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信息技术与美术教育学课程整合的实践和思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
信息技术教育与课程整合是现代教学发展的必然。信息技术为高师美术教育学的教学提供了良好的学习环境,让学生的主体地位得以真正确立,使自主学习、探索学习、协作学习得以真正实现,使终身教育和学习社会化成为可能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share ideas from 5x5x5=creativity, a research initiative established in Bath (UK) in 2000, with the aim of developing and embedding a creative and reflective pedagogy in schools and early years settings. 5x5x5=creativity research, in partnership with schools, educators, artists, creative professionals, mentors and cultural centres, aims to raise the aspirations and improve the life chances of children and young people as creative learners. In our research we want to develop creative reflective practice and influence systemic educational change. This research defends the special role of the arts in developing a more flexible concept of education through curiosity and creativity, together with the capacity for the arts for allows ‘possibility thinking’ through a creative and critical pedagogy. In this article we analyse the impact of the artists’ involvement on the development of a creative, reflective pedagogy in schools. As both artists and educators we believe it is necessary to challenge current orthodoxies and establish creative and critical thinking at the heart of learning for both children and adults.  相似文献   

教育技术专业实施艺术与教育信息技术整合研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代教育技术是教育、技术.艺术三大领域有机的统一体。艺术在教育技术中起着非常重要的作用。艺术与教育信息技术整合必将带来教学内容、教学过程、教学资源、教学评价以及学习方式的进一步完善,艺术与教育信息技术整合将为教育技术带来强大生命力。  相似文献   

随着数码技术的快速发展,数码艺术在雕塑艺术领域中得到广泛的运用,数码艺术雕塑作品已经能够虚拟出近乎完美的艺术效果。数码艺术改变了传统的雕塑创作和制作方式,雕塑艺术的传播也越来越数码化、网络化。  相似文献   

针对数字化技术对高校艺术设计学科的影响,提出了建立科学、完善、合理的艺术学科课程体系,培养复合型、数字化的设计人才的观点.  相似文献   

作为一种促进数字技术与课堂教学有效整合的教学改进工具,技术整合矩阵(TIM)通过集成乔纳森的有意义学习环境和ACOT技术应用水平,形成了具有连续统特征的数字技术与教学整合新框架.有意义学习环境的特征维与技术应用水平层次维构成的二维矩阵构成了25个连续统单元,每个单元为评价教师教学实践中技术水平的应用提供了可信的参照,有助于教师改进数字化教学,对于推进数字技术与课堂教育教学深度融合具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

A significant component of design pedagogy is the need to foster critical design thinking and to support students in understanding links between educational exercises and their potential application in professional design practice. Problem solving is central to design so it is also essential that students understand that there can be multiple solutions to a design brief, and are supported in creative experimentation and in generating imaginative outcomes. This article examines some innovative approaches to addressing these pedagogical needs. It investigates the effectiveness of pedagogical design incorporating the Immerse Lab, a three‐wall projection room at an Australian university, as a learning context for design practice, for generating ideas and for supporting learning involving the comparative display of design outcomes. Anonymous student survey results revealed that the majority of students found learning in the Immerse Lab to be beneficial; comparative review more effective than in standard tutorial rooms; that the activity generated new ideas; it encouraged students to think differently about their designs; and it inspired students to develop their existing designs or create new ones. The project demonstrated that curricula involving immersive spaces can be effective in supporting engaging and relevant design pedagogy.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the field of art education has seen an increasing interest in issues of social justice and social reconstruction which has led to pre‐service art educators often being encouraged to include potentially controversial topics in their pedagogy. Surprisingly, however, there seems to have been little concurrent discussion concerning the inherent risks involved in introducing polemical themes within the classroom. Indeed, despite its obvious importance, the subject of censorship is often given little attention in art education circles, save for when it has already become an active problem, such as when an instructor is accused of censorship by a student, or when forces outside the classroom seek to involve themselves in pedagogical decisions. In this article, I describe my experience creating and implementing an undergraduate pre‐service art education course on the subject of censorship. I begin by examining my students’ reactions to some of the themes explored, and then explain how discussing cases of art censorship and controversy can serve as a platform for introducing students to the key role that context plays in how we perceive, value and react to artworks. Finally, I make the argument that by including censorship as a subject within their curriculum, teachers can help students better to navigate the psychological, moral and ethical complexities of contemporary art making.  相似文献   

在传统观念下,摄影被认为是真实时空中发生的事物和活动的复制品,是现实世界的纯粹反映,而数字影像的记录方式从实体的银盐变成了虚拟的像素,通过后期再加工合成或电脑绘图制作的影像把摄影从记忆中的现实空间转化为想象中的拟像空间,解构了传统摄影的确证和记录的本质,颠覆了摄影艺术纪实美、瞬间美的本体特性,重塑了当代影像艺术的创作与审美架构,步入瓦尔特.本雅明所预示的"艺术作为摄影"的时代。本文从传统摄影的本体特性切入,探讨数字影像技术对新闻摄影伦理观念的冲击,摄影艺术创作方法和观念的转变等问题。  相似文献   

本文从学术、技术和艺术角度详细阐述了石窟寺文物数字化的内涵。首先,敦煌石窟数字化学术是基础,了解敦煌学知识,挖掘学术价值,依据文物保护法,采用科学的文物保护理念,利用摄影与计算机理论知识制定数字化方案,指导实际工作;其次,要制定数字化的工作流程和标准规范,不断地引进新的技术,利用多种技术手段对石窟寺进行数字化工作,永久保存数据;最后,加强数字化成果的应用,拓展思路,以艺术为目的,将价值极高的敦煌石窟展现给观众。  相似文献   

小学艺术教学近年来发展较快 ,取得了一些成功的经验 ,但在发展的同时也暴露了一些问题和不足。由于美术、音乐长期分科教学 ,产生了宽泛的美术、音乐课程与课时量相对不足、强调选拔功能而忽视培养学生审美素质、强调学科性而忽视学生情感的矛盾等问题。鉴于此 ,本文提出打破学科界线 ,进行艺术教育综合化尝试的对策。要改变教学方式 ,贯彻艺术融合性原则 ;师生之间、学生之间共同参与艺术活动 ,形成对艺术的感悟和共鸣。改变教学内容 ,使之更贴近学生生活和学生情感 ,使艺术教学变得鲜活起来。  相似文献   

普通高校公共艺术教育并不等同于专业院校的艺术教育,其根本目的是提高大学生的艺术素质和审美能力,积淀人文精神,陶冶道德情操,发展通识教育,促进大学生在德智体关诸多方面的发展。因此,普通高校的公共艺术教育应明确定位在普及和综合的层面上,着眼于人的全面、健康的发展。公共艺术教育课程应克服传统课程中仅以知识为本位的教学弊端,而推崇一种多元综合的艺术教育。旨在培养一种健康发展的艺术理解力,为学生的全面发展提供优质的教育环境。作为实施美育的重要途径,它对于塑造健康的人格,提高全民族的素质,培养创新型人才,都具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

A disconnect exists between students’ comfort with using technology for learning and teachers’ comfort in using technology for teaching. Students report the desire for more engaging technology-based assignments. Teachers cite multiple reasons for their hesitancy to use technology in their teaching. The current study investigates whether this disconnect has implications for students’ evaluations of their teachers. Using data from 101 high school students, researchers found that students’ perceptions of their teachers’ comfort with technology impacts their evaluations only when student affect for technology is high. Implications for how this might impact teacher evaluations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in technology and increased access to technology tools have created new instructional demands and expectations on teachers. Due to the ubiquitous presence of technology in K-12 schools, teachers are being observed on both their pedagogical and technology integration practices. Applying the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPCK) framework, the purpose of this study was to determine, through the Delphi research method, a consensus among experts of what should be contained in a classroom observation tool that simultaneously facilitates evaluating pedagogy and technology integration. The study resulted in a list of 30 indicators.  相似文献   

This paper opens a theoretical discussion regarding the pedagogy of a learning setting as students experience it. Students’ experience of learning deserves particular attention because it may differ from the pedagogy that is designed and campaigned for by the school, or even from the one that is ‘experienced’ by the teacher in the same situation. In order to open up such a discussion, we introduce the term ‘pedagogy in practice’ (PiP). This new term describes the pedagogy that actually acts on students’ thought and affects; it relates to the interaction between the school’s pedagogy and students’ experience of it. In this paper, we define the concept of PiP and examine its implications and differentiation from related pedagogic concepts. By doing so, we question educators’ and policy makers’ ability to understand, evaluate, make sense of, and eventually improve pedagogies or curricula in general without looking at PiP in particular.  相似文献   

当前国际数学教学中技术整合呈现着“技术两重天”的现状,通过对安徽省部分小学数学教师的调查,发现安徽省小学数学教学中技术整合状况与国际上的“技术两重天”是相似的.小学数学教师要在其教学中进行技术整合面临着内部和外部因素的影响,当前应该做好提高小学数学教师的数学KPCT知识和相应技能等方面的工作.  相似文献   

艺术院校应重视大学生的思想政治教育,注重艺术专业教学与思想政治教育的融合创新,强化艺术类教师思想政治学习意识,提高艺术类教师思想政治理论水平,创新思想政治理论课教学形式,推进思想政治理论课教学改革,将思想政治教育元素和思想政治教育功能融入专业教学和专业实践,通过音乐创作、美术写生、戏剧创作、舞蹈表演、摄影创作、电影编导...  相似文献   

Information Technology in Higher Education: Tensions and Barriers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined the effects of an intervention in writing with digital interactive books. To improve the writing skills of seventh- and eighth-grade students with a learning disability in reading, we conducted a quasi-experimental study in which the students read interactive digital books (i-books), took notes, wrote summaries, and acted as reviewers of a set of i-books. A repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated that the intervention group of students significantly outperformed the control group on the following measures of writing: the holistic text quality and the summarization text quality, with large effect sizes.  相似文献   

通过对高职数字电子技术课程综合实训的设计,探讨了基于工学结合理念,以所学知识和技能的工程综合应用为目的、以创新和可持续发展能力培养为主线的电子信息类专业基础课程综合实训的设计思想,提出了集成《数字电子技术》课程的经典内容,以小型电子产品的设计、制作为载体的综合设计方法。  相似文献   

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