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Across disciplines, skills associated with collaboration are now ubiquitously considered requisite graduate attributes. Despite decades of studies on the various dimensions of academic teamwork, challenges for both students and staff remain. For this year‐long study at a UK school of architecture, we considered teamwork as a thread woven through the first‐year curriculum, traversing course modules and project types. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the collective impact of teamwork activities on the incoming cohort of 200+ undergraduate students and how the structuring and coordination of such activities might improve the holistic student experience. Across two rounds of online questionnaires and focus group sessions, student participants articulated the benefits of collaboration for learning, socialisation and professional development. However, resentment towards teamwork increased throughout the year, as frustration with disengaged cohort mates grew, and student sought greater structure and oversight from tutors. On the other hand, when given the chance to reflect on the multidimensional nature of teamwork in focus group discussions, many students adopted a productively nuanced perspective toward the topic. This implies that, whether students like or dislike certain aspect of collaborative projects, opportunities for critical conversation can promote or prompt an appreciation for the educational value of including teamwork projects in curricula. The results of this study should be relevant to educators seeking to improve the implementation and effectiveness of team‐based learning, particularly those in design‐based fields and those in higher and professional education contexts.  相似文献   

中学生科学探究的表现性评价是依据他们在科学探究过程中的行为表现来进行的。为提高评价的效度、信度和可行性,利用表现性评价来评定学生的科学探究能力应遵循一些基本的规范:要确定评价目的;要设计合适的表现性任务;要制定可操作性的评定细则;要客观记录学生在探究中的表现;要利用评价和交流促进学生的发展。科学学业评价要加强对科学探究活动评定的实践研究;要注重过程性与终结性、书面测验与真实性评定相结合;要注意对科学探究能力评定的公正性。  相似文献   

合格性评价:基础教育评价的应然选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨启亮 《教育研究》2006,27(11):11-17
我国基础教育评价中的选拔性评价几乎替代了合格性评价,这是基础教育走向均衡发展过程中的一个根本症结。这种取向异化了现代基础教育的性质,限制了青少年儿童的个性,也使高等教育和精英教育迷失了真正意义上的公平起点。基础教育应当以培养普通劳动者为具体目标,它的评价应当由选拔性评价转向合格性评价。具有法定权威的基础教育评价应当严格规约底线,宽松释放顶线,把基础教育从普通高等学校入学考试竞争中剥离出来。基础教育选择合格性评价,对社会人力资源、高等教育以及基础教育自身都具有可持续发展的意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the role of food science education in developing undergraduate students’ intentions to implement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) may be a key strategy in developing the workforce's implementation of GMPs and other food safety programs. Previous research has demonstrated the effects of educational interventions on planned food safety behaviors in various settings; however, none have studied GMPs interventions and college students. This study applied the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to evaluate the effects of a game‐based e‐learning module on undergraduate students’ planned behaviors concerning GMPs. Forty‐four participants were recruited from 42 food science clubs across the United States to complete a game‐based e‐learning module and pre‐ and posttest survey instruments. We compared changes in pre‐ and posttest scores using paired Wilcoxon signed rank tests and explored the role of GMP‐related knowledge and TPB constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls) in predicting students’ intentions to implement GMPs using multiple linear regression. We modeled pretest scores, posttest scores, and changes in scores while controlling for student demographic factors (for example, year in college, gender, and so on). Only participants’ knowledge and perceived behavioral controls significantly increased (P < 0.05) after completing the game‐based e‐learning module. Posttest regression models explained twice as much variance than pretest models (up to 54% total). Changes in intentions to implement GMPs were predicted by changes in subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and knowledge, as well as previous enrollment in food safety courses and interest in working in the food industry. The only predictive variables for both pre‐ and posttest scores were subjective norms, previous enrollment in food safety courses and interest in working in the food industry (P < 0.05). A discussion of how these results provide insights for food safety educators to optimize their teaching impacts was presented.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development and validation of a rubric for assessing students’ written responses to artworks. Since the implementation of the Hong Kong New Senior Secondary Curriculum in 2009, art educators have seen responding to artworks as increasingly important. In this context, the Art Criticism Assessment Rubric (ACAR) was developed. On the basis of Feldman's and Geahigan's theories of art criticism, eight evaluation criteria were identified. The inter‐rater reliability (IRR) of the ACAR was examined. A preliminary IRR test was conducted and an excellent intra‐class correlation coefficient (ICC) value of .91 was obtained. For the main study, six independent raters, who were divided into three groups of two, were trained and invited to rate 87 art criticism essays written by students from eight secondary schools. Most dimensions of the ACAR achieved good ICC values. The results show that the ACAR is an acceptable rubric for providing a reliable assessment of students’ written responses to artworks. However, two dimensions, Originality and Balanced Views and Application of Aesthetic and Contextual Knowledge, obtained poor ICC values. This may be owing to the lack of consensus on the definition of originality and the raters' unfamiliarity with the concept of aesthetic knowledge. The researchers suggest that dimension‐specific samples rated from high to low scores should be provided in raters’ training.  相似文献   

大学生创新能力认识误区分析及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生创新能力的培养是大学生综合素质培养的核心。然而,大学生对创新能力的认识存在误区,影响了大学生创新能力的培养。为此,我们必须更新教育观念,激发创新精神,鼓励“存疑”、“求异”,活跃创新思维,重视实践教学,营造创新氛围,努力造就符合社会发展需要的具有创新能力的大学生。  相似文献   

Early prediction of academic performance is important for student support. The authors explored, in a multivariate approach, whether pre‐entry data (e.g., high school study results, preparative activities, expectations, capabilities, motivation, and attitude) could predict university students’ first‐year academic performance. Preregistered applicants for a bachelor's program filled out an intake questionnaire before study entry. Outcome data (first‐year grade point average, course credits, and attrition) were obtained 1 year later. Prediction accuracy was assessed by cross‐validation. Students who performed better in preparatory education, followed a conventional educational path before entering, and expected to spend more time on a program‐related organization performed better during their first year at university. Concrete preuniversity behaviors were more predictive than psychological attributions such as self‐efficacy. Students with a “love of learning” performed better than leisure‐oriented students. The intake questionnaire may be used for identifying up front who may need additional support, but is not suitable for student selection.  相似文献   

为了更好地评估职前教师实际教学表现和提高教师教育机构培养质量,美国政府与斯坦福大学联合开发了一套职前教师表现性评价标准体系(edTPA),在评价目的、评价主体、评价框架上具有明确的要求和规定,突破了传统以量化方式评估职前教师教学质量的方式,但在推广实施过程中也面临着一些挑战,对我国职前教师培养和评估改进具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of threat assessment and management as implemented on campuses of higher education. Standards of practice and state calls for implementation are cited. An overview of some of the basic principles for threat assessment and management implementation is accompanied by examples of how they are utilized. Pitfalls inherent to threat assessment and management and suggested remedies are outlined. Finally, there is a brief introduction for the articles that follow in this special section.  相似文献   

基于多元评价的远程开放教育学生实践能力评价的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在多无智能理论的指导下,以远程开放教育实践教学活动为背景,对学生实践能力多元评价做了研究,在建立学生实践能力的多元评价模型的基础上,提出构建学生实践能力多元评价体系的要素,并对学生实践能力多元评价体系指标作了设计,在个案应用中收到预期的效果.该研究成果对于学生实践能力的评价及远程开放教育人才培养方向有着积极的现实的指导意义.  相似文献   

Developmental trauma—distressing childhood experiences that include mistreatment, interpersonal violence, abuse, assault, and neglect—is associated with substance use and poor academic performance. The authors investigated the links between developmental trauma, grade point average, substance use, and resilience among first‐year college students (N = 169). The results indicate there is a significant relationship between cumulative trauma and self‐reported substance use.  相似文献   

目前,大学英语教学方法改革如火如荼,而很多高校在教学评估方面依然以考试成绩来评定学生的学习能力和教学质量。这种单一的、传统的评估方式严重制约了英语教学方法和教学模式改革的发展。笔者分析了一种新的教育评估方法——行为表现评估,与传统评估方式比较,总结出其特性与优势,并运用格朗兰德的评估五原则设计具体操作方法,在学生中进行了实验,已初见成效。  相似文献   

质的评价:课堂教学评价的另一种取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
质的评价,是课堂教学评价的另一种取向,属人主义范式,有其理论与实践价值,会给课堂教学评价带来新的风貌。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of a web‐based personalized feedback program using an objective measure of alcohol‐related consequences. Participants were assigned to either the intervention group or an assessment‐only control group during university orientation. Sanctions received for campus alcohol policy violations were tracked over the academic year. Results indicated high‐risk drinkers in the control group received significantly more sanctions than other students. Results support the effectiveness of web‐based interventions.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment designed to elicit students’ subjective beliefs about the economic returns to college education. An important feature of our experimental design is the inclusion of financial incentives for accurate reporting. We also consider the extent to which individuals’ beliefs about their own returns differ from their beliefs about the returns for others. The evidence shows that students do have a self-enhancement tendency, and this finding cannot be attributed to previously uncontrolled order effects. The evidence also indicates that there is no significant difference between beliefs elicited using hypothetical surveys or real financial incentives in the elicitation procedure. This finding suggests that economists’ reluctance to gather subjective data on earnings expectations may not be warranted.  相似文献   

The present study explored the problem‐solving strategies of high‐ and low‐spatial visualization ability learners on a novel spatial anatomy task to determine whether differences in strategies contribute to differences in task performance. The results of this study provide further insights into the processing commonalities and differences among learners beyond the classification of spatial visualization ability alone, and help elucidate what, if anything, high‐ and low‐spatial visualization ability learners do differently while solving spatial anatomy task problems. Forty‐two students completed a standardized measure of spatial visualization ability, a novel spatial anatomy task, and a questionnaire involving personal self‐analysis of the processes and strategies used while performing the spatial anatomy task. Strategy reports revealed that there were different ways students approached answering the spatial anatomy task problems. However, chi‐square test analyses established that differences in problem‐solving strategies did not contribute to differences in task performance. Therefore, underlying spatial visualization ability is the main source of variation in spatial anatomy task performance, irrespective of strategy. In addition to scoring higher and spending less time on the anatomy task, participants with high spatial visualization ability were also more accurate when solving the task problems. Anat Sci Educ 7: 280–288. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

课程嵌入式评价法是美国中等规模公立大学中通识教育评价的一个重要方法。文章主要介绍了课程嵌入式评价法的产生背景、目的、优点、运行过程,以期对我国亟待完善的通识教育评价有所启示。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the role that emotional intelligence plays in moderating the relationship between academic stress and coping self‐efficacy among a sample of 125 Hispanic 1st‐year college students enrolled at a medium‐size, southern Hispanic‐serving institution. Results of a 2‐stage hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that emotional intelligence was a significant moderator in the relationship for the students surveyed. Implications for counseling Hispanic 1st‐year college students and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The time, material, and staff‐consuming nature of anatomy's traditional pen‐and‐paper assessment system, the increase in the number of students enrolling in medical schools and the ever‐escalating workload of academic staff have made the use of computer‐based assessment (CBA) an attractive proposition. To understand the impact of such shift in the assessment method, an experimental study evaluating its effect on students’ performance was designed. Additionally, students’ opinions toward CBA were gathered. Second‐year medical students attending a Clinical Anatomy course were randomized by clusters in two groups. The pen‐and‐paper group attended two sessions, each consisting of a traditional sectional anatomy steeplechase followed by a theoretical examination, while the computer group was involved in two similar sessions conducted in a computerized environment. At the end of each of the computer sessions, students in this group filled an anonymous questionnaire. In the first session, pen‐and‐paper group students scored significantly better than computer‐group students in both the steeplechase (mean ± standard deviation: 66.00 ± 14.15% vs. 43.50 ± 19.10%; P < 0.001) and the theoretical examination (52.50 ± 12.70% vs. 39.00 ± 21.10%; P < 0.001). In the second session, no statistically significant differences were found for both the steeplechase (59.50 ± 17.30% vs. 54.50 ± 17.00%; P = 0.085) and the theoretical examination (57.50 ± 13.70% vs. 54.00 ± 14.30%; P = 0.161). Besides, an intersession improvement in students’ perceptions toward CBA was registered. These results suggest that, after a familiarization period, CBA might be a performance equivalent and student accepted alternative to clinical anatomy pen‐and‐paper theoretical and practical examinations. Anat Sci Educ 11: 124–136. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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