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only lies in its deep theme and striking arrangement of events,but also in her accurate and vivid language.In order to study the differences between English and Chinese,This thesis is focused on two Chinese versions of Whuthering Heights in the light of contrastive linguistics.The detailed version comparison consists of two parts: the comparison between two Chinese versions in lexicology and syntax.After comparing two versions,the author noted that both Yang and Lu still commit some mistakes because of ignorance of linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese and in view of this mistakes,the paper offers some revised translation texts for reference only.The author hopes that the comparison results may be beneficial to cross-culture communication and English learning.  相似文献   

岑粤  柯小晓 《海外英语》2012,(23):178-180,192
Recently,American talent shows with its unique glamour and huge profit have attracted many Chinese TV stations to imitate.The process of imitation is essentially a collision of American and Chinese cultures.This study focuses on American Idol and Super Girls,discusses their different manifestations of individualism and analyzes the reasons behind it.The analysis shows that the differences of the two countries’cultural background contribute to the different manifestations of individualism.In a word,during the process of imitating American talent shows,the problems of Chinese talent shows indicate that American individualism has its positive as well as negative effects.Consequently,Chinese people should hold a critical attitude toward American individualism.  相似文献   

施茹萍 《海外英语》2011,(7):370-372,391
Over the long process of history,education has always been considered as the reflection of civilization in any society.The first Chinese educational monograph On Learning states that "building a country,teaching for the first".In recent years,Chinese leaders even put forward the idea of "developing the country through science and education".It is clear that education is important for a country’s development.It plays a more strategically vital role in a world superpower like the United States.Chinese and American education,to some extent,represent eastern and western education.Under which,there are many different talents coming out.In 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics,his unprecedented achievement of eight gold medals makes Michael Phelps one of them.As an American legend,his education is a typical case,but also an epitome of American education.Based on Michael Phelps’s story and education,the thesis concentrates on differences between Chinese and American education.From his childhood education,performance before competitions,and his night life,the thesis analyses characteristics of American education,compares differences in Chinese and American primary and family education,educational essence and curriculums,and probes the causes and effects of those differences.In the end,the thesis puts forward some constructive advice for the reform of Chinese education under current condition in China.  相似文献   

王维博 《海外英语》2012,(24):209-211,218
Zhuangzi is the masterpiece of Zhuangzi, and Walden is the masterpiece of Henry David Thoreau. This paper intends to study the similarities of Zhuangzi’s and Thoreau’s outlooks on life by analyzing Thoreau’s origin with Taoism and the absorption from Taoism in Walden. By making a large amount of analysis and comparison of the texts in these two works, the paper comes to such a conclusion: both Thoreau and Zhuangzi advocate to simplify people’s material life and to seek voluntary poverty; they are willing to enjoy the solitude and pursue the spiritual independence and freedom; they prefer to return to nature, live harmoniously with nature and therefore reach the realm of"unity of heaven and humanity". They pay more attention to human existence and their spiritual state. In the complicated modern society, people devote themselves to seeking a materially rich life. However, they do not attach enough importance to spiritual richness. As a result, the whole human society is facing a serious spiritual crisis in modern times. Thoreau’s and Zhuangzi’s outlooks on life can lead people to go through various difficulties of life and guard the pure land of the heart.  相似文献   

China is an old country with her five thousand years culture and civilization and known for her etiquette.Influenced by the traditional education,mainly the idea of Confucius the core of Chinese culture is the doctrine of the mean,which determines the people's way of thinking.When they communicate with other people,they are polite,strict with themselves and generous with others.  相似文献   

古往今来,中华民族一直是个尚红的民族,红色是具有中国特色的吉祥色,被冠之以"中国红"的美称。红色以其热情、喜庆、吉祥、温暖、忠诚的文化内涵一直深受中国人民尤其是汉族人民的喜爱,多数中国人民有着强烈的红色情结。相应的,红色物品在生活中的许多方面都得到了充分的应用。中国人的红色情结本身既是一种重要的文化现象,又对中国的文化、政治、经济等领域产生了重要的影响。文章从红的概念、红与白的比较、中国人形成红色情结的原因以及红色在古今生活中诸领域的应用等方面进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

The abundant resources of proverbs illustrate their meaningful ideas both in Chinese proverbs and English proverbs, reflecting ordinary lives and regarded as the essence of culture in both countries. So American culture inherited many marvelous traditions from English proverbs and American proverbs must be influenced by English proverbs too. My paper will compare Chinese and American culture through proverbs, aiming at observing the differences of the culture value conception between Chinese and Americans, and hope that this study also can be regarded as a data to give referential meaning to the further research on cross-culture and language comparison.  相似文献   

刘雁  雷丽娟 《双语学习》2007,(10M):162-164
The abundant resources of proverbs illustrate their meaningful ideas both in Chinese proverbs and English proverbs, reflecting ordinary lives and regarded as the essence of culture in both countries, So American culture inherited many marvelous traditions from English proverbs and American proverbs must be influenced by English proverbs too. My paper will compare Chinese and American culture through proverbs, aiming at observing the differences of the culture value conception between Chinese and Americans, and hope that this Study also can be regarded as a data to give referential meaning to the further research on cross - culture and language comparison.  相似文献   

Using the Markedness theory,this paper studies the sexist phenomena in English and Chinese language through comparing some sex-related words.Then the causations of sexism are analyzed.  相似文献   

Individualism and collectivism are the core of the value systems in American and Chinese society respectively.Understanding their differences is essential to create a harmonious environment in intercultural communication.This thesis compares Chinese collectivism and American’s individualism,and it demonstrates their influences on intercultural communication.  相似文献   

从个人主义到集体主义——延安作家思想转变历程论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初到延安的知识分子有着浓重的个人主义思想。经过整风学习和下乡入伍运动,延安作家头脑中的个人主义思想完全被集体主义思想所取代,文学作品的思想内容、价值取向、人物形象、语言结构也发生了内在的、深刻的变化,解放区文学呈现出一种迥异于五四文学的审美风貌。随着新政权逐步在全国取得胜利,集体主义文学也确定了自身在中国文坛的主宰地位,宣示着一个新的文学时代的到来。  相似文献   

文中通过分析中美两国对于奥运金牌及荣誉归属权的不同理解的案例,阐述了集体主义与个人主义价值观是造成两国文化差异的根本原因,探讨了集体主义与个人主义的不同特点,指出了解不同国家的价值观有助于消除文化差异导致的交际障碍,从而保证成功地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

中西集体主义与个人主义的价值观差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个国家的文化、历史、风俗习惯以及这个国家人们的日常行为都与这个国家的文化价值观密不可分,本文通过对中西方集体主义与个人主义价值观差异的比较,进而解释了中西方人民在行为思想上的一些区别。  相似文献   

整体主义与个人主义:中西道德教育理念的比较及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在道德价值观中,整体主义与个人主义是中西道德价值观差异的基本表现。随着市场经济的发展,个人本位意识将会增强。本文主要分析了二者的区别及在当代的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文运用定量研究方法,以东西部8所高校的1028名本科生为调查对象,分析了学生个人主义总体倾向,以及地区、年级、专业、性别和英语水平对个人主义的影响。结果显示,个人主义倾向在本科学生中具有比较明显的趋势,但随着阅历和年级的增长而减弱。虽然专业和地区之间没有明显的差异,但年级、性别、英语水平对学生的个人主义倾向有显著影响,而且,不同专业不同年级的学生之间有显著的差异。  相似文献   

张雪梅 《海外英语》2011,(12):297-298
The United States is the largest developed country in the world and China is the largest developing country in the world. As America and China are playing increasingly important roles in the world, people are eager to learn more about these countries. This paper makes a comparison of the lives of Chinese and American women so as to give readers an idea of the cultures, customs and values of these two countries. The discussion of women’s lives in China and America is conducted from three aspects, namely, occupation, women and family, women’s education.  相似文献   

孔子是儒学的创始人,老子是道学的创始人,两人都是中国文明发展史上的杰出人物。孔子和老子都生活在战事频繁的春秋时期,他们的传世著作或言论中不乏对战争和军事问题的探究。两人在战争观上有相同观点:反对暴力,拥护正义战争,主张““慎战““。但在方法论上侧重点有所不同:作为教育家的孔子提倡““教战““的思想;作为哲学家的老子通过对历史上兴亡更替的深刻考察,就军事辩证思维、战略战术等方面提出了自己的““兵道““思想。  相似文献   

从生活视角看现代学校教育和终身教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育与生活是紧密联系的,教育过程内含于生活进程中,并与人的生活相始终,现代学校教育在现代工业生产和现代科学技术的强烈推动下,以科学知识的灌输为中心,崇尚教育为生活做准备,造成学校教育目的,内容和过程疏离了人的真实生活,终身教育的旨趣在于打破教育与生活相疏离的状况,它把教育的对象,内容,手段和过程与人的生活整合起来,生活既是教育的起点,又是教育的归宿,人在生活中得到教育,并伴随一生,生活在终身教育中得到改善,并不断走向更加美好。  相似文献   

中美两国在教育,尤其是基础教育方面存在着很大的差异,这些差异,导致了中美两国在教育质量和人才培养等方面的不同和差距。通过比较两国在基础教育方面的差异,给我国基础教育的改革和发展提供一个科学、合理的思路,分析这些差异,有助于我们改进我们国家的基础教育体制。  相似文献   

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