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The author discuses transformative learning as a means to explore the centrality of experiences, provide critical reflection, and a rational discourse to examine a set of conditions which need to be fulfilled to foster the application of the transformative learning process for professors and the students at the University of Prishtina. The author conducted a modest, but informative, research design with a small sample of students and professors. This research, conducted during the month of August, enabled students and professors to share their opinions about transformative learning and provides an overview as to whether a conducive environment to foster transformative learning exists at the University of Prishtina.  相似文献   

为提高国际竞争力,满足未来发展需求,近年来,欧盟制定了一系列推动大学—产业部门合作创新的战略,并出台了相关的政策文件,以期建立一种大学—产业部门合作创新的生态系统,推动欧盟各成员国大学创新创业教育的长足发展.创建大学—产业部门合作创新的治理结构,积极推动大学与产业部门之间的人员流动,鼓励大学与产业部门进行更广泛的科研合作等,已成为欧盟大学—产业部门合作创新的主要内容和支柱,也是欧盟大学推动创新创业实践教育发展的主要战略举措.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程的目标是在全欧洲建立一个高等教育区,实现全欧洲高等教育层次结构的统一。为保证其层次结构统一的目标,在学分转换、建立健全质量保障体系、联合学位等方面提出了相关的配套措施。这对我国的高等教育层次结构改革起到重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

In June 1999, the Ministers of Education of some thirty European countries signed the ''Bologna Declaration''. Its aim is to establish the European area of higher education and to promote the European system of higher education in the world. It proposes the adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, the establishment of a system of credits, and the elimination of all remaining obstacles to free mobility. This article discusses the potential importance of this Declaration for both the comparability and the competitiveness of European higher education. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the various stakeholders in the process and the possible implications for quality assurance and accreditation systems.  相似文献   

This article analyses the work of the Bologna Follow Up Group as the main institution of the Bologna Process and the perceptions of the policy actors involved concerning the character of the process in terms of its functioning in contrast to similar multi-level multi-actor European processes, its modes of communication and consensus seeking, as well as its effectiveness in terms of policy formation and implementation. It argues that the Bologna Process is a unique multi-level multi-actor process shaped by its informality, the actors' political commitment and the participation of stakeholders. Its format seems to be more effective and suitable for purposes of policy formation than for those of policy monitoring or coordination of implementation.  相似文献   

成功的大学城是大学和城市的相互建构,也是环境变迁和组织制度选择共生的过程。作为大学城的博洛尼亚市,其战略转型和经营是围绕博洛尼亚大学进行的,博洛尼亚大学也在城市发展中不断改变历史演进路向。博洛尼亚大学的办学理念、制度体系和教学科研的演变反映了组织在环境中的使能,博洛尼亚市的政治经济环境、文化传统和关键行动者形塑了组织结构。  相似文献   

从上个世纪90年代开始,欧盟委员会制定与实施了“里斯本战略”和“博洛尼亚进程”等欧洲层面的政策战略协议,并对欧洲高等教育的发展产生了深远影响。本文首先简述了欧盟委员会参与高等教育的历程。并分别论述了“里斯本战略”和“博洛尼亚进程”对欧洲高等教育产生的具体影响。欧盟委员会的角色在参与高等教育的制定过程中发生了转变,更具目的性与针对性,提高质量,促进与欧洲的合作,同时更具国际视野:在欧盟的框架下。欧盟委员会逐步扩大了参与高等教育的广度与深度,促进欧洲大学地位的提高,并且使成员国家的教育政策边缘化。欧盟委员会占据了欧洲高等教育话语的霸权.使高等教育成为欧洲的公共讨论空间.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the findings and recommendations of a task force which was set up by the European Commission which investigated the “Educational Multimedia”. It illustrates some of the strategic planning which has taken place across EU member states to co‐ordinate work on new education technologies to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, a typical theme of a conference on the role of the university was "the university of tomorrow". Now, however, tomorrow has arrived, and universities are undergoing very powerful stimuli to transform themselves. The principal driving forces are the development of knowledge societies and economies, the all-pervasiveness of the information technologies, globalization, and the debate on the public or private nature of higher education. These forces generate a myriad of responses that, while defying the elaboration of blueprints, call for constant change and diversity.  相似文献   

The Bologna Declaration will lead to fundamental changes of the architecture of European higher education. The paper analyses possible consequences for Engineering Education and describes some of the different ways in which European countries have implemented the Declaration. How the application-oriented shorter engineering education should fit into the Bologna scheme remains a major problem.  相似文献   

受到欧洲政策战略、博洛尼亚进程以及欧洲研究区建立的影响,以及受到国家优先战略的基础上,在国际机构及利益相关者的推动下,近年来所有的欧洲国家都在调整博士阶段的教育。不同国家在改革中采取了不同的方式,但是有一些共同的要素:更加关注博士指导的质量;提高博士项目的国际化,让更多的博士生和导师流动,通过联合项目来进行国际合作;提高跨学科水平;与非学术领域的劳动力市场合作等。  相似文献   

The European Commission is playing a catalytic role in the deployment of telematics‐based education and training systems throughout Europe. From the initial developments in the DELTA Exploratory Action to the current degree of maturity achieved by the sector ‘education and training’ in the recently launched Telematics Applications Programme, there is a plethora of experimental projects and networks which have shown the increasing trend towards Europeanization of the design, production and delivery of learning materials and services. The new initiatives related to the deployment of the information society in Europe are putting education and training high on the political agenda of the European Union and the use of telematics technologies are to represent a key role in these developments.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化的发展趋势下,构建一个什么样的高等教育质量体系,如何保证与提高高等教育的质量,是高等教育发展中的首要问题.就欧洲国家而言,于1999年签署<博洛尼亚宣言>并开始欧洲高等教育区建设的进程,其高等教育质量评鉴保证体系的建构和发展一直是博洛尼亚进程中最基本和核心的组成部分.为促进欧洲高等教育一体化做出贡献.因此,本文通过对欧洲高等教育质量评鉴保证体系的发展历程和最新进展的概述,并结合该体系的执行标准和准则,从而形成一个全面精要的介绍,以期对我国高等教育的质量评估和发展带来些许启示.  相似文献   

Given the new European institutional environment for education and training, policy and methodology for evaluation have become closely interwoven and stakes have been raised. This emerging situation calls for a robust reappraisal of existing comparative evaluation data and systems in the light of the perceived needs of European countries and of the specificity of European policies. Educational evaluation in Europe is not meant to compare results in the usual sense of the word but rather to help set global policy objectives and provide data to see if those are reached within national contexts. Is it really possible to do this without developing a 'unified' European understanding and methodology of evaluation? To what extent can existing national and international data be used for the purpose, knowing that in some instances they measure aspects of education which are either not relevant for or are contrary to the educational objectives of the construction of the Union? What are the alternatives? What are the consequences for education and for assessment research in Europe?  相似文献   

欧洲研究生教育发展战略在博洛尼亚进程中占有重要位置,国际化战略、标准化战略、质量保障战略是其战略重点。通过这三大战略,欧洲研究生教育竞争力得到增强,并引发全球范围的关注与行动。我国应当借鉴博洛尼亚进程的成功经验,提高研究生教育国际化程度,建立共同标准促进合作,重视研究生培养质量,并在此基础上制定我国的研究生教育发展战略。  相似文献   

为应对全球竞争的挑战,顺应欧洲一体化的大趋势,29个欧洲国家于20世纪末启动了旨在整合欧洲高等教育体系的博洛尼亚进程。博洛尼亚进程以可比较、兼容、透明原则构建高等教育系统框架,以达成多样性与一致性的统一;注重整体设计,系统推进;在政策的制定上注重利益相关者的参与,为其顺利推进赢得了广泛的社会支持。博洛尼亚进程的设计、组织与管理,对我国实施系统的高等教育改革具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

硕士生教育是欧洲博洛尼亚进程的一项重要改革任务。10年来,在博洛尼亚框架下,各缔约国大力推进硕士生教育改革,取得了重大进展。多数国家完成了学位法律制度的修订和完善,学位授予标准更加明确,学位类型向纵横两方面发展,招生选拔制度逐步确立,国际化程度大大提高,校企合作不断加强。  相似文献   

欧盟各国应用科技大学R&D在组织机构、政策、经费来源等方面既有区别,又有共同之处.在全球化竞争及欧盟教育一体化框架下,应用科技大学R&D经费供给缺乏稳定性与持续性,在与传统研究型大学之间的竞争中处于劣势,研究团队建设亟待加强成为欧盟应用科技大学R&D发展的困境.  相似文献   

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