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要使教育能够更好地适应我国社会经济发展的需要,必须改变传统的教育观念.本文主要论述系统观教学设计,根据学习理论、教学理论和传播理论的原则,运用系统理论的思想和方法来分析研究教学问题的科学性和可操作性.同时,阐明系统观教学设计的理念--以学生为中心.  相似文献   

Philosophical implications for the design of instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a long history connecting philosophyand learning that dates at least back toPlato's dialogues and includes suchdistinguished modern scholars as Dewey, Piaget,and Vygotsky. More recently the discussionabout the relationship between philosophy andlearning has arisen in the context ofconstructivism. Given the long history andprominence of this discussion, it is perhapsworthwhile to revisit foundational concernslinking philosophical perspectives and learningtheory, and to explore what implications mayexist for the design of instruction. Theargument presented herein is that there arephilosophical implications for the design ofinstruction, and, further, that they are poorlyunderstood and not applied consistently.  相似文献   

BTEC教学的核心思想是以学生为中心开展教学活动,整个教学过程及教学评价以课业为主要途径和手段,因此,做好课业设计对BTEC课程教学非常重要。本文介绍在BTEC电视课程教学课业设计中的一些尝试与做法。 一、课业整体设计 BTEC电视课程教学是电子工程学的一门重要专业课程,它集电路分析、信号分析、整机分析为一体,是一门综合性较强的专业课程。它几乎涵盖了电子线路所有的典型电  相似文献   

The intent of the study presented in this paper is to show that the model of problem-based learning (PBL) can be made scalable by designing curriculum around a set of open-ended problems (OEPs). The detailed statistical analysis of the data collected to measure the effects of traditional and PBL instructions for three courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering, namely Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics and Pulse, Digital & Switching Circuits is presented here. It measures the effects of pedagogy, gender and cognitive styles on the knowledge, skill and attitude of the students. The study was conducted two times with content designed around same set of OEPs but with two different trained facilitators for all the three courses. The repeatability of results for effects of the independent parameters on dependent parameters is studied and inferences are drawn.  相似文献   

汉语课堂教学中通过有效的问题设计不仅可以激发学生学习汉语的积极性和主动性,而且在课堂教学的双向互动中也有利于培养学生运用汉语的能力,从而有效地提升学生多方面的能力。  相似文献   

职业教育的教学方法论   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
伴随着职业教育教学方法论研究的日益深入,职业教育教学实践的重心也出现了两大变化:一是教学目标重心的迁移,即从理论知识的存储转向职业能力的培养,导致教学方法逐渐从"教"法向"学"法转移,实现基于"学"的"教";二是教学活动重心的迁移,即从师生间的单向行为转向师生、生生间的双向行动,导致教学方法逐渐从"传授"法向"互动"法转移,实现基于"互动"的"传授"。与之相应,职业教育教学方法的范畴也扩展至教学方法和协调方法两大领域。  相似文献   

项目教学法在单片机应用技术课程中的教学实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了在单片机应用技术课程中采用项目教学法的课程教学实践,并通过学生成功的实用项目开发及几年来的电子竞赛佳绩,例证了项目教学法的良好教学效果。  相似文献   

This article initially demonstrates the parallels between the learner-centered approach in education and the user-centered approach in design disciplines. Afterward, a course on human factors that applies learner-centered methods to teach user-centered design is introduced. The focus is on three tasks to identify the application of theoretical and methodological approach. The major instructional methods utilized in the tasks are role enactment, project-based learning, case-based learning and reflection. These tasks develop students' knowledge, attitude and skills reflecting on their selves, their social and physical environment. Finally, the results of the study on students' evaluations of the course and their learning are presented. The study findings indicate that the course has been successful in its learning objectives. Multiple methods of learner-centered instruction complement lecture sessions and one-another to enhance student learning of user-centered design in different levels of cognitive and affective domains.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of designing flexible learning and instruction. Flexibility is considered both from the learner's and the designer's perspective. The potential of telematics in the design, development and implementation of flexible and distance learning is discussed. A Method for flexible instructional modules development is presented which aims at assisting the educational designers in the development of flexible instructional modules, ie, modules, which are easily adaptable to different learner's needs, allow learner's choices and different delivery platforms, including distance delivery. Examples of Method applications and current development of a software system to facilitate the Method's implementation are reported.  相似文献   

This article defines primary knowledgecomponents for entities, actions, andprocesses. It also defines primaryinstructional strategy components. It proposesthat a different combination of strategy andknowledge components is required for differentkinds of instructional goals. It furtherproposes that if these fundamentalstrategy-knowledge component combinations arenot present that there will be a decrement inthe student's effective and efficientacquisition of the desired knowledge and skill.It further proposes that the underlyingarchitecture of an instructional strategy is acombination of primary strategy components andprimary knowledge components appropriate for,and consistent with, a given instructionalgoal. Instructional components are a theoreticaltool. They are not a method or developmentprocedure. These instructional strategy andknowledge components can be imbedded in a widevariety of different instructionalarchitectures based on a variety of differentphilosophical orientations. It is hoped thatone of the primary benefits of instructionalcomponents is to provide a common vocabularythat will enable designers, theorists, andinstructional developers to more clearlydescribe their products and procedures.  相似文献   

学导式教学法与职教   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,学导式教学法是指在教师指导下学生以自学为主,掌握新知识、新技能的一种操作性强的启发式教学法,由精讲、自学、解疑、演练等环节组成,对提高学生的学习能力、思维能力和解决问题能力的效果明显,应特别予以提倡。  相似文献   

据资料统计,截至2001年,我国制造业的数控化率为5%,远远低于发达国家的平均水平。例如,美国制造业的数控化率为95%,日本、德国制造业的数控化率为85%;当前,全世界年产数控机床15万台,而我国不到1万台。作为一个制造业大国,尤其是加入WTO之后,我国有望成为世界的制造业中心,而我们目前所使用的加工设备根本不能和国际上的同等企业相竞争,所以就需要用先进技术对传统制造业进行  相似文献   

Emotional design of multimedia instruction involves making the essential elements in the lesson's graphics more appealing, such as by rendering them with human-like features and with distinct, appealing colors (Um, Plass, Hayward, & Homer, 2012). College students received an 8-slide multimedia lesson on how a virus causes a cold for 5 min (Experiment 1) or for as long as they wanted (Experiment 2). For the control group, the graphics consisted of simple black-and-white drawings in which the host cell was represented as a large circle, and the virus was represented as a small circle with small spikes on the outside and a rectangle on the inside. For the enhanced group, the graphics were redrawn to render the host cell as a red face with expressive eyes (registering surprise, fear, and sickness at various stages in the process), and the virus as a blue face with fierce eyes and with a green dot at the end of each of the blue tentacles surrounding the virus face. The enhanced group performed better than the control group on a subsequent learning test (d = 0.69 in Experiment 1, d = 0.65 in Experiment 2) and gave higher effort ratings in Experiment 1 (d = 0.65) but not in Experiment 2 (d = −0.10). The findings are generally consistent with the cognitive affective theory of learning with media, and point to the importance of incorporating motivation into cognitive theories of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

情景教学法在CAD教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CAD(Computer Aided Design—计算机辅助设计)是高职院校普遍开设的一门主干课程,传统的教学方法,往往不能很好地突出其专业性和实践性强的特点,达不到应有的教学效果。采用情景教学法则能较好地解决上述问题。本文阐述了在CAD教学中采用情景教学的必要性及三种典型的应用方式,并对运用情景教学法进行教学需要注意的问题作了说明。  相似文献   

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