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培养学生的创新能力,促进其理解、联想思维至关重要。图片具备的可感、形象生动的情境联想不失为帮助学生理解、联想和记忆的教学方法。基于对移情本质的理解及图片的优势效应,应用美国理查德·格里格和菲利普·津巴多的心理学理论,总结了图片的记忆与认知效应;站在学习者的角度,考虑使其在学的过程中获得美学、含义和情感的多重体验,构建了基于图片优势效应的移情式教学设计模型,为图片应用于移情式教学提供了可借鉴的参考途径。  相似文献   

Many images of the ‘artist’ or ‘designer’ pervade the media and popular consciousness. Contemporary images of the artist and creativity that focus solely on the individual offer a very narrow depiction of the varying ways creativity occurs for artists and designers. These images do not capture the variety of creative processes and myriad ways artists and designers work. Young creatives in particular are choosing to work with a social approach to creativity. An example of this approach is the world of blogging, a form of social media where young creatives have a very active voice. This article explores how creative bloggers, that is, artists, designers and makers who blog about their practice, use a social approach to foster creativity with a sense of community, environmental and ethical awareness, a value framework that is in opposition to the market‐driven notion of liberal individualism. Is there a way to include participation in the broader art and design blogging world as part of art and design education? What can we learn from such a social approach to learning in higher education art and design programmes? This article explores these questions and shares findings of an ethnographic approach to an analysis of art and design blogs. In doing so it argues for a socially‐wise approach to creativity in art and design education as a means of promoting values other than those usually connected to the market.  相似文献   


Empathetic design is the ability for the designer to predict the cognitive and emotional experience of learners as they engage with the design product and process. It aims to center sensitivity toward learners, and the design process as a whole, which suggests potential application in educational settings. In the shift to digital, empathetic design may help instructors imagine learners’ thoughts and feelings engaged during the learning activity, and make iterative changes in response. Though empathetic design highlights sensitivity toward learners, by attempting to ‘be’ the other, it may unintentionally enact practices, and ideologies, of colonization. Recommendations for praxis via humanizing pedagogy are offered.


One of the characteristics of collaborative learning is that it offers opportunities for learners to reflect and justify their work, to compare, understand and criticize their peers' work, and to iterate through these processes as needed. This paper presents a design of a system that supports learners in taking advantage of these collaboration affordances in the context of collaborative modeling. The main focus is the automatic generation of adaptive interventions for the process of qualitative modeling of physical phenomena. Students interact with the learning environment by running a simulation, using visual tools for qualitative modeling, and communicating with each other through special tools and free text. The system tracks and analyses learners' activities that relate to the subject matter tasks as well as to the communication between the learners and generates interventions accordingly. The layered interventions are designed also to integrate communication and content issues.  相似文献   

This case study examines the design and facilitation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that focused on attitudinal learning about the topic of animal behaviour and welfare. Findings showed that a team of instructors worked together collaboratively towards realising learning goals and found the experience rewarding. While learners had mixed perceptions of gains in cognitive, affective and behavioural learning, they reported high satisfaction with lecture videos and instructor course participation. Implications for the instructional design of MOOCs and attitudinal learning are discussed based on these findings, including a discussion of MOOCs as a unique platform for attitudinal learning, and recommendations for their successful use. The recommendations include the importance of creating a collaborative instructor team, establishing high instructor presence, using interactive and collaborative learning activities, and receiving support from platform providers and institutions.  相似文献   

培养学习者的协作能力是当前教育的重要目标之一.在分析论述网络环境下协作学习实现条件的基础上,对专题学习网站中的协作学习的设计与实现进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and efficiency of individual versus collaborative learning was investigated as a function of instructional format among 140 high school students in the domain of biology. The instructional format either emphasized worked examples, which needed to be studied or the equivalent problems, which needed to be solved. Because problem solving imposes a higher cognitive load for novices than does studying worked examples it was hypothesized that learning by solving problems would lead to better learning outcomes (effectiveness) and be more efficient for collaborative learners, whereas learning by studying worked examples would lead to better learning outcomes and be more efficient for individual learners. The results supported these crossover interaction hypothesis. Consequences of the findings for the design of individual and collaborative learning environments are discussed.  相似文献   


This research employs novel techniques to examine older learners’ journeys, educationally and physically, in order to gain a ‘three-dimensional’ picture of lifelong learning in the modern urban context of Glasgow. The data offers preliminary analyses of an ongoing 1500 household survey by the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC). A sample of 1037, with 377 older adults aged 60+, was examined to understand older learner engagement in formal, in-formal, non-formal and family-learning contexts. Preliminary findings indicate that all forms of older learning participation are lower than younger and middle-age counterparts. However, there is a subset of ‘actively ageing’, socially and technologically engaged older adult ‘learner-citizens’, participating in educational, physical, cultural, civic and online activities (including online political discussions and boycotts). These older learners were more likely to be working, caretakers and report better health overall. Long-term disabilities were associated with less engagement in non-formal learning activities. Additionally, engaged older learners’ GPS trails show more city activity than their matched non-learning-engaged counterparts. Place-based variables, such as feeling safe and belonging to the local area, moderated adult participation in learning activities. The full data-set will be accessible to researchers and the general public via UBDC, providing a complex data source to explore demographically diverse learners’ within an urban context.  相似文献   

Strong claims are made for ICT‐based lifelong learning as an effective way of reducing the exclusion of various groups in society, yet, there is very little research to support these claims. Empirical research is needed, including qualitative studies of the experiences of socially excluded learners using ICT. This article reports the findings of such a study in relation to learners from one socially excluded group, adults from ethnic minority backgrounds, who are disproportionately deprived and often excluded by language. The article discusses the study of the experiences and perceptions of adults learning English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) through ICT in seven different learning centres in England. The findings show that technology is insufficient to overcome existing inequalities in access to learning, and to engage learners who would not otherwise undertake formal learning, but ICT‐based learning can reduce some aspects of social exclusion in terms of encouraging minority ethnic group learners to speak more within the host community. ICT‐based learning offers a space for language learning and practice, which is often absent in traditional ESOL classrooms and in the every day lives of these excluded groups. Learning is a social practice in which the level of commitment of tutors to encouraging the use of these media and creating a safe and private space for learning affects the range of learning activities with which learners engage and the impact of these on their everyday use of English.  相似文献   

英语移动学习资源信息收集功能与移动学习协作活动的设计是远程英语移动协作学习实践项目的第一关键所在。根据远程英语移动学习协作活动,针对英语移动学习资源信息收集功能、经常上网收集的移动学习资源、项目实践的效果等方面展开调查,对协作活动案例进行实证研究,充分证实移动协作可以发挥移动设备在课堂内外的强大潜力,为解决传统协作学习的不足提供便利,促进、加快学习者之间的交互和协作。  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine perceptions of attitudinal change in relation to the primary assessment activity within four Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that were designed for attitudinal learning. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, we sought to understand if by focusing on assessing cognitive learning (quizzes) as opposed to behavioral learning (personal projects), the courses would result in greater reported attitude change in the respective areas. The second component of the study examined whether learners who identified cognitive learning (quizzes) as opposed to behavioral learning (personal projects) as the most impactful learning activity (or vice versa) reported stronger learning in the respective attitudinal component. Using an author-created survey that included learner reported attitudinal learning, perceptions of attitude change were collected. Results revealed that learners who utilized assessment activities focusing on behavioral learning did not report higher perceptions of behavioral learning. In contrast, learners utilizing assessment activities that focused on cognitive learning did report higher perceptions of cognitive learning. We conclude with a discussion of instructional design and facilitation of learning in MOOCs, as well as instruction for attitudinal learning within open-learning environments.  相似文献   

基于问题解决的网络协作学习越来越受到CSCL领域研究者的重视。本研究利用设计研究的方法,设计并实施了一轮基于问题解决协作学习活动。数据分析显示50%以上的学习者认为问题解决网络协作学习活动可以发展他们的问题解决能力,并使之获得丰富的在线学习体验。学习者对任务和问题设计的满意度较高,对资源、工具及角色的满意度相对较低。设计存在的主要问题在于角色之间缺乏有效衔接,以至于不同角色的学习者难以协作完成任务。资源与工具缺乏使用提示,以至于学习者难于将资源与工具与具体的学习任务进行整合。  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper shows the continued evaluation of a web‐based interview simulation designed for human services and counseling students. The system allows students to practice empathetic helping skills in their own time. As a possible means to reinforce acquisition and transfer of these skills, interactive learning modules (ILMs) were developed and implemented. The ILMs act as supplemental instruction presenting scenarios and demonstrating best practices responses to client behaviors. Data were collected to assess the impact of these modules on empathetic helping skill acquisition and to assess the efficacy of repeated interactions with the system. Survey items and comments from users were also collected. Findings show some positive trends in empathetic helping skill acquisition through repeated interactions but no significant effects of the ILMs. Attitudinal survey results and comments from users were collected to assess user perceptions of the system as a whole and of the ILMs.  相似文献   

研究应用并评测了一个基于Android系统的实时学习平台,为学生提供一种新的学习手段。系统是基于学生体验设计的学习系统,包括在线学习、测验、音频、视频播放、双向信息系统、协同概念地图学习系统等功能。学生可以利用本学习系统,进行情境式的移动学习,整体环境让学生有良好的学习体验,而所有学习信息都记录在学习管理系统中,这也更能方便教师制定教学计划。经实际使用验证,本系统能有效的提高学生的学习效率,改善学生的学习体验。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a case study of four teachers' beliefs about the nature of historical empathy and their means of cultivating such empathy in secondary school classrooms. The results of multiple interviews and lesson observations of history teachers in England suggest that teachers conceptualize empathy in bounded but not parsimonious ways, shaped by the realities of trying to teach it to students; that they select from broad repertoires of strategies, including major activities as well as small‐scale discourse strategies, heretofore largely unexamined; and that they recognize ways in which their empathetic goals exist in tension with other teaching aims, creating dilemmas they must manage rather than definitively resolve. Significant discrepancies between how these teachers actually think and practice and how empathy teaching is discussed in the educational literature suggest that research stands to benefit by attending more closely to teachers' ideas.  相似文献   

The Internet has recently been identified as a potential enabler of lifelong learning. Web‐based learning systems enable learners easily to access rich resources and actively participate in learning activities without time and distance limits. The main challenge in lifelong learning is providing the opportunity for discussion and collaborative knowledge construction to engage learners in acquiring and applying knowledge in the context of learning, working and collaboration. Moreover, knowledge sharing is a key component in the formation of communities of lifelong learners. Most online collaborative learning communities use Web text‐based discussion forums for knowledge sharing. However, such discussion forums are separated from the context of learning activities. Furthermore, the facilitation of beneficial dialogue through discussion forums, requires the involvement of mentors as facilitators. This study proposes an e‐book interface that enables learners easily to annotate or enter queries in a text in which questions arise, where a query context is transferred to a discussion forum. The subsequent anchors of questions are linked to a discussion forum for actuating sustained participation. A mentor finder recommends a collaborative peer based on learner knowledge level to answer the questions. Learners can also use mobile phones to access this ubiquitous discussion forum using voice/text anytime and anywhere. The experimental results showed a clear increase in the level of discussions, and most learners indicated that they benefited considerably from collaborative mentor support in an e‐book learning context through the provision of a ubiquitous discussion forum.  相似文献   

角色规定了CSCL中学习者所承担的权限和任务,是CSCL研究关注的核心要素。本研究将角色引入问题解决协作学习中,从协作任务和问题解决认知加工两个维度构建了角色设计框架。研究将角色设计框架应用于具体问题解决协作学习中,部分验证了框架包含角色的有效性。研究结论认为,问题解决协作学习活动所采用的三类角色能够增强学习者在线问题解决学习的效果,并提升学习者对学习的主观感知。  相似文献   

The notion of designer empathy has become a cornerstone of design philosophy in fields such as product design, human-computer interaction, and service design. But the literature on instructional designer empathy and learner analysis suggests that distance learning designers are generally quite removed from the learners with whom they could be empathizing. We describe a qualitative study conducted with practicing distance learning designers across the United States. We selected designers in varying sectors within the workforce, and interviewed our participants via videoconferencing. Our inquiry uncovered important tensions designers live with regarding empathy in practice. Designers struggle to know how much learner analysis is sufficient, which of many stakeholders to empathize with, and navigating constraints. Future work in this area could help designers practice more empathically and, in doing so, improve the learning environments they create for learners.  相似文献   

Despite advances to move anatomy education away from its didactic history, there is a continued need for students to contextualize their studies to make learning more meaningful. This article investigates authentic learning in the context of an inquiry‐based approach to learning human gross anatomy. Utilizing a case‐study design with three groups of students (n = 18) and their facilitators (n = 3), methods of classroom observations, interviews, and artifact collection were utilized to investigate students' experiences of learning through an inquiry project. Qualitative data analysis through open and selective coding produced common meaningful themes of group and student experiences. Overall results demonstrate how the project served as a unique learning experience where learners engaged in the opportunity to make sense of anatomy in context of their interests and wider interdisciplinary considerations through collaborative, group‐based investigation. Results were further considered in context of theoretical frameworks of inquiry‐based and authentic learning. Results from this study demonstrate how students can engage anatomical understandings to inquire and apply disciplinary considerations to their personal lives and the world around them. Anat Sci Educ 10: 538–548. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article is an investigation of art and design graduates' identities as they embark upon their training as teachers. The expressive, ‘confessional’ nature of forum posts from their Virtual Learning Environment are analysed in relation to the students' identity transformation into teachers. This transition is profound in the case of artist teachers, for whom the contrast between their practice as a critical artist and that of a regulated professional can be severe. The usage of these socially‐oriented virtual forums, and the students' identity transition is analysed in terms of identity theorists such as Butler, hooks and Wenger. There are problems of expression that are brought about by the juxtaposition of visually and spatially adept artist‐learners constrained within a largely textual environment, yet this impediment appears to be ameliorated by their social‐expressive exploitation of the forums.  相似文献   

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