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网络课程教学环节反馈系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现今很多网络课程缺少教学环节信息的反馈设计,教师在师生交互中仍处于“被动”地位,这样很不利于进行形成性评价。本文把网络课程与数据挖掘技术相结合,提出了一个对网络课程的教学环节进行反馈的系统研究的解决方案,为教师提供学生学习效果的反馈信息。  相似文献   

The authors examined the peer feedback exchanged in 2 supervision groups of counselors‐in‐training (CITs). CITs generated 169 statements grouped into 10 clusters representing 5 regions of peer feedback: counselor focus and engagement, insight‐oriented skills, exploratory skills, therapeutic alliance, and intervention activities. Both positive and corrective peer feedback was exchanged on topics ranging from counselor performance skills to case conceptualization.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a phenomenological study of 10 practicum students' experiences of the integrative reflective model of group supervision. Six categories emerged: (a) intentional listening, (b) engaged in the process, (c) extension and application of the model, (d) personalization feedback, (e) mindful listening, and (f) dimensional feedback. An implication was students' openness to constructive feedback in group supervision.  相似文献   

Assessing student learning is a complex process requiring teachers to have deep knowledge of the curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy. Changing political climates mean that teachers are expected to respond to new approaches or systems and adjust their classroom practice accordingly. Teachers often engage in professional learning (PL) to assist their knowledge and classroom practice, but what impact does PL have on their assessment practice as well as student learning and achievement?

This paper examines optimal PL principles, the New Zealand assessment policy context, and application of assessment for learning principles in a nation-wide PL programme. Empirical data presented in relation to the five levels of Guskey's (2002) Guskey, T. R. (2002). Does it make a difference? Evaluating professional development. Educational Leadership, 59(6), 4551.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] model evaluating PL indicate successful outcomes at the classroom level. However, application of Carless’ (2005) Carless, D. (2005). Prospects for the implementation of assessment for learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policies & Practices, 12(1), 3945.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] theoretical framework on embedding PL changes in schools reveals an area of neglect: attending to system (macro) level needs. Collaborative partnerships between schools and the wider community are posited as essential determinants of assessment literacies and transformational PL in times of political change.  相似文献   

反馈作为形成性评价的核心部分,在中小学教学管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。在中小学教学管理中,教师为学生提供形式多样的反馈,可以帮助学生更好地利用反馈信息,提高学习效果;教师为学生提供具体和有针对性的反馈,可以让学生认识到自己应该改进的地方,提升学习成绩;教师为学生提供多方位、多层次的反馈信息,可以最大化地促进学生进步;教师为学生提供个性化的反馈,使学生更好地根据自身的特点提升学习能力。  相似文献   

360度反馈评价是近年来从西方企业或组织的人力资源管理中借鉴的一种绩效评估和职业发展的评估工具。具有评价的公正、真实、全面、客观和准确等特征。在内容、结构、标准、评价者和结果反馈等方面也有特殊要求。在对它的运用过程中常出现标准不明确、未作工作分析和预测、依赖上级评价和缺乏沟通等问题。有鉴于此,我们应正确理解360度反馈评价的价值,重视企业高层领导的决定作用,注意使用360度反馈的文化差异问题。  相似文献   

形成性评价对大学英语教学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了形成性评价与终结性评价的区别以及国内外形成性评价研究现状,用实验研究的方法分析了形成性评价对大学英语教学的影响。通过实验研究,结果显示:形成性评价方法有利于增强学生的英语学习动机,促使学生使用学习策略,有效培养学生的英语应用能力。  相似文献   

Based on analysis of learners’needs of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and in accordance with the actual college ESP teaching, the author conducted a one-term comparative exploration on the appli...  相似文献   

An undergraduate social work program developed a service‐learning experience in partnership with a local United Way organization to complete a community needs assessment project. The experience integrated the curricula of a social work research methods course and a generalist‐macro practice course with the principles and actions of experiential and service‐ learning, evidence based practice, and civic responsibility. This integrated curricula project yielded practical, “real world” outcomes for the local community and learning outcomes for the students. Needs assessments conducted by social students resulted in particular groups of community citizens receiving targeted services from agencies receiving funding from United Way. Evidence obtained from the students who participated in this experience indicates that two important learning outcomes were achieved; a heightened awareness of the local community's resource system and a sense of connection to the local community, along with the enhancement of students ‘self‐esteem and increased self‐confidence in their abilities.  相似文献   

This research investigates and evaluates an innovative approach to a web based formative assessment system. This self assessment tool is based on the traditional Multiple Choice Questions with additional facilitation of registering the level of confidence of the student's response to each of the options available. The student's generated score is designed to reflect their understanding of the topic under review.A series of experiments involving 93 participating students and 8 instructors were conducted producing some interesting qualitative and quantitative data. Our results show that it appears that this tool has promise as a positive contributor to the instructor and student as they journey along their learning path. In addition this research recommends directions for further studies.  相似文献   

This study compares students’ experiences of two types of criteria-based assessment: in-text commentary and rubric-articulated feedback, in an assessment design combining the two feedback channels. The main aim is to use students’ responses to shed light on how feedback strategies for formative assessment can be optimised. Following action research methodology, the study discusses key categories of student responses from three sources: reflective texts, a questionnaire, and interviews. Results show that different functions were attributed to the two feedback channels: in-text commentary to lower-order concerns related to language proficiency, and rubric-articulated feedback to higher-order concerns related to an overview of writing achievement. We argue that the different functions have the potential of creating a sufficiently balanced assessment design with the possibility of serving both short-term and continuous learning goals. On the other hand, some students found it difficult to navigate between the two feedback channels. The article therefore ends with a ‘lessons learned’ section where we list possible ways in which the current assessment design can be improved for optimal use of the synergy effects emanating from a combination of in-text commentary and rubric-articulated feedback for formative purposes.  相似文献   

The scope and complexity of the Australian taxation system (as with other tax regimes) is daunting for many accounting students. This paper documents the implementation of new practices that were initiated in an effort to address some of the challenges faced by undergraduate students studying taxation. Based on the principles of cognitive load theory, summaries of the lecture material became the focus of tutorials. These summaries provided the impetus for teaching staff to experiment with illustrations as a strategic means of delivery. Drawing diagrams and presenting them in the form of pictorial mnemonics proved to be effective tools in helping students understand and synthesize basic taxation concepts, thereby promoting effective deep learning. Both formal and informal feedback was overwhelmingly positive and affirming of this innovative approach to the subject. A selection of the pictorial mnemonics we designed is provided.  相似文献   

建立针对个人学习成果的综合评价体系,是构建终身学习社会的必然要求.澳大利亚资格框架(AQF)是在终身学习需要不断增长的条件下建立起来的;它涵盖了传统的正规教育和职业教育与培训,使各种资格可以相互比较与衔接;它还通过先前学习认定(RPL)对非正规和非正式的学习成果进行评价,更扩大了传统的评价范围.因此,澳大利亚资格框架正是一种终身学习评价体系,它对未来构建终身学习社会具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the effects of an instructor’s face threat mitigation tactics on student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor in a written feedback setting. Participants (N = 401) were randomly assigned to one of two feedback scenarios in which level of face threat was manipulated. Student feedback anxiety was measured prior to being exposed to the feedback scenario. Results indicate that high face threat mitigation is positively associated with student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor. Results also revealed that feedback anxiety predicts lower self-efficacy for learning and less perceived emotional support from the instructor. Implications regarding theory, the measurement of feedback apprehension, and student–instructor communication are discussed.  相似文献   

Diagnostic and formative assessment practices have been widely endorsed in the educational research literature. This article reports the findings of a small-scale study which investigated the extent to which these practices have been embraced in classroom teaching. The interview data from six lecturers and six students at a polytechnic in Singapore illustrate how lecturers described their strategies and students experienced them. The data indicate that, among the research participants, there was little clear evidence to suggest that diagnostic and formative assessment were coherently conceptualised or strategically applied. Further, instances of pedagogical actions that could have been taken as applications of diagnostic and formative assessment appeared to have occurred serendipitously rather than purposefully. The implications of this for the students’ learning are discussed.  相似文献   

In this critically reflective piece, I describe the design of a foundations of education course and my first year teaching experience. I discuss thematic statements of issues that emerged as I came to construct the meaning of my experience and evolving ideas about teaching for public service professions. These included that:
  • Questioning is not ‘normal’ for everyone;

  • The experience of classroom safety may be different for student participants than for teacher participants;

  • Reflection is a situated responsibility; and

  • Assessment and authority interact within the context of learning in a formal classroom.

Discussing these issues helped me in framing teaching for public service as itself a transcendent public act, one that crosses boundaries of time and space and that requires embodied, rather than idealistic, understandings of qualifying to teach.  相似文献   


The process of engaging in classroom research provides teacher candidates with opportunities to enter into the kind of deep, self-reflective work that we believe is an important capacity to build in teachers as they begin to engage in the construction and transformation of theory and knowledge within their own unique contexts. Our Action Research (AR) process involves multiple opportunities throughout their coursework, advising, and feedback sessions to try to promote the development of this capacity. These opportunities serve as a holding space where candidates are both supported and challenged through interactions with their research advisors, other faculty members, their peers, and panelists consisting of educators from the field. In this paper, we present what we believe to be important elements of AR that emerged from our final feedback sessions with 13 teacher candidates in our program as they prepared for the professional presentations. We found that considering these feedback sessions as mediation spaces (1) empowers teacher candidates to externalize and deepen personal understandings of their research through dialogical discourse with expert others, and (2) negotiate their power and emerging practitioner researcher identities.  相似文献   

形成性评估在公共计算机网络教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前网络教学评估存在若干问题,依据构建主义学习理论,构建一种新形的形成性评估模式并应用于公共计算机网络教学的各个环节中,旨在探讨这种评估体系对学生的学习态度、学习情感以及教学产生的后效作用。  相似文献   

This article reports the key findings of a project commissioned in 2005 by the UK Department for Education and Skills to consider the use of synchronous digital video for observation, feedback and assessment of teaching practice in post‐compulsory education and training. A protocol for the remote observation of teaching is presented that was developed after consultation with teachers and observers. Twenty‐five lessons were observed, in real time, and judgements of in‐class and online observers compared. The study demonstrated that, in the conditions tested, synchronous digital observation was a viable alternative to face‐to‐face observation for assessment and feedback on teaching performance.  相似文献   

Feedback is widely acknowledged as the crux of a learning process. Multiplicities of research studies have been advanced to address the common cri de coeur of teachers and students for a constructive and effective feedback mechanism in the current higher educational settings. Nevertheless, existing pedagogical approaches in feedback are fragmented and ad hoc in nature. Taken in isolation, each approach fails to capture the full role and complexity of assessment feedback in the learning process. The paper provides a synthesis of existing practices in the field of assessment feedback and identifies the core guiding elements to develop a holistic and integrated feedback system. The 360 degree (360°) feedback system is proposed and its systematic implementation is demonstrated via the interplay between self-, peer and teacher assessment. It is concluded that the elements of 360° system when combined and integrated help to maximise the functions of feedback to enhance learning.  相似文献   

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