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Abstract: Fifty‐eight recent graduates (1998–2008) from the joint Washington State University (WSU) and University of Idaho (UI) BiState School of Food Science program and 27 of their employers participated in a survey assessing learning outcomes based on the 2001 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) core competencies for undergraduate food science programs. Parallel web‐based survey instruments for the graduates and employers using the WSU Skylight Matrix Survey System© were employed to assess the attitudes of the respondents to the frequency of usage of IFT defined skills and the adequacy of the graduates’ preparation from the program. Graduates responded that they were generally satisfied with their education; however, they reported lower rates of adequate or better preparation in Success Skill involving group dynamics, processing and engineering skills, and government regulations. Most of these skills were also the least frequently used by graduates in their careers. Success Skills were the most frequently performed competencies, while food microbiology and safety, and some engineering and processing skills were used less frequently by graduates of the Food Science program. Greater than 80% of the employers reported that the graduates’ performance was adequate or better in all skill areas. The assessment suggested program improvement since a similar survey in 2004, but also illuminated areas for improvement in teaching and learning, particularly in light of the revised IFT 2011 Guidelines. Specifically, graduates and employers emphasized the need for more course work that weaves critical thinking skills, group dynamics, and government regulations into the classroom. Graduates also highlighted the importance of internships and extracurricular activities for career preparation.  相似文献   

Sub-baccalaureate degrees represent a growing and distinctive sector of American higher education. However, policymakers and community colleges lack a clear understanding of the specific competencies learned in these programs that are useful in graduates’ careers. In particular, they overlook non-academic skills. This study uses qualitative interviews with sub-baccalaureate degree alumni (n = 98) to elucidate graduates’ perspectives on the range of competencies learned in sub-baccalaureate degree programs. Graduates reported learning several competencies that remained salient in the long term: cognitive processes and strategies, content knowledge, work ethic, self-efficacy, teamwork, and professional skills. In addition, this study analyzes whether disadvantaged students were more likely to report learning certain competencies. By describing a fuller range of valuable non-academic competencies, as well as how different student populations may vary in learning these competencies, this study contributes to a better understanding of sub-baccalaureate degrees’ value. These findings also provide insight for community college faculty, administrators, and/or policymakers seeking to build sub-baccalaureate programs that better prepare students for career success.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effect of the teaching-learning methods used in Spanish universities on three measures of educational output: average mark, graduates’ assessment of their professional performance in different dimensions, and their assessment of the acquisition of professional competencies and skills. Multi-level models were used in which graduates (first level) are grouped by field of study (second level). The Class attendance and Written work methods have the most influence on the average mark but influence the graduates’ working future the least, as measured with assessments of professional aspects or competencies. In contrast, Problem-based learning, In-company internships and Practical and methodological knowledge are the methods that bear the most influence on the graduates’ professional careers and their development of specific professional competencies.  相似文献   


The paper investigates the experience of employed higher education graduates in two countries with high rates of graduate unemployment. It examines the employment experience of graduates and their perceptions regarding the contribution of higher education to their employment and career prospects. Qualitative research was used to collect information from 58 university graduates in two Southern European countries, Greece and Cyprus. Respondents provided information on the skills and competencies acquired through higher education and utilised in the world of work. In both countries, modest links were reported between jobs and graduates’ field of study, as well as between knowledge and non-knowledge-based competencies acquired through higher education, and the requirements of the graduates’ jobs. The findings are used as the basis for suggestions that can enhance graduate employability and contribute to the management of the link between higher education and the labour market.  相似文献   

There is a clear need for new research into the work and life outcomes for graduates of Australian international education. Drawing upon divergent post-study transitions, this article aims to present a multi-faceted, qualitative foundation for the consideration of both positional and transformative impacts of international education on graduates’ post study lives and careers. We compare three divergent study and life pathways for international students via three case studies of different models of Australian international and transnational education provision. The findings show that positional and transformative outcomes were often intertwined in surprising ways in participants’ stories. The pathways that they followed after graduation were strongly influenced by their engagement with international education as a life as well as a learning experience. All three case studies also suggest that concepts of the prestige of the Western degree need further consideration.  相似文献   

This article, drawing upon the Paired Peers project, a longitudinal qualitative study (n = 90), examines how seven UK engineering graduates, four women and three men, construct their career identities during the transitionary period from university to work. It explores how gender and the occupational cultures that reside within the sector, and the wider sociocultural context, affect women’s careers identities, choices and trajectories. The longitudinal design, characteristics of the cohort and the theoretical framework of possible selves contribute to the originality of this empirical research. In this paper, we show how female graduates gradually adapted their occupational aspirations and career identities to fit with socio-cultural expectations and how they struggled to construct viable ‘engineering’ selves in the vital career identity development phase of their first years of employment when most female STEM graduates change careers.  相似文献   

While there is a growing body of scholarship on the creative industries and on the career trajectories of graduates from creative industries programmes, there has to date only been a limited amount of research that examines in detail, the careers of fine arts graduates. Fine art is arguably the least ‘vocational’ of creative disciplines, in that there are relatively few employers that seek to employ fine artists as fine artists. If fine arts graduates are not employed in their chosen field – that is, in the ‘Creative Trident’ terminology, in a core creative occupation – how do their careers parallel or differ from those of other creative graduates? Do they find employment as ‘embedded creatives’, using or applying their experience and practice in sectors beyond the core creative industries, or as ‘support workers’, enabling and facilitating the creative work of others? Do they experience portfolio careers? And how do their artistic training and attitudes to creativity affect their working relationships and experiences? This article draws on rich qualitative data about the experiences of a small group of graduates (including the author) who all graduated from the same course at the same institution in the UK in 1994, to provide some insights into the career paths and trajectories of a sample of fine arts graduates.  相似文献   

What do art and design graduates and postgraduates do once they have completed their courses, and how well do they feel those courses have equipped them to realise their career ambitions? This paper firstly examines the available data on the career paths of art and design graduates, and considers to what extent this data is able to represent their success. It would appear that much of the national data presents a pessimistic view of the career prospects of these graduates and postgraduates. Secondly, the methodology and results of the Ambitions and Destinations project are outlined. The purpose of the project was to determine the career paths of graduates from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, and to discover the retrospective views about the courses on which they had studied, in the light of their subsequent careers. A postal questionnaire was used to survey all those who had graduated from a cross-section of undergraduate and postgraduate courses 1991–1995 inclusive. The career outcomes of the first-degree respondents are compared with those of the postgraduates, including their respective participation in the areas of paid employment, further study, self employment and unemployment. Respondents’ propensities to remain involved with art and design, and the likelihood of their entering teaching or lecturing are also examined. Some of the key points which emerged from respondents’ comments about the career usefulness of their courses are presented. Finally, the extent to which the career paths of these BIAD graduates and postgraduates are consistent with those obtained from national data is considered.  相似文献   

Underemployment, continued growth in the supply of graduates and seemingly perpetual instability are dominant trends in graduate labour markets. In order to negotiate an increasingly complex career terrain, graduates require sharpened skills in effectively managing their own careers and a strong assurance of their own capabilities. This study focuses on the individual dimensions of perceived employability (PE) and explores perceptions among undergraduates and the associated influence of career management competencies, work experience and individual characteristics. Data were collected for 480 business undergraduates at a UK and Australian university using an online survey. Findings indicate that, overall, undergraduates demonstrated reasonably high levels of PE. Certain career management competencies influenced perceptions, in addition to work experience and individual characteristics. The study is relevant to stakeholders, including educators, employers and students, from developed economies as it highlights coherent strategies to enhance PE among higher education students. These may lead to increased individual success in the labour market and more effective recruitment, retention and performance of new graduates.  相似文献   

Findings from transition studies as well as studies of student food show that the transition from living at home to independent living influences student food consumption and that food consumption might be problematic during this period. Furthermore, both students’ enactment of being in transition and the food habits and practices they bring with them from home may differ profoundly. Drawing on qualitative interviews and focus groups with 55 students, the paper explores student food consumption during this transition. Whereas some students come across as novices, virtually starting from scratch, several others are well-versed in the domain of cooking. Furthermore, in the present study, the students are not starting out their cooking careers in a vacuum, but entangled in their parental food practices. The students, who experience the least problems in regard to ‘habitualisation’ of ‘proper’ food consumption are those, who are experienced cooks from home. Nonetheless, the students do not automatically extend the practices and habits, with which they were brought up, unchanged, but instead, actively develop new habits, often with a clear feeling of being in transit. Transition is thus not an objective fact, but instead the individual student’s enactment and perception of his/her life and changes herein make formation of habits and practices meaningful. However, the extent to which students successfully take on the role as self-catering depends on both the student’s competencies and skills acquired prior to independent living, living situation and, most importantly, the student’s ability to habitualise grocery shopping and cooking.  相似文献   

An increasing emphasis on the need for provision of career development programs for all ages has prompted a parallel call for greater provision of training for career personnel. The present study surveyed career personnel in Hong Kong who were undertaking additional training, and Masters level students at an Australian university who were engaged in some careers work in their schools but who were not employed in a formal role as career teacher or counsellor. The survey focused on competencies of careers coordinators. The findings generally high-lighted a need for more training in the area of career development competencies.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways of enhancing inter-professional skills as part of professional development during university studies. From a socio-psychological viewpoint, inter-professional teamwork can be regarded as an interface between the group and individual levels, where collective commitment, efficiency, shared processes and outcomes, as well as tensions and dilemmas, are brought together. Inter-professional skills, which are already practised in university, may enable professionals to work in inter-professional contexts during their careers. In this case study, the participants (three student-teachers, two social work students and four supervisors) reflected on their shared experience of participating in a shared practicum at a primary school. The data-set comprises two group interviews conducted separately with the students and supervisors following the practicum. The results indicate that it is possible to develop inter-professional competencies during one’s university studies and that this has the potential to promote students’ reflective skills as they reframe their expertise and the expertise in other professions.  相似文献   

In accordance with the education policy which puts human capital at its heart, higher education is expected to produce marketable competent professionals in response to the needs of an expansive knowledge-based economy. In one reading, to support competitive knowledge-based economy, higher education students should graduate as young and fast as possible. The article asks whether it is credible that the young & fast principle as an objective for university education would provide a feasible way of enhancing professional labour force to serve knowledge economies. The analysis of study careers of 17,000 European second cycle university graduates shows that transitions from school to higher education to professional employment vary considerably in the 12 countries. The key finding is that countries with rather slow progression in the initial part of the transition tend to do better in the end, and vice versa. Belgium (Flanders) is the most obvious example of young and fast-graduating students that need a relatively long period after graduation to start their professional careers. In Finland, Austria, and Norway, relatively old and experienced graduates are employed rapidly. The time before professional employment after graduation is short for students who have acquired relevant work experience and acquainted themselves with professional fields. The youngest professionals are found in France where they tend to have access to opportunities for professionally relevant training. However, professional employment cannot be fostered by simply trying to recruit student populations as young as possible, but rather by enriching the labour market relevance of their student careers.  相似文献   

近年来,由于多种因素的综舍作用,促使我国报考硕士研究生的人数逐年增多,形成“考研热”。运用教育经济学的“人力资本理论”和“筛选理论”来分析这一现象,以期探求“考研热”的深层原因,并提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify the competencies required to achieve success in the transition from higher education to the labour market based on the perceptions of employers. This paper analyses the assessments made by a group of engineering company employers. An item-battery of 20 competencies was grouped into 3 dimensions by using factor analysis. Subsequently, respondents’ scores were also clustered into three groups and characterised through contingency tables. The competencies demanded by employers were grouped into business and finance, problem-solving and strategic planning. Significant differences were found between responses from employers working in medium and small companies, who placed more importance on competencies related to problem-solving and strategic planning, and employers in big companies, who were more concerned about the difficulties of finding well-trained graduates. The findings from this paper have important implications for research in the areas of higher education and organisations that usually employ graduate engineers.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, many observation instruments have been constructed to map teachers’ general pedagogic competencies. However, few of these instruments focus on teachers’ subject-specific competencies. This study presents the development of the Framework for Analyzing the Teaching of Historical Contextualization (FAT-HC). This high-inference observation instrument focuses on history teachers’ competency in promoting historical contextualization in classrooms. The results of the study demonstrate the instrument’s content validity. Generalizability studies were conducted to further assess the instrument’s dimensionality and reliability by decomposing the instrument’s variance. A large proportion of the variance was explained by differences between observed teachers, and a small proportion of the variance was explained by lessons and observers, demonstrating the instrument’s reliability. Furthermore, a decision study was conducted to determine the optimal number of observers and lessons needed for a reliable scoring design. The developed instrument could be used to gain greater insight into history teachers’ subject-specific competencies and to focus teacher professionalization on teachers’ specific needs.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of holistic competencies, universities have not yet been able to successfully embrace holistic competencies (HC) as part of students’ assessment in their curricula. HC are often part of a hidden curriculum – they tend to be assessed together with academic knowledge, and not assessed explicitly. Based in Hong Kong, this research developed a questionnaire to study university students' perceptions of the formal assessment of HC and how students’ perceptions could be bound to the sociocultural context. Through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), two dimensions of perceptions were derived from the responses of 300 respondents: (a) students’ acceptance of formal HC assessment, and (b) their preference for quantitative scoring in the formal assessment of holistic competencies. Findings reveal that students’ perceptions of formal HC assessment were generally considered positive. However, the majority of students appeared to favour pass/fail grading compared to quantitative assessment. As assessment drives learning, this study reinforces the need for universities to incorporate students’ perspectives in policies regarding HC assessment and highlights the role of culture in influencing student perceptions.  相似文献   

In an effort to gain more detailed information about the career patterns and professional experience of beginning teachers, teacher‐education graduates from the University of Canberra were studied. Data was obtained using a survey administered to a random sample of graduates who had completed their teacher‐education programmes in the academic years 1986 to 1991. The survey instrument focused on employment histories, teaching and non‐teaching career experiences, career support structures and the suitability of the University's preservice teacher‐education programmes as preparation for careers. Analysis of the data revealed that over two‐thirds of the graduates were currently employed as teachers. A little over half of the respondents stated that they would choose teaching again if making a career selection. The major problems encountered by these beginning teachers generally involved classroom management and understanding ‘the system’. Most thought that the support structures to help them with such problems were inadequate, generally recognising peers as the main means of support in early days of teaching. In response to questions about the value of their preservice programmes, the graduates placed most emphasis on the practical value of courses, the importance of practice teaching and the role of courses which provided a knowledge base for the later teaching of curriculum content.  相似文献   

We report an analysis of whether a psychology placement provides significant benefit to graduates’ careers. Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey data six months post‐graduation suggested that placement programme graduates across the university are significantly more likely to be (1) in work and (2) in graduate‐level jobs. For psychology, the association between graduates’ placement status and employment status at the same time was not significant overall. However, when analyses were split by degree classification obtained, it was shown that amongst those graduates with 2.1 degrees reporting themselves as working, more placement vs. non‐placement programme graduates had obtained graduate‐level jobs (63% vs. 33%). In 2.2 classified graduates there was no significant association. This pattern persisted in the data from a survey of psychology alumni (from 18 months to six and a half years post‐graduation). Psychology placement programme alumni were also more satisfied with their careers. Although placement graduates earned marginally more, this difference did not reach statistical significance. This study was therefore able to show some measurable and persistent effects of a psychology placement year, although whether the benefits can be claimed to outweigh the costs is inconclusive. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

适时就业指导的重要性与措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校扩招后大量的毕业生进入就业市场,就业、择业竞争日趋激烈,在流动人才竞争机制中,适时加强就业指导,培养和树立正确的择业意识,对于毕业生的成功择业具有重要的作用;对现阶段的社会发展状况,对本专业的发展前沿适时开展就业指导,加强自我推荐及诚信意识都将对毕业生的前途产生重要影响.  相似文献   

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