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在一个没有色彩纷扰的世界里,画家孙杰的钢笔画一幅幅在面前呈现,穿越黑白迭替的时空,你仿佛走至现实的另一个层面。月华无色,阳光有形,风,雨,雪,无声无息。平民百姓的四合院、大杂院,长长短短的胡同,本该是北京城最喧闹、最嘈杂、最有生活气息的地方,走进去,却静得如入空巢,如入清流,如走回遥远的梦境——透过时光的斑驳,岁月的容颜,那被昨天的风摇曳的树枝,被昨夜的月映照的墙壁,被昨日的阳光转动的影子,静静地生动着,敏感着,沉湎着。这是画家生长的城市。他曾在昔日的恭王府中度过童年、少年,于普通胡同中完成小学、中学的学业。画面上的…  相似文献   

马庆洲 《寻根》2014,(4):96-101
<正>"鸟飞反故乡兮,狐死必首丘。"(屈原:《涉江》)对游子而言,故乡是一个永恒的存在,思乡是一种割不断的情怀。无论是读书为官,还是戍边、经商;无论是身在庙堂之上,还是沦落江湖之远,这种情愫总会与之相伴。近研马愉《澹轩文集》,我感觉字里行间充溢着一种浓浓的乡梓情怀,这位荣显之极的状元的故园之思,数百年之后,依然撼人心弦。对此作一番钩沉,  相似文献   

王佳楠,人称若水散人,生于中国北方,1982年毕业于中央美术学院,1988年赴英国做职业画家至今。现为世界画坛上重要的中国画家之一,常年在世界各地的博物馆和画廊举办画展,现居于伦敦、北京、法国三地,作品被多家博物馆、基金会等机构收藏。  相似文献   

12月11日,小提琴大师薛伟将携其价值上千万元的1722年的"斯特拉底瓦里"小提琴,在北京举办音乐会。在与九洲亚华演艺经纪公司和华纳唱片的签约仪式上,薛伟用这把已列入国际刑警组织保护名单的名贵小提琴,现场演奏了一段美妙的旋律。  相似文献   

Undergraduate education in the United States is relatively loose, and the postgraduate students in my department used to have majors in a variety of areas,from medical science to humanities.  相似文献   

Sometimes body language is more appealing. Your colorful dress can show the charm of Tianshan; Your black hair symbolizes the glamour of ink and water painting.  相似文献   

在奥地利维也纳音乐学院主修指挥,获奥地利国家指挥家及合唱指挥家双文凭以及美国探格乌音乐节小泽征尔指挥奖,受聘瑞士卢塞恩歌剧院首席指挥,被世界指挥大师祖宾·梅塔誉为“与生俱来的指挥家”……在这一圈又一圈光环映照下的张培豫,坐在我面前,一位普通的女性:她黑衣黑裤黑鞋,脑后束一条马尾辫,素面朝天。但随着她对自己音乐指挥生涯的娓娓叙述,我一点一点地勾勒出这位穿行于各国之间,在方寸台上尽情挥洒激情、坚韧、自信和执著的女指挥家的风采。张培豫此行大陆,是为执棒黑龙江省歌舞剧院交响乐团的“春之韵”交响音乐会的。在她的指挥…  相似文献   

Amdo Bvamsba is a Tibetan artist of great reputation over eighty years of age. At childhood, he became a sramanera or novice in compliance with the local tradition. When he showed his first talent in painting, he engaged himself fesolutety to learning the art of painting.  相似文献   

With nightingale-like singing.You spreads the folk opera of Fujian to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

林青 《世界文化》2003,(6):31-32
毕加索是20世纪的艺术奇才,其惊人的才华在文化圈里可谓是登峰造极。早在弱冠之年,毕加索就声名远扬,并在30岁时创立了立体派艺术,成为画坛一代宗师。毕加索艺术生命长逾75年,作品多达2万件,寿登耄耋尚能作画不辍。在其它方面,如财富、爱情、声誉、健康、家庭、子女等等方面,毕加索可是要什么有什么。然而,在这位奇人、怪才的一生当中,令他厌恶、烦恼的事却又比常人多得多。女人是最大的烦恼毕加索的最大烦恼就是女人。矮小精干的毕加索不是美男子,却极得女士们青睐。不幸的是,风流韵事固然快意,但同时也带来了不少烦恼:美女虽然呼之即来,却…  相似文献   

天底下的事就是那么巧合,竟和我儿子是同年同月同日生,又都同姓宋;宋健强是我儿子读高中时在网上结交的网友,后通过见面和不断的交往竟和我儿子成了兄弟,也就和我们家有了更亲密的关系。从跟小强的交往和闲谈中,我们全家更深地认识了小强,知道了小强艰辛的童年和少年时代成长的过程。  相似文献   

辛平 《寻根》2000,(2):42-45
父亲李积芳(1882年~1922年),曾留学日本,加入同盟会。母亲李张淑(189o年~一1980年),在丈夫去世后,含辛茹苦,抚养李锐姐弟三人。1938年李锐离开武汉大学,投笔从戎。1939年底到达延安。在延安六年之后,1945年到热河主办《冀热辽日报》。这是1947年5月在热河乃林车站的留影。庐山会议之后,李锐被下放安徽磨子坛水电站劳动改造。这是1963年离京之前,与儿子范苗、长女李南央、幼女范改的留影c1934年5月李锐高中毕业照。——————._]————.一直面人生的人格陆力————“D辛平李锐先生,1917年生,湖南平江人。学者。…  相似文献   

As an initiator of "Wounded Art", a representative of "Rural Realism" and one of the founders of the "Sichuan School of Painting", Gao Xiaohua has unarguably been recognized as one of the leading artists in contemporary Chinese art history. In 1978 his oil painting entitled "Why" daringly broke the political taboo and boldly raised the touchiest social question with awesome guts. Therefore his name and his painting become everlasting in Chinese art history. In 1982 he had another great success of completing his oil painting entitled "Rush to the Train", which is highly praised as the contemporary version of "Riverside Scenery on Pure Brightness Festival", one of the greatest Chinese classical painting. He focuses on everyday life of general public with stunning realness and sensation. It becomes an epitome Red Crag" and "Chongqing on a Bomb-site". He demonstrates his open mind, lofty ideal and strong sense of historical and social responsibility nowadays when the domestic art market is booming up in an unprecedented manner.  相似文献   

Chinese people have apprecriated jade since remote antiquity, Jade represents the lofty spirit of humanity and carries Chinese people‘s expectation for happy life. In ancient times when tools were primitive, carving a beautiful jade required extraordinary talent and perseverance. Chinese emperors and poets wore beautiful jade wares as symbols for gentlemen. After emerald was introduced from Burma to China, its brilliant colors and crystal-clear quality fit for Chinese people‘s taste far beauty and has created a new fashion.  相似文献   

He Xirui, a 59-year-old carpenter from Rongchang, Chongqing, was appointed a guest professor at the College of Arts and Media, Southwest Jiaotong University, at its opening ceremony on June 16, 2004. The news immediately called wide attention and generated controversy.  相似文献   

It is not rare nowadays to find teenage performers on stage, but I was still quite surprised to see a fourteen-year-old performing Chinese kunqu opera so maturely. Last December, Shan Wen, a trainee of the Jiangsu Provincial Kunqu Theatre, gave a superb performance of the kunqu classic “Peony Pavilion“, winning the first prize for the youth group at the First National “Red Plum“ Theatre Competition.  相似文献   

1997 年,朱德群高票当选法兰西艺术院终身院士,这是法兰西艺术院成立200年来,首位获此殊荣的亚裔人士。朱德群是以其抒情抽象画而获得法国艺术界最高荣誉的。朱德群生在徐州萧县,幼年便学习书法和中国绘画,后考取杭州艺专,受油画开拓者吴大羽教授及其在教学中经常提到的莫奈、凡高、塞尚等印象派和后印象派画家的影响颇深。抗战胜利,朱德群随其所在的南京中央大学迁往台湾。1954 年,在台北中山堂举办个人画展并空前成功,50 多幅画作顷间售罄,而卖画所得一圆年轻朱德群巴黎深造的梦想1955 年,朱德群初到巴黎,正值抽象派与具象派论战高潮,仍延…  相似文献   

It used to be a desert for yue opera, But now enjoys a large number of patrons.  相似文献   

江南忆,最忆是杭州。杭州之美不仅在于西湖山水,更在于历史文化。游罢杭州,每个人都有这样的感受与体会。  相似文献   

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