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本文探讨了自我决定学习教育学的实际应用。文章首先回顾自我决定学习教育学应用于各种环境的一些研究文献。文章还讨论"学习引领者"这个概念和他们在应用自我决定学习教育学时的必备素质以及学习者采用自我决定学习教育学方法时应该做好哪些准备。本文从普通教育学—成人教育学—自我决定学习教育学渐变过程的角度分析如何帮助学习者。最后,文章针对如何发挥学习者能动性提出一些建议。  相似文献   

郭中华  顾高燕 《成人教育》2019,39(10):15-18
非正式学习作为终身学习的重要形式,与正规学习、非正规学习同等重要,已成为成人学习的一种普遍形式。自媒体时代的到来深刻地影响着成人非正式学习,带给成人非正式学习无论是理论上还是实践中以重大变革。文章基于自媒体成人非正式学习意义的基础上,分析基于自媒体的成人非正式学习的特征,并进一步提出了自媒体时代成人非正式学习的路径。  相似文献   

为了探讨生态移民区中学生学业自我效能感对学习满意度的影响以及学习态度在其中所起的作用,本研究采用学业自我效能感问卷、中学生学习态度量表、青少年学生生活满意度量表,对宁夏红寺堡生态移民区3所中学进行问卷调查,得到857份有效问卷.结果表明:(1)移民区中学生学业自我效能感在年级上存在显著差异,初一、初二学生学业自我效能感显著高于高一、高二学生;在语言效能感和数学效能感维度上存在性别差异,女生的语言效能感高于男生,男生的数学效能感高于女生.(2)学业自我效能感、学习满意度和学习态度均呈正相关.(3)中学生学业自我效能感对学习满意度产生显著的正影响,并且学习态度在学业自我效能感对学习满意度之间起着部分中介作用.  相似文献   

Håvard Skaar 《Literacy》2009,43(1):36-42
From a learning perspective, social semiotics researchers tend to focus on the liberation latent in the multimedia options available through the new media. It is true that digital media democratise the possibilities open to the general public of a more varied and comprehensive text production than ever before, both in and outside school. Participating in this text production naturally implies a richer potential for learning. But digital technology also allows us to opt out of, and thus avoid, semiotic work. With this as the starting point, the present article sets out to highlight the pedagogical benefits associated with the written mode, precisely in an age when the digital media are making multimodal forms of expression increasingly available to us all.  相似文献   

The use of multimodal learning techniques is becoming more widespread, however, the pedagogical discourse surrounding its implementation into classroom and course design is complicated as these technologies are either demonized or viewed as the panacea for curriculum ills. Educators are faced with unique challenges when investigating how to experiment with the best ways to produce classroom experiences that use digital media. This case study examines the implementation challenges and learning outcomes related to such an experiment by reviewing and assessing the use of digital media in a health communication course, specifically through the development of documentaries. Creating an effective assignment requires addressing the development of technical skills along with course content and providing guidance and feedback throughout a semester-long project. Creating an effective assignment is pointless without sufficient learning outcomes. Because this assignment engaged students with both the course content and digital media, their learning experiences were enhanced and improved their group collaboration, critical thinking and media literacy skills.  相似文献   

数字化学习资源建设是无锡市终身学习公共服务平台建设的核心内容。在无锡建设学习型社会的大背景下,平台以服务全体市民为宗旨,力图建设一批丰富的、多类型的数字化学习资源,内容涵盖社会教育、远程开放教育、职业教育、高等教育、基础教育等领域。平台采取"自建、共享和引进"相结合的资源建设模式。为保证此模式的顺利实施,需要形成政府、高校、企业、社会、个体等纵横一体的多主体资源建设的动力机制,实现多元合作,并建立统一的技术标准。这对于无锡市终身学习公共服务平台的建设与运营有着重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper posits that social networking can take a central role in learning in informal environments such as museums, libraries and galleries. It argues that social media offers young people agency previously unavailable in informal learning environments in order to explore complex responses to and participation with cultural content. The paper will consider transformations in digital literacy and the processes by which young learners can connect with knowledge in informal learning environments to become active cultural participants.

Die Wirkung sozialer Medien auf informelle Bildung in Museen

Dieses Papier postuliert, dass soziale Vernetzung eine zentrale Rolle im Lernen in informellen Umgebungen wie Museen, Bibliotheken und Galerien annehmen kann. Es behauptet, dass soziale Medien jungen Leuten als Agentur in informellen Lernumgebungen dienen können, die zuvor nicht verfügbar sind, um komplexe Antworten zu erkunden und Beteiligung mit kulturellem Inhalt zu erkennen. Die Autoren betrachten Transformationen in digitalen Fähigkeiten und den Prozessen, durch die junge Anfänger sich mit Wissen in anderen informellen Bildungsumgebungen verbinden können, um aktive kulturelle Teilnehmer zu werden.

L’impact des medias “sociaux” sur l’apprentissage informel dans les musées

Le présent article affirme que la mise en réseau humain peut jouer un rôle central pour l’apprentissage dans des environnements informels comme les musées,les bibliothèques et les galeries. Il avance que les medias “sociaux” offrent aux jeunes des moyens qui n’existaient pas auparavant dans les environnemetns d’apprentissage informels pour permettre d’explorer des réactions complexes et d’interagir avec le contexte culturel. Les auteurs examinent les mutations de la compétence numérique et les processus par lesquels les jeunes apprenants peuvent se brancher sur la connaissance dans des environnements d’apprentissage informels pour devenir des acteurs culturels dynamiques.

El impacto de los medios colectivos sobre el aprendizaje informal en los museos

Esta artículo postula que la creación de redes humanas puede desempeñar un papel central para el aprendizaje en entornos informales como los museos, las bibliotecas y las galerías. Apunta que los medios sociales ofrecen a los jovenes capacidades que antes no estaban asequibles dentro de los entornos de aprendizaje informal para explorar las respuestas complejas y interagir con el contexto cultural. Los autores consideran las transformaciones en el alfabetismo digital y los procesos a través de los cuales los jovenes alumnos pueden conectarse con los conocimientos dentro de esos entornos informales de aprendizaje para convertirse en actores culturales dinámicos.  相似文献   

The city provides a rich array of learning opportunities for young children. However, in many urban schools, often it can be logistically difficult to get young children out of the building. But when elementary children are encouraged to view the city as a classroom and use digital media to explore and represent their neighborhoods, they can be inspired by the unpredictable events of daily life to ask naïve, critical and sometimes troubling questions. This paper presents a case study of a teacher in an informal media literacy learning environment who worked with a group of 9-year olds in Philadelphia. It documents the experience of a novice teacher who, flummoxed by an accidental encounter between her students and a homeless person, transformed an uncomfortable experience into a teachable moment. Children's questions about homelessness became the organizing frame for learning experience, as the instructor helped children make sense of the information on the Internet, analyze popular culture films and news media, and conduct interviews with community leaders and advocates for the homeless. The inquiry process resulted in a collaboratively produced multimedia project, created by children. The case study has implications for pre- and in-service teacher education for digital and media literacy. This paper suggests that improvization and strategic risk-taking must be conceptualized as a set of socio-emotional and experiential competencies that teachers need when using digital media in an urban community as a tool for learning.  相似文献   

This article examines how a classroom procedure known as PGE (Plan/Go-through/Evaluate) group work aims at integrating formal and non-formal media experiences and practices into classroom-based media learning. The study displays, on the one hand, how PGE group work emerged and was institutionally embedded in a media course. On the other hand, the study displays how students in this media course negotiated with their teachers by drawing on out-of-school media experiences and production practices in the process of planning classroom work. Empirically, the study draws on ethnographic observation of a vocational media studies course in the age range between 16 and 19 years at the upper secondary level in Norway. Video observations from several hours of PGE group work are analysed in order to document how students are involved in co-planning classroom work together with the course teachers. The analysis is based on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT). This theoretical position is applied in order to foreground tensions between formal institutional obligations and non-formal practices that surface in the classroom, and how an institutional measure such as PGE group work creates a transactional space for handling these differences.  相似文献   

Social networking sites provide opportunities for informal and social learning of academic practices in higher education, yet not all academics engage in these spaces. This qualitative study suggests that while Twitter offers informal opportunities for academic development, inhibiting factors prevent staff from establishing their social presence and participating in conversations on academic Twitter. In a pervasively digital era, rethinking academic development practices is required to build digital capacity and digital identity of staff to support participation on social networking sites for academic learning and development.  相似文献   

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