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形成性评价是以促进学习为目的对学生学习过程进行的评价,可以有效地弥补终结性评价的不足。教师作为评价主体,在形成性评价中充当着"教练"与"促进者"的角色,具有不可或缺的作用。这种新的评价模式对教师提出了新的挑战,需要教师在教学观念、教学实践及自身素质方面进行相应的转变与提高,才能更好地实施形成性评价,更好地发挥形成性评价的作用。  相似文献   

形成性评价能使教师专业、学生学习持续提高,不断获取反馈信息,以便改进学生学习而进行的系统性评价,是一种能够全面评价学生综合素质的评价策略。笔者分析了形成性评价体系在中职语文教学中应用的必要性;建立适合中职语文学习的评价内容和标准;阐述在教学实践中应用的策略;提出形成性评价是有效激发学生的学习兴趣、挖掘学生的学习潜力、促进学生的智能发展和促进教师专业提高的"常青藤"。  相似文献   

信息技术课程兼有学科课程、综合课程和活动课程的特点,这些特点以及传统学科固有的评价方式使得中学信息技术课程的学习评价和传统学科的学习评价一样,重视终结性评价忽视形成性评价。即便是有些教师采用了形成性评价,其在评价操作过程中也遇到很大的困难,使得信息技术课程学生学业形成性评价流于形式。文章提出信息技术课程学生学业形成性评价的实施方法,希望能为工作在信息技术课程教学一线的教师起到一定的参考价值及其借鉴作用。  相似文献   

形成性评价被越来越来多的运用到教学过程中,对学生的英语学习、综合能力的培养和教师的自身素质都有很大的促进作用。本文通过分析形成性评价的含义和作用,结合自身实践,浅谈在英语教学中形成性评价的具体应用。  相似文献   

形成性评价是通过多种评价手段和方法对学生学习过程进行的评价。其目的是"激励学生学习,帮助学生有效调控自己的学习过程,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心并取得良好的学习成果"。本文通过介绍形成性教学评价的概念,分析了形成性教学评价的有效性、全面性、多样性、描述性等特征。着重提出在中职英语教学中,形成性教学评价对于学生自评,学生互补,教师评价等方面的运用及给予启示如何有效地运用。  相似文献   

教学中的形成性评价:是什么及如何推进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国在新一轮课程改革中倡导发展性评价理念,重视开展形成性评价.但在实践中,教师对形成性评价主要存在三种误解.通过梳理相关文献,剖析形成性评价的本质特点,澄清教师对形成性评价的认识,结合实际讨论如何在实践中进一步推进形成性评价:加强对教师的相关知识培训;将新兴评价方式引入形成性评价;注重形成性评价的准确性和有效性;借鉴新一代测量理论改进形成性评价.  相似文献   

崔旭 《海外英语》2022,(6):142-144
英语在线教学具有不被时间与空间的限制和互动性较低的特点。本文通过比较传统英语课堂形成性评价和英语在线教学形成性评价,发现英语在线教学形成性评价存在不足:教师观察、同伴互评和小组合作讨论都受到限制,建议英语在线教学在形成性评价理论、多元智能理论、建构主义学习理论和合作学习理论的指导下改进,并提出以下建议:提升学生的自主评价意识,丰富评价的数据来源,重视学生情感态度和思维的评价和提升教师的信息素养。希望以此来改善形成性评价在英语在线教学中的应用。  相似文献   

范隽瑜 《海外英语》2012,(24):51-53
与传统教学中注重终结性评价方式不同,合作学习更注重形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,差异性评价与整体性评价相结合,自我评价与小组评价相结合的方式。为探讨形成性评价方式对合作学习的增效效果,在参阅文献基础上,根据学生自评、学生互评、小组评价和教师评价相结合的方式,设计各类评价量表,在实验班与控制班开展英语合作学习中形成性评价的实验研究,并进行课堂观察分析,探索形成性评价方式在英语合作学习课堂中的优势及存在缺陷。  相似文献   

教学评价作为高职英语的重要组成部分,在教师教学和学生学习过程中起着非常重要的作用。高职院校重总结性评价轻形成性评价造成学生课堂关注度不高,平时不学习,期末考前临时抱佛脚。本文尝试调整当前的评价方式,以形成性评价为主结合终结性评价的方式,对学生的英语学习进行客观的评价,以期对学生英语学习及教师教学产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

形成性评价在高中英语教学中的运用,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣和动机,有利于提升学生英语学习成绩、有利于促使和谐师生关系构建。然而,受到国家高考制度的影响,教师在教学中,形成性评价的开展受到了诸多的阻力。基于此,笔者认为:高中英语教师应当将形成性评价与终结性评价整合起来,充分发挥各自优势,弥补各自不足,促进高中英语教学评价的科学健康发展。  相似文献   


This article examines evidence regarding the assessment learning of preservice teachers (PTs) in a new Master of Teaching designed to prepare teachers to address the less than equitable outcomes of certain groups of students in New Zealand. The assessment curriculum was integrated across all of the courses and the in-school experiences as one of six interconnected facets of practice for equity. Evidence about the assessment learning of 27 preservice teachers was collected using a survey, interpretive analysis of three assignments and a focus group interview. The findings demonstrated that preservice teachers combined theory and practice encountered in many contexts to build the assessment understanding and competence needed to address equity issues. We argue that this was facilitated by incorporating the assessment curriculum within each course, intertwining university and school experiences, and the specific focus on addressing equity throughout the programme.  相似文献   

The ongoing reform in science education in many countries, including Israel, has attainment of scientific literacy for all as one of its main goals. In this context, it is important to provide teachers with the opportunity to construct meaning for the term science literacy and by doing so to obtain a clear understanding of the new teaching goals. Here we report on a study in which teachers, as part of their professional development, were involved in defining the term ‘chemical literacy’; they discussed the need for it, and suggested educational experiences that are necessary in order to attain it. The programme was conducted as part of a reform in the content, as well as in the pedagogy, of chemistry education in Israel. The collected data provide some insights regarding the process by which the teachers’ perception of ‘chemical literacy’ developed and the way actual school practice influences teachers’ perception of ‘chemical literacy’.  相似文献   

The literature is replete with exhortations about the need for teachers to use formative assessment. Clearly there are many advantages in doing so. Yet, empirical studies reveal that there is very little evidence that formative assessment is used frequently in classrooms. It is necessary to examine the reasons, why this is the case and to look for possible solutions to the problem.  相似文献   

This article considers a recent policy initiative in assessment in English primary schools (ages 5–11?years) in which curriculum ‘levels’ used by teachers to judge pupils’ attainment were suddenly removed. Previous work has largely focused on assessment of pupils, but we examine assessment as an activity through which teachers reproduce their professional standing. Using data from a small-scale study we investigate how teachers responded to these changes and what this tells us about the way in which the economy, and politics, of assessment practices operate at school level. Using Foucault as a theoretical framework, we make visible how this system was reorganised by teachers through the construction of new regimes of truth. Implications include evidence of a potentially damaging changing relationship between teachers and pupils, the key role of technology and the deleterious effect of neoliberalism on teachers’ and pupils’ relationships with both the process and subject matter of learning.  相似文献   

In many western countries, government statements about the need to recruit more men to primary teaching are frequently supported by references to the importance of male teachers as role models for boys. The suggestion is that boys will both achieve better and behave better when taught by male teachers, because they will identify with them and want to emulate their behaviour. However, this has not been supported by research evidence. This paper draws on data from an ESRC‐funded project involving interviews with 307 7–8 year old children in England (half taught by male and half by female teachers). Focusing on gender, it analyses children’s responses about their relationships with their teachers and about figures that they would like to emulate (both in school and outside).  相似文献   

A prerequisite for AfL to be successfully implemented in the classroom is the teachers’ assessment practice. In many contexts, including the Norwegian, AfL has not been successfully dealt with during initial teacher education, and there is a need for qualified teachers to engage in professional development in AfL.This article first discusses different perspectives of professional development, not all of which lead to change of attitudes and beliefs resulting in changed practice. Difficulties in implementing AfL beyond the individual teacher and reach the full teaching staff is presented through experiences from a Norwegian research and development project. The next project to be briefly discussed focuses on engaging teachers in developing their own criteria for good classroom assessment.Finally the paper proposes that a major obstacle to teachers’ professional development in AfL is the competence of teacher educators in AfL. Do those who are to guide and support professional development in schools hold the essential knowledge and competence themselves?The conclusive argument is that for AfL to be common assessment practice in schools there is a need for development processes at various levels of the education system.  相似文献   


Assessment for learning (AfL) practices are commonly recommended as effective classroom strategies for providing teachers with information about student understanding. For teachers, the substantive potential of these AfL practices to inform student learning actions depends on what teachers notice and select as a focus and how they interpret and act on the information they have. This paper suggests research on teacher professional noticing has something to offer in understanding how teacher AfL attention and actions are framed in the moment. It explains noticing as a responsive act that invites action that is an inclusive, dynamic and purposeful response to evidence of student ideas. Noticing is what enables a teacher to act on the fly because it informs and underpins possible actions. Three frames of noticing are introduced to guide noticing and action – curriculum connoisseurship, cultural and community connectedness, and collaborative ways of working. Through consideration of classroom events using these frames, teachers become better prepared to choose to respond in the moment creatively. The three frames provide teachers and researchers with a conceptual language to articulate and sharpen their AfL practices as part of a flexible and rigorous responsiveness to their students’ learning.  相似文献   

教育公平是当今世界各国努力追求的目标之一。田纳西州增值评价系统(TVAAS)是当今世界最成熟和完整的增值评价系统之一,它具有全州所有3-12年级学生连续多年的成绩数据,以学生多年成绩的进步为评价的基础,采用先进的统计技术,追踪学生学业成绩的变化,估计学校和教师对学生成绩进步的"净"效应,对学校和教师进行较公平的评价,对我国教育评价的改进具有较高借鉴价值。因此,本文就TVAAS进行介绍,并提出关于我国教育评价改进的建议。  相似文献   

评价素养是国际中文教师基本素养的重要组成部分。文章采用扎根理论及方法,构建了由评价知识、评价观念、评价技术与评价元认知力构成的评价素养概念模型。对352名国际中文教师进行了调查,采用探索性因子分析与验证性因子分析的方法对模型进行了检验与调整。研究提出,国际中文教师评价素 养概念模型包括四个维度,共18项指标。《国际中文教师专业能力标准》中的相关内容可据此进行调整充实。研究发现:专业背景与培训经历对评价素养影响显著,评价观念与评价技术是构成评价素养的关键因素,应成为培养教师评价素养的重要切入点。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an unceremonious type of formative assessment - informal formative assessment - in which much of what teachers and students do in the classroom can be described as potential assessments that can provide evidence about the students’ level of understanding. More specifically, the paper focuses on assessment conversations, or dialogic interactions or exchanges, which continuously happen in the classroom and that are at the center of informal formative assessment. It is argued that assessment conversations make students’ thinking explicit in an unobtrusive manner, and when students’ thinking is explicit, it can be examined, questioned, and shaped as an active object of constructive learning. The paper conceptualizes informal formative assessment at the center of effective instructional activities with the use of instructional dialogues as assessment conversations, a typical informal formative assessment practice. The paper then presents a discussion about the evidence on the effect of assessment conversations on student learning.  相似文献   

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