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夏祖贵 《海外英语》2013,(22):240-241
Dee,in"Everyday Use",is portrayed as a negative character.Nevertheless,some critics suggest to re-interpret her for some reasonable causes.By using close-reading,this article try to re-evaluate Dee so to evalue Alice Walker’s valuable devotion in character depiction.  相似文献   

康宏伟 《海外英语》2012,(2):192-193
"Everyday Use" is well-known story written by Alice Walker, who is a very famous black female writer. This paper will focus on using the decontructionism strategy to dismantle the binary oppositions of the story. The binary oppositions are "Pretty VS. Ugly, Civilized VS. Unenlightened, Hang VS. Use and The Mainstream Culture VS. Non-mainstream Culture". By analyzing, the paper concludes that no culture can be defeated and each culture needs to be passed on. Different cultures should respect each other.  相似文献   

游佳 《海外英语》2015,(6):201-202,211
Alice Walker’s famous short story Everyday Use reveals African American’s awareness of cultural heritage, which is deeply affected by thedouble consciousnessas well as their racial identification in the Civil Rights Movement. Through the exploration of the cultural conflict reflected in Everyday Use by relating to the influence on black people produced by the AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Movement, and the discussion of the different attitudes of the mother and her daughters towards their cultural heritage, the essay aims to reinforce Alice Walker’s claim that any attempt to lay too much emphasis on the ideas of utilitarian return to black people’s traditional culture is shallow and superficial.  相似文献   

Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use" raises a question of great significance in the postcolonial theories: How do individuals attain identity-formation in a postcolonial cultural context? This paper attempts to have an analysis of the question,particularly through interpreting the character Dee because she is a typical colonial subject trapped in a difficult multi-cultural situation.  相似文献   

门薇薇 《海外英语》2012,(18):196-197
Alice Walker is one of the prominent American writers in American women’ s literature and black literature in 1950s-1960s.The short story Everyday Use was published early in her writing career.She displays the differences in the behav iors and minds of the mother and her two daughters during the process of seeking the self-consciousness of black woman from the point of view of " womanism".This paper attempts to explore the awakening of their heritage and self-consciousness in or der to deepen the understanding and thoughts on the theme of the text.  相似文献   

王琴  徐晓娜 《海外英语》2011,(12):252-253
Alice Munro is one of the famous Canadian writers and is renowned above all for the astonishing subtlety of her short stories.Her theme has often been the dilemmas of the female coming to terms with family, friends in a small town. This paper attempts to make a brief introduction about the stories of Alice Munro’s Runaway and explores the protagonist’s choices in the dilemma situation, and then exposes the cruelty of reality is that they cannot get rid of the ineluctable reality of life. Escape is only a temporary action which cannot save them from endless triviality of life. What they should do is not to escape from life, but to adapt to the reality of life.  相似文献   

The paper tries to analyze women characters in Tennessee Williams' Drama The Glass Menagerie.Laura and Amanda,the daughter and the mother,represent the delicate and fragile southern female images.They both feel desper-ate about the reality and retreat to their own world of illusions.Laura,because of her crippled body,cannot face the or-dinary problems of life and withdraws into the world of glass animals.Amanda Wingfield is unable to face the harsh struggle for survival,constantly retreats to her past memories.  相似文献   

This article provides a re-examination of the progress of African Americans in criminology/criminal justice doctoral programs since 2004. It focuses on African-American faculty, their scholarly research, and involvement in professional associations. Recent trends in African Americans enrolled in doctoral programs also are analyzed. Findings indicate that the representation of African-American faculty and doctoral students in criminology and criminal justice programs has increased although both continue to be under-represented in programs at predominantly white institutions. Evidence of increases in their contributions to the body of knowledge and service to professional associations was notable. The article concludes with strategies and recommendations for ensuring that inclusion continues to matter in the next decade.  相似文献   

<正>Part One Introduction In 1967,Herbert Paul Grice first proposed the notion of"Cooperative Principle".He claimed that both parts should stick to a series of principles in order to achieve successful communication.(He Ziran,Chen Xinren,2004).  相似文献   

<正>The Beast in the Jungle tells a love tragedy:The two young English people--John Marcher and May Bartram encounters in London after they first met in Italy ten years ago.Marcher has always had a feeling that one day an awful destiny will fall on him,just as he is to be attacked by a beast crouching in the jungle.So he requests May to watch with him.Out of love,May promises  相似文献   

佟玉平 《双语学习》2007,(11M):234-235
This thesis focus on the analysis of the motive of the two murders made by Bigger Thomas, a black man. The black people's miserable living condition is one of the reasons why the two murders happened. The white's bias towards the black is also responsible for them. Bigger Thomasg deformed, distorted personality is also part of the explanations for the murders.  相似文献   

杨巍 《海外英语》2012,(14):268-269
Jane Austin(1775-1817),one of the greatest realistic novelists in English literature,wrote several classical and popular novels,which are the portrayal of the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries,although with a certain limitation.This paper tries to reveal the social history,the economic realities as well as the women’s social statues of Jane Austin’s day through her fictions.  相似文献   

马艳晓 《海外英语》2012,(12):261-262,274
This paper tries to analyse the linguistic feafures of AAVE with a case study of a typical and popular AAVE hip-pop"Live your life"song sang by T.I.and Rihanna.And it also briefly analyses the potential social reasons that may contribute to the particular linguistic features of AAVE which is different from those of Standard American English.  相似文献   

英国当代著名女小说家詹妮特·温特森的<激情>(1996)是一部比较有代表性的后现代主义作品,交叉叙述,历史背景的选择,心理描写的细腻,魔幻现实主义色彩,使该作品一直是众多评论家的焦点.尤其是作者以其极具感染力的精妙语言,颠覆男权主义,宣扬女权主义,探索人类关系的本质,使该作品成为女性文学评论的焦点之作.  相似文献   

环境造就性格,性格决定命运.《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克利夫在18世纪英国资本主义畸形社会的成长环境中备受身心折磨和摧残,因而形成了极其偏执的性格特征,也正是这种偏执性格为其悲剧性的命运埋下了种子.  相似文献   

冯利 《海外英语》2012,(14):202-204
This paper analyses the three main female characters in Frankenstein from feminism.Their miserable fortunes and experiences demonstrate their oppression under patriarchy ideology.However,as suppressed object and vulnerable group,they exert great influence on males and their family,even determine their destinies.Female’s power in patriarchal society is stressed.  相似文献   

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