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On the evening of September 1 6, a reception took place in Wuyutai Tea & Cuisine Restaurant in celebration of Chinese Mid-Autumn FestivaL.The reception was jointly hosted by Beijing Wuyutai Tea Co., Ltd., China & The World Cultural Exchange magazine and Beijing Kangpute Cultural Development Company.  相似文献   

Chinese tea is not merely a beverage variety but also bears rich cultural traditions. Like pastries associated with Chinese traditional festivals, Chinese tea embodies cultural elements that bring it with lingering charms and added values. The famous modem drama "Teahouse" is a perfect example. Perhaps because I was born and grew up in Beijing, I like reading literature about Beijing, in particular, litera .ry works by Lao She. He is one of the greatest writers in modern China who was born of a poor Manchurian family in Beijing. He worked and lived in UK and USA for nearly ten years and committed suicide in 1966 when the Cultural Revolution broke out.  相似文献   

Sinology is an academic discipline on the study of China, Chinese people and Chinese culture. Today, the scope of sinology has widened extensively to establish itself as a knowledge system on the study of Chinese philosophy, history, language, literature, arts, politics, economy and society. Sinology development relies on sinologists and translators who play an indispensible role in helping the rest of the world know more about China.  相似文献   

A Chinese steelyard is the measuring instrument used to measure weight. It uses a weight that moves on the scale stem and changes the ratio of the lever to measure, The steelyard consists of the following parts: an arm, a hook, lifting cords and a weight. The arm is graduated with the weight units. The hook, hanging from one end of the arm, is used to lift up the object to be weighed. Hanging from the other part of the arm is the free-moving weight, attached on a looped string. On the arm is fixed one, two or three lifting cords, placed much closer to the hook than to the other end. Anything to be weighed should be picked up by the hook, while the weigher lifts up the whole steelyard, holding one of the cords. He then slides the weight left or right until he finds a perfect balance of the beam. He then reads the weight from the graduation mark on which the weight-string rests.  相似文献   

汉字文化圈论略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“汉字化圈”包括使用汉字或曾经使用汉字,并承袭汉字化的民族与国家。汉字化圈的存在,是一个垂之久远的历史事实。本对化圈、汉字化圈进行了界说,对汉字的境内传播与境外传播予以了讨论。  相似文献   

To celebrate the Chinese New Year,Tian Boping,secretary-general of Beijing Calligraphers Association,recently held a solo calligraphic exhibition featuring tea traditions at Wuyutai Tea Shop at Wangfujing,a Beijing-based centuries-old tea brand.  相似文献   

蔡丰明 《寻根》2009,(4):39-45
中国的七夕节是一个伴随着牛郎织女的传说一同发展起来的传统节日,其滥觞大概是在汉代,晋代葛洪的《西京杂记》有“汉彩女常以七月七日穿七孔针于开襟楼”的记载,说明当时七夕穿针习俗已经开始流行。随着时代的推移,七夕逐渐发展成为中华民族普遍奉行的一个重要节日,并且受到了广大民众的喜爱。  相似文献   

On September 18, Chinese Vice Cultural Minister Ding Wei attended the inaugura-tion ceremony for the China-France Senior-level Mechanism for Cultural Exchange as a member of the Chinese Government delegation led by Vice Premier Liu Yandong. Following the ceremony, the European Times inter- viewed Ding Wei at China Cultural Center in Paris.  相似文献   

On June 17, 2009, an evening gala in celebration of the 60^th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic ties was held in the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Russia, Before the gala show .  相似文献   

研究方法的确定主要取决于对研究对象的认识和界定。在传统的文化研究中,基于对文化概念的人类学和社会学认识,经验方法、结构方法和历史方法是文化研究的主要方法。但是,随着知识经济的崛起和文化产业的出现,文化的内涵和外延得到拓展,文化功能发生了重大变化,并因此对当代中国文化研究提出了严峻挑战。总体上看,厘清文化对社会经济发展的作用力,探索"文化生产力"的性质、特点、规律、结构和机制,认识当今文化学与其他多学科交叉的特点,进而探究当代中国文化研究方法和路径,已是摆在理论界和学术界面前的任重而道远的任务。  相似文献   

<正>From He Yufang’s creations, it is obvious to see that she has visited many places and learned the spirit of vitality and vibrancy from the gorgeous landscape...  相似文献   

The exhibition includes a total of 60 contemporary Chinese design works,coming from different field of contemporary Chinese society and showing the latest devel...  相似文献   

After Stuart Hall’s death in 2014, Korean newspapers ran detailed obituaries praising him as an influential British intellectual figure. The broad media attention appears to be unusual, given that he maintained a relatively unknown presence in the Korean cultural fields compared with other theorists. This work examines how and in which context Hall’s writings have been cited, or not cited, and emphasized in the Korean cultural studies. The incorporation of Hall’s writings into the resources of the academic field entangled him in scholarly rituals of parochial citations and applications, resulting in the fragmentation and de-contextualization of Hall’s overall problem. The selective focus on and occasional absence of certain aspects among his intellectual and political legacies may demonstrate how imported British cultural studies have, or not yet, been indigenized and localized in Korean cultural and political contexts.  相似文献   

中国化形态学派的化再建理论,过去一直重视不够。建设有中国特色的社会主义理论是一项系统的工程,化建设是其中一项重要的内容。重新审视化形态学派的化再建理论,不论从总结学术成果,还是从现代化建设的角度来说,都是有益的和必要的。  相似文献   

本文所指的中华礼仪传统是作为礼仪之本的礼仪精神和原则,它是在传统礼仪变迁和传承过程中积淀下来,并不断更新和发展的。中华礼仪传统为中国社会提供精神本源,通过代际接力和代际回馈,以文化认同的方式形塑中国社会结构和社会生活世界。但是这种文化认同在中国封建传统社会却被极端化和武断化,隆礼重法、以礼代法、人治社会成为与传统交相诟病的源头。本文认为,中华礼仪传统之本,以及由本而生的文化认同,始终是时代社会文明和进步的维系力量。而要有效发挥中华礼仪传统的文化认同功能,就必须进行传统的创造性转化,包括大力发掘,内容出新,以及建立传统的代际接力和代际回馈机制,防止和消除影响和谐社会建设的社会分化和社会对立问题。  相似文献   

<正>Hosted by the Ministry of Culture and co-organized by Chinese National Academy of Arts and Centre of International Cultural Exchange,the Symposium on Sinolog...  相似文献   

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