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档案宣传是整个档案工作的一项重要任务,是档案工作的门面和切入点,对档案工作起着重要的舆论导向作用.在改革开放的新形势下,做好档案宣传工作,对于提高档案的知名度,增强全社会的档案意识,促进档案事业的发展,显得更加重要.  相似文献   

本刊讯:6月中旬,全省档案宣传工作会议以安化县为现场隆重召开.会议的主要内容是:学习贯彻江泽民总书记"三个代表"的重要论述,总结一年来全省档案宣传工作的成绩和经验,部署新形势下档案系统宣传舆论工作.  相似文献   

随着形势的发展,各级档案行政管理部门越来越重视档案宣传工作,提高了认识,强化了措施,档案工作在全社会的知名度也大大提高.笔者结合工作实际,就当前新形势下如何做好档案宣传工作,促进档案事业发展,谈几点看法: 一、强化档案宣传,是档案事业自身发展的需要 实践证明,无论做什么工作,要想让人们和社会承认,使其健康的发展,都有一个宣传问题.宣传工作搞得好坏,将直接影响此项工作的顺利发展.档案工作也不例外,也需要一个良好的舆论氛围,这样才能保证我国档案事业的迅速发展.  相似文献   

尹达 《湖北档案》2013,(12):7-8
11月20日在武汉召开的全省档案宣传工作会议,回顾总结近年来全省档案宣传工作,交流档案宣传工作经验,探讨新形势下全省档案宣传工作新思路,安排部署今后一个时期全省档案宣传工作目标任务,对指导和开创全省档案宣传工作新局面意义重大。  相似文献   

档案工作是党和国家事业的重要组成部分,而档案宣传工作则是提高全民档案意识、促进档案事业发展的重要手段.党的十七大,胡锦涛总书记对宜传思想工作作出了一系列重要论述,他强调把坚持新闻宣传的原则建立在尊重宣传规律的基础上,要求"科学地认识和把握新形势下宣传思想工作的特点和规律,形成新思路,探索新办法,开辟新途径,取得新成效."……  相似文献   

2007年3月,集团公司下发<关于宣传贯彻<档案法>加强档案工作的意见>,深刻分析档案工作存在的"五个不适应",提出了推动档案工作实现"四个转变"的工作思路和措施,是加强新形势下档案工作的纲领性文件.  相似文献   

档案宣传在档案学界历来都颇受人们的重视,也是档案工作中经常讨论的热点,本文从新形势下我国档案宣传的发展背景入手,分析我国档案宣传中存在的问题,然后从营销角度探索我国档案宣传的策略。  相似文献   

王赞 《航空档案》2000,(2):73-75
要搞好新形势下的档案宣传工作,必须全面深刻地认识档案宣传工作的重要性,改革旧的档案宣传方式,使档案宣传工作不只是流于形式,而是注重它的实效性,从而更好地发挥出档案在我国经济建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会通过了《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,在新形势下,档案部门如何推进依法治档,服务法治中国?笔者认为,关键在于不断提高档案法律法规的宣传贯彻力度。一、当前档案法律法规宣传贯彻存在的问题1.重档案立法,轻宣传贯彻。国家在档案法律法规的建设上是很重视的。与之相比,档案法律法规的宣传贯彻是短板。如在一些地方,档案法律法规宣传力度不大,社会知晓率不高。一方面,上级档案部门对档案法律法规宣传贯彻的督促、检查、考核不够到位。另一方面,下级档案部门照本宣科、简单应付的现象突出。2.重业务工作开展,轻法制宣传贯彻。在实际工作中,有的档案部门往往只强调自己的业务属性,对档案法律法规的宣传贯彻不够重视。如在档案工作规范化管理工作  相似文献   

一、背景 1.档案信息化建设 档案信息化建设是我国档案事业发展的必由之路,是新形势下档案工作的重点与热点.其中档案网站是档案信息化建设的重要组成部分,是档案馆对外宣传与提供利用的窗口与途径.档案馆通过档案网站快速及时提供档案信息服务,并了解档案用户需求,把握档案利用的规律,提高档案工作质量,增强社会利用档案意识.  相似文献   

Although increasing numbers of employees working in public organizations are using social media for work purposes and numerous studies exist on how social media affect organizational outcomes, we have very limited knowledge of how using social media for work purposes affects employees' work motivation. This paper fills this important gap by using self-determination theory (SDT) to analyze how the use of social media for work purposes is associated with government employees' need satisfaction and intrinsic work motivation. According to regression results, employees' use of social media is positively related to employees' need satisfaction (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and, accordingly, intrinsic work motivation. However, further analysis shows that too much use of social media has an averse effect. Theoretically, this study is one of the pioneer attempts to integrate e-governance with SDT. Practically, we encourage managers to use caution in promoting the use of social media for work purposes. Using social media two to three days a week may be the ideal range.  相似文献   


We applied the selection, optimization and compensation (SOC) model of successful aging to media use. Using a new self-report measure to assess selective and compensatory media use we illustrate the role of these media selection strategies in successful aging. In other words, we link compensatory and selective media use to different indicators of well-being among older nursing home residents and for a group of younger adults, which served as a comparison group. Selective media use was positively related to well-being for older, but not for younger adults, and compensatory media use was negatively related to well-being for both younger and older adults. In a second study, we replicated these findings with a sample of healthy older adults.  相似文献   

New media literacy (NML) skills are regarded as crucial for the 21st century. However, there is limited research on the factors affecting NML skills. A robust model was built for exploring the antecedents of NML. The model incorporated epistemological beliefs and social media use purposes. Individuals` purposes of social media use were found to have an effect on beliefs about information. Further, interactional and communicational use of social media makes epistemological beliefs more sophisticated. However, it is more likely to have naïve beliefs with the use of social media for making new friends. Also, the purposes of social media use and epistemological beliefs affect NML skills. Accordingly, interactional use of social media might contribute to justifying information, in turn, increasing NML skills. This study indicates that knowledge of social media use and epistemological beliefs enables us to largely understand the NML skills.  相似文献   

This study explores how audiences seek information from social and traditional media, and what factors affect media use during crises. Using the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) model, an examination of crisis information and sources reveals that audiences use social media during crises for insider information and checking in with family/friends and use traditional media for educational purposes. Convenience, involvement, and personal recommendations encourage social and traditional media use; information overload discourages use of both. Humor and attitudes about the purpose of social media discourage use of social media, while credibility encourages traditional media use. Practically, findings stressed the importance of third-party influence in crisis communication and the need for using both traditional and social media in crisis response.  相似文献   

The multi-channel, multi-option television and the personal computer are two media technologies that have dramatically altered the home media environment. New media technologies have the capacity to create new media use patterns and blur the lines between entertainment and information. This study examines the social role of new media technologies in the home relative to: (1) social facilitation; (2) rule making (3) shifting/expanding media use; and, (4) attitudes toward media technologies.  相似文献   


Librarians at Linköping University help researchers keep abreast of developments in their fields and to increase the visibility of their work. Strategic, professional use of social media ought to be an essential part of a researcher's communication strategy. This article investigates the level of awareness of the professional use of social media among LiU researchers. The investigation showed that use of social media was not significant; however, a small number saw potential. The purpose of this article is threefold. The first purpose was to evaluate the potential of using social media as a tool for communicating research outside LiU. Second, the article presents a study in which views of LiU researchers on social media were ascertained via seminar discussions, informal feedback, and interviews. The study has a case study approach involving eight researchers. Third, the article covers how LiU Library created a web-based information package to support researchers in social media use.  相似文献   


Digital platforms such as search engines and social media have become major gateways to news. Algorithms are used to deliver news that is consistent with consumers’ preferences and individuals share news through their online social networks. This networked environment has resulted in growing uncertainty about online information which has had an impact on news industries globally. While it is well established that perceptions of trust in news found on social media or via search engines are lower than traditional news media, there has been less discussion about the impact of social media use on perceptions of trust in the news media more broadly. This study fills that gap by examining the influence of social media as news sources and pathways to news on perceptions of the level of news trust at a country level. A secondary data analysis of a 26-country survey in 2016 and 2019 was conducted. The analysis revealed an increase in social media use for accessing news resulted in a decline in trust in news media generally across the globe. Higher levels of general mistrust in news were related to an increased use of sharing of news. This paper argues the use of social media for news is closely linked to the increase in news mistrust, which is likely to continue to rise as the number of people using social media to access news continues to grow.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between bedroom television, media use, and adolescents' health risk behaviors. A sample of 1,017 12- to 14-year-old adolescents completed computer-assisted interviews at baseline and 2-year follow-up. Among White adolescents, having a bedroom television predicted risk-promoting media use practices and significantly greater odds of initiating health risk behaviors—cigarette smoking and sexual intercourse—over 2 years. Although significantly more Black than White adolescents had a bedroom television, bedroom television was unrelated to Black adolescents' media use practices or health risk behaviors. Research is needed to understand ethnic differences in family media use and consequences for adolescent development.  相似文献   

The UK broadcast media landscape provides an interesting context to understand and explore the competitive dynamics of media organizations. As an industry characterized by uncertainty and turbulence, this article considers the process by which broadcast media organizations develop their strategies and the type of analytical tools that they use to underpin this process. This article presents the findings of a survey of UK broadcast media executives and their views on the outlook for the UK media industry; the influence that the competitive environment has on developing media strategy; and the management tools that they use and their levels of satisfaction with these tools. It concludes that UK broadcast media is a competitive and turbulent environment, and that media strategy is developed using a number of media management tools that have varying degrees of success in terms of helping broadcast media executives to manage their media organizations in uncertain and complex conditions.  相似文献   

In 1959 Wilbur Schramm collected data on the media use behavior of children in what he believed was the last remaining town in North America to have radio as its only electronic mass media, and he concluded the primary impact of new media was the displacement of incumbent media. This research returns to Schramm's “Radiotown” for two follow-up studies to assess the validity of displacement as a mechanism for understanding long-term changes in media use. The first study is a qualitative data collection among a convenience sample (n = 28) of the now-adult participants of the 1959 study. The second study quantitatively tests the conclusions of the first study among the youth of Radiotown (n = 263). Among both adults and youth, radio remains a primary mass media device, with adults using more radio now than in 1959. Three principles of media use are proposed: the ubiquity of mass media devices in the household, the proximity of media devices, and the constancy of media use. Implications for the displacement hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

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