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福柯部分肯定和部分否定马克思。这种部分肯定与部分否定构成扬弃式继承与理论超越。福柯强烈批判马克思的经济决定论与国家权力观,但又和马克思同样对资本主义持强烈批判姿态。在新历史语境中福柯发展权力的微观机制理论为种族、性别、生态等多元话语批评提供了坚实的理论基础并启发了后马克思主义话语多元政治与霸权结合理论。  相似文献   

罗兰·巴特符号学视角下的符号意指过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴特的符号学注重意义的产生过程,即意指过程.为描述意义的形成过程,巴特在索绪尔和叶姆斯列夫的语言符号理论基础之上建立了符号的二级意指系统.在巴特的二级意指系统中,能指并不因为找到了所指而停止了意指活动,而是与所指一起向一个更大、更新的符号的构成因素--能指转化,使第二性符号系统能从语言结构以外的社会文化背景中得到新的意义.这个系统对社会新闻、照片、广告等符号背后的社会意义解读具有重要的指导意义.本文将依据巴特的符号学理论,主要从符号意指实践的理论基础、意义来源及其指导意义三方面来探究巴特视角下的符号意指过程.  相似文献   

巴特的符号学注重意义的产生过程,即意指过程。为描述意义的形成过程,巴特在索绪尔和叶姆斯列夫的语言符号理论基础之上建立了符号的二级意指系统。在巴特的二级意指系统中,能指并不因为找到了所指而停止了意指活动.而是与所指一起向一个更大、更新的符号的构成因素——能指转化,使第二性符号系统能从语言结构以外的社会文化背景中得到新的意义。这个系统对社会新闻、照片、广告等符号背后的社会意义解读具有重要的指导意义。本文将依据巴特的符号学理论,主要从符号意指实践的理论基础、意义来源及其指导意义三方面来探究巴特视角下的符号意指过程。  相似文献   

符号学已经成为意识形态批判的基本方法。符号学固有的特征是社会集体性,而意识形态则是一种集体意识和集体表象,是一种意指形式,因此,以符号学模式分析意识形态,可以说是天造地设。索绪尔曾把语言区分为整体语言/个体语言(社会性/个体性),以符号学为准绳,确定整体语言为语言学研究对象,因为它具有社会集体性;叶尔姆斯列夫则以图式/习用替代索绪尔的整体语言/个体语言,认为图式、习用两者均具社会性;罗兰·巴特经由叶尔姆斯列夫这一环节———语言的图式/习用支配着符号的结构、运作和意义,从而颠倒了索绪尔的语言学是符号学一部分的理论,改变为符号学是语言学的一部分,也就是运用语言学模式———横组合关系和纵聚合关系,分析一切符号学事实,分析一切意指现象。其中句子是典型的横组合段。句子蕴含的完成力量以及句子本身的完整性,与意识形态的重复、固着及完成的特性是一致的,句子因此成为文化意指分析、意识形态分析的模型、渠道和对象。纵聚合关系则对含蓄意指的能指或所指作出分类。直接意指直显真实(语言的真实),它转移为含蓄意指的能指或所指,或者说含蓄意指的能指或所指负载、蕴含了直接意指。含蓄意指的所指当中的不变者或常数就是意识形态,它凭借自身负载、蕴含的直接意指实现意识形态的“天然性”、“真理性”的幻象。含蓄意指的能指的常数是修辞学,或者说修辞学呈现为意识形态的意指方面。含蓄意指的能指或修辞的手段或意识形态的意指面貌,是语义转变、偏离、扭曲。这是实现意识形态幻象和揭露意识形态幻象的途径。因此,文化意指分析本质上是意识形态研究和修辞学研究。  相似文献   

与我国教育语境或现代中心论意义上的主体性概念不同,后现代主义者如福柯认为,主体性是历史地建构起来的,是话语论述、社会实践以及自我创造的产物,具有多样性、流动性和异质性的特点。从福柯之眼透视儿童主体性,我们更容易把握儿童的教育过程以及教育过程中儿童的处境,进而为思考儿童的教育之道以及儿童自身获得实践自由的可能性和现实路径,提供重要的思维工具与行动方向。  相似文献   

“心即理”是理解陆九渊心学的最重要的哲学命题,陆九渊在宇宙本体和社会伦理的意义上,提出了“心即理”这一命题。“心即理”的真实意蕴在于心理合一,而且与朱熹“心与理一”论相比较,这种“心理合一“具有直接、简易、人人可为的特点。  相似文献   

Foucault’s pendulum exhibition in 1851 occurred in an era now known by development of the theorems of Coriolis and the formulation of dynamical meteorology by Ferrel. Yet today the behavior of the pendulum is often misunderstood. The existence of a horizontal component of Newtonian gravitation is essential for understanding the behavior with respect to the stars. Two simple mechanical principles describe why the path of oscillation is fixed only at the poles; the principle of centripetal acceleration and the principle of conservation of angular momentum. A sky map is used to describe the elegant path among the stars produced by these principles.  相似文献   

De Coubertin developed the sport philosophy of Olympism and the Olympic Games as a response to social and political crisis to promote peace, fair play, and the development of Christian masculinity. The purpose of this paper is to examine how crisis discourse functions as an important shaper of contemporary understandings of Olympism and how conflicting discourses have mobilized crisis discourse to produce competing ‘truths’ in which to rationalize and understand the Olympic Games. In drawing from Foucault's work and de Certeau's text, Heterologies: Discourse on the other, I argue that ‘crisis’ as the rationalization for Olympism and the Olympic Games has proven an unsuccessful venture for de Coubertin; as the Olympic Games have produced conservative outcomes based on a neoliberal agenda focused on elitism, professionalism, nationalism, and commercialism. This historical case raises important questions about the role of Olympism and its power to act as a catalyst for change.  相似文献   

本文认为<社会主义从空想到科学的发展>中的"现代社会主义"不是专指科学社会主义,而是指19世纪初以三大空想家为代表的高级阶段的空想社会主义到科学社会主义发展的大半个世纪的社会主义理论和运动.  相似文献   

Autonomy is considered to be an important feature of professionals and to provide a necessary basis for their informed judgments. In this article these notions will be challenged. In this article I use Michel Foucault's deconstruction of the idea of the autonomous citizen, and his later attempts to reconstruct that idea, in order to bring some new perspectives to the discussion about the foundation of professionalism. The turning point in Foucault's discussion about autonomy is to be found in his proposal for an ethics of the self. This ethics invites a break with the normalising discourses of modernity. As I see it, this makes it particularly relevant to a discussion about the principles of professionalism. The conception of parrhesia is central. I use the role of the teacher to illustrate my arguments.  相似文献   

Recognising the relevance of Iris Marion Young's work to education, this article poses the question: given Iris Young's commitment to both social justice and to recognition of the political and ethical significance of difference, to what extent does her position allow for transnational interventions in education to foster democracy? First, it explores some of Iris Young's arguments on the relationship between democracy and social justice, with particular reference to their implications for education. Second, I argue that if her ideas are extended to the issue of global justice, the strategies which she offers should be extended, at least when it comes to educational intervention, to allow for a wider range of actions in support of global justice through education for democracy than Iris Young's work so far seems to allow. The wider range of strategies which I propose call on western feminists and their governments to do more to promote democracy and social justice globally. This can be done in ways that are consistent with Iris Young's stipulation that transnational interference is permissible if undertaken against dominative harm.  相似文献   

The Family Expenditure Survey provides details of household incomes. This article looks at income distribution afresh and what is meant by the mean.  相似文献   

This article describes a role-play exercise that offers an experiential means to teach students about process consultation.  相似文献   

职业教育基本问题访谈录(Ⅰ)职业教育是什么   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国教育科学“十五”规划国家一般课题《职业教育几个基本问题研究》(BJA010100)课题组就“职业教育的基本问题”对国内外职业教育界的专家、学者进行了访谈,使我们看到了对此问题的不同角度和层面的理解。这是一次思想的碰撞,有利于我们深化对职业教育基本问题的认识。本刊特将访谈记录分专题编辑处理,并从本期起连续刊发,本期论题为“职业教育是什么?”[编者按]  相似文献   

There are a series of issues that people designing multimedia for educational purposes should consider. These include, among others, the salience of the voice of the author, the balance between the seductive nature of the medium and the substantive content of the message, and the way(s) in which the navigational tools either promote or constrain the learening and teaching of the content. This paper explores some of these questions and suggests how the answers to them depend on the pedagogic ideology and philosophy of the creators of the software.  相似文献   

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