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This paper aims to discuss the challenges in the process of building a learning community in Vietnamese primary schools. Five lessons emerge from the cases. First, changing teachers’ beliefs is time-consuming. Second, because of the reluctance of teachers to change, large-scale delivery of the educational project should be critically revisited with regard to its effectiveness. Third, learning community requires the building of trust among actors, including external resource persons. Fourth, external resource persons should continue learning sincerely to gain teachers’ trust. Fifth, the concept of sustainability should be revisited as something that is never-ending and that cannot reach perfection.  相似文献   

In 1999 Thailand passed an ambitious national educational law that paved the way for major reforms in teaching, learning and school management. Despite the ambitious vision of reform embedded in this law, recent studies suggest that implementation progress has been slow, uneven, and lacking deep penetration onto classrooms. Carried out ten years after the launch of the reform law, the current research sought to expand on these earlier studies by examining the capacity of Thailand's principals to lead reforms in teaching and learning. The study developed a national profile of principal instructional leadership using a Thai Form of the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale ( Hallinger, 1994). The overall profile of 1195 primary and secondary school principals suggested a moderate level of engagement in two dimensions (Creating a School Mission and Developing a Positive School Learning Climate) and a lower level of activity on the dimension, Managing the Instructional Program. The results provide preliminary evidence which suggests that a more systematic human resource strategy is needed in order to ensure that Thailand's key school leaders have the knowledge, skills and motivation needed to support changes in teaching and learning envisioned in the nation's education reforms.  相似文献   

论高等教育学制改革与教育现代化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
学制体现出一国教育的基本结构和基本性质,中国近现代学制的建立与发展推动了中国教育近现代化的进程。但是我国现行学制仍是上个世纪50年代学制的延续,已严重滞后于大众化时代高等教育发展的需要。当前高等教育上的诸多弊端,如分类不清、定位不明、结构性的失衡、人才培养结构与社会需要脱节等,其症结多在于学制建设的滞后性。要使我国高等教育现代化改革取得突破性进展,高等教育学制改革势在必行。出台高等教育分类标准、理顺各系统的关系、将高等教育融入终身教育体系等不失为有益策略。  相似文献   

本文从素质教育系统的整体出发 ,对中学生物教育过程中的教育目标、课程与教学内容、课堂教学的模式 ,教育教学评价等方面进行了分析和思考  相似文献   

职业中学与一般中学在体育教学上有着相同之处,但也存在着差异。职业学校的体育教学改革应将自己的培养目标与学生所学专业、工种的特点及学生心理与生理发育特征结合起来,这是当前职业中学体育教学改革的重要课题。  相似文献   

加快中学政治课教学改革是素质教育内在特点的要求。为此,要在观念上确立素质教育在中 学政治课教学改革中的重要地位,要全面准确地把握中学政治课的教学内容,狠抓知识素质 教育,深入挖掘中学政治课教材中的指导性功能,培养能力素质,要大力贯彻知行统一原则 ,加强理想信念素质和行为素质教育,使中学政治课教学改革落到实处。  相似文献   

《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》)明确了考试招生制度改革方案,总体来看,考试制度改革的任务主要是促进教育公平和增强学生自主选择权,并未为单科的改革提供具体要求。但是,大量的调查数据显示:语文学科教学方向的变革已经围绕着"传统文化"、"生活实际"、"独立思考"和"个性发展"等关键词展开。可以说,考试制度改革与高中语文教学方向的变革同时进行着,并且随着考试制度改革的深化,高中语文教学方向的变革将会成为考试制度改革明文规定的一部分,因为政策的不明朗已经成为阻碍语文教学发展的"拦路虎"。  相似文献   

This article examines how Chinese education officials interpret and utilise selective information from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to legitimate and consolidate contested reform messages and initiatives in Shanghai. A content analysis of data obtained from newspaper articles, official documents and education essays published in China yielded two key findings. First, Chinese officials turn to PISA data to highlight the existing problems of academic burden and ‘school choice fever’ that validate the need for reform. Second, they aim to garner support for on-going reform initiatives that seek to redefine the aims and nature of education in Shanghai. In both instances, the education officials do not just rely on the resources from PISA to advance local reforms. They also re-interpret the information in such a way that allows them to create new possibilities and realities. The example of Shanghai illustrates the symbiotic relationship between PISA/Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the domestic education system that is characterised by both dependence and independence.  相似文献   

文章运用系统论要素分析的方法,对基础教育阶段和高等教育阶段的课堂教学作了比较分析,在借鉴基础教育课程改革经验的基础上,就如何突破高校课堂教学改革的瓶颈,解决关键问题,提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

新课改对于中学体育教学提出了新的要求,在这样的情况下中学体育教学应该坚持与时俱进,积极采取措施去改善中学体育教学的现状。文章首先分析了中学体育教学的重要性,总结和归纳了中学体育教学存在的缺陷和不足,在此基础上提出了新课改下中学体育教学问题的解决对策。  相似文献   

文章结合高职教育教学特点和职场需求,把能力本位教育理论应用于高职高专公共英语教学改革中,从教学目标定位,教学内容整合、教学方法创新以及教师能力提升等方面对公共英语教学模式进行新的探索,并提出了改革措施。  相似文献   


In this article, we analyse the implementation and change of a specific school reform in Germany using the example of external school evaluation in Lower Saxony: the school inspection. We investigate how and why a newly implemented reform is itself subject to reform shortly afterwards. We begin with a historical background of German school reforms over the last 40 years. Then, we consider school reforms through the lens of organisational theory. Finally, we combine the historical and theoretical perspectives on school reforms placing particular emphasis on more recent developments in external school evaluation. Based on these considerations, we elaborate some theses on reform and routine in schools.  相似文献   

论高等学校实验教学系统改革   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
实验教学系统改革是高等学校实验教学改革的最佳选择.该文阐述了实验教学系统改革的理论、实验教学的培养目标、培养目标的分解、分层次精心设计实验项目和内容,以及做好工作的具体方法.  相似文献   

推进教育公平是我国教育改革与发展的基本策略。江苏省普通高中教育在走向普及化的过程中,还存在着诸多不公平的问题,包括教育资源配置的区域差距、城乡差距、校际差距,高中教育机会获得中的家庭阶层差距,以及择校对高中教育公平的不利影响。江苏高中教育在发展过程中,需要不断地解决这些问题,促进高中教育公平的发展,提高教育公平的品质。  相似文献   

The close linkage between different institutions is widely recognized as a method of improving teacher education. This paper introduces an attempt to link university teacher training programmes with further teacher education thereby showing the benefits of the approach and factors influencing its success. To enable teachers and student teachers to participate, a blended learning course programme was designed. The findings presented in this article are based on a course evaluation comprising data from 19 teachers and 88 student teachers. The findings indicate that teachers and student teachers benefit in many ways through cooperative learning. For example, both groups appreciated having multiple perspectives and the opportunity to exchange their experiences and opinions. Communication and interaction between teachers and student teachers is significant to make cooperative learning successful. Adequate communication and interaction, satisfying for both participant groups, are crucial for the success of this approach.  相似文献   


Since the late 1980s, reform of the Spanish education system has been justified by reformists as a response to the social and economic changes that have occurred in Spanish society since the democratic transition in the 1970s. Consolidation of democracy, development of technology and economic convergence with the advanced nations of Europe have been seen as the major challenges for educational reform. Restructuring and legitimation processes derived from the requirements of the new reform have been conceptualized as a policy of reconversion, the main purpose of which is to maintain, or achieve, a strong competitive position in the international market. In this paper, conceptualizing educational reform as a reconversion process will allow us to link aspects of the new curriculum (content, pedagogy and assessment), school organization, teaching and teacher education in physical education with wider economic, social and cultural influences and explore the tensions and conflicts between policy and practice in PE in schools. The paper will argue that there is a widening gap between the interests of progressive educationalists and the direction of market‐driven education reform.  相似文献   

试析我国高等教育投入制度的改革方向   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
中国高等教育投入实行以财政拨款为主、其他多种渠道筹措经费为辅的体制。近年来,政府拨款总量快速上涨,但其在高等学校总收入中的相对份额却不断下降。今后增加经费的重点是除学费外的其他社会投入。研究型大学要努力增加科研收入、地方高校要多开展社会服务活动,努力使捐赠成为大学经费来源的一个重要增长点。在继续发挥政府财政拨款主渠道作用方面,需要进一步改革高等教育拨款模式,加强对中央财政专项经费的绩效管理,积极推动省级财政按有关生均标准对地方高校进行拨款;在有效调整高等学校自身吸引社会投入的政策方面,高校要树立成本意识,同时,大力发展民办教育以增加高等教育的投入。  相似文献   

This study reports on the Hong Kong education quality assurance and school monitoring system. Three research questions were addressed: (1) Who controls the quality of school education in Hong Kong? (2) What strategies are used in the Hong Kong school education quality assurance process? (3) Agenda for Future Research on quality assurance and school monitoring in Hong Kong. The analysis found that whilst quality assurance systems in Hong Kong are sophisticated, major reviews are necessary to rebuild trust between the government and practitioners.  相似文献   

综合中学制与中等师范教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪20年代,在我国曾实施综合中学制,在高级中学中实施包括师范在内的职业教育,师范成为中学的一科。虽然综合中学制实施才几年便宣告失败,但这一制度仍具有现代价值。在进入21世纪的今天,对中等教育学校进行“关、停、并、转”的改革,综合中学制似乎又有了回归的必要。  相似文献   

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