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习题讲评课是高三复习过程中一个重要环节,如果优化习题讲评课是每位高三教师值得探讨的问题。笔者通过一节具体的高三习题讲评课的教学设计来展示如何更好的掌握语言知识,在实战中运用语言知识从而提高学生的实际解题能力。教学目标:通过本节课学习,提高学生对单选,完形填空的解题能力。教学重难点:完形填空的解题方法和技巧。  相似文献   

初三数学复习课中的解题教学环节能有效提高学生综合运用数学知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,那么如何进行解题教学,提高学生的数学素养,培养学生的问题意识,笔者对此做了一些积极的尝试.  相似文献   

数学练习课是新授课的补充和延续,是学生进一步巩固新知的必要途径,也是教师了解学生对新知掌握的重要手段。长期以来,很多教师把练习课上成了"做题课",想通过题海战术提高学生的解题能力,结果事倍功半,学生对练习课产生厌烦情绪,严重影响练习效果。教师应该如何有效设计练习课呢?  相似文献   

试卷讲评课是课堂教学中的一种重课型,它是教学工作中一个不可缺少的环节,是教学工作的组成部分,它是考试的延伸,是学生再次调整、强化认知结构的过程,具体来讲是教师通过分析学生的答卷后,对学生讲述有关他们对所学知识的掌握情况,包括肯定有创见性的解题方法,评议所出现问题及原因,引导学生找出解决问题的途径等.试卷的讲评质量如何,  相似文献   

有效的高三物理复习课对学生知识的升华和解题能力的形成有着至关重要的意义.只有通过有效的复习才能使学科知识形成结构,才能提高学生分析和解决问题的能力,才能在高考中取得更好的成绩.如何构建理想化的复习课?复习课上如何使三维目标有机融合?这是教师们日常最为关心的问题.  相似文献   

以对某次考试结果进行分析为主要内容的课成为试卷讲评课。试卷讲评对于学生的知识结构、学习方法、思维方式、解题能力等方面有着重要的作用,通过讲评可以帮助学生理顺的知识结构,提高解题能力,优化解题策略。  相似文献   

试卷讲评课是高三数学教学的一种重要课型.设计试卷讲评课不应该就题论题,而应该通过知识联系与拓展,培养学生的思维品质,提高学生的学习能力.通过师生共同探讨解题方法、提炼数学思想、总结解题规律,有效提高学生的分析问题与解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

试卷讲评课是高三数学教学的一种重要课型.设计试卷讲评课不应该就题论题,而应该通过知识联系与拓展,培养学生的思维品质,提高学生的学习能力.通过师生共同探讨解题方法、提炼数学思想、总结解题规律,有效提高学生的分析问题与解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

正讲评课的根本目的在于帮助学生纠正错误,弥补知识漏洞,掌握分析问题和解决问题的方法,并积累答题技巧,提升学生的学习能力。如何让讲评课的效益最大化?可以"借题发挥"帮助学生形成清晰的知识结构和网络,引导学生掌握灵活的解题思  相似文献   

1 问题提出 高三数学的解题课,除了要对高中数学内容进行梳理、知识点传授、方法总结外,还应重视思维习惯的培养,应该给予学生自主处理新问题的机会,要允许学生思维的自然展开和差错的存在;但纵观现在高三解题课常常却被异化了,教学效率普遍低下,较为常见的教学方法是重知识方法的归纳,轻思维过程的引导,常常是教师忙着讲,学生忙着记,教师将自己的思维替代学生的思维过程;教师不会选题、就题讲题,学生不会解题、不懂解题、只会做过的题,师生都陷入大量、重复的题海训练之中.虽说教师的教学是形成了,但学生的学习没能形成,学习能力没得以提高.如何提高高三解题教学课的效率,是笔者所在学校数学备课组一直思考的问题.  相似文献   

One danger of integrating inquiry-based problem-solving activities into mathematics lessons is that different strategies could be accepted without in-depth discussions on the cogency and efficiency of the strategies. To overcome this issue, Japanese teachers typically go through a series of lesson-study-based teacher learning sessions and learn how to help students build consensus on the best mathematical strategy and think deeply about problem solving (neriage in Japanese). Assuming that this can also be an effective model in other cultural contexts, a video-based lesson study was conducted for a group of US teachers to effectively incorporate consensus building discussions in their mathematical inquiry lessons. Through the lesson study, the teachers learned to release control of class discussions to their students and help them discuss and examine different strategies. This article concludes with various aspects that the teachers learned for effectively implementing neriage in their lessons.  相似文献   

教师认为写作教学很难实施,学生认为写作题无从下笔。本文认为,高中英语教学过程中,应该从高一起就渗透、潜移默化地培养学生的英语写作能力。通过阅读教学让学生熟悉课文的各种文体来提高学生的书面表达能力。  相似文献   

传统的以知识讲解为主的操作系统课程教学,无法激活学生学习兴趣,导致学生解决问题能力欠缺,创新能力不足,无法满足社会及企业的需求。实践表明,探索启发式和研究性教学,不仅能够提高操作系统课程的教学成效,而且能转换学生的学习方式,帮助学生从根源理解问题,加深学生的思考深度,提高学生独立思考、团队合作及创新能力,甚至可以将操作系统专业知识中的哲学道理应用到生活中,多方位提高学生的个人能力。  相似文献   

Because of these learners’ potential as future leaders, it is imperative that educators develop gifted students’ ability to identify and solve complex social justice problems. Nourishing students’ affective traits, including empathy for others, understanding of themselves, and the ability to connect to others in local and global society, will help students to recognize and seek out authentic problems. This article examines the nuances around the creative problem-solving process and how educators can infuse the curriculum with opportunities to develop and strengthen the skills students need to become engaged, real-world problem seekers, as we call it, and problem solvers. Through the combination of social justice issues and creative problem seeking, students can be motivated to engage with the community and promote positive change in the world.  相似文献   

Problem-solving has been one of the major strands in science education research. But much of the problem-solving research has been conducted on discipline-based contexts; little research has been done on how students, especially individuals, solve interdisciplinary problems. To understand how individuals reason about interdisciplinary problems, we conducted an interview study with 16 graduate students coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. During the interviews, we asked participants to solve two interdisciplinary science problems on the topic of osmosis. We investigated participants’ problem reasoning processes and probed in their attitudes toward general interdisciplinary approach and specific interdisciplinary problems. Through a careful inductive content analysis of their responses, we studied how disciplinary, cognitive, and affective factors influenced their interdisciplinary problems-solving. We found that participants’ prior discipline-based science learning experiences had both positive and negative influences on their interdisciplinary problem-solving. These influences were embodied in their conceptualization of the interdisciplinary problems, the strategies they used to integrate different disciplinary knowledge, and the attitudes they had toward interdisciplinary approach in general and specific interdisciplinary problems. This study sheds light on interdisciplinary science education by revealing the complex relationship between disciplinary learning and interdisciplinary problem-solving.  相似文献   

Recognising critical reasoning and problem-solving as one of the key skills for twenty-first century citizenship, various types of problem contexts have been practiced in science classrooms to enhance students’ understandings and use of evidence-based thinking and justification. Good problems need to allow students to adapt and evaluate the effectiveness of their knowledge, reasoning and problem-solving strategies. When students are engaged in complex and open-ended problem tasks, it is assumed their reasoning and problem-solving paths become complex with creativity and evidence in order to justify their conclusion and solutions. This study investigated the levels of reasoning evident in student discourse when engaging in different types of problem-solving tasks and the role of teacher interactions on students’ reasoning. Fifteen students and a classroom teacher in a Grade 5–6 classroom participated in this study. Through case analyses, the study findings suggest that (a) there was no clear co-relation between certain structures of problem tasks and the level of reasoning in students’ problem-solving discourse, (b) students exhibited more data-based reasoning than evidence-based and rule-based justification in experiment-based problem-solving tasks, and (c) teacher intervention supported higher levels of student reasoning. Pedagogical reflections on the difficulties of constructing effective problem-solving tasks and the need for developing teacher scaffolding strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学机器人课程作为一门典型的工程教育类课程备受关注,如何在机器人教育中培养学生的工程设计思维和问题解决能力值得研究者思考。通过纠错任务解决机器人产品中的问题,能够促进学生理解机器人内部组成结构及功能,培养问题解决能力,获取更深层的学习体验。结合已有研究,文章尝试将纠错复原型教学模式应用于中小学机器人教育,通过感知与操作、拆分与分析、识别与诊断、测试与总结等步骤引导学生发现问题、思考问题并解决问题,旨在为机器人教育提供实践参考。  相似文献   

思维是认知的核心成分,思维的发展水平决定着整个知识系统的结构和功能。数学教学尤其要注重思维品质的培养。教师要采用恰当的教学方式和手段,培养和提高学生的数学思维能力。教师可以鼓励学生自主探究、理解书本知识本质,通过一题多变、一题多解提高学生的发散思维能力,并帮助学生突破思维障碍形成正确解题思路。  相似文献   

In recent years, interactive computer simulations have been progressively integrated in the teaching of the sciences and have contributed significant improvements in the teaching–learning process. Practicing problem-solving is a key factor in science and engineering education. The aim of this study was to design simulation-based problem-solving teaching materials and assess their effectiveness in improving students’ ability to solve problems in university-level physics. Firstly, we analyze the effect of using simulation-based materials in the development of students’ skills in employing procedures that are typically used in the scientific method of problem-solving. We found that a significant percentage of the experimental students used expert-type scientific procedures such as qualitative analysis of the problem, making hypotheses, and analysis of results. At the end of the course, only a minority of the students persisted with habits based solely on mathematical equations. Secondly, we compare the effectiveness in terms of problem-solving of the experimental group students with the students who are taught conventionally. We found that the implementation of the problem-solving strategy improved experimental students’ results regarding obtaining a correct solution from the academic point of view, in standard textbook problems. Thirdly, we explore students’ satisfaction with simulation-based problem-solving teaching materials and we found that the majority appear to be satisfied with the methodology proposed and took on a favorable attitude to learning problem-solving. The research was carried out among first-year Engineering Degree students.  相似文献   

Seven years of industrial experience followed by 30 years of academic research and teaching in structural engineering have led the author to believe that the prime objective of a university design course is not the design project itself but to train students to solve problems, as this will last them throughout their careers. It is shown how design projects can be formulated for the purpose of encouraging students to develop their problem-solving abilities. More importantly, a sequential assessment technique has been developed to quantify the students’ ability to both think and learn as well as the students’ grasp of the fundamental principles, all of which are required in problem-solving.  相似文献   

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