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Government student loan schemes typically have implicit interest rate subsidies which, while these are a cost to taxpayers, they have the benefit of diminishing repayment burdens for graduates. Our goal is to illustrate the extent of both interest rate subsidies and repayment burdens with respect to Thailand's Student Loans Fund (SLF), using methods pioneered in measurement terms by 18 and 19.  相似文献   

我国助学贷款偿还模式一直沿用开办初期的定期等额本息偿还法和定期等额本金偿还法。这两种模式的还款负担率都是前高后低,还贷初期部分还款人的还贷压力过大,还款额固定,缺乏灵活性。本文首提助学贷款偿债基金偿还模式,并在分析其优缺点的基础上,讨论了基于偿债基金的定期等额本金偿还模式、定期等额本息偿还模式和定期等比递增偿还模式。基于偿债基金的定期等额本金偿还模式和定期等额本息偿还模式有较大的灵活性。银行可以通过提高偿债基金的利率和争取国家减免利息税政策来吸引还款人存款和提前还贷,增加了银行的调控手段,有利于降低违约率。这两种模式只需为每位还款人建立一个偿债基金,其他还款政策不变,因此可与现行政策无缝衔接,具有很强的可操作性。理论分析和实例还说明,基于偿债基金的定期等比递增偿还模式所具有的前述优点更加明显,而且还可以通过选择还款额按期递增的比率来调整各期的还款负担率,使得各期还款负担相对均衡,或者达到“还贷初期略低,后期略高”的理想状态。对个人收入不够透明的发展中国家,该方法可操作性强,违约率低,又具有较高的灵活性,可以达到或接近按收入比例还款法的效果。  相似文献   

There is significant irresolution in many countries concerning the design of student loan schemes. In no country recently has there been more uncertainty as to the form that loans should take than Thailand. The Student Loans Fund (SLF), a conventional approach to financing, was introduced in 1996, discontinued at the end of 2005, and re-introduced in 2007. In its place an income contingent loan (ICL) was implemented for one year only, 2006. As part of this debate we contribute to an understanding of the repayment burdens associated with the SLF in Chapman, Lounkaew, Polsiri, Sarachitti and Sitthipongpanich (in this issue).  相似文献   

美国是世界上助学贷款的最大提供者。在学生财政援助方面,美国拥有丰富的经验。高达4 600亿美元的学生贷款市场和长达数十年的学生贷款历史,使美国通过借贷帮助学生支付学费的政策日趋专业化。对于正在扩大学生助学贷款体系的中国来说,可以从当今美国学生助学贷款方案改革中获得启示。其一,应尽力在资助活动之初设计一个独特完善的贷款体系管理方案,以避免日后的不断简化和调整;其二,尽量限制中介的参与以减少贷款成本及贷款发放过程的行政程序;其三,通过政府债券来寻求与金融市场的平衡;其四,要不断完善学生信息渠道,提高学生贷款信息获取度;其五,要努力对助学贷款方案改革所引起的不可知后果进行预测。  相似文献   

The effect of student aid on the duration of study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I evaluate the effect of student aid on the success of academic studies. I focus on two dimensions, the duration of study and the probability of actually graduating with a degree. To determine the impact of financial student aid, I estimate a discrete-time duration model allowing for competing risks to account for different exit states (graduation and dropout) using individual level panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 1984-2007. My findings suggest that the duration of study is responsive to the type of financial support a student receives. There are three main results. First, student aid recipients finish faster than comparable students who are supported by the same amount of parental/private transfers only. Second, although higher financial aid does on average not affect the duration of study, this effect is (third) dominated by the increased probability of actually finishing university successfully.  相似文献   

政府在学生贷款事务中发挥主导作用是世界各国比较普遍的做法.但在我国,政府对学生贷款事务的参与度并不高.本文从学生贷款水平、管理绩效和社会效果三方面构建了政府参与学生贷款事务的评价指标,并在分析我国学生贷款问题的基础上提出对策建议.  相似文献   

Using detailed individual-level data from public universities in the state of Ohio, I estimate the effect of various institutional expenditures on the probability of graduating from college. Using a competing risks regression framework, I find differential impacts of expenditure categories across student characteristics. I estimate that student service expenditures have a larger impact on students with low SAT/ACT scores, while instructional expenditures are more important for high test score students and those majoring in scientific/quantitative fields. The individual-level nature of these data allows me to address measurement error and endogeneity concerns the previous literature has been unable to deal with.  相似文献   

学生贷款是提高学生入学率的有效途径,准确界定资助对象是实施学生贷款的关键环节。在分析国内外学生贷款资格认定标准与方法的基础上,指出我国学生贷款资格认定存在诸多问题。中国高校学生贷款资格审查基本目标是为了实现社会公平,故应立足于国情,加强制度建设,建立完善的贫困生认定系统。  相似文献   

关于进一步发展助学贷款的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘乐山 《教育与经济》2002,(3):39-42,33
当前是高等学校助学贷款存在着对助学贷款重要性认识不够、助学贷款制度不完善和助学贷款风险较大等问题。进一步发展助学贷款的工作思路是:增强对助学贷款重要性的认识是前提,完善助学贷款制度是基础,化解助学贷款风险是保障,国家、银行、学校、学生或家长的协同是关键。  相似文献   

通过开展诚信教育、建立诚信档案、签定还款确认书、发放贷款告知书、建立贷款跟踪制度等活动,为国家助学贷款的顺利回收提出可行性的方案.  相似文献   

文章对借款费用开始资本化,暂停资本化,停止资本化及资本化金额的计算方法及账务处理作了较为详尽的介绍.  相似文献   

新的助学贷款政策目标解读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年6月出台的新的助学贷款政策是对我国1999年助学贷款政策的完善,在实现助学贷款政策目标上相对有很大的进步.但是根据我国的实际情况,新的助学贷款政策从政策条文上来说实现的力度和广度还不够,需要在贷款对象、贷款额度、还款期限和还款方式、风险补偿专项基金的承担方面进一步完善.  相似文献   

述了住房公积金制度在促进城镇住房制度改革的重要性,指出了通过利用住房公积金贷款,在改善职工居住生活环境方面,充分发挥了住房公积金互助和融通的作用;提出了住房公积金贷款的风险形成的因素有制度风险、政策风险、信用风险、组合贷款风险、房屋风险、抵押物难以处理造成的风险。介绍了防范风险的措施,保障住房公积金的安全营运,切实维护广大职工的切身利益。  相似文献   

Merit-based financial aid awards have become increasingly prevalent in the pricing policies of higher education institutions. This study utilizes an experiment to estimate the efficacy of merit-aid awards in achieving the institutional objective of attracting the most academically desirable applicants. I find that merit aid has a statistically significant but inelastic effect on enrollment of extremely high ability students. Additionally, the setting of this paper allows for a test of whether students respond to the framing of price in making enrollment decisions (i.e. price illusion), holding net price constant. There is weak evidence in support of price illusion among this set of students.  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是国家运用金融手段扶助贫困学生,促进教育事业发展的重大举措.自1999年开办至今,助学贷款从无到有,规模不断扩大,取得了长足的发展.但由于多种原因,助学贷款还没有达到预定目标,存在许多突出问题.如何更好地解决这些问题,促进国家助学贷款可持续发展,使其继续为我国构建和谐社会服务,已成为亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of two California school districts, San Francisco and Oakland, each of which have implemented their own versions of what is popularly known as a weighted student formula (WSF). One primary goal of the WSF policy is to increase the equity with which resources are distributed to schools. With respect to equity, the findings suggest that for particular schooling levels per-pupil spending became more responsive to student poverty and that the increase in responsiveness appears to have coincided with implementation of the WSF in the two districts. Moreover, each district relies on a different mechanism for driving resources to the schools: San Francisco relying to a greater degree on the unrestricted funds, while Oakland relies more heavily on restricted sources which, as directed by law, drive dollars to special need populations. Interestingly, neither district exhibited any significant change in the distribution of teacher experience after implementation of their SBF models; schools serving the highest proportion of students from low-income families continued to employ teachers with the least experience after implementation of the SBF models. While an additional goal of WSF was to drive more resources down to the school level to be spent, our analysis found little substantial change in the proportion of resources expended at the school versus the district level.  相似文献   

Federal benefit programs, including federal student aid, are designed to aid targeted populations. Behavioral responses to these programs may alter the incidence of their benefits, a possibility that receives less attention in the literature compared to tax incidence. I demonstrate the importance of benefit incidence analysis by showing that the intended cost reductions of tax-based federal student aid are substantially offset by institutional price increases for a sample of 4-year colleges and universities. Contrary to the goal of policymakers, I find that tax-based aid crowds out institutional aid roughly dollar-for-dollar. Unfortunately, it is not clear how institutions utilize these captured resources, so that the ultimate incidence of the programs is uncertain.  相似文献   

高等教育的国家助学贷款是指由国家财政提供贴息(还包括提供一定的风险补偿资金)的助学贷款形式.由于我国助学贷款起步较晚,在其政策的制定和实施中都存在着许多问题,这些问题影响了助学贷款的开展,也影响了我国高等教育的健康发展,需要进一步研究和探讨.  相似文献   

学生贷款违约的七大影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在世界各地,违约一直困扰着学生贷款制度的设计者.研究表明,影响学生贷款违约的因素包括七个方面:学生的学业状况、毕业后的收入水平与就业状况、债务水平、就读院校特征、家庭特征、个人特征,以及学生贷款制度.借鉴国际研究的成果,针对我国学生贷款的现状,本文提出了防范我国学生贷款违约风险的若干建议.  相似文献   

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