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基于《超级画板》开设《动态几何》课程的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《动态几何》是一门以操作和思考为基础的课程.动态几何能帮助我们更深刻地认识几何对象的本质.《超级画板》在数学教学中的应用主要体现在以下几个方面:平面几何、代数运算、解析几何、函数、概率统计、立体几何和算法编程等.在教学过程中,要关注学生能力的差异,处理好操作与探究关系、学习与实践的关系.  相似文献   

采用Ryff心理幸福感量表对河北省288名高校教师和506名中学教师进行问卷调查,探讨河北省高校教师与中学教师心理幸福感的现状及其差异,研究结果表明河北省高校教师和中学教师的心理幸福感总体水平较高,中学教师的自主性和积极关系水平显著高于高校教师.  相似文献   

揭示对高专教师进行教学效果评估的目的和意义。通过对莆田学院几年来试行此项工作的结果分析,对如何完善高校教师教学效果评估工作进行反思,并提出改进措施。  相似文献   

普通高校教师评价指标体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国当前教育教学改革的大趋势,是要求和鼓励教师积极进行教改的探索、实践和实验;评价指标旨在促进教师不断加深专业理论知识的理解和掌握,不断扩大文化知识面,为教学改革的顺利进行奠定必备的前题条件与基础。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的高师几何教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从《普通高中数学课程标准》的基本理念出发,对高师几何课程的设置、课程的教学、教学的方式与手段进行探讨.  相似文献   


Because of the link between teacher training and higher‐quality classroom practice, early childhood researchers and professional organizations have placed an increasing emphasis on all early childhood teachers—including those in early care and education (ECE) settings—obtaining a minimum of a Bachelor's degree as part of their professional development. Given the differing licensure requirements for ECE teachers, the variety of settings early childhood teachers work in, and the creativity needed to respond to the changing roles teachers play in those settings, however, this paper offers an additional perspective that is sometimes left out of the discussion regarding what teachers need: that of the early childhood practitioner. Using conversations with both a certified, public school teacher and a non‐certified teacher in a private ECE setting in New Jersey, this article reports on these teachers’ professional development experiences, as well as the implications of their experiences for future considerations of what teachers need in order to enhance their growth as educators.  相似文献   

建设高质量的教师队伍,是全面推进素质教育的基本保证,明确高校都的角色和职能,研究教师素质形成的规律,找准提高教师素质的方法和途径,是目前教育教学改革的首要任务。  相似文献   

探讨了如何发挥师专几何课程对中学几何教学的指导作用 ,并介绍了发挥师专几何课程指导作用的措施 .  相似文献   

大学教师工作绩效评估,要从当代时代特征出发,高度重视“二元”价值观对教师劳动绩效的影响,同时,要科学认识教师在劳动中具有学术性、行政隶属性、主体间性三方面特征,把握教师劳动绩效作为高等教育四大职能的具体实践的本质属性。唯此,评估工作才能明确“历史方位”、评估对象关系和评估的性质。  相似文献   

日本文部科学省自2019年4月1日起开始实施对中小学教师培训课程的变革。主要变革内容为提高教师信息活用技术和外语能力、强化教师的教育理解并关注特殊学生群体、增加对教师的综合学习时间课程的指导以及允许高校自主设置一定的培养课程,提高了教师队伍质量。而我国目前的教师资格考试制度存在种种弊端,例如教师准入门槛低、缺乏教学实践经验和理论知识的积累以及教师信息技术手段活用能力不足等问题。它山之石,可以攻玉,借鉴日本经验有益于我国发展教师队伍建设,提高我国教师专业素质。  相似文献   

促进教学质量的提高是高职院校永恒的主题,实行科学的教师绩效考评,对加强师资队伍建设、提高教学质量具有重要的促进作用。然而就目前的实践而言,高职院校教师绩效考评虽然采取了学生评教与教师评教相结合的做法,但存在的问题很多,不但没有发挥其应有的作用,反而引起诸多矛盾。  相似文献   

阐述了加强高等学校国防教育师资队伍建设的意义.分析了当前高等学校军事课师资队伍建设中存在的问题,提出了加强军事课师资力量建设的对策。  相似文献   


In Summer 1996, an opinionnaire survey was used to evaluate the opinions of Korean professors, in earth science education and geology departments, about the science concepts related to environmental issues that might be important for secondary preservice earth science teachers in the Republic of Korea. The opinionnaire contained 63 items within the 14 major topics being considered. It used a 4-choice, Likert-type scale and was completed by 47 professors (response rate = 51%). There was a good coincidence in opinions on major topics to be included. Respondents favored an environmental earth science course that emphasized the “human impact on the environment” rather than “natural environmental hazards.” Also, they favored study of natural hazards that commonly occur in Korea within a context of worldwide natural hazards.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the nature of preservice teachers’ evaluations of elementary mathematics problems using the Mathematical Tasks Framework (MTF), a model designed to discriminate among tasks according to their cognitive complexity. We also tested the relationship between mathematics content knowledge and problem length on the preservice teachers’ evaluations. Twenty-six undergraduate students enrolled in an elementary mathematics methods course at a large urban university were introduced to the MTF and cognitive complexity during a class lecture and were subsequently required to sort 32 mathematics problems according to the framework. Results demonstrated that overall, the preservice teachers had more difficulty accurately classifying problems considered to represent high levels of cognitive complexity compared to problems that were less complex. Those with strong mathematics content knowledge, as measured by a standardized test, were able to sort the problems more accurately than those with weaker content knowledge. Two open-ended items assessing content knowledge were not related to sorting performance. Finally, the preservice teachers were influenced by the surface characteristic of task length; the data indicated that the teachers tended to label short problems as less cognitively demanding and long problems as more so. Implications for preservice professional development include an increased emphasis on mathematics content knowledge as well as expert modeling of the identification of deep conceptual principles at the heart of the mathematics curriculum.  相似文献   

民国时期的高校教师分类管理呈现出以下几个特征:聘任管理上的"唯才是举",兼职流动管理上的"不求我有,但为我用",进修管理上的"内外兼修",薪俸管理上的"差别对待",考核管理上的"教授主持、校长决断",退出管理上的"校长集权与政府保障并存"。高校教师的分类管理整体上对推进民国时期的高等教育事业发展起到了积极作用。但因时代局限,民国时期的高校教师分类管理仍旧存在:尚未构建起完备的高校教师分类管理制度体系,尚未形成科学的高校管理分权机制,专业化的高校教育职员队伍建设滞后和缺乏充足的物质条件支撑等缺憾,值得反思。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论教育要取得实效必须顺应时代发展,当社会的文化背景从非网络文化转向网络文化时,高校教师必须改变传统的做派,进行角色重塑,以期切合学生的实际精神需求。  相似文献   

Developing appropriate questioning techniquesis an important part of mathematics teachingand assessment. This study examined thequestioning strategies used by 48 preserviceteachers during one-on-one diagnosticmathematics interviews with children. Eachparticipant conducted an audiotaped interviewwith one child, followed by an analysis andreflection of the interview. Data wereanalyzed to develop general categories ofquestions used by the preservice teachers. These categories included: 1) checklisting, 2) instructing rather thanassessing, and 3) probing and follow-upquestions. The analyses and reflectionscompleted by preservice teachers indicated thatusing the diagnostic interview format allowedthem to recognize and reflect on effectivequestioning techniques. Through an examinationof these categories of questions, we offersuggestions for teaching the skill ofmathematics questioning in preservice teachereducation courses.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来,高职教师的知识结构、储备,教学水平要适应信息技术快速发展的要求。就必须更新观念,改革教学模式,实现高职教师的继续教育;根据高职教师的特点,选择合理的高职教育形式和途径。  相似文献   

薪酬体系的设计是人力资源管理的一个重要环节,本文提出了针对高校教师薪酬体系的设计。该体系设想以个性化的薪酬来激励教师,包括物质激励和精神激励。  相似文献   

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