF types and magnitudes, different means and correlations of two ability parameters, and different sample sizes. Furthermore, English usage data were analyzed to illustrate the use of Lord's Wald test with the two estimation approaches.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the logistic regression (LR), Mantel-Haenszel (MH), and Breslow-Day (BD) procedures for the simultaneous detection of both uniform and nonuniform differential item functioning (DIF). A simulation study was used to assess and compare the Type I error rate and power of a combined decision rule (CDR), which assesses DIF using a combination of the decisions made with BD and MH to those of LR. The results revealed that while the Type I error rate of CDR was consistently below the nominal alpha level, the Type I error rate of LR was high for the conditions having unequal ability distributions. In addition, the power of CDR was consistently higher than that of LR across all forms of DIF.  相似文献   

When tests are designed to measure dimensionally complex material, DIF analysis with matching based on the total test score may be inappropriate. Previous research has demonstrated that matching can be improved by using multiple internal or both internal and external measures to more completely account for the latent ability space. The present article extends this line of research by examining the potential to improve matching by conditioning simultaneously on test score and a categorical variable representing the educational background of the examinees. The responses of male and female examinees from a test of medical competence were analyzed using a logistic regression procedure. Results show a substantial reduction in the number of items identified as displaying significant DIF when conditioning is based on total test score and a variable representing educational background as opposed to total test score only.  相似文献   

This paper considers a modification of the DIF procedure SIBTEST for investigating the causes of differential item functioning (DIF). One way in which factors believed to be responsible for DIF can be investigated is by systematically manipulating them across multiple versions of an item using a randomized DIF study (Schmitt, Holland, & Dorans, 1993). In this paper: it is shown that the additivity of the index used for testing DIF in SIBTEST motivates a new extension of the method for statistically testing the effects of DIF factors. Because an important consideration is whether or not a studied DIF factor is consistent in its effects across items, a methodology for testing item x factor interactions is also presented. Using data from the mathematical sections of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the effects of two potential DIF factors—item format (multiple-choice versus open-ended) and problem type (abstract versus concrete)—are investigated for gender Results suggest a small but statistically significant and consistent effect of item format (favoring males for multiple-choice items) across items, and a larger but less consistent effect due to problem type.  相似文献   

One approach to measuring unsigned differential test functioning is to estimate the variance of the differential item functioning (DIF) effect across the items of the test. This article proposes two estimators of the DIF effect variance for tests containing dichotomous and polytomous items. The proposed estimators are direct extensions of the noniterative estimators developed by Camilli and Penfield (1997) for tests composed of dichotomous items. A small simulation study is reported in which the statistical properties of the generalized variance estimators are assessed, and guidelines are proposed for interpreting values of DIF effect variance estimators.  相似文献   

A widely used approach for categorizing the level of differential item functioning (DIF) in dichotomous items is the scheme proposed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) based on a transformation of the Mantel-Haeszel common odds ratio. In this article two classification schemes for DIF in polytomous items (referred to as the P1 and P2 schemes) are proposed that parallel the criteria set forth in the ETS scheme for dichotomous items. The theoretical equivalence of the P1 and P2 schemes to the ETS scheme is described, and the results of a simulation study conducted to examine the empirical equivalence of the P1 and P2 schemes to the ETS scheme are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the performance of differential item functioning (DIF) assessment in the presence of a multilevel structure that often underlies data from large-scale testing programs. Analyses were conducted using logistic regression (LR), a popular, flexible, and effective tool for DIF detection. Data were simulated using a hierarchical framework, such as might be seen when examinees are clustered in schools, for example. Both standard and hierarchical LR (accounting for multilevel data) approaches to DIF detection were employed. Results highlight the differences in DIF detection rates when the analytic strategy matches the data structure. Specifically, when the grouping variable was within clusters, LR and HLR performed similarly in terms of Type I error control and power. However, when the grouping variable was between clusters, LR failed to maintain the nominal Type I error rate of .05. HLR was able to maintain this rate. However, power for HLR tended to be low under many conditions in the between cluster variable case.  相似文献   

对取消高考英语听力测试题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2005年起,浙江、陕西等省,陆续取消了高考英语听力测试,这将十分不利于学生全面地掌握语言技能,不利于奠定学生终身学习英语的良好基础。通过对此举进行反思,探讨高考英语听力测试存在的合理性,并提出建议,可为高考英语改革提供启示。  相似文献   

Data from a large-scale performance assessment ( N = 105,731) were analyzed with five differential item functioning (DIF) detection methods for polytomous items to examine the congruence among the DIF detection methods. Two different versions of the item response theory (IRT) model-based likelihood ratio test, the logistic regression likelihood ratio test, the Mantel test, and the generalized Mantel–Haenszel test were compared. Results indicated some agreement among the five DIF detection methods. Because statistical power is a function of the sample size, the DIF detection results from extremely large data sets are not practically useful. As alternatives to the DIF detection methods, four IRT model-based indices of standardized impact and four observed-score indices of standardized impact for polytomous items were obtained and compared with the R 2 measures of logistic regression.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the assembly of multiple test forms is proposed in which the multiple-form problem is reduced to a series of computationally less intensive two-form problems. At each step, one form is assembled to its true specifications; the other form is a dummy assembled only to maintain a balance between the quality of the current form and the remaining forms. It is shown how the method can be implemented using the technique of O-1 linear programming. Two empirical examples using a former item pool from the LSAT are given—one in which a set of parallel forms is assembled and another in which the targets for the information functions of the forms are shifted systematically.  相似文献   

Shealy and Stout (1993) proposed a DIF detection procedure called SIBTEST and demonstrated its utility with both simulated and real data sets'. Current versions of SIBTEST can be used only for dichotomous items. In this article, an extension to handle polytomous items is developed. Two simulation studies are presented which compare the modified SIBTEST procedure with the Mantel and standardized mean difference (SMD) procedures. The first study compares the procedures under conditions in which the Mantel and SMD procedures have been shown to perform well (Zwick, Donoghue, & Grima, 1993). Results of Study I suggest that SIBTEST performed reasonably well, but that the Mantel and SMD procedures performed slightly better. The second study uses data simulated under conditions in which observed-score DIF methods for dichotomous items have not performed well. The results of Study 2 indicate that under these conditions the modified SIBTEST procedure provides better control of impact-induced Type I error inflation than the other procedures.  相似文献   

任何一种测试都要公平、公正,否则就失去了它存在的价值和意义。对语言测试的公平性问题的研究是测验开发者不可推卸的责任和义务。汉语水平考试(HSK)是专门为汉语作为第二语言的学习者而设计的语言测试。经过二十多年的发展,HSK在公平性问题研究方面已经取得了长足进展。针对HSK特有的考生构成特点,本文将考生数量较少的非亚裔考生当作研究对象,将其设为目标组,考察HSK是否会对这个亚群体考生不公平。本文运用3种传统的DIF检验方法——MH方法、SIBTEST方法和Logistic regression方法,对HSK【初中等】一套试卷的听力理解测验进行DIF检验,比较目标组(非亚裔考生)和参照组(亚裔考生)在同一组项目上的表现。  相似文献   

Analyzing examinees’ responses using cognitive diagnostic models (CDMs) has the advantage of providing diagnostic information. To ensure the validity of the results from these models, differential item functioning (DIF) in CDMs needs to be investigated. In this article, the Wald test is proposed to examine DIF in the context of CDMs. This study explored the effectiveness of the Wald test in detecting both uniform and nonuniform DIF in the DINA model through a simulation study. Results of this study suggest that for relatively discriminating items, the Wald test had Type I error rates close to the nominal level. Moreover, its viability was underscored by the medium to high power rates for most investigated DIF types when DIF size was large. Furthermore, the performance of the Wald test in detecting uniform DIF was compared to that of the traditional Mantel‐Haenszel (MH) and SIBTEST procedures. The results of the comparison study showed that the Wald test was comparable to or outperformed the MH and SIBTEST procedures. Finally, the strengths and limitations of the proposed method and suggestions for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Diversity and heterogeneity among language groups have been well documented. Yet most fairness research that focuses on measurement comparability considers linguistic minority students such as English language learners (ELLs) or Francophone students living in minority contexts in Canada as a single group. Our focus in this research is to examine the degree to which measurement comparability, as indicated by differential item functioning (DIF), is consistent for sub-groups among linguistic minority Francophone students in Canada. The findings suggest that the linguistic minority Francophone students who speak French at home and those who do not speak French at home should not be grouped together for investigating measurement comparability or for examining performance gaps. We identified a great degree of differences in DIF identification with a consistency of 7–10% in DIF identification in the separate analyses for the two groups. The findings highlight methodological problems with investigating fairness for diverse linguistic groups that are treated as a single group.  相似文献   

Mantel-Haenszel方法(简称M-H方法)是探测试题是否存在DIF现象的一类重要和普遍的方法。样本容量的选择是应用M-H方法的一个关键环节。本文以某年度某市高考抽样数据英语学科选择题的作答数据为总体,探讨了不同样本容量对该方法检验敏感性的影响程度。研究结果表明:对于本研究给定的总体,在一定的样本容量范围内,检验结果均具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

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