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The paper reviews the rapid development of higher education and science in China in the last forty years. It discusses the conditions and strategies of that development, including the ways that it embodies a distinctive Chinese approach to higher education. In particular, the paper reflects on the policies whereby China coordinated with globalization in higher education and science after 1978, in building national capacity and global influence. Scale, nation-state policy goals and accelerated investment on their own are necessary but not sufficient (otherwise Saudi Arabia’s research universities would be stronger than they are). The effective national/global synergy developed by China, made possible by the international openness and part-devolution to science communities that was implemented in the Deng Xiaoping era, has been crucial in the rapid rise of China’s universities and science. This national/global synergy—and its potentials, tensions and limits—in turn has determined the nature of the achievement and will shape its future evolution.  相似文献   

现代教育与国家安全   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
世界正在走向科技革命主导下的全球一体化时代,我国在已经“入世”和全球化的时代背景下,国家安全问题日益凸显。章阐述了全球化背景下的新国家安全观和我国国家安全的新形势,分析了现代教育与国家安全的关系,论证了教育在维护国家安全中的强大功能,认为教育是一项国家安全事业,并提出了国家安全战略中的教育对策。  相似文献   

Employing a glonacal (global, national and local) heuristic as a theoretical lens, and a qualitative analysis with interview data, this study highlights how Chinese faculty members interpret the definitions and implications of pursuing world class universities (WCUs) and struggle with the multiple dimensions of their academic lives across global, national and local dimensions. The findings indicate that faculty members believe that the quest to build WCUs in China has been narrowly defined by the government, which emphasises international/global dimensions, rather than national or local. Because of this, Chinese professors believe that there are growing gaps between administration and faculty. Yet they recognise significant advancement in hardware and facilities, especially in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This study confirms that faculty’s academic lives are intricately interlinked across the glonacal economy and that faculty continue to navigate their roles across all dimensions.  相似文献   


Informal science learning has been found to have effects on students’ science learning. Through the use of secondary data from a national assessment of 7410 middle school students in China, this study explores the relationship among five types of extracurricular science activities, learning interests, academic self-concept, and science achievement. Structural equation modelling was used to investigate the influence of students’ self-chosen and school-organised extracurricular activities on science achievement through mediating interests and the academic self-concept. Chi-square tests were used to determine whether there was an opportunity gap in the student’s engagement in extracurricular activities. The students’ volunteer and school-organised participation in extracurricular science activities had a positive and indirect influence on their science achievement through the mediating variables of their learning interests and academic self-concept. However, there were opportunity gaps between different groups of students in terms of school location, family background, and especially the mother’s education level. Students from urban areas with better-educated mothers or higher socioeconomic status are more likely to access diverse science-related extracurricular activities.  相似文献   


This paper examines how science education becomes institutionalized in Third World countries using Malaysia as a case study. The findings shows that the development of science education in Malaysia has been greatly influenced by international trends and the country's socio‐political development. Science gained a place in the school curriculum in the midst of British colonial rule. The strong colonial influence on school science continued throughout the early independence period but, in the 1980s, external influences on science education came from both Western and Islamic countries. In each of the historical periods, external world cultural forces interacted with internal socio‐political forces resulting in a national science curriculum which is in accord with world cultural rules but at the same time quite indigenous in character. This study also suggests that while each nation‐state aspires to develop an indigenous form of science education that would best suit the national context, the outcome tends to be more universalistic than particularistic due to global influences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the outstanding performance of Shanghai, China on PISA 2009 and its effects on other national systems and within the global education policy field. The OECD's PISA is helping to create this field by constituting the globe as a commensurate space of school system performance. The effects of Shanghai's success are considered in three other national contexts: the USA, England and Australia. We combine (a) analysis of data from more than 30 research interviews with senior policy actors at the OECD, the IEA and within Australia and England; and (b) document analysis of policy speeches, commissioned research reports and media coverage from the three national contexts. Shanghai's performance in PISA 2009 produced a global ‘PISA-shock’ that has repositioned this system as a significant new ‘reference society’, shifting the global gaze in education from Finland to the ‘East’ at the beginning of the so-called ‘Asian century’.  相似文献   

美国的对华战略服从于其全球战略。改革开放以来中国的经济实力和综合国力快速增长,美国战略专家认为,在全球化战略机遇下,中国如果实现了真正的崛起,就有可能对美国的战略利益甚至安全构成现实的威胁。为此美国一方面加强对中国的遏制成分,另一方面又加强对中国的交往、接触与合作。台湾问题一直是中美关系的焦点问题。中国崛起的不确定性和中国同周边国家关系的复杂性,都会影响到美国对华战略政策的调整。在当今时代,各国之间的相互依赖性增强,共同利益增多,未来中美关系的发展取决于各方面因素的消长情况。  相似文献   

Since the Reform and Opening-up in 1978, science and technology research has long been regarded as an engine for China’s modernisation. Comparatively, humanities and social sciences (HSS) research has been overlooked in national policy for a long period. Although China’s science and technology research has gained global prominence, its HSS research remains less visible in the world. This article reviews the policy trajectory of internationalising Chinese HSS research from 1978 to 2020. It identifies changing and unchanged tensions along the policy trajectory, explores the dynamics between the internationalisation and indigenisation (‘Chinalisation’) of HSS, and reveals a hybridisation of ideological openness and vigilance in Chinese HSS research. Based on the examination of those tensions, this article discusses the shifted power paradigm in Chinese HSS, the connotation and challenges of ‘Chinalisation’, and the tensions between national policies, institutional implementation and individual practices.  相似文献   

以广义的文化概念来看,科学在人类社会发展中从近现代走向后现代。比照现代复杂性科学研究的内容与中国古代文化传统生成的、整体的思想,会发现有许多契合之处。文中特别把分形理论中“空集”的概念与老子的有关思想进行比较,认为我们传统文化中具有后现代生成论的形而上学的基础与智慧,只要正确地研究、继承与发展我们的传统文化,把握现在,中国科学文化的发展将是与后现代文化最为契合的民族文化。  相似文献   

顾彬彬  杨小微 《中学教育》2011,8(1):42-47,41
高中文理分科问题正引起社会的热切关注.本文从对高中文理分科的百年历史回顾和其与高考改革及课程改革的纵横经纬中,分析文理分科问题演变的过程和纠结的性质.通过国际比较,提出高中文理分科应该超越分不分科的争论,在理念上从分科施教转向分类育人;并应在终身教育的关照下,重新思考高中教育在人生发展中的意义,重新反思高等教育与高中教...  相似文献   

Like Lemke (J Res Sci Teach 38:296–316, 2001), I believe that science education has not looked enough at the impact of the changing theoretical and global landscape by which it is produced and shaped. Lemke makes a sound argument for science education to look beyond its own discourses toward those like cultural studies and politics, and to which I would add globalisation theory and relevant educational studies. Hence, in this study I draw together a range of investigations to argue that globalisation is indeed implicated in the discourses of science education, even if it remains underacknowledged and undertheorized. Establishing this relationship is important because it provides different frames of reference from which to investigate many of science education's current concerns, including those new forces that now have a direct impact on science classrooms. For example, one important question to investigate is the degree to which current science education improvement discourses are the consequences of quality research into science teaching and learning, or represent national and local responses to global economic restructuring and the imperatives of the supranational institutions that are largely beyond the control of science education. Developing globalisation as a theoretical construct to help formulate new questions and methods to examine these questions can provide science education with opportunities to expand the conceptual and analytical frameworks of much of its present and future scholarship. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reprises the argument for the emergence of a global education policy field and then focuses on the shared habitus of global and national policy actors and technicians. It is argued that this shared habitus is constituted as a reflection of and a contribution to the creation of the global education policy field. Bourdieu’s approach to habitus as both methodological tool and concept is used and the significance of the interview encounter to understanding habitus is argued. The authors also draw on the content of interviews with five elite policy-makers and technicians. It was found that the policy actors and technicians shared a similar middle-class embodied habitus; in terms of schemes of perception, they identified with a high-modernist confidence in both science and technology; they identified with a cosmopolitan outlook and sensibility; and demonstrated scientistic approaches that held real confidence in understanding the social through quantitative social science methods.  相似文献   

交通运输业是国民经济中的一个重要的物质生产部门,它把社会生产、分配、交换与消费各个环节有机联系起来,是保证社会活动得以正常进行和发展的前提条件。我国大城市目前处于交通拥堵社会问题普遍存在和突发的阶段。如何处理交通拥堵等社会问题,成为大城市社会经济健康发展的重要评价因素。世界发达国家和发达城市,在处理交通拥堵社会问题方面取得了较为丰富的经验。在充分借鉴国际经验的基础上,结合我国大城市的具体情况,能够提出我国大城市处理交通拥堵社会问题的主要方法和对策。  相似文献   


This paper looks at how cosmopolitanism is practised amongst Singaporeans who have experienced Singapore’s education reform in the 1990s. Cosmopolitanism in Singapore is tied to state-intervention with a national orientation. To complement Singapore’s push towards cosmopolitanism, the education reform in the 1990s promoted the idea of a national citizen with a global orientation. I looked at 40 Singaporeans born after the year 1990 to investigate cosmopolitan attitudes that have emerged from the tensions between cosmopolitanism and nationalism. To meet the state’s ideals of cosmopolitanism, these Singaporeans employed strategies to practice a particular form of cosmopolitan openness which prioritise national interests. Nationalism and cosmopolitanism co-exist in Singapore and share a dialectic relationship as I argue that these Singaporeans are global national citizens.  相似文献   

清末是西方科学技术在中国发展的重要时期,也是中国近代史上的重大转折时期。清末中日两国同时开始引入近代西方科学技术,但两国的科技发展模式有显著差异,具体体现在科技发展的内核要素和外部条件两个方面。这种差异是由两国国家性质不同所决定的,并导致不同后果。通过对1840—1911年间中日两国科技发展的比较,从两国文化及历史发展进程及其各自所持有的对外科技价值观的角度,分析"中体西用"与"和魂洋才"的关系,探讨近代中国科技落后的原因。  相似文献   

This paper moves beyond a conceptualization of globalization as a top‐down imposition of policy directions ‘from above’ to focus on the active two‐way dynamics between global, national and local levels of policy processes. Arguably, the particular ‘case’ examined here of ‘quality’ policy is especially appropriate as quality policy and golbalization rose to prominence in educational discourses at roughly the same time during the 1990s, suggesting that the two may be intimately interconnected. An analysis of new quality policy in Australian higher education for the 2000s is used as a vehicle to explore the dynamic reciprocity of global–national–local interactions in policy processes as revealed through empirical evidence collected during interviews with members of the national Australian Universities' Quality Agency. The concluding discussion highlights a key meta‐level theme of education policy transfer between countries and the potential for global policy convergence.  相似文献   

This paper is about the process of developing integrated science curricula at junior secondary schools in the Peoples’ Republic of China in the past 20 years. The history has witnessed two stages of developing integrated science curricula during this period in China: one was at the provincial level in the 1980s/1990s, while the other was at the national level in the new millennium. Using the concept of curriculum emphases, this paper purported to investigate the advocated forms of integration and the reasons and causes behind them in integrated science curriculum during the period under study. Data were collected from two sources: curriculum documents related to the integrated science curricula, and interviews with key informants who were involved in designing the official documents of this kind of science curriculum. Two models of integration have been identified from the two stages respectively: one is ‘integration within science subjects’, while the other ‘integration beyond science subjects’. The social–political roots of the two models of integration have been traced. To meet the goal of scientific literacy, it is suggested in the final part of this paper that the model of ‘integration within science subjects’ should be abandoned while the model of ‘integration beyond science subjects’ should be advocated in the process of developing integrated science curriculum.  相似文献   

作为核心资本,人才的竞争是一个国家进步的标准。中国的基本国策是重视男女平等,并将人才的发展战略作为一项长期的工作来抓。中国女性人才的培养已经取得了显著成效,特别是少数民族女性人才,在参与国家政治和社会事务管理方面,无论是能力还是数量,都在与日俱增。但在少数民族女性高层次人才成长过程中,诸如生产力水平、社会意识、科学技术、家庭、学校、单位等均有一定的影响。  相似文献   

A great deal of research has addressed the tension between economic globalization and local cultural identity, and the tension between convergence in global policy objectives and divergence in local practices, but research has not explored the impact of the complex interactions between these tensions on an individual university, especially in relation to university autonomy. This paper attempts to bridge this gap. Based on a case study of Tsinghua University in China, this paper explores the university's role in three interrelated processes: the incorporation of international experience into higher education, in order to respond to economic globalization; the reinforcement of political education, as a means of preserving the state‐prescribed cultural identity; and the quest for autonomy, to facilitate the university's move towards world‐class status. Tensions raised by the interaction of these processes will also be discussed. This paper concludes by applying the concept of ‘glocalization’—i.e., ‘thinking and acting both globally and locally’—as a means of understanding the complex interrelations of global, national, and local factors that inform the translation of global imperatives into local realities in the context of Tsinghua.  相似文献   

贵阳市于2010年4月被科技部列为国家创新型试点城市,成为贵州省首个也是唯一的国家级试点城市,这标志着贵阳市整体实力尤其是科技实力的提高,同时也对贵阳市科技发展提出了更高的要求.因此,加强科技创新政策及法律有效实施对加快贵阳市科技发展推动社会进步具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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