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社会资本、人力资本对就业绩效的影响已经引起社会的广泛关注。大学生人力资本和社会资本概念的厘清为大学生就业绩效的提升奠定了理论基础。社会资本是就业过程中的一个重要工具,有助于提高就业绩效;人力资本对毕业生选择工作以及以后工作后的收入、权利和地位的获得起重要作用,在持续绩效水平高低中起决定性作用:社会资本和人力资本在大学生就业绩效中起着相辅相成的作用。  相似文献   

Using newly available data from the Trajectories in Education and Careers Study, the first longitudinal study on a representative sample of high school students in Russia, we examined the importance of investments in human and cultural capital on students’ mathematics and reading standardized examinations, as well as on the likelihood of matriculation into a selective institution of higher education. Studying mathematics and the Russian language on one’s own for more than a year was positively and significantly associated with standardized scores and with an increased likelihood of matriculating into a selective university. A higher number of books at home was also associated with an increased likelihood of matriculating into a selective university. The findings are discussed within the particular institutional context of the Russian educational system.  相似文献   

人力资本开发是我国可持续发展的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
〕随着科技和教育的发展,资源和物质资本竞争的时代将逐渐由人力资本所决定的科学技术竞争的时代所取代,人力资本将日益成为社会经济可持续发展的重要因素。我国是一个人均资源拥有量和环境容量都低于世界平均水平的发展中大国,如果继续坚持传统的发展模式,预期的社会经济发展目标是环境承载能力所无法承受的。因此,我国要实现可持续发展,人力资本优先发展就尤为重要,尤为紧迫  相似文献   

Gender earnings differentials in China during the course of development in the post-reform period were examined. The analysis showed that the female–male earnings ratio increased over time in all regions. The region with relatively rapid economic reforms had the highest female–male earnings ratio. Decomposition of the gender earnings differential revealed that in the more developed region a lower percentage of the differential could be explained by gender differences in productive characteristics. Changes in the discriminatory component of the differential by region over time suggested that both the “competition” effect proposed by Becker [The Economics of Discrimination, 1971] and the effects of wage decentralization during economic reforms played a different role in the eastern and central regions versus their role in the western region. Further examination of the sub-components of the explained component of the differential highlighted the minor role of education in explaining the gender earnings differentials.  相似文献   

Authors propose a research framework that human capital of universities enhances performance through the mediating mechanisms of relational capital. Against the backdrop of the report issued by the National Knowledge Commission set up by the Indian government with a vision to transform India into a global knowledge hub, this study explores how universities can contribute in contriving a knowledge economy. Data collected from 13 north Indian universities has been tested empirically using structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings reveal that human capital has a significant influence on a university’s performance and relational capital partially mediates that effect. The results of this study will be of paramount importance for planners in the Indian higher education sector to achieve the goals that have been laid down in the report. Furthermore, it will help administrators and policy makers at universities to take cognizance of the global shift towards the knowledge economy and leverage human and relational capital in the process.  相似文献   

Current discussions about education suggest that a transformative pedagogy that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills is needed. However, there is no agreement as to the inputs needed for a correct development of the educational model. In this sense, we can identify the presence of two different approaches to human and social capital which embody distinct educational worldviews. On the one hand, the ‘Marketable Human Capital’ or ‘Personal Culture’ approach, and on the other hand, the ‘Non-Marketable Human Capital’ or ‘Civic Culture’ approach. The first, which is linked to mainstream economic theory, sees education as any stock of knowledge that contributes to an improvement in the productivity of the worker and individual well-being. The second, which is rooted in the Mediterranean tradition of political thought, highlights the role of civic virtues, reciprocity, and public action within the educational process and its influence on public happiness. In this article, we analyse these connections in order to introduce the eighteenth-century Mediterranean tradition of economic thought into discussions about human and social capital theories and the role of education in them. Focusing on education through these prisms, national and international agendas must be reoriented towards the integral development of people to include broader global debates.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that childhood speech disorders such as stuttering are associated with lower test scores and educational attainment. However, it is unclear whether these associations are causal in nature or whether they can be explained by difficult-to-measure heterogeneity at the community, family, or individual level. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and ordinary least squares, we show that stuttering is negatively associated with high school grades, the probability of high school graduation, and the probability of college attendance. However, empirical specifications with family fixed effects or controls for learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder suggest that these associations can, in large part, be explained by difficult-to-measure heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we distinguished between two forms of cultural capital, one that is static, representing the highbrow activities and practices of parents, and one that is relational, representing cultural interactions and communication between children and their parents. We used data for 28 countries from the 2000 Programme for International Student Assessment to examine whether these two types of cultural capital were associated with students’ reading literacy, sense of belonging at school, and occupational aspirations, after controlling for traditional measures of socioeconomic status. We examined whether one type of cultural capital had stronger effects than the other and whether their effects differed across outcomes and across countries. The results provide compelling evidence that dynamic cultural capital has strong effects on students’ schooling outcomes, while static cultural capital has more modest effects.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the role of students’ home and school variables in producing the achievement gap between second-generation Turkish students and their native peers in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Using the data from PISA 2006, this study supports past findings that both home and school resources affect the educational outcomes of immigrant students in their host society's school system. Specifically, the findings reveal that in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, second-generation Turkish students had significant disadvantages in terms of allocated resources at home and in school. More often than not, these disadvantages were found to have significantly negative effects in terms of second-generation Turkish students’ test outcomes relative to their native peers. In all three countries, however, the differences between the second-generation Turkish students and their native peers in terms of their family/home resources were found to explain more of the achievement gap than the differences in their schooling resources.  相似文献   

社会资本和人力资本对大学生就业的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对175名应届大学生的社会资本、人力资本和就业状况进行调查,得出以下结论:(1)网络内弱联系越多,越可能通过关系来获取工作。(2)在通过劳动力市场获取工作的大学生中,性别在收入水平和离职倾向上的影响是显著的,男性的收入水平要显著高于女性,并且女性的离职倾向要显著高于男性。(3)在通过关系获取工作的大学生中,人力资本越大,工作满意度越低;强联系越多,则收入水平越高;网络资源跨度越大,收入水平也越高。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,人力资本越来越起着主导作用。谁拥有高素质的人才,谁能高水平地运营人力资本,谁就能在未来的竞争中取胜。我国的出版企业是知识密集型企业,主要从事知识的生产、传播、积累,其有形资本甚少,更多的是人力资本、版权等无形资本,其价值创造主要依赖于管理者、员工智能的充分发挥。成功的出版企业资本运营首先必须着眼于人力资本运营。本文从方法论角度探讨出版企业人力资本的运营。  相似文献   

企业经营者人力资本与组织资本的互动有利于构建企业核心能力;经营者异质型人力资本的特性体现了企业核心能力;企业核心能力的动态优化过程是经营者基于异质型人力资本的不断创新过程;基于经营者人力资本的企业文化有利于提升企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

本文从马克思主义理论的四个方面阐述了其中所包含的人力资本理论:劳动者的界定揭示了人力资本的内涵;劳动力价值的内容包括了人力资本投资的行为;剩余价值和利润的区别也就是把价值增殖看作是人力资本的产物还是物质资本的产物;生产自动化条件下剩余价值源泉这一问题的分析揭示了人力资本的外延。  相似文献   

阐述了人力资本开发对经济发展的作用,分析了职业教育在人力资本形成和开发中产生的影响,并提出:加强人力资源管理与开发、提高人力资本存量与质量、大力发展职业教育以及职业培训是实现职业教育大众化、人力资本开发专业化、造就数以千万计的高素质劳动者和专门技术人才的根本途径.  相似文献   

试论中国人力资本配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国要实现人才强国战略,必须实现由人口大国向人力资本强国的转变。实现这一转变的关键是加大人力资本开发的投资力度,加强人力资本配置的市场化运作,深化教育体制改革,建立学习型社会。  相似文献   

我国西部资源优势并没有转化为现实生产力,东西差距呈惯性扩大趋势,东西差距形成的一个重要原因,就是国家投资政策差异。市场条件下的经济增长,需要资本市场的首先推动,西部开发同样需要资本市场出力。西部现有融资 渠道主要有财政、信贷和直接融资,这些融资渠道并不能充分体现国家的西部开发政策,在某种现有融资主要有财政、信贷和直接融资,这些融资渠道并不以能充分体现国家的西部开发政策,在某种程序上还保留了非均衡平  相似文献   

论我国人力资本的悖论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国人力资本存在着诸多悖论现象.在人力资本存量上相对过剩与绝对缺短并存,高素质人才与低素质人口同在;在人力资本流向上吸引与流失相悖;劳动力市场同时存在失业与空位;人力资本投资既不足又过度.所有这些悖论的根源是结构失衡.建立统一健全的劳动力市场,消除限制劳动力流动的障碍,就会使人们自觉地投资于教育,进而提高人口素质,使人力资本的结构与经济结构相协调.  相似文献   

我国人力资本生产制度缺陷及其深层原因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国人力资本生产的制度性缺陷主要表现在:人力资本投资制度、教育管理制度、人力资本进退制度、教育过程制度、培训制度、产权制度以及非正式制度等方面。其深层次原因在于:制度创新供求主体乏力、制度的路径依赖、意识形态刚性强化现有制度“锁定”、制度实施机制不健全以及制度间的不协调和冲突。  相似文献   

资本形成对实现我国经济持续增长和提高人民生活水平的双重目标具有重大的现实意义。然而货币政策肩负扩大内需的任务,金融市场的不完善和企业投资效率低下分别从储蓄的形成、储蓄向投资的转化和投资效率三个方面制约资本形成。针对有关限制因素,提出相关对策,克服资本形成的阻力,是当前必须重视的问题。  相似文献   


This Editorial to the current collection provides a brief historical, cultural, regional and contemporary picture of environmental education research in Brazil. Its main purpose is to offer readers a short background and orientation to the collection, and in so doing, illustrate how its contributions relate to some wider tendencies, trends and issues in environmental education, as well as to different locales of research and knowledge generation in the country. Of particular note for environmental education in Brazil are: the effects of social and political backdrops and issues, the unique environments on which environmental education is grounded, and how environmental education research, in turn, may echo or influence particular educational and public policies.  相似文献   

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