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闫占士 《学语文》2022,(4):30-32
在对语文教育的深刻体认和多年教学探索基础上,陈振林渐趋形成了“以写促教”“以写促学”的教学理念,即经由“写”促进教师的专业成长,促进学生的语文学习能力,两者相辅相成。这一教学理念的最大贡献,是在应试教育通向素质教育的路上搭起了一座桥梁。同时,它让写作回到自身,与大学写作教学作了很好的衔接。  相似文献   

大学英语教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力特别是听说能力。根据外语“写长法”和语言输出假说等理论,在大学英语教学中尝试“以写促学”+“以说促学”的教学模式,可促进大学英语教学改革,提高非英语专业大学生的英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

"以写促说"是对"以写促学"模式的深入研究。可理解性输入、可理解性输出和情感过滤假设是"以写促说"模式的三大理论基础;在高职英语课堂中有必要将分层教学、主题式单元教学和"以写促说"模式三者结合起来,一方面可以解决学生水平差异较大的问题,另一方面可以在现有的教学条件下满足一定量具有语境的语言输入。  相似文献   

在听、说、读、写四项技能中,英语写作能力无疑是体现语言综合能力的最佳方式,但同时又是非英语专业教学中最为薄弱又易被忽视的部分。本文以Swain的语言输出假设为依据,结合"写长法"的教育理念,对所在高校非英语专业的学生实施写作实验。实验结果表明,写长作文不仅可以提高学生的英语写作能力,而且能在整体上促进二语习得,达到"以写促学"的目的。  相似文献   

“以学促写”的第二语言写作教学法以语言输入理论为理论基础,强调“听”、“说”、“读”都以“写”为目的并为之服务。按体裁或主题将听力、阅读活动或写作范文分类,记录最新学到的语言知识、内容及应用策略,建立、扩充个人资料库并及时复习,以全面提高写作能力。  相似文献   

课堂教学是中小学英语教学的主要形式。重视听说,忽视写作是我国英语教学的突出问题,如何将以听说为主的、关注无形语言的教学转变为以写为主的、关注有形语言的教学?如何在课堂教学中将具体的教学内容落实为学生可感知、可操作、可实践的内容?这是中小学教师必须关注的问题。文章探讨了"以写促学"教学理念的内涵和具体操作原则。  相似文献   

在数字化时代的大背景下,中学美术学习要让学生回归传统,用写的方式,做美术阅读笔记,这对提升他们的审美能力和艺术创作能力有重要意义,也是一种切实可行的美术教学方法。教师应针对每位学生的不同情况,尽量鼓励学生根据自己的喜好、特长选择最佳的美术阅读写的方法,要体现自主探究的深度及广度,既要在具体作品中纵向剖析解读,也要在美术理论内容上有所涉猎,为学生更全面深入地理解美、感知美、创造美提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

王炜 《教师》2012,(10):30-30
上好初中英语写作课是提升学生英语综合水平的关键。本文从任务型引导写作教学、图式理念写作教学、形成性评价写作教学三个方面来探索以写促学的有效性教学策略。  相似文献   

英语写作能力是学生掌握英语语言程度的综合体现,也是当前中学生尤其感到畏俱的难点.文章总结了一项英语写作教学改革试验.这一改革源于加拿大Penny教授提出的Fluency writing设想.在初中英语写作实验教学中运用Fluency writing以写促学,通过引导学生不受拘束地用书面英语表达内心的构思,来促进英语知识向运用层面转化.  相似文献   

以写促学已成为中国英语教学实践的一个热点观念,但成功的实施需要充分的输入和积极的交互。在主题单元中,如果教学内容和活动富有意义,密切与学生的生活经验关联,将有效地综合二语学习过程中的三个因素:输入、输出、交互,与整体教学观也相吻合。以写促学是一种逆向思维,作为一种逆向引擎来促进其它技能的学习。在主题单元学习中.位于最后阶段的“写”需要理解了的输入和高质量的交互共同在二语习得中产生效应。文章最后以一项为期20周的实验证明了这种教学模式的效果。  相似文献   

论远程开放教育中学生学习能力的培养   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
让学生学会学习,是完成开放教育所必需,是实现终身教育所必备,也是素质教育需要研究的一个重要课题。本文运用当代教育理论和心理学的研究成果对此问题进行一些探讨,认为转变观念是实现学习能力培养的关键,掌握学习策略与整合信息技术环境下的各种学习资源的能力,是学会学习的两个重点。  相似文献   

Although interim assessments are currently promoted as a mechanism for improving teaching and student learning, we know little about how teachers use this data to modify instruction. This article presents findings from a larger study on teachers’ use of interim assessment information in elementary mathematics. We address the following questions: (a) How do the Philadelphia teachers in our sample analyze benchmark assessment results, (b) how do they plan instruction based on these results, and (c) what are their reported instructional responses to such results? To answer these questions, we interviewed all 3rd- and 5th-grade teachers in five average- and above-average-performing elementary schools three times during the 2006–07 school year. We found that although the teachers in our study used interim assessment results to gain information about students’ learning in mathematics, teachers did not use interim assessments to make sense of students’ conceptual understanding. Furthermore, teachers’ tendency to interpret student errors as procedural missteps was paralleled by a trend toward procedural instructional responses.  相似文献   

通过对第二语言写作教学的三个教学流派:成果教学法、过程教学法和体裁教学法的分析,本文提出大学英语的写作教学有其自身的特点,写作教学应该兼收并蓄,以调动学生的积极性为主,教师要了解以上三个教学流派的优点及其缺点,在教学中使用最新的科研成果--写长法,以达到更好的教学效果.  相似文献   

发展自主学习能力保证开放教育质量   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
开放教育质量的保证固然有赖于教学资源的建设、教师的导学和完善的教学支持服务体系的建立,但关键在于学生自主学习能力的培养与开发.发展自主学习能力要受教学环境、教师个性与期望、学生的学习动机等因素的制约,要从学习需要和学习动机激发入手,采取差别化的教学策略,同时完善开放教育的教学评价机制,多途径培养和开发学生的自主学习能力.  相似文献   

初中语文导学实验探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初中语文导学实验是九江市主创的一项教改实验,自1993年秋开始,在九江市5个县区13所学校进行实验,共进行了4轮。2000年先后经江西省市两级教研室、中国教育学会中学语文教学专业委员会课堂教学研究中心验收,给实验教师颁发了教改实验合格证。一、导学实验的基本内涵这项实验是从学法指导实验起步的,后来吸收了学习科学理论,确立了“引导学生学习,培养自学能力”的主体目标,定名为“导学实验”,实验的主要任务是培养学生语文学习兴趣、引导学生掌握学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,同时在阅读与写作的定量训练中,引导学生学会学习,举一反三,扩展…  相似文献   

思维方式的变革是人类精神领域中最深刻的革命,它的变革对于主体的认识活动和实践活动具有前提性、导向性和规范性的功能。要走出目前高校民族精神教育工作实效性低迷的困境,增强大学生民族精神教育的实效性,首先应着[于思维方式的变革,打破认知理性思维方式,确立实践理性思维方式,推进民族精神教育范式的转变。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined how undergraduate students’ ability to write in science changed over time as they completed a series of laboratory activities designed using a new instructional model called argument-driven inquiry. The study was conducted in a single section of an undergraduate general chemistry lab course offered at a large two-year community college located in the southeast USA. The intervention took place over a 15-week semester and consisted of six laboratory activities. During each laboratory activity, the undergraduates wrote investigation reports, participated in a double-blind group peer review of the reports, and revised their reports based on the reviews. The reports written during each laboratory activity were used to examine changes in the students’ writing skills over time and to identify aspects of scientific writing that were the most difficult for the undergraduates in this context. The reviews produced by the students during each report were used to evaluate how well undergraduates engage in the peer-review process. The results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the reports and reviews indicate that the participants made significant improvements in their ability to write in science and were able to evaluate the quality of their peers’ writing with a relatively high degree of accuracy, but they also struggled with several aspects of scientific writing. The conclusions and implications of the study include recommendations for helping undergraduate students learn to write by writing to learn in science and new directions for future research.  相似文献   

Hepburn argues that all education, and so Arts Education, educates a person's subjectivity, his or her Lebenswelt; though the sciences take the ‘objectifying way’ they too educate our subjectivity. I show why there can be no decision procedures, involving the use of logical operators for interpreting a work of art, but argue that Hepburn's view that music etc. can furnish ‘authoritative imaginative realisations’, nevertheless presupposes a ‘soft’ objectivist position. Whilst Hepburn is right in thinking that the subjective provides the context for objectifying procedures in education (and more generally), it cannot be the case, as he implies, that aesthetic criteria could have a role in the selection of preferred scientific explanations and theories. It is, however, argued that the aesthetic can be generative of objectifying ways, or theoryenabling.  相似文献   

不少同学觉得物理难学,反映在课堂上听老师讲物理概念、规律和方法能够接受;看老师做演示实验或在老师指导下自己动手做实验也没问题,而且很好玩,很感兴趣;听老师讲例题也能听懂,有时老师用多种方法处理同一问题,讲得头头是道,听起来也觉得这些方法确实都行,处理物理问题似乎也挺容易的。可是自己动手做题就变了样,不是一做就错,就是无从下手,感到什么方法都用不上,不会分析处理物理问题。  相似文献   

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