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让资源变资本,是人才强国战略的重大举措,把巨大的人口压力转化为丰富的人才资源,必须优先发展教育。文章以湖南为例,对当前我国人才问题进行了剖析,并针对这些问题提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

经多年教学实践,总结出教学过程应注意的三个方面,即,按最佳教师的模式完善自己、注意讲课技巧、处理好教科书,教案和教学内容间的关系。在教学实践中收到良好效果、  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to identify links between observed conflict interactions and risk for child abuse and harsh parenting among a multiethnic sample of adolescent mothers (14-19 years) and young fathers (14-24 years). METHODS: Prior to childbirth (T1), observation-based relationship data were collected from 154 expectant adolescent couples as well as information about physical aggression between partners. Two years after childbirth (T2), data relevant to harsh disciplinary practices and child abuse-prone attitudes were collected from both young mothers and fathers. Multiple regression analyses were run to examine the correspondence between (a) couples' relationship quality prior to childbirth and (b) subsequent risk for harsh and potentially abusive parenting practices. RESULTS: Findings indicated that interpartner violence prior to childbirth predicted physically punitive parenting behavior for fathers, but not for mothers. Young mothers and fathers observed to be more warmly engaged with each other during their pre-birth couple interactions (T1) reported lower rates of physically punitive parenting behavior with their children at T2. Couples' hostility at T1 predicted fathers' level of observed hostility toward his child during a structured play activity at T2. CONCLUSIONS: Results underscore the importance of addressing the quality of couples' relations as means of preventing dysfunctional parenting practices among adolescent mothers and their partners. Adolescent mothers and their partners are at heightened risk for engaging in dysfunctional parenting, including child abuse. Focusing on pregnant adolescents and their partners, this study sought to identify interpersonal predictors of child abuse risk. Although this study did not involve administering prevention or intervention services, the goal was to test hypotheses that would inform the development of programs for young at-risk couples. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The decision to recruit young couples prior to childbirth was based on the presumption that this period of time could provide a window of opportunity to administer couple-based child abuse prevention programs. Consistent with previous research on marital relations and parenting, results of this study support the idea that efforts to develop and administer preventive-intervention programs targeting at-risk couples could help reduce the occurrence of harsh parenting behavior and abuse.  相似文献   

认为博士生教育是国家人才强国战略的重要部分,博士生导师使命光荣,任务艰巨;在博士生教育过程中,导师应加强对学生批判性思维和创新能力的培养;指导博士生要求导师拥有较高的学术水平与宽阔的学术视野,并在学风与敬业精神方面发挥榜样作用。  相似文献   

“执事敬”即敬业精神是中华民族“君子”人格的核心要素之一,是干事、干成事、干大事的核心要素之一,自然也是导师育人能力的核心要素之一。基于此,在培养博士生的过程中,主要采取了以下措施:言传身教:端正学生的专业思想;领读经典:促使学生打好专业基础;传、帮、带:打赢学位论文写作攻坚战。  相似文献   

提高自身素质 培养合格人才——切实做好班主任工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“小康大业,人才为本”。本文着重阐述了高校要培养出德才兼备的优秀人才需要德育的有力实施,作为学生思想政治教育工作队伍主体之一的班主任肩负着重要使命。班主任的素质高低,直接影响到学校以德育为核心的素质教育效果的好坏,也直接影响到和谐校园的构建和长期保持。班主任要做好“三个要”和“四个坚持”,以提高自身教育素质和教育艺术,培养全面建设小康社会的合格人才。  相似文献   

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