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Being Deaf and in prison is a horror. The main fear of prison inmates, whether Deaf or hearing, is that they will be raped, killed, or subjected to other forms of violence. Such fears are based in reality. The recent overcrowding of jails and prisons has increased these problems significantly. A major reason for this situation is the blatant violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act by most jails and prisons in the United States. This includes the failure to provide interpreting services for necessary activities and facilities such as religious services, educational programs, vocational training, faith-based prisons, and mental health treatment for addiction. The author discusses other problems faced by inmates who are Deaf and offers suggestions for correcting injustices faced by those who are Deaf in American jails and prisons.  相似文献   

社会主义荣辱观是社会主义先进文化的一个有机组成部分,对此,分析研究了图书馆在树立社会主义荣辱观中应有的职责和具有的优势,并提出了图书馆在树立社会主义荣辱观工作中的重点.  相似文献   

通过对关于SAPS和H1N1的相关媒体报道进行内容分析比较,分别从现代社会的性质、媒介和受众三个角度探究了"媒介恐慌"形成的原因及其危害,并进而联系我国社会处于转型时期这一特殊背景,对大众传播媒介的社会责任进行反思.  相似文献   

Children's experiences and understandings are often marginalised in discussions of their own television viewing. Moreover, rarely is attention paid to the meaning children make from and with the ideas and images in media, much less in horror movies. This inquiry examines the horror media talk of a preschool girl in a poor and working-class preschool programme in a conservative Christian area in the Southern United States. One extended story by Jakaysha, a five-year-old African-American girl, is the focus of this paper. Using multiple post-structural theories including Davies' fluidity and Bakhtinian text mapping, we examine the contrasting gendered discourses in her narrative. Combining characters ‘poached’ from various media with discourses from her local community, she creates new horror media. In one reading of her tale, she uses horror to justify a departure from feminised subjectivities, while in another feminised expectations prevail, speaking to the multiple gendered subjectivities for girls.  相似文献   

This article discusses the frequent use of schools as settings for horror narratives, particularly narratives aimed at teenagers. It argues that these school settings are not incidental, but integral to the horror. Teenage horror reflects a mixture of fears about failing to meet the social expectations of school, of ostracisation and loneliness, anxiety about sex and sexual violence and the realisation that responsible adults (teachers and parents) cannot protect young people from these challenges. Many of these fears are particularly pertinent to girls, who are the main consumers of this genre. A consideration of teenage horror may heighten parents' and teachers' understanding of the intensity of the often hidden fears of those for whom we still have responsibility. The article draws particularly on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  相似文献   

本文赏析了一部英文电影《恐怖游轮》,并从中得到一些启示:大学英语教学中教师首先要兼备英语和汉语双重文化的理解能力;教学实践中要强调英美文化背景知识与文化渊源的传授;可采用播放文化气息浓厚的英文电影这一直观有效手段来提高学生跨文化交流的人文素养。  相似文献   

美国恐怖小说家斯蒂芬.金获得“美国文学杰出贡献奖章”,他的作品作为类型化小说,其真正的文学价值在于:在通俗的离奇的故事背后,蕴含着较为丰富的现实主义内涵。  相似文献   

每个民俗学学者必须了解自己的学科有多少经典或创新著作是翻译的结果,尽管这个问题常常被隐含了。民俗研究同时也是翻译研究,因为两个领域近年来愈发成熟和关系密切。无论是跨文化或语言研究还是对文化研究都离不开文本的翻译。这种翻译不仅能提供文本,同时也能在研究新的文化时促进文化协商。民俗学者必须面对民俗与翻译研究中出现的新问题。因此,可以通过回顾历史归纳出民俗与翻译研究的四个挑战。  相似文献   

The central question asked was whether differential shock modification occurs (posturally induced differences in shock contact time) under signaled and unsignaled conditions using scrambled shock. Shock modifiability was tested with two different shock sources, intensities, and scrambling units by measuring the duration of time subjects were in contact with shock. Subjects were then given a choice between the signaled and unsignaled conditions. Results showed that differential modification of shock contact time did not occur between signaled and unsignaled conditions with any shock source, intensity, or scrambler unit. In addition, subjects preferred the signaled condition. It was concluded that experiments using scrambled shock are not confounded by posturally induced differences in shock contact time.  相似文献   

热激蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
热激蛋白是一类在有机体受到高温等逆境刺激后大量表达的蛋白质,是生物对逆境胁迫短期适应的必需组成成分,对减轻逆境胁迫引起的伤害有很大的作用。本文主要介绍了热激蛋白的概念、种类、特点、功能和基因表达的调控。  相似文献   

Three experiments evaluated the effects of a single electroconvulsive shock in alleviating the learned helplessness effect in rats. The experiments differed primarily in terms of the location of the ECS treatment in the experimental sequence of events. In Experiment 1, ECS was given following helplessness training and testing and was evaluated during a retesting phase; in Experiment 2, ECS was given either immediately after helplessness training or immediately before helplessness testing; and, in Experiment 3, ECS was given prior to helplessness training. In all three experiments, significant helplessness effects occurred for subjects not receiving ECS but were absent in subjects receiving ECS. The data were compared with expectations arising from both amnesia-inducing and biochemical-change interpretations of the effects of ECS.  相似文献   

Lick-suppression tests were used in seven experiments to assess the transsituational transfer of fear in the learned helplessness paradigm. Two sources of fear combined to suppress test drinking in inescapably shocked rats. A situational odor was strongly associated with shock pretreatments and mediated the transfer of conditioned fear during testing. Fear of the pretreatment odor was greater following inescapable shock than after escapable shock or restraint. This conditioned suppression was retained for at least 72 h after pretreatment. Neophobia was enhanced as a second, nonassociative reaction to inescapable shock. Unconditioned fear was augmented by a novel odor in the test context, but otherwise was weak and dissipated within 72 h. However, neophobia was necessary for differential conditioned suppression in inescapably shocked rats. The pretreatment odor elicited fear only when tested in a novel context. Initial habituation to the test apparatus reduced conditioned fear. These data provide additional evidence for odor-mediated transfer of helplessness. Conditioned fear and neophobia are discussed in relation to recent anxiety interpretations of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Inescapable electric shock disrupts escape-avoidance learning in another apparatus. This study demonstrates a deficit in a nonlearning task in which no aversive stimulus occurs. In Experiment 1, inescapable shock lowered rats’ dominance in a food-competition situation relative to restrained controls. In Experiment 2, inescapable shock lowered rats dominance in the same food-competition situation relative to a group that received the equivalent amount of escapable shock, demonstrating that the inescapability of the shock caused at least part of the decrement observed in Experiment 1. Experiment 3 does not find that inescapable shock caused a significant difference in food consumed or running time when the rats were tested alone, showing it unlikely that the dominance effects were caused by decreased hunger or reduced running following inescapable shock.  相似文献   

逻辑和语言的研究分为句法、语义和语用几个领域。在语义领域,其主要理论有蒙太格语法、广义量词理论、话语表述理论、情境语义学和类型逻辑语法。这些理论自上世纪下半叶诞生起就呈现出逻辑和语言研究的交叉互动:尽管在形式语义学框架内逻辑始终强势影响着自然语言的研究,但自然语言的丰富性通过形式语义学的研究也一直作用于逻辑工具的创新。  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to study the immediate-shock freezing deficit, a deficit in freezing in rats that results when electric shock is delivered immediately upon exposure to a novel context. This deficit was accompanied by failures to detect evidence of passive avoidance (Experiment 1) or potentiation of the auditory startle response (Experiment 2). The deficit in freezing was attenuated by preexposure to the shocked context (Experiment 3). The results support the view that fear-related behaviors are activated by signals for shock rather than by shock itself. They also suggest that the immediate-shock freezing deficit is due to a failure to process the to-be-conditioned contextual cues (Fanselow, 1986a, 1990).  相似文献   

使用王璞和R·Kahawita教授在河口动力学的数值模拟研究中得到的化简后的立方样条求解偏微分方程的 3× 3矩阵系统求解方法 (1- 3)数值模拟求解了一维的非线性Kdv -Burgers模型方程 ,讨论了耗散与弥散对此激波结构的影响 ,结果和文献[4] 一致。说明了对于Kdv方程不存在扭型弧立波 ;对于Burgers方程不存在钟型孤立波 ;对于Kdv -Burgers方程则兼有二者特点存在扭钟型 (振荡型 )弧立激波 ;这个结论对于文献[5] 是一个数值上的支持。在计算过程中 ,再次显示了立方样条在求解偏微分方程 (特别是流体力学问题 )中所具有的 :(1)任选网格保持高精度 ;(2 )极易处理边条 ;(3)具有的三对角型方程组计算快捷等优点。  相似文献   

G. Jagadeesh 《Resonance》2008,13(8):752-767
This article introduces the reader to the exhilarating world of Shock Waves. With their unique ability to enhance the pressure and temperature instantaneously in any medium of propagation, shock waves are now being used for many innovative applications in the industry. The origin of shock waves, their characteristics, laboratory tools used in their study, along with a few interesting industrial applications of shock waves developed at the Indian Institute of Science are described. G Jagadeesh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc, Bangalore. His areas of interest include hypersonic flows, biomedical and industrial applications of shock waves. He has five international patents on various discoveries on industrial applications of shock waves.  相似文献   

藏学研究与中国边疆学的构建有密切的联系。藏学研究不仅是探讨涉藏边疆问题的重要基础,也为中国边疆学的构建提供有益借鉴,还为中国边疆理论体系的形成奠定扎实的基础,并提供广阔的研究视野与独特的研究视角。中国边疆学的发展,必将促进藏学研究的进一步繁荣,有助于藏学研究取得更为丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

郭在贻提出研究俗语词为训诂学开辟了一个新领域,但对现在的俗语词没有提及。训诂学不应局限在俗语词方面,还应扩大到俗文化范围,从研究古书走向俗文化研究,对人们喜闻乐见的俗文化现象进行研究,揭示其所以然及俗误。训诂学对周易预测算命、取名、方俗语研究、英语教学、新词揭源、地方文化研究及数字化电子文献的整理校勘等都有重要作用。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the relationship between shock magnitude and the rate of acquisition of a passive avoidance response. Experiment 1 indicated that the use of a relatively large magnitude of shock can disrupt learning to remain on a platform in the center of an open field to avoid shock. The inferior learning of the group trained with high shock was replicated in Experiment 2, which also demonstrated that avoidance learning can occur rapidly with this level of shock if the platform is located in the corner of the apparatus. To explain this, it was proposed that thigmotactic behavior is responsible for the disruption in avoidance behavior when training is conducted in the center with high-magnitude shock. Finally, Experiment 3, essentially a replication of Experiment 1 except that the platform was placed in the corner of the test compartment, demonstrated a direct relationship between shock magnitude and passive avoidance learning. The results are seen as being consistent with accounts which maintain that avoidance learning can be influenced by the occurrence of species-specific defense reactions.  相似文献   

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