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This teaching brief describes a method for finding an approximately optimal combination of order quantity and reorder point in a continuous review inventory model using a discrete expected shortage calculation. The technique is an alternative to a model where expected shortage is calculated by integration, and can allow students who have not had a calculus‐based statistics course to better understand how uncertainty affects inventory decisions.  相似文献   

Do students learn to model OR/MS problems better by using computer‐based interactive tutorials and, if so, does increased interactivity in the tutorials lead to better learning? In order to determine the effect of different levels of interactivity on student learning, we used screen capture technology to design interactive support materials for modeling and solving the transportation problem in a spreadsheet. A controlled experiment was carried out and the results indicate a general support for the effectiveness of interactive tutorials in enhancing students’ learning of modeling concepts. However, the study also found that excessive interactivity increased the cognitive load for the students and hindered their learning by making it difficult for them to consolidate concepts, integrate previous knowledge, and create meaningful mental models of the process.  相似文献   

Inventory management is widely researched and the topic is taught in business programs across the spectrum of operations and supply chain management. However, the concepts are notoriously difficult for students to practice once they finish school and become managers responsible for inventory control. This article explains the structure and details of an inventory management class module designed to bridge the gap between learning inventory management theory and applying the learning to practice. Through an active learning exercise, groups of logistics management graduate students in two sections of an introductory inventory management class (in‐residence and online) are taught the exchange curve concept, introduced to its use in practice, and given a tool for implementing this learning in a variety of practical scenarios. The exercise is valuable as it is well suited for students with a limited math background because it allows the exchange curve concept to be taught and demonstrated without presenting complicated mathematics. A three‐tiered assessment of the exercise reveals its effectiveness in meeting the goals of providing an engaging and interesting use of learning time and giving the students an in‐depth practical understanding of the exchange curve concept. The exercise is designed to be equally useful for application in an undergraduate class.  相似文献   

线性规划的Spreadsheet解法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摒弃繁琐的数学公式的推导与计算,用简易解法,解决了线性规划的最优解问题及灵敏度分析问题。结果表明Spreadsheet完全可以实现专业软件能够实现的求解功能。最后提出了用Excel求解线性规划问题过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

在对一个电路进行实际分析过程中,经常需要对电路的走线、元件的安放位置进行调整,以便观察对电磁场分布的影响.这样,直接采用ANSYS软件提供的图形用户界面进行建模就显得很不适用。为了克服这一缺点,本文中采用ANSYS软件提供的命令流语言编写了一个通用程序,来实现电路的空间建模。采用该通用程序,可以方便的对电路空间模型进行修改操作,不需要用界面重新建模.  相似文献   

Probability simulations are a useful way of helping students to challenge their intuitions about chance events. However, tossing dice and coins can be slow and messy, and may mask underlying long-run patterns. This article provides examples of probability simulations on a spreadsheet which overcome some of these difficulties.  相似文献   

Business students taking data mining classes are often introduced to artificial neural networks (ANN) through point and click navigation exercises in application software. Even if correct outcomes are obtained, students frequently do not obtain a thorough understanding of ANN processes. This spreadsheet model was created to illuminate the roles of the following ANN parameters: weights, learning rates, threshold functions, and transformation functions. The spreadsheet ANN model project is given early in the semester, just after ANN is introduced. Students can see effects of ANN parameters as they make changes to spreadsheet model inputs, greatly enhancing discussion of ANN processes. After working with the spreadsheet model, students have expressed an appreciation for decisions based on patterns of historic data, and they like the ability to peek “behind the curtain” at processes of predictive software packages.  相似文献   

智能驾驶员模型用于自由流和拥堵流状态下的行驶车辆行为的描述,具有物理意义明确,模型参数少等优点。利用Excel软件的迭代计算和动态模拟功能实现了该模型的计算机仿真,动态的实现了车辆的跟驰行驶过程。仿真中实现模型参数化,可以观察到各种参数对模型的影响,对车辆跟驰过程中车辆运动参数的变化和模型的特征进行分析带来便利。仿真方法中各种公式和数值计算过程清晰可见,而且不需要开发者有计算机编程经验,也可对其他类型的跟驰模型仿真、验证及实验教学提供参考。  相似文献   

我院自2006年开始启用OA系统,初步实现了无纸化办公。自动化办公系统为我们提供了编制文件、发布通知、收发内部邮件、工资管理,短信息服务等功能,既节约了办公成本,又提高了办公效率。为进一步落实无纸化办公的理念,我们将办公设备报修系统融入了 OA中,本文叙述了报修系统的分析与设计流程,重点突出了建模过程。  相似文献   

The extensive computational and formatting capabilities of today's spreadsheets enable users to create sophisticated analytical models with professionally formatted outputs. But good‐looking reports can mask a host of input errors, formula mistakes, and computational problems. This article examines the subject of spreadsheet error detection in detail and describes an experiment designed to identify those factors influencing the error‐detection capabilities of a sample of spreadsheet users.  相似文献   

In this report, we propose a model of spelling acquisition inspired by statistical learning and a frame-like model of orthographic representations: the fuzzy representation model. To provide an initial test of the model’s predictions for inconsistent words, 107 French-speaking children in Grades 1 to 3 were asked to spell words ending with a silent letter. Half of the words ended with the frequent silent t and half with the less frequent silent d. As predicted, children accurately spelled more t- than d-words. Most errors were omissions and substitutions of the silent letter. Consistent with statistical learning, there was some evidence that children used the preceding orthographic context when making substitution errors. The proportion of omissions, however, was not consistent with the statistical properties of French. These findings are discussed in light of the fuzzy representation model, whereby inconsistencies in words are more likely to be underspecified, if represented at all.  相似文献   

针对传统电力装备生产线信息化集成度低的实际问题,采用开源设计平台Arduino作为数据采集核心单元,通过部署各种传感信号采集装置,利用边缘计算方法实现了对电力装备生产过程中重要电气参数的实时采集、分析和处理,并以可视化软件方式予以展示,从而为产品质量、设备维护的分析模型搭建、算法的进一步编制及电气二次设备智能制造模型的构建等提供了可靠的数据支持,完成了生产线信息化优化的升级改造,经实践证明有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

竹茱 《英语沙龙》2010,(3):37-37
当人们谈论起美洲大陆时,总会说:"哥伦布是第一个发现美洲大陆的人。"如今在加拿大的学校中,老师也是这样教授学生们的。但事实果真如此吗?我们都知道,明朝年间,朱棣派郑和帅舰队下西洋,他们向西航行到了很远的地方,并在航行期间绘制了航行的海图和地图。后来,哥伦布发现新大陆时,使用的就是郑和他们当年绘制的地图。但遗憾的是,由于各种原因,国内档案中几乎没有留下能说明郑和发现美洲大陆的史料。那么,对于美洲大陆的发现是要归功于郑和还是哥伦布呢?  相似文献   

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