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GONG Min-li 《海外英语》2013,(13):173-176
In an attempt to understand different cultures in the use of idioms which related to animals,this study collected,compared,and analyzed Chinese and English idioms on"马"and"horse"by references to a large number of dictionaries.The results show that in Chinese,the idioms on horse has the following features:above all,it covers evenly in commendatory,neutral,and derogatory senses;more specifically,it has a direct link to war in the commendatory sense while in neutral and derogatory senses,its references have been broadened;another common phenomenon is that horses in Chinese idioms are usually a large collection.However,English idioms in the use of horse favors on the derogatory sense since they focus more on the nature of horse-stubborn,arrogant,and even condescending.If horses are praised,they mostly refer to the talented people rather than any other things.The similarities and differences in the use of"马"and"horse"help to probe into the color of culture between eastern and western countries.  相似文献   

李肖  展素贤 《海外英语》2012,(14):277-278,288
English as a world language has been paid much attention not only by individuals but also by governments in metropolises as well as small cities in China.Both individuals and governments in Tianjin,one of metropolises and Jiaozuo,one of small cities in China have realized the importance of English.Such a realization has resulted in the wide use of English in public facilities,such as traffic signs and tourist indicators,and English banking service Also,individual Chinese of different ages have a strong desire to learn English.Through comparing the use of English in a public life in these two cities,the authors intend to show a wide use of English in public life in China.  相似文献   

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone's eyes are different. So in the future you won't have to remember a secret code (密码 ) when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You'll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.  相似文献   

马姝 《海外英语》2011,(15):172-177
Idioms are gems of a language which have been refined through ages of use. Idioms are thus always rich in cultural connotation and national flavor. Lots of cultural information is embedded in idioms. Language is a part of culture. Language is the important carrier of culture. Language and culture have close relationship with each other. The study of the relationship between language and culture has been considered a subject of great value. Owing to this, translation theorists and translators have put more attention to the cultural barriers that exist in translation. Therefore, translators have to better understand the relationship between language and culture and the relationship between culture and translation so as to render idioms from the SL into the TL faithfully and effectively.  相似文献   

Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information,and to relax in their free time.But some of them are not using it in a good way.Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.  相似文献   

王敏  刘景霞 《海外英语》2011,(2):279-280
Many countries have language policies with the purpose of promoting or discouraging the use of a particular language or a set of languages. In a multilingual country, the official language(s) is always favored by the national language policy; in contrast, the minority languages, to some extent, are hindered in their development. This paper, by the case studies of minority languages in New Zealand, Netherlands, and China, illustrates the effects of these countries’ general language policies on their minority languages. Minority languages are seen as a part of cultural identity of minority groups. To protect their own culture and identity, they devote themselves to seek the equal right for their languages and cultures. In making language policies, the authorities should give respect and regard to the minority languages.  相似文献   

Reliability of power connections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the use of various preventive maintenance measures, there are still a number of problem areas that can ad- versely affect system reliability. Also, economical constraints have pushed the designs of power connections closer to the limits allowed by the existing standards. The major parameters influencing the reliability and life of Al-Al and Al-Cu connections are identified. The effectiveness of various palliative measures is determined and the misconceptions about their effectiveness are dealt in detail.  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 The safety and security of bridges have come to be a particular concern by engineers and managers in the recent decades. With the great development of traffic and transportation, a number of highway bridges are expected to be monitored automatically in a monitoring center far from the field. But it is difficult to accomplish the remote monitoring process by conventional methods, in which the state information of bridge have to be collected manually and the data processing done…  相似文献   

Mobile computing facilities may provide many assets to the educational process. Mobile technology provides software access from anywhere and at any time, as well as computer equipment independence. The need for time and place independence is even greater for medical instructors and medical students. Medical instructors are usually doctors that have to treat patients on top of their tutoring duties. Mobile features are complementary to web-based features for desktop computers to a high extend in asynchronous e-learning environments. Time and place independence is also a considerable potential for medical students with overloaded educational duties. This paper examines the degree of the usefulness of mobile facilities for medical instructors who wish to author and manage their courses by using a mobile authoring tool. Furthermore, this paper investigates how acceptable and useful the mobile features of an e-learning system have been to medical students who have used the system, in comparison with the use of the system through a desktop computer. In addition, it investigates usability issues.  相似文献   

Over the last five decades, modem directions in technological areas such as wireless networks and communications, complex robotic systems, satellites and space structures have been immensely benefited by the use of system and control's conceptual framework. Estimation, stability, controllability, robustness, optimality, adaptation, information and statistical engineering are only some of the fundamental ingredients of the so-called new and emerging technologies, which are within the collective preview of this paper. Furthermore, these two, contrarily to technological trends, well established fields of science have been continuously supported by formal modelling techniques, and advanced computational and simulation tools, which enable the analysis and design of new powerful and effective methodologies. Consequently, in this article the authors' aim follows two equal directions. At first, the authors would like to provide a profusion of many practical examples and real life problems arising in different application areas that may have in the past abstractly engaged the authors' attention and have offer a wealth of opportunities for creative system modelling and practical solutions development. That is the core of our paper. However, in order to be more explicit, and to further illustrate the authors' thoughts, the case of a tele-medicine-assisted home support system is used; a system of great interest in the emerging field of information technology and medical health care. Secondly, by developing the necessary conceptual framework and some more efficient methods, important and straightforwardly challenges are inevitably derived. Moreover, a strong effort to develop a formal approach requires the definition of a generic system framework. It is a central objective of this paper to clarify and unify the alternative notions of a "conceptual model" and thus, to create a basis for the systematic development of formal methods, control/information architectures and decision-making strategies. AMS (Classification): 97U50, 97U70, 97U80, 97D99.  相似文献   

文章从隐喻的意象图式角度分析"两"与"双"、"口"与"嘴"在语言表达中的同现限制。"两"与"双"的字形不同,它们的意象图式也不同:"两"是平分图式,"双"是配偶图式;"两"、"双"词语在言语交际中的意义和用法也就不同:选择"两"的语境强调"分而为二、两相对立",在选择"双"的语境强调合二为一、配成一对。"口"与"嘴"隐喻投射到对事物域的认识当中,但是各有侧重:"N+口"强调的是"容器通往外界的地方","N+嘴"强调的是"容器中形状突出的部分"。  相似文献   

通过对《孟子》中“正”、“长”、“贤”、“良”、“轻”5个形容词的语义和语法功能作较为细致的描写,试图从中寻找出《孟子》中不同的形容词在语法功能上的共性与个性,并进一步提出问题,即这些共性与个性的历时和共时的差异,以及造成这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

教育研究大致经历了从哲学--思辩研究范式经科学--实证研究范式到人文--理解研究范式的历程.范式的转换不只是方法的更替,更是哲学理论背景、思维方式、价值取向、研究过程等的变更和创新.本文以众多学者的研究为基础尝试作多方面的比较.  相似文献   

很多同学容易将"吏"与"史"写混,今天和大家说说怎样区别这两个字. 先说"吏"字吧.在《新华字典》中,"吏"字解释为"旧时代的官员".大家想一想,旧时代的官员们不都戴着一顶官帽吗?在古代,什么身份的人戴什么样的帽子可有讲究了,在官场中这讲究可就更多、更复杂了."吏"字上的一横不正像是那一顶帽子吗?记住这一横,不仅能分清两个字,还把"吏"字的意思记住了,一举两得.  相似文献   

从史铁生的两部长篇小说《务虚笔记》与《我的丁一之旅》的文本出发,重点分析《务虚笔记》小说人物性格,从而通过文字表面的映像,来了解史铁生现实生活经历,发现史铁生最内里的“自我”与“印象”,阐述史铁生小说中的“质疑真实,推崇自我”的哲学思想,发掘文学与哲学的重合方式。  相似文献   

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