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阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案。A (时间:5分钟) A person's voice can travel all the way  相似文献   

A卷Ⅰ.完形填空In these years,com puter gam es have becom e m ore and m ore popularin m any cities and tow ns.A lot of sm all shops along busy1havechanged into2gam e houses in order to get m ore m oney.These placesare always crowded with3,especially(特别)young boys.In the com puter gam e houses,people4a lot ofm oney com peting(竞赛)with the m achines.Its5for one to win a com puter,but onecan m ake progress(进步)after6again and again.People have a kindofgam bling psychology(赌博心理)when they p…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.请把下列单词中的十二个按要求归类。(共5分)difficult science interesting JanuaryTuesday July September mathThursday history Friday relaxing1.Adjectives__________________2.Months__________________3.Weekdays__________________4.Subjects__________________Ⅱ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)1.—______—I’m fine,thank you!A.How do you do?B.How are you?C.What’s this?D.Hello!2.Mum,______my teacher,Mr.Read.A.thisB.this’sC.this isD.it is3.—______is this?—A map.A.HowB.WhereC.WhoD…  相似文献   

刘景岫 《海外英语》2011,(6):311-312
College Students’ pragmatic competence is generally low at present. The following will be the causes:Different sense of value;Improper teaching and negative transfer. There are some methods for improving students’ pragmatic competence:a culture syllabus should be compiled;culture courses should be offered and the teaching method of culture input should be employed.  相似文献   

一、听力部分A)根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C中选择正确的答语。1.A.Five kilos.B.Seven yuan.C.V ery delicious.2.A.Y es,itis.B.Y es,w ho are you?C.Y es,who s that?3.A.Thats a good idea.B.Thats all right.C.Y es,itis.4.A.O nce a m onth.B.For a m onth.C.A m onth ago.5.A.W here were you then?B.Thank you for telling m e.C.Itdoesn tm atter.B)从A、B、C中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。6.A.I like the D V D player very m uch.B.I don tlike the D V D player at all.C.I don thave eno…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.D on t wear these old clothes.They are style.A.in B.out C.of D.outof2.M ark is very.H e did very wellin the E nglish exam this tim e.A.fam ous B.well-known C.hard-w orking D.hard3.W e looked the station to look the thief.A.around;at B.for;aro  相似文献   

一、听力理解(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) Ⅰ. 句子辨音 根据你所听到的内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择正 确答案。每个句子读一遍。 1. There was something wrong with this . A.TV B.VCD machine C. computer D. telephone 2. You>d better your homework soon,and bring it here Mon- day. A. do,this B. finish,next C. do,next D. finish,on 3. Uncle Mike travels one place to . A. in,others B. from,others C. from,another D. to,next 4. I keep a to help me things. A. diary,remember B. book,read C. pe…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.句意理解(5分)从 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思 相同或相近的选项。 1.A .G o down this streetand turn rightatthe second crossing. B.G o down this street until you reach the second crossing and then turn left. C.G o down the streetand turn leftatthe traffic lights. 2.A .The box is so sm all,butyou can putallthe books in it. B.The box is big enough to putallthe books in. C.The box is so sm allthatyou can tputallthe books in it. 3.A .I can understand little ofthe story with the…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.I think the best way to learn more English isto learn by______English.A.speaking B.writingC.saying D.using2.I used to______basketball,but now I getused to______football.A.play;play B.playing;to playC.play;playing D.playing;playing3.—Are you serious or kidding?—I’m really serious______my study thistime.A.about B.with C.in D.at4.We are allowed_______part-time jobsafter school.A.having B.to haveC.had D.to having5.I’ll be late home,but please don’t______for me.You’d b…  相似文献   

传统的语言测试主要测试对语言知识的了解 ,其中包括词汇知识和语法知识。但是 ,对一门语言的掌握和运用不仅仅意味着对这些语言知识的了解。从语言交际功能角度看 ,对语言能力的测试 ,还应包括在特定的场选择使用得体恰当的语言的能力  相似文献   

作为一种特殊交际方式的口译,体现着很多交际语言特点并且形成了独特的语言能力体系。这些特点以及语言能力都在口译测试中得到了充分体现。因此分析口译测试中的语言能力对于提高口译教学质量,改进口译效果具有重要的意义。本文探讨口译及口译测试的相关内容,对口译测试中体现出的语言能力加以提炼分析,以期为口译教学与测试提出一些参考。  相似文献   

L,语音:A)找出每组单词中划线部分的读音与所给单词 划线部分读音相同的选项。7 .His8 .Theyfatherinamiddle sehool.are Indiffere1.汕ereA .hereA .bookA.即pleA .notA.thankB .bananaher D.nearruler D.wom{,nelass D.eakehow D.now鱼ink D.鱼i巾。9 .Please give this Pen10.We all like111.选择最佳答案填空。(elass)._(s he)·in China.homethere1 .This AisaIt’s5 .theseg·2 .Here isabi记. B,whiteIt15 Polly. D .ItsCCshirt.BBBI找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音与其它 三个不同的选项。6 .A.answer B.man C.ha…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空(每小题1分,共20分)1.—Canweputcatshere?—Oh,yes,puthere.A.our;itB.our;themC.ours;theyD.us;them2.—MayIuseyourdictionary?—Sorry,Iamawordinit.A.findingB.lookingforC.lookingupD.lookingat3.E-mailingisthanlong-distancecalling.A.verycheapB.morecheaperC.socheapD.muchcheaper4.theeveningofMay31,the2002FIFAWorldCupstartedinSouthKorea.A.OnB.AtC.OfD.In5.MrSmithsaidheinChina.A.enjoystoworkC.enjoysworkingC.enjoyedtoworkD.enjoyedworking6.Thefilmhasalreadyforhalfanhour.A.beenonB.begunC.onD.started7.Couldyoutellme?A.wheredoesM...  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 共 30小题 每小题 1分 共计 30 ( , ,分 )1. M ay I go sw im m ing now芽— N o熏you .Y ou m ust finish your—hom ework first.A .m ustn t B.m ay not ’C.couldn t D .needn t ’ ’2.There are so m any shops on side ofthe street.A .all B .either C .both D .every3.They don t know if it tom orrow.If it ’ 熏they will not go to the park.A .will rain鸦will rain B .rains rains ;C.rains鸦w…  相似文献   

1.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳答案‘续13C .No,you ean’tD.Not atall1.Give it_Mr.Green,please. A .in B.to C.at D.on2 .Make su祀thatyou_nothing behind when you leave. A. forgetB. forgot C. leave D.left3 .She smiled at me A .friendly B.like an old friend C .50 friendly D.ina friendw即4.从/】lat are doing? A .woman一B.women C .womans D.thewomen5 .openyour workbook_page 15. A .of B.with C.at D.under6 .It’5 a yo一yo.Do you? A·~ts B.hkesC.ag0D·wantago7 .…  相似文献   

I.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1.—Wouldyoulike?—Sure.I’mthirsty.A.somethingtoeatB.anythingtoeatC.somethingtodrinkD.anythingtodrink2.WeeachanEnglish-Chinesedictionary.A.haveB.hasC.isD.are3.weekdays,Igetup6:00themorning.A.On;at;inB.At;on;inC.In;on;atD.In;about;on4.Thereisgoingtoafootballgamethisafternoon.A.haveB.isC.areD.be5.Playinggamesismuchbetterthanclasses.A.haveB.hasC.tohaveD.having6.March8this.A.Womens’DayB.Women’sDayC.Woman’sDayD.TheWomen’sDay7.You’dbetterinclass.A.don’ttalkB.nottotalkC.nottalkD.talk8.Thepearsinthi...  相似文献   

.根据首字母和句意写出单词 分  Ⅰ 。(10 )1.In E ngland熏fish and chips is one of the m ost   p food.  2.M any foreigners think Chinese food t   delicious.3.H e w as very hungry熏so he w ent into a   r for dinner. 4.If you m ake a lot of noise熏you m ay   d others.  5.I dI was flying in the sky熏and   traveling all over the w orld.  6.O f all the subjects熏he likes to st…  相似文献   

利用数字技术帮助阅读有困难的读者日益成为保证读者参与的方法之一。2011年秋季学期,俄克拉荷马基督教大学职前教师利用笔记本电脑和iPad对阅读有困难的读者进行了辅导,并将辅导过程所用的iPad应用程序和网站分为以下几类:音素意识、音韵、理解、词汇和流利度,以供其他教师分享。研究发现,如果辅导过程中以某些方式使用数字技术,学生更容易参与到阅读过程中。  相似文献   

1.’单项选择(20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 空白处的最佳答案。 1 .The TV Play 15_interesting than the story· :暇A .very B.mueh 。只卜少叩y甲re,,,”·muc“more ‘一u Lel WorKs narQ,anQ_- B .1 do 50 D.50 1 do the room.You’d better Sn e了.‘-1 汕一do coldcoat. ﹄‘引0 口︼5 Sr J‘J‘r、..二勺,口 . 内J not to take off take down BD not take off do not take off AC 4.叨一ere 15 tea in the have some now. mueh euP,butl’d like a litile B .litile D .a lot of to A.C 5.Mother ofte…  相似文献   

月竹.州,魂中勺勾八汗月1.语音。A)从每组单词中找出划线部分读音与其它三个 不同的选项。一1 .A场at七h因B.firiish鱼C.sh6u回D.help丝2 .A.eow B.town C.below D.crowd3 .A.mis坦ke B.mes胆ge C.eab地罗D.langu旦ge4 .A.PoPula兰丝卫B.sta丝旦旦 C·ques鱼巫D·oPera些旦5 .A.t丛k B.丛ready C.吵D.丝soB)从每组单词中找出与所给单词划线部分读音 相同的选项。6.Pol乒A.’沙eB.PoliteC.mach加e D.k加d7 .cool A.stoodB.cook C.dassroom D.food8江丝1 A.m丝IB,记丝C.gr丝tD口恤大her9 .5卿rise一A.b吵B,t旦,、 ‘亡Sat亘…  相似文献   

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