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分数除法既是分数乘法的延伸,也是整数除法运算的扩展。分数除法统筹了四则运算的所有内容,学生不仅要掌握算法,更重要的是要明白算理,做到将算理与算法融会贯通。作为知识的载体,教材在实现分数除法算理与算法的贯通中起到了至关重要的作用。本文将从宏观和微观两个角度,对三个版本教材进行分析,为后续课堂教学实施路径提供有效建议。  相似文献   

在小学数学中,分数除法的算理是最难讲清楚的。分数除法的算理究竟是什么?学生理解算理依赖的基础又是什么?能不能把算法学习建立在算理理解的基础上?新思维《数学》(浙教版)教材把分数单位作为意义理解与运算的核心,特别强调分数运算就是分数单位相同前提下分子的运算,即整数的运算。这样就把整数运算与分数运算沟通起来,为解释分数除法的算理提供了依据。教学按如下的环节进行。  相似文献   

学习分数除法的关键在于理解运算算理,即为什么可以通过颠倒相乘来实现除法向乘法转化。以巩子坤教授提出的4种有理数运算理解为理论依据,深入分析A、B、C三个版本教材在"分数除法"中的算理理解编排部分,意图借助同一把理论的标尺进行分析,更好地把握教材的编排逻辑,使教学更有效。  相似文献   

"分数除法"是小学生比较难理解的一个学习内容,因此分析教材的编写对于探索教学方法是十分有意义的。以"分数除法"这一课为切入点,从"理解计算意义、深入研究算理、概括计算法则、形成计算技能"四个维度来分析台湾部编版教材"分数除法"的编写,为进一步研究分数除法的计算教学提供新的思路。  相似文献   

以“概率与统计”作为研究对象,对中日两国高中数学教材进行比较研究.研究发现:中国教材知识点数量多于日本教材;两套教材中概率内容都多于统计内容;中国教材比较注重定义的严格性,日本教材比较注重数学知识的内部联系;两套教材都强调数学的应用,注重将计算机融入教材.  相似文献   

<正>数的运算教学重点在于理解算理、掌握算法。算法主要关乎“如何算”(How),算理则涉及“为什么可以这样算”(Why)。理解分数和掌握分数相关的运算对数学学习至关重要。在小学,分数除法之“颠倒相乘”的算法生成和算理解释是公认的教学难点。针对这一难点,不少研究者基于不同教材的内容比较与分析,提出了一些教学设想[1-4]。  相似文献   

按问题变式("一题多变"与"一题多解")角度分类,中美教材分数除(乘)法内容比较揭示了中国教材较为鲜明的本土特色,中国数学教材"分数除法"的问题组织,比美国教材更注重利用"一题多变"(一个问题包含多个概念之变式的问题组织)与"一题多解"(一个问题包含多个解法之问题组织),加强新旧概念连接,而美国教材的问题组织极少强调概念连接.问题变式,强调对比变化呈现差异,揭示了中国数学教材设计的特色.  相似文献   

“一个数除以分数”是五年制小学数学第九册第三单元第一节的内容。它包括分数除法的意义、分数除以整数、一个数除以分数和带分数除法。本课是一个数除以分数中的第一课时,其教学内容是整数除以分数。一个数除以分数是分数除法教学中的重点和难点,它包括整数除以分数和分数除以分数两种情况,但计算时,这两种除法的算理是相同的,因此,我拟定本课的教学目标是:使学生理解整数除以分数的算理,初步学会一个数除以分数的计算法则,并能正确计算整数除以分数;培养学生一定的分析、比较和抽象概括能力;激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的探…  相似文献   

分数除法法则的学习历来是数学教学中的难点,难就难在学生对"甲数除以乙数(0除外)等于甲数乘以乙数的倒数"的算理不容易理解.教师往往只教给学生死板的计算办法,然后布置题目让学生反复练习,而学生对法则的理解只知其然,却不知其所以然.我在教学这一内容时,采用了多角度思维训练,从不同的知识点出发,引导学生理清分数除法的算理,使学生掌握了分数除法法则.  相似文献   

<正>“分数除法”是苏教版教材六年级上册的内容。关于分数除法的运算法则,教材先后安排了4道例题,分3个课时进行教学。第一课时教学分数除以整数的算理和算法。例1通过分果汁的问题情境引入“4/5÷2”的计算问题,同时呈现了两种算法:一种是利用分数单位来说理,即把4个1/5平均分成2份,每份是2个1/5;  相似文献   

通过文献计量法和内容分析法,以CSSCI来源期刊20年来发表的学术论文为研究对象,探究2001年以来我国物理教科书研究的热点与发展趋势,分析发现:师范院校教师和相关学术期刊引领物理教科书研究的发展;历史发展和学习活动是物理教科书研究的热点;中等教育成为重点关注的学段;研究方法以内容分析法为主;高被引文献数量不足。未来的物理教科书研究应注意以下几点:挖掘教科书使用与评价等接受导向的研究以拓展研究领域;开展深层的话语分析以提升教科书研究的深层意义;激活学术共同体的研究生命力以开展持续深入研究;建立系统的教科书研究方法论以提升研究的规范性。  相似文献   

对于教科书问题,目前过多的集中在"教教科书"与"用教科书教"以及教科书理论研究层面,而在真实的课堂教学中关注教科书研究问题却少有问津。课程标准指导下的新教材,其内涵已融入新的理念。基于个案研究分析以了解在真实的历史教学活动中教科书是如何影响教师的教授和学生的学习方式,换一种视角来探讨研究新课程下教科书变革问题比起纯理论说明也许会给我们今后使用或研究教科书更多启示。  相似文献   

In this study, questions in context-based and traditional chemistry textbooks were analysed from two perspectives that are at the heart of chemistry curricula reforms: a content perspective and a learning activities perspective. To analyse these textbook questions, we developed an instrument for each perspective. In total, 971 textbook questions were analysed. Textbook questions in context-based and traditional curricula appeared to differ significantly in their orientation on content and in the activation to engage students in certain learning activities. Although traditional curricula included more questions that stress traditional chemistry content and included more reproductive chemistry questions than context-based curricula, they were not always as traditional as we had expected. Context-based chemistry curricula focused more on chemistry content relating to societal/technological issues and chemistry theory development and also more questions were included that activate students to regulate their own learning. However, context-based chemistry curricula still included a considerable amount of traditional chemistry content and did not focus as much on higher order learning as we had expected. The developed instruments might be helpful in chemistry curricula design to gain insights into the content which is stressed and how students are activated by textbook questions to engage in learning.  相似文献   

中美两国几何概型相关知识学习的水平、顺序有较大差异;两国教材都采用了螺旋上升的编排方式,但美教材的螺旋次数明显高于人教版教材;我国教材在思维水平、呈现方式、知识背景之间均不呈显著相关,美教材在呈现方式与知识背景之间存在显著相关关系;两国教材关于几何概型知识的导入、概念提出、知识应用上存在着明显差异,在思维水平上无明显不同;美教材较注重知识的导入与应用,人教版教材则更注重知识的体验与表征.  相似文献   

教科书的内在质量主要是指文本质量,影响文本质量的因素有内容选择、结构组织和印刷制作。通过分析教科书内容选择的主体、客体、标准和价值,阐释内容组织的指标和方式,描述教科书印刷制作的质量标准,思考我国教科书内在质量存在的问题,以期引起业界对教科书内在质量的关注。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):183-200

This study explored how Technology teachers in medium- and well-resourced schools use commercially prepared textbooks in their classrooms. A qualitative-interpretive design was used with a purposively selected sample of four schools from a city in the Gauteng province, South Africa. Data were analysed according to the conceptual framework of didactical transposition, focusing on textbook content, activities, context and teaching strategies. It was found that teachers in well-resourced schools adapt textbooks by adding content, thus expecting a higher standard from textbook content, and preferring learners to work individually, while teachers in medium-resourced schools follow textbooks without adapting them, therefore accepting the standard set by the textbooks. It is recommended that teachers in both contexts be assisted by specialists to interpret the curriculum so as to be sure how they are expected to use textbooks to improve their classroom practices.  相似文献   

我国中小学教材研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自从新一轮基础教育课程改革以来,我国学者采用文献法、内容分析法、文本对比法和问卷调查法等不同的研究方法,从宏观和微观两个层面对中小学教材进行了广泛的研究。宏观层面的研究主要包括教材的功能和地位、教材制度的建设、教材的结构、教材的评价等;微观层面的研究主要包括教材内容的社会学分析、教材插图的研究、教材话语呈现方式的研究、从文化角度对教材文本呈现的内容进行分析、中外教材的比较研究、新旧教材的比较研究、单一学科教材的比较研究等。从研究的视角、研究的内容和研究的方法上讲,我国中小学教材研究还有待进一步深入和完善。  相似文献   

The number of science education research papers has been rapidly rising in recent years. This number has been particularly influenced by researchers from non-English speaking countries who contribute to the field. With this number of papers, literature reviews gain in importance as they help researchers more easily orient themselves in problem areas. The authors of this study present a literature review on science textbook research. The importance of textbooks in education is indisputable, yet research in this field is surprisingly unbalanced between particular regions or states. In this paper, a review of 183 papers published between 2000 and 2018, indexed to the Web of Science database, is introduced. The results show that researchers in Europe and the USA focus on textbook research more than researchers elsewhere in the world. The textbooks most frequently researched on are science books for secondary schools. Textbook research consists mostly of analysing learning concepts and how concepts are integrated, non-textual elements in textbooks, visual representations, learning content or learning text analysis.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of reading and planning from two differently organized mathematics textbooks on prospective high school mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge of exponential functions. The teachers completed a pretest and two posttests. On the pretest, the teachers possessed an incomplete understanding of content and pedagogical content knowledge related to exponential functions. The teachers’ understanding of how to translate from table to closed-form and recursive equations grew as a result of their use of the Mathematics: Modeling Our World textbook, while the Discovering Algebra textbook appeared to be more beneficial in terms of pedagogical content knowledge. Teachers read from the student lessons in both textbooks, but read differently from the sections of both textbooks intended for the teacher. They focused more on the purpose of the Mathematics: Modeling Our World lesson and more on the places where students might experience difficulties in the margins of the Discovering Algebra lesson. The teachers’ learning was influenced by their own personal characteristics (e.g., previous textbook experiences) as well as textbook qualities (e.g., organization).  相似文献   

2019年秋季,由国家教材委审核通过并投入使用的高中统编历史教材可称为我国教材编写史上的开创之举。为达到“以史育人,以文化人”之目的,教师在使用本教材时要注意以下五点:引导学生重点学习历史唯物主义,反对历史虚无主义,树立正确的历史观;重点学习中华民族5000多年文明史,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,增强民族自豪感和自信心;重点学习中国近代史,弄清中国特色社会主义的历史由来;重点学习中华人民共和国国史,增强“四个自信”;重点学习必要的世界历史知识,学会用比较的方法进行文明互鉴。  相似文献   

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