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李曌  杨萌萌 《海外英语》2012,(4):199-203,205
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most contradictory plays of William Shakespeare.Through presenting and studying the tragedy nature of Shylock,this thesis attempts to illustrate the tragic nature of Merchant of Venice.In this paper the author tries to reveal the significance of its tragic nature through thorough analyzing.Shylock’s tragedy is the tragedy of individual struggling,which shows in the aspects of family,money and religion.The profound reason for Shylock’s tragedy is his Jewish identity.Therefore,the author of this paper is enlightened hereby,turning to a lot of books and data,and then analyzes the origins of Jewish prejudice from two aspects,society and history.Christianity has dominated the west,with its doctrine mainly derived from the New Testament.Meanwhile,Judaism derives its doctrine from the Old Testament.Therefore,the pious Christians will be misled by the contents of libeling Jews and the murdering of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.So a kind of instinctive hatred toward Jews is generated.This kind of tendency is rather clear in the play The Merchant of Venice.In this play,Shylock mentions several times that Antonio has insulted him physically and mentally in the Rialto.Almost all the characters in the play humiliate Shylock.But,he just endures all these insults quietly,and then looks for the chance to revenge.In the end,under the delicate trap set by the authority,Shylock loses again.He loses everything he could lose,both materially and mentally.Nothing is more frustrating than that.However,the author of this paper believes that it is worth paying attention to in the present day.In this paper,the author chooses this topic,presents and analyzes the tragedy of Shylock,and reveals the positive significance of the tragic nature of the play for our time.  相似文献   

Although Geoffrey Chaucer—the father of English literature wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. It is a collection of stories written in Middle English in the 14th century. The Merchant’s Tale is one of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Chaucer presents us a dark story about an old knight—January and his young wife—May. Chaucer’s attentive skill appears most of all in the characterization in this story.  相似文献   

龚玲芬 《海外英语》2012,(19):228-231
As a common phenomenon in language,presupposition plays an important role in linguistic communication.Study of presupposition in hotel’s English reveals that on account of the felicity of information-conveying,presupposition has been em ploying by Hotels’staff intentionally or unintentionally.In hotels’service,proper use of presupposition ensures the normal con duction of hotels’service circuits,contributes to the economy and coherence of communication,facilitates understanding be tween guests and the hotels’staff.In addition,it enhances persuasion and latency of staff’s speech,guarantees satisfactory settle ment of complaints.  相似文献   

The article draws on body pedagogics and considers that teaching and learning experiences and outcomes are directly related to the different characteristics of movement behaviour. In this article movement behaviour specifically centres on a sloyd (handicraft education) teacher’s walk through the classroom. The analysis illuminate the specific teaching use of the body as a spatial, temporal and situational movement rhythm in the classroom and how teachers and pupils tune into educational discourses by means of different body techniques. A wireless GoPro camera was attached to the teacher’s chest in order to gain detailed view of pupil–teacher–body–material–tool encounters and a specific visual perspective of the sloyd teacher’s walk. During a 2.5 years fieldwork, 25 wood–metal sloyd lessons were observed and recorded (circa 50 h of video). The study is informed by Dewey’s embodied theory of learning and focus the alternation between active and passive phases in the stream of experience. From such Deweyan perspective the rhythm of an activity for organising experience, is fundamental to the creation of intelligent moving habits. The results show the body pedagogic experiences, outcomes and means by highlighting the teacher’s (a) spatial path by describing mutual relationships between the material arrangement of the classroom, the teacher’s bodily movements and the pupils’ participation in the lesson, (b) temporal pace by his ‘flights and perchings’ through the lessons and how he moves from pupil to pupil and assignment to assignment, (c) specific pacts by describing body techniques and situated teacher–pupil encounters that terminate in an agreement about how to proceed.  相似文献   

胡阳  陈果 《海外英语》2012,(11):179-180
In Shakespeare’ s Merchant of Venice,Portia is portrayed as a legal expert.Considerable scholarly work has been devoted to the discussion of the play,and Portia’ s ruling appears to be supported by a majority of scholarly commentary.However,a number of important legal issues regarding the contract represented in the play require immediate attention.This article attempts to re-evaluate Portia’ s ruling and the conventional views on Portia as a legal expert by considering the issues in question within a recent framework of law,and will argue that Portia’ s role as a legal expert is questionable.Antonio,Bassanio,and Shylock can all ’ walk free’.  相似文献   

In most of Lawrence’s works, men are described to be handsome, healthy and energetic superficially, yet women may probe into their inner world to know them better. But under the disguise of their attractive appearance, women have found that men are evil, selfish, cold-blooded, hypocritical and degraded. They are criminals to the nature ,women , children and even to themselves. This essay will ana lyze women’s views on the male world in details.  相似文献   

赵冰冰 《海外英语》2011,(12):273-274
Kensuke’s Kingdom is a highly readable British survival novel written by Michael Morourgo. It is not only a survival novel, but also a realistic novel for the children. By the two disparate characters, the writer wants to discuss the effects of the war, which is the deeper meaning of this novel. Writing war and the effects of the war is a heavy but necessary topic for children’s literature. Books like Kensuke’s Kingdom can be woven into young readers’ developing senses of themselves, extending their imaginations and helping them to understand the world from unaccustomed points of view.  相似文献   

This essay illustrates the application of reception study, the subfield of literary history that emphasises the historical experiences of readers, to pedagogical contexts by investigating the teaching of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925) in American high schools during the 1980s. Focusing on the episode in which Jay Gatsby leads Nick and Daisy on a tour of his mansion, the analysis draws on published lesson plans and other primary source documents and reimagines the contemporary cultural contexts to reconsider the novel’s lessons about social class during a decade that saw escalating wealth disparity, mirroring Fitzgerald’s 1920s and anticipating our present.  相似文献   

This paper employs an eclectic mix of paradigms in order to discuss constituting characteristics of young children's learning experiences. Drawing upon a phenomenological perspective it examines learning as a form of ‘Being’ and as the result of learners’ engagement with the world in their own, unique, intentional manners. The learners’ intentions towards their world are expressed in everyday activity and participation. A social constructivist perspective is thus employed to present learning as situated in meaningful socio‐cultural contexts of the everyday, lived world and as a form of participation in those settings. These characteristics of learning are brought together into a holistic, synthesised model, a Gestalt of learning. The proposed synthesis has relevance for and is applicable to educational contexts as a means of making sense of children's learning experiences and of promoting and facilitating them.  相似文献   

Difficulties in learning Ohm’s Law suggest a need to refocus it from the law for a part of the circuit to the law for the whole circuit. Such a revision may improve understanding of Ohm’s Law and its practical applications. This suggestion comes from an analysis of the history of the law’s discovery and its teaching. The historical materials this paper provides can also help teacher to improve students’ insights into the nature of science.  相似文献   

“The River-Merchant’s Wife:A Letter”, written by the great poet Li Bai, is the most prestigious version among the translations of Chinese ancient poetry by Ezra Pound and has been accepted as one of ...  相似文献   

汤璐 《海外英语》2015,(6):192-193
A Doll’s House and Macbeth obviously belong to different categories in content. However, the two heroines in these two plays, Nora Helmer and Lady Macbeth, demonstrate similar feminist qualities. By staging an overall contrastive analysis on the personality and tragic life of two protagonists from the perspective of feminism, it is founded that both of them are victims oppressed by the patriarchal system and they all have feminine consciousness against this system. Nevertheless, their distinctive complex personalities and different story settings make the reasons for their rebellion differ in many ways and they end up with different endings.  相似文献   

车春柳 《海外英语》2013,(16):161-163
This paper analyzes a novel Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini, published in 2003. It is the first novel of Hosseini which had been one of the bestselling in New York Times ranking list. It studies Hassan’s tragedy from three aspects, including the social environment in Afghanistan, the loyalty of Hassan, and the selfishness of Amir. Besides, it also discusses the friendship and betrayal between two boys-Hassan and Amir. Finally, the terrible life of Hassan in Afghanistan is under investigated.  相似文献   

There has not been enough critical analysis of children’s literature by and about Chinese Americans, especially when compared to other minority groups in the United States. In particular, Chinese American historical books lack extensive analysis. It is important to reflect cultural accuracy in literature and to help children develop clear concepts of self and others by providing precise cultural and physical characteristics of people. While cultural authenticity allows children the opportunity to see a reflection of real experiences within a book instead of seeing stereotypes or misrepresentations, obtaining correct information about a certain time period can help children to see images of immigration accurately represented in literature. Using the Confucian delineation of interpersonal relationships as the major criterion of cultural authenticity, this article examines three currently available children’s picturebooks set in the historical period between 1848 and 1885. In addition to exploring how Chinese Americans’ interpersonal relationships are portrayed in these children’s historical books, this article argues for more proactive inclusion of the diversity in selection of picturebooks.  相似文献   

Science teaching environments are social environments, and teachers emotions interact with their science teaching in powerful ways. To value the teacher is to value the whole person, not just the intellect. In this paper, a theorization of teacher emotion in science teaching is developed which illustrates the role of emotion in establishing and maintaining self-esteem in science teaching situations. From the standpoint of social-constructionist theory of emotion, it is argued that emotion is a social construction within social relationships. Arising from this view, are the emotions of intellectual excitement, frustration and shame that play a key role in the development of self-esteem. The dynamics of these emotions, in the context of experiences of success and failure, may dispose teachers to act positively or negatively towards science teaching. The theorisation developed is illustrated in the emotional experiences of an elementary school teacher in an early childhood science classroom. These experiences indicate that emotion is constitutive of teaching, and merits greater consideration in science teaching.  相似文献   

A Doll’s House and Macbeth obviously belong to different categories in content. However, the two heroines in these two plays, Nora Helmer and Lady Macbeth, demonstrate similar feminist qualities. By st...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate Greek-Cypriot primary school teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the concept of refugee using a phenomenological-interpretive framework. The value of a phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of the roots of participants’ perceptions of refugeehood as well as how those perceptions were connected to participants’ feelings about refugees. Data collection involved a total of 40 interviews—20 interviews with teachers and 20 interviews with students. Against legal definitions of refugee and internally displaced people, it is shown that participants’ understandings were rooted in their lived experiences of uprootedness, of loss of home, and of lack of belonging. The study makes a contribution in understanding the complexities and tensions between legal definitions and the situatedness of the concept of refugee in lived experiences. Contextualizing the concept of refugee can create pedagogical spaces for the affective dimension in teacher professional development, which is critical to understanding the lived experience of refugees in more complex and nuanced ways, especially within conflict-affected settings.  相似文献   

许维扬 《海外英语》2011,(5):238-242
The purpose of this essay is to study whether the linguistic behaviour of adult women using hedging and tags as indicative of an intrinsically tentative gender identity or of the effects of male dominant position through analyzing daily conversations of the heterosexual couples.The small scale study employs the methodology,namely,recording spontaneous and natural spoken conversation from authentic interaction with the permission of the ten male-female couples.Digital record pen with an omnidirectional microphone are placed in the central living area of each couple’s home.Then discourse analysis provides data making it possible to support Fishman’s claim that women use tag questions and ’you know’ not because women are not being really sure of themselves,or are looking to the addressee for confirmation,but because men in a dominant position often refuse to take responsibility for the smooth conduct of interpersonal relations,women use tag questions and ’you know’ to elicit and maintain conversations.  相似文献   

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