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In classrooms from kindergarten to graduate school, researchers have identified target students as students who monopolize material and human resources. Classroom structures that privilege the voice and actions of target students can cause divisive social dynamics that may generate cliques. This study focuses on the emergence of target students, the formation of cliques, and professors' efforts to mediate teacher learning in a Master of Science in Chemistry Education (MSCE) program by structuring the classroom environment to enhance nontarget students' agency. Specifically, we sought to answer the following question: What strategies could help college science professors enact more equitable teaching structures in their classrooms so that target students and cliques become less of an issue in classroom interactions? The implications for professional education programs in science and mathematics include the need for professors to consider the role and contribution of target students to the learning environment, the need to structure an equitable learning environment, and the need to foster critical reflection upon classroom interactions between students and instructors. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 819–851, 2006  相似文献   

We evaluated neuro‐functional changes associated with late acquisition of reading in an illiterate adult who underwent 20 longitudinal functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans during 2 years, while the participant progressed from complete illiteracy to a modest level of alphabetical decoding. Initially, the participant did not activate neural circuits for reading when he was exposed to words; gradually, however, he began to present activation in left occipitotemporal cortex, at the visual word form area. This increase was accompanied by a decrease in face responses. Reading‐related responses also emerged in language‐related areas of the inferior frontal gyrus and temporal lobe. Additional activations in superior parietal lobe, superior frontal gyrus and posterior medial frontal cortex suggested that reading remained dependent on effortful executive attention and working memory processes. Nevertheless, the results indicate that adult plasticity can be sufficient to induce rapid changes in brain responses to written words and faces in an unschooled and illiterate adult.  相似文献   

基于《超级画板》开设《动态几何》课程的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《动态几何》是一门以操作和思考为基础的课程.动态几何能帮助我们更深刻地认识几何对象的本质.《超级画板》在数学教学中的应用主要体现在以下几个方面:平面几何、代数运算、解析几何、函数、概率统计、立体几何和算法编程等.在教学过程中,要关注学生能力的差异,处理好操作与探究关系、学习与实践的关系.  相似文献   

虚假记忆是个体无觉察地把没有经历过的经验错误地认定为真实经历过的经验.通过行为反应实验和眼动追踪技术,使用识记再认测验范武,研究发现虚假再认的加工反应时显著高于真实再认,靶刺激虚假再认条件下获得的加工量和加工深度也显著高于真实再认.实验经果反映了大脑对虚假再认目标对象的陌生反应,揭示了真实记忆与虚假记忆信息加工的差异.  相似文献   

Event‐related potentials are used to test the hypothesis that an intuitive misconception persists in the mind even after the acquisition of scientific knowledge. We investigated the temporal dynamics of neural mechanisms in solving a scientific problem involving a common misconception. It showed that the increased P2 component was elicited by the stimulus congruent with the misconception. The increased N2 component was elicited by the stimulus incongruent with the misconception. Additionally, the enhanced late positive potential component was evoked by the stimulus involving the conflict between the misconception and scientific knowledge. These results suggest that an intuitive misconception might still survive after the acquisition of scientific knowledge. It could be invoked automatically to evaluate the plausibility of incoming information. Subsequently, scientific knowledge is explicitly retrieved to monitor the conflict and inhibit the misconception. This study might have values in revealing the neural correlates of knowledge representation and scientific reasoning in education.  相似文献   

针对焊接视觉跟踪过程中存在定位焊点、表面划痕等干扰,线结构光在待焊装配缝处调制特征难以稳定、高效提取的难题,提出了一种基于改进后形态学滤波的干扰剔除方法,通过分析线结构光投影、干扰的分布规律,研究一种开-闭相结合的形态学滤波干扰剔除算法,结合滤波模板结构形状、宽度等参数优化,提升了形态学滤波算法的效率,为焊缝视觉跟踪提供了理论基础及技术支持。  相似文献   

中外政治思想研究是人们参与政治思考的重要途径.自中国政治学恢复以来,中外政治思想研究总体发展态势良好,中国政治思想史和西方政治思想史两大根本研究领域内硕果累累,令人瞩目.近30年来,我国中外政治思想史研究基本呈现出六大基本特征,即政治思想史研究在政治学学术体系中的地位日益显著,研究体系不断系统,研究的思维过程渐趋科学,研究内容逐步丰富,研究方法日渐多元以及研究的目的性有效提升.当前是中国化马克思主义政治学的重要时期,中外政治思想史研究只有继续强化本学科研究的学术性、体系性、独立性、开放性、多元性,不断加强研究队伍的科学建设,才能在完善自身的同时,有力促进中国化马克思主义政治学的发展与进步.  相似文献   

This study fills a gap in the current HRD literature of return on investment (ROI) analysis of technology‐based learning interventions. Using a Type IV control group method as defined by Wang (2002), the study empirically analyzed and measured the learning effectiveness and the business impact of an e‐learning system implemented in General Electric Company. The e‐learning system under study demonstrated significant economic returns in regard to reduced learning response time and reduced project cycle time. The study shows that e‐learning, as a means of technology‐based HRD intervention, can be highly effective as a performance support learning mechanism, although the results also suggest that e‐learning alone is not sufficient to replace the traditional face‐to‐face learning platforms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore some of the most prevalent methods for conducting Levels 4 and 5 of technical training evaluation among large organizations with a preponderance of technical talent. The researchers collected data through a survey and conducted interviews with select study participants. The sample size for the study (n = 26) comprised predominantly large, global organizations in technical industries. While a larger percentage of organizations have been found than in previous research to conduct Level 4 evaluations, few conduct Level 5 evaluations for their technical training, and most of the participant organizations struggle with advanced analytical techniques for technical training evaluation. The article summarizes some of the most prevalent training evaluation models reported in the literature since 2000, and provides useful examples from study participants of how they evaluated their technical training at Levels 3 and 4, along with their advice to fellow technical training and performance improvement professionals. Although the study was exploratory in nature and utilized a small sample size, the study is only the second study since 2000 to specifically explore the evaluation practices of large organizations with a focus on technical training as opposed to general training.  相似文献   

经济力量历来都是法律产生的重要驱动力,对于经济法尤其如此。基于此,本文认为,自19世纪末期尤其是20世纪30年代凯恩斯主义盛行以来,由于各国政府普遍重视对经济生活进行干预,直接导致了作为独立法律部门的经济法的产生。这不仅因为国家干预本身需要一种新的法律制度的支援,也更因为国家干预过程中的“政府失败”需要一种新的法律制度的规制,而盛行于自由经济时期的民商法显然无力担此重任,这就必然导致一种新的法律部门—经济法的产生。文章通过对经济法与国家干预的内在联系以及民商法在国家干预经济过程中能力缺陷的表述,论证了国家干预在经济法产生和发展过程中的必然性和重要性。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the reliability and validity of curriculum‐based measures (CBM) in reading for indexing the performance of secondary‐school students. Participants were 236 eighth‐grade students (134 females and 102 males) in the classrooms of 17 English teachers. Students completed 1‐, 2‐, and 3‐minute reading aloud and 2‐, 3‐, and 4‐minute maze selection tasks. The relation between performance on the CBMs and the state reading test were examined. Results revealed that both reading aloud and maze selection were reliable and valid predictors of performance on the state standards tests, with validity coefficients above .70. An exploratory follow‐up study was conducted in which the growth curves produced by the reading‐aloud and maze‐selection measures were compared for a subset of 31 students from the original study. For these 31 students, maze selection reflected change over time whereas reading aloud did not. This pattern of results was found for both lower‐ and higher‐performing students. Results suggest that it is important to consider both performance and progress when examining the technical adequacy of CBMs. Implications for the use of measures with secondary‐level students for progress monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   

The study examined whether age, prior work experience, number of courses taken, and number of internship hours have a positive relationship with counseling self‐efficacy. Participants were 116 counselor education students. The results from correlation and multivariate analyses of covariance revealed that the length of internship hours and prior related work experience were positively correlated with counseling self‐efficacy. The differences in counseling anxiety, affection adjustment, and assessment found between the students in programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and those in non‐CACREP‐accredited programs disappeared when the background variables were controlled as covariates.  相似文献   

As the fortunes of e‐businesses fluctuate, what is the state of e‐business educational offerings? The present study attempted to explore this question by investigating the number and nature of e‐business programs available in colleges and universities. Results were compared to previously published findings on e‐business education. Data were collected from program web sites. Master's and bachelor's degree programs based in North America and elsewhere in the world were examined. Despite the “dot‐bomb” economy, the present data suggested large increases in all foreign and North American bachelor's programs between the start of the fall semester of 2000 and November 2001. The number of North American master's programs appeared to increase dramatically during the year 2000 and at a lesser rate afterward. Findings also suggested that bachelor's and foreign master's programs involved more technical e‐business courses than the North American master's programs. The educational and economic factors possibly underlying these trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Childhood‐onset schizophrenia (COS), particularly when diagnosed prior to the age of 13, is considered to be especially rare and severe. This article provides an in‐depth look into its symptomatology, general course, long‐term functioning, diagnostic criteria, and methods of assessing the disorder. It also includes discussions of the various treatments used with patients having COS, including psychopharmalogical treatments, cognitive therapy, family interventions, educational interventions, and environmental manipulations. Particular attention is paid to the educational implications of the disorder and the role of school psychologists in working with this population. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 803–811, 2004.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a lecture given at the University of Oporto in Portugal to mark the opening of the Lugar Do Desenho, Oporto in 1999. It describes a method of teaching drawing from observation that was developed by the authors for first year fine art students at Coventry University and as a short refresher course for seconded art teachers. It continues to be offered as one of three options in the inaugural drawing module of the visual arts programme. Its holistic approach is designed to encourage flexibility and invention as a way of enlarging the drawing vocabulary of students. The paper describes the thinking behind the course and how it sets about fulfilling its aims of broadening students understanding of observational accuracy and equipping weaker students in particular for the difficulties they might encounter when trying to make a coherent image.  相似文献   

This paper explores the crossover between formal learning and learning in informal spaces supported by mobile technology, and proposes design principles for educators to carry out a science curriculum, namely Boundary Activity‐based Science Curriculum (BAbSC). The conceptualization of the boundary object, and the principles of boundary activity as the key elements to fuse the merits of learning in informal spaces with formal learning, are discussed and elaborated. The key elements of BAbSC are further articulated to provide the framework for curriculum design and development from a holistic perspective. The proposed principles and framework will reinforce the theoretical underpinnings of mobile technology‐enabled curriculum design and development, and can be used to guide teachers to implement curriculum in a more principle‐based and structured manner.  相似文献   

Students who struggle with learning mathematics often have difficulties with geometry problem solving, which requires strong visual imagery skills. These difficulties have been correlated with deficiencies in visual working memory. Cognitive psychology has shown that chunking of visual items accommodates students’ working memory deficits. This study investigated the effects of visual‐chunking representation as a testing accommodation for improving students’ geometry problem‐solving performance. Participants were four third‐graders with difficulties in mathematics. An adapted reversal design was employed to examine the students’ performance changes during standard testing conditions and accommodated testing conditions. During the accommodated condition, students were presented with visual‐chunking images. Results suggested that the visual‐chunking representation accommodation improved students’ performance on geometry problem‐solving tasks, and an interview confirmed students’ preference for the visual‐chunking representation approach.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, there has been a proliferation of theoretical discussions and empirical research on the use of acceptance and mindfulness‐based therapies to treat anxiety disorders. Because these treatment approaches are in their infancy, many clinicians may still be uncertain about how to apply such treatments in their work with clients. This case study demonstrates the successful use of an acceptance‐based approach for the treatment of social anxiety disorder in a student in a college counseling center.  相似文献   

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