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马力 《时代教育》2015,(4):131-132
在全面推进依法治国的背景下,高校纪检监察工作的创新点应落脚在树立宪法在高校纪检监察工作全过程中的绝对权威、建立健全高校纪检监察工作的党规党纪、优化高校纪检监察队伍的结构与功能以及提升高校纪检监察工作的预防与教育功能四个方面。  相似文献   

我国高校纪检监察工作主要依靠高校内部的纪检监察部门负责,同时,上一级纪检监察机关也会采取高校巡视的方式对高校党政领导班子进行监督。高校现有的纪检监察工作对高校反腐廉政建设发挥重要作用,但目前高校纪检监察制度仍存在诸多的问题,高校纪检监察工作职能的发挥仍然面临诸多困境。结合我国纪检监察制度的实践情况,提出建立高校纪检监察派驻机构制度的设想,并提出两种构建模式,即一是"派驻统管"的管理体制,二是单独派驻与综合派驻相结合的模式。  相似文献   

针对推进高校纪检监察工作创新的问题,运用文献研究等方法,探讨了推进高校的纪检监察工作创新策略,发现高校纪检监察工作创新要明确任务和职能,提出坚持围绕中心、服务大局的重要原则,树立以人为本、执政为民的核心理念,以发挥自身职能作用为基本途径,以加强组织协调为重要抓手,以转变工作方式方法为必要手段,以深化改革为强大动力等是推进高校纪检监察工作创新的基本策略。  相似文献   

科学发展观是做好高校纪检监察工作的重要指导思想,必须充分认识以科学发展观指导高校纪检监察工作的重要性和必要性,并针对当前高校纪检监察工作中存在的主要问题,按照科学发展观的基本要求从五个方面努力建立符合现代大学特点的反腐倡廉工作体系。  相似文献   

纪检监察干部在党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争中肩负重要职责,随着反腐败斗争的深入推进,高校反腐倡廉工作任务越来越繁重,这对高校纪检监察工作和纪检监察干部提出了更高的要求,针对纪检监察干部队伍自身存在的问题,探讨提高纪检监察干部素质的对策。  相似文献   

十九届中央纪委三次全会强调,各级纪检监察机关要做实做细监督职责,着力在日常监督、长期监督上探索创新、实现突破。本文以高校纪检监察部门日常监督工作为研究对象,阐述了十九大以来高校纪检监察部门日常监督工作取得的成效以及存在的短板,有针对性地提出了新形势下高校纪检监察部门加强日常监督工作的策略。  相似文献   

新时期高校为做好纪检监察工作,应配齐纪检监察干部队伍,建立完善的工作机制,加强干部教育培训,强化履职条件保障,支持监督执纪工作,确保高校纪检监察工作高质量发展.  相似文献   

加强高校纪检监察工作是确保高校党的领导地位,培养合格的建设和接班人的重要措施。高校纪检监察工作应与时俱进,更新思想方法、思想观念,改进工作方式和方法。  相似文献   

时全丽 《文教资料》2014,(14):102-104
作为基层纪检监察组织,高校纪检监察部门面临的压力和任务是前所未有的。如何落实“三转”的工作任务,最终实现机制体制的完善、工作方式方法的改变、工作作风效能的提高,是新时期高校纪检监察工作面临的重要任务和时代命题。  相似文献   

加强高校纪检监察工作促进高校党风廉政建设张森林党的十三届六中全会公报提出“建立和完善党内监督和党外监督制度,切实加强对各级领导机关和领导干部的监督”,而纪检监察工作就是来完成执行这方面监督工作的。高校的纪检监察工作对于加强党政领导,清正廉洁,防止高校...  相似文献   

试验于2012年8月至2013年7月在西北农林科技大学北校区试验田中进行,选择小偃22为试验材料,采取叶面喷施果宝调节剂研究其对小偃22产量及品质的效应.试验结果表明,叶面喷施果宝调节剂显著提高了小偃22产量和品质.处理小麦的成穗数(513.6~520.3)×105个/hm2,较对照增加1.1%~2.8%、小穗数18.8~18.9个/穗,较对照增加4.7%~5.8%、穗粒数29.4~29.8粒/穗,较对照增加2.9%~4.5%、千粒重43.8~45.6 g,较对照增加1.3%~5.6%、不孕小穗数3.7~4.1个/穗,较对照减少7.7%~17.0%、产量5 790.4~6 115.6 kg/hm2,较对照增加3.9%~9.7%,容重787.6~789.6 g/L,较对照提高0.3%~0.4%、硬度79.5%~82.4%,较对照减小1.3%~4.8%、蛋白质含量16.2%~16.8%,较对照提高3.4%~6.7%、湿面筋含量35.3%~35.8%,较对照提高1.1%~2.6%、拉伸面积61.7~62.4 cm2,较对照增大0.2%~1.2%,延展性225.4~226.4 mm,较对照增大0.1%~0.6%.沉降值、稳定时间的变化与浓度有关,吸水率与最大拉伸阻力变化不显著.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of students’ evaluations of teaching as an instrument for measuring teaching quality by examining the effects of likability and prior subject interest as potential biasing effects, measured at the beginning of the course and at the time of evaluation. University students (N = 260) evaluated psychology courses in one semester at a German university with a standardized questionnaire, yielding 517 data points. Cross-classified multilevel analyses revealed fixed effects of likability at both times of measurement and fixed effects of prior subject interest measured at the beginning of the course. Likability seems to exert a substantial bias on student evaluations of teaching, albeit one that is overestimated when measured at the time of evaluation. In contrast, prior subject interest seems to introduce a weak bias. Considering that likability bears no conceptual relationship to teaching quality, these findings point to a compromised validity of students’ evaluations of teaching.  相似文献   

学校课余运动训练是实现学校体育目标的途径之一,也是促使学生身心全面发展,提高运动水平,培养体育骨干,推动学校体育普及和提高的一项重要战略措施,但目前学校体育中,还存在着比赛任务,才有课余集训的弊病,教练员为了在短时间内使运动员出成绩,在训练时,往往是片面地强调整体的专项训练和加大运动负荷的训练,而忽视了全面素质及系统的运动训练,其结果给课余运动训练带来负面影响,如何根据学校课余运动训练的特点,进行科学的训练是本探讨的主要问题。  相似文献   

如何使武术教学更好地适应高校体育的发展,在加速高校人才培养方面发挥更重要的作用,是高校体育工作者普遍关注的问题。文章对高校开展武术教学的现状进行调查分析,并从学科建设、指导思想、师资培养、教材创编、教学内容设置和教法组织形式等方面阐述对策,旨在拓宽发展高校武术教学的新思路。  相似文献   

大鹏湾属不规则半日混合潮港,潮流亦属不规则半日混合潮型。潮流受制于南海潮流系统,涨潮时东半部先出现涨潮流,流速约为10cm/s,西半部滞后3小时左右,流速略大于东部;落潮时先从东半部向东南方向流出,平均流速为10cm/s,落潮流东部流出时,西部仍向湾内流入,最大流速达62cm/s.因此,涨潮时北半部形成一个半封闭式的逆时针向环流,落潮时则形成半封闭式的顺时针向环流。余流流速较小,一般为7cm/s以下,通常北部大于南部,西部大于东部,在海湾内也形成一个逆时针向环流。  相似文献   

The crabChasmagnathus granulatus reacts to a shadow passing overhead with an escape response that habituates after 30 trials and for 5 days at least. The effect of a wide range of different intertrial intervals (ITIs) (0, 9, 27, 45, 81, 135, and 171 sec) on theChasmagnathus long-term habituation (LTH) was evaluated at 24 h. Memory retention was estimated separately at two phases of a six-trial testing session: at first trial (the initial testing phase) and at the subsequent block of five trials (the retraining phase). A training of 30 trials with an ITI equal to or longer than 27 sec induced LTH at both testing phases, however, with a 0- or a 9-sec ITI, training wholly failed to build up LTH. When the number of trials was increased, a massed training (ITI=0 or 9 sec) induced LTH at retraining but not at initial testing. Thus, massed training produces LTH only at retraining, whereas spaced training (ITI ≥ 27 sec) produces LTH at both initial phase and retraining. An ITI shift from training to testing diminished or abolished retention at retraining regardless of the direction of the shift, thus suggesting that crabs acquire a memory of the trial-spacing at training. According to these results, it is postulated that LTH consists of two memory components: one produced by spaced training and expressed at both initial testing and retraining, and one yielded by massed training and expressed only at retraining. The possibility that the two components of LTH were differentially affected by cycloxemide and context shift is discussed.  相似文献   

罗振亚在诗歌研究领域取得了丰硕的研究成果,他善于将史与论结合起来,通过历史的考察与理论的阐释发掘研究对象的价值与局限;善于运用客观辩证的态度分析研究对象,得出实事求是的结论;善于运用比较的方法发现研究对象的个性差异;善于将情感体验融入诗歌分析之中,用生动形象的语言表达自己的观点,从而形成了融感性体验与理性评判为一体的研究风格。  相似文献   

The relationships among science and engineering attitude, physics conceptual understanding, and physics achievement were explored for a population of college freshman engineering students over two semesters. Gender and SAT‐Quantitative measures were included as exogenous variables in a longitudinal path analysis. Attitude was theorized to predict achievement contemporaneously and at the next time point, while conceptual understanding was theorized to predict physics achievement contemporaneously and at the next time point. Each at one time was theorized to predict scores at the next time. A sample of 200 freshman engineering students participating in an integrated curriculum were assessed in September, December, and April (with a loss of 64 students) with the Force Concepts Inventory (FCI), Mechanics Baseline Test (MBT), and a locally developed attitude measure. The observed model indicated that the FCI predicted attitude at time 1 with no other paths between them, that FCI at time 1 predicted MBT at time 1 and time 2, FCI at time 2 predicted MBT at time 3, and MBT at time 1 predicted FCI at time 2. Gender and SAT‐Quantitative scores were predictive only of FCI and MBT at time 1. Results supported an interactive model of conceptual understanding and achievement, with attitude largely irrelevant to the process for this population. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 1112–1120, 2000  相似文献   

This article reports on young people with and without learning disabilities (LD) and substance use disorders (SUD). Participants were assessed for LD at ages 12 and 19 and for SUD and psychiatric disorders at age 19. Participants with LD at ages 12 and 19 were more likely to develop an SUD or a psychiatric disorder compared to participants without consistent LD. Participants with LD at age 19 were more likely to have a concurrent SUD or psychiatric disorder compared to those without LD at age 19, while participants with LD at age 12 showed only a trend toward increased rates of SUD at age 19 when compared to participants without LD at age 12. Participants with and without LD did not differ in substance use, consumption levels, or onset history. In a multivariate model, adolescent LD was associated with a three-fold increased risk for SUD after behavioral problems and family structure had entered the model. Although these results provide some support for the notion that adolescents with LD are at increased risk for SUD, LD also appears to confer a general risk for adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

Three experiments measured orienting of rats to stimuli varying in intrinsic significance. In the first, rats showed greater reactivity to a recording of a conspecific’s distress squeal than to a simulated mimic squeal when the stimuli were presented at 100 dB but not at 80 dB, and orienting to all stimuli habituated rapidly with repeated stimulus exposures. Experiment 2 showed that, following several stimulus exposures, recovery of orienting after rest periods of 1 and 7 days was a function of the stimulus: Orienting to the distress squeal presented at 100 dB recovered more rapidly than did orienting to the mimic squeal at 100 dB or to either the mimic or the distress squeal presented at 80 dB. Experiment 3 showed that habituation to the most significant stimulus, the distress squeal presented at 100 dB, was retarded at long (24-h) interstimulus intervals, presumably a consequence of less stimulus-to-stimulus transfer of habituation with this stimulus. The results are discussed in terms of biological constraints on habituation of orienting and on recovery of orienting following habituation.  相似文献   

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