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基于2009-2014年《中国教育经费统计年鉴》和2008-2013年《江西省教育经费统计年鉴》的数据,文章对江西省学前教育成本分担现状进行了分析。结果发现,2008-2013年江西省生均投入、生均财政拨款、生均学杂费三个指标均低于全国水平,学前教育生均投入占人均GDP比值均低于全国水平;2008-2013年江西省政府分担比一直低于全国水平,政府对学前教育的重视程度(以财政性学前教育经费占财政性教育经费的比例测量)以及对学前教育的财政投入努力程度(以幼儿园生均预算内经费支出占人均财政支出的比例测量)均低于全国水平。政策建议提高江西省生均学前教育经费投入,进一步优化成本分担机制,支持社会力量办园。  相似文献   

研究:教育蓝皮书倡议学前教育公平5月13日,深化教育领域改革研讨会正式发布了2014年教育蓝皮书《中国教育发展报告(2014)》。报告建议,政府对公办园的财政投入应以服务弱势群体家庭(经济社会经济地位)儿童为条件;在幼儿园价格管制方面,考虑公办园和普惠性民办园实施梯度收费政策;加大对农村和县镇地区幼儿园教师队伍发展的财政投入;中央政府应将进城务工农民工子女学前教育入园率、入园率规模、质量指标作为城市发展和建设的考核指标。  相似文献   

我国学前教育的发展随着社会经济的发展、大众需求的不断变化经历了复杂的变化历程。本研究以1995—2013年相关数据为基础,采用结构方程模型分析了内外部体制改革对我国学前教育发展的影响。研究结果表明学前教育发展与民间学前教育经费投入占比、地方教育经费占比、财政性学前教育经费占比、城镇化率、城镇家庭可支配收入指数之间存在着正相关关系。其中,财政性学前教育经费占比每增加1%,入园率将增加6.261%以上;地方教育经费占比每增加1%,入园率将增加4.217%;城镇化率每增加1%,入园率将增加0.783%;民间学前经费投入占比每增加l%,入园率将增加0.568%;城镇家庭可支配收入指数每提高1%,入园率将增加0.026%,足见政府的财政性学前教育经费投入确实是推动我国学前教育发展的最主要的因素,同时也说明我国学前教育的发展高度依赖政府的重视与财政投入。今后我国应完善各级政府对学前教育的投入责任,通过调整经费投入结构与资金配置结构提高财政投入的数量与效率;应鼓励民间资本继续参与学前教育发展,并推动其多渠道发展;应积极改变城乡资源配置不均衡的现状,适应城镇化的改革趋势与要求,为农民工随迁子女接受学前教育提供平等机会。  相似文献   

县域作为一个社会共生系统,是分析和研究学前教育发展特点和规律的基本单位。“省级统筹、以县为主”的教育管理体制决定了县域在我国学前教育发展中的核心地位。县域学前教育高质量发展是实现学前教育整体可持续发展的关键,其中的财政投入是促进学前教育高质量发展的重要物质保障。研究采用问卷调查与访谈相结合的方法,对浙江省3市15个县所辖的县城、乡镇和农村共130位幼儿园园长进行了调查。结果显示:浙江省县域内学前教育财政投入主要存在政府财政投入重心偏低,经费投入的城市化倾向明显;政府财政投入与幼儿园需求不匹配,对幼儿教师的投入关注不够;财政经费预算制度固化,幼儿园经费使用效率不高;不同性质幼儿园在政府财政投入上差异显著,城乡幼儿园经费投入不均衡等问题。为促进县域学前教育跨越式高质量发展,地方政府需明确发展学前教育的主体责任,构建合理的财政投入分担机制;优化经费配置结构,加大对幼儿教师的财政投入力度;建立财政投入监督制度,提高幼儿园经费使用效能;完善弱势群体家庭资助政策,发挥学前教育财政投入的补偿功能;构建以需求为导向的财政投入体制,加强普惠性民办园扶持力度。  相似文献   

本文根据三省25县591所幼儿园调研数据分析了地方政府财政投入在学前教育办学经费中的分担比例,并分析了在不同类型幼儿园机构之间政府财政投入的差异。研究发现,整体上地方政府分担比例低且不平衡:在公办园与民办园之间、不同类型公办园之间地方政府分担比例和财政投入有显著差异,同时讨论了学前教育财政投入不公平的体制性根源和可能的社会经济后果,最后,认为对地方政府在学前教育三年行动计划中将建设公办幼儿园和示范性幼儿园作为政策目标的做法应谨慎对待。  相似文献   

民办幼儿园内含了市场逻辑和公益性,其市场逻辑表现在投资收益、市场细分和优胜劣汰上,学前教育具有显著的正外部性决定了民办幼儿园的内在公益性。学前教育不能够完全适合市场机制运作,希望通过市场机制来完全解决学前教育的问题是不现实的,政府有义务采取资助措施为孩子接受学前教育创造条件。为此,政府一是要加大财政投入,建设数量足够、质量有保障的幼儿园,加大对农村幼儿园的资助力度;二是要建立城市以民办为主,农村公、民并重的学前教育机制,支持民办幼儿园的发展;三是要建立学前教育特别资助制度。  相似文献   

民办幼儿园是指由国家机构之外的社会组织和个人使用非国家财政性经费举办和运行的幼儿园。由于我国社会对学前教育存在着大量的需求.在国家相关政策的鼓励下.我国的民办幼儿园获得了巨大的发展.在园幼儿数量急剧增加,民办幼儿园的大发展为我国学前教育的发展作出了巨大贡献.形成了我国学前教育的重要供给。  相似文献   

我国学前教育事业一直坚持公办与民办并举的办园体制,目前,民办幼儿园在数量上已经超出公办幼儿园。基于公共财政鲜明的“公共性”、民办园对学前教育事业的突出贡献、幼儿的权利以及世界各国的普遍做法等依据,公共财政应当资助民办幼儿园,具体资助方式主要包括:直接资助,如政府直接财政投入和政府购买学前教育服务;间接资助,包括税费减免、以奖代补及派驻公办教师等方式,以此促使民办幼儿园提供更优质、更具普惠意义的服务。  相似文献   

发展普惠性幼儿园是普及学前教育的重要举措,通过对沈阳市、盘锦市和阜新市400名家长和70名园长的实证调研发现:不同利益主体对幼儿园教师资质、幼儿园办园条件的期待程度非常高,但是对政府的作为知之甚少;民办学前教育具有很大的发展空间。基于实证分析,当前普惠性幼儿园的发展思路应包括:塑造优质幼儿园师资队伍;分区域分类别加大对普惠性幼儿园的财政投入;调整好政府与市场的关系;确保政府职责的信息公开。  相似文献   

程洁 《学前教育》2008,(12):1-1
改革开放30年,尽管各地对学前教育事业发展的政策导向、重视程度、资金投入各有不同,事业发展的样貌存在差异.尽管30年中也曾因“把幼儿园推向市场”的地方立法而屡有反复,但学前教育事业举政府、社会、幼教团队之合力,其地位在不断提高。近年来.地方政府对学前教育目益增长的财政投入、支持以及采取的种种有效措施,正在成为地方学前教育事业发展的重要基石。  相似文献   

This study uses panel data models to analyze international indicators and examines the relationship between education finance policies and higher education access among 86 countries from 1998 to 2009. We find that public expenditure per tertiary student bears a negative association with tertiary enrollment ratios, whereas GDP per capita and public spending on education as a percentage of GDP both have a positive effect on tertiary enrollment. These results imply that for a fixed amount of total budget and rising demands for higher education, various nations have reduced spending per college student and drawn on more private resources to expand higher education access.  相似文献   

This article offers a quantitative analysis of the growth of for-profit provision of teacher education in the United States. Data from all Title-IV-aid-participating institutions from 1996 to 2008 is analyzed to provide a comprehensive overview of the relative changes in enrollments of education majors at public, not-for-profit, and for-profit 4-year-and-above institutions. For-profits enroll a small, but rapidly expanding share of the education majors. Several possible reasons for the large increase in for-profit enrollments are explored and potential implications for teacher preparation are discussed. Concerns about the for-profit provision of teacher education are reviewed in light of this new data.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the current challenge facing higher education by exploring the historical relationship between higher education funding and long economic cycles in the UK, USA and France. It examines the consequence of the transformation of public‐private income in higher education that followed the 1970s downturn, questioning whether the rise of private resources acted as additional or substitutive resources for public spending. The paper suggests that there is a risk that the cost‐sharing strategy could be turned into a policy of public‐private substitution of funding and provision, leading to a transfer rather than an increase of resources with strong implications on quality and equity. However, the Kondratiev cycle suggests an alternative route by designating the impact of the 1970s economic downturn on education as unique. Previous economic crises were contemporary of accelerations of public funding towards education which in fact contributed to economic recovery. The current crisis could represent an opportunity to revive counter‐cyclical policy by looking not only at efficient public spending but also at developing fairer taxation. A revival of public funding complemented by an additional rather than substitutive diversification of income would rebalance the public‐private structure of funding and drive a sustainable higher education system capable of playing a key part in these counter‐cyclical transformations.  相似文献   

American higher education rose to fame and fortune during the Cold War, when both student enrollments and funded research shot upward. Prior to World War II, the federal government showed little interest in universities and provided little support. The war spurred a large investment in defence‐based scientific research in universities, and the emergence of the Cold War expanded federal investment exponentially. Unlike a hot war, the Cold War offered an extended period of federally funded research public subsidy for expanding student enrollments. The result was the golden age of the American university. The good times continued for about 30 years and then began to go bad. The decline was triggered by the combination of a decline in the perceived Soviet threat and a taxpayer revolt against high public spending; both trends culminating with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. With no money and no enemy, the Cold War university fell as quickly as it arose. Instead of seeing the Cold War university as the norm, we need to think of it as the exception. What we are experiencing now in American higher education is a regression to the mean, in which, over the long haul, Americans have understood higher education to be a distinctly private good.  相似文献   

A large number of developing nations are in the process of decentralizing basic education, with the aim of diversifying revenue sources and introducing greater accountability and efficiency. This is especially true in Latin America, where Chile introduced the first significant reform in 1981. This reform kept most of the responsibility for educational finance with the Ministry of Education but transferred the responsibility for delivering services to municipalities and non-profit, private schools. In response to this reform, municipalities increased their finance of public schools, and the supply of subsidized private education increased dramatically. By 1990, enrollment in subsidized private schools represented about one-third of total primary-secondary school enrollments. This paper examines the effects of the reform. Municipal finance, which is closely tied to municipal fiscal capacity, has created inequities in school expenditures even though it represents only 10% of total revenues. Variations in the private school market share across municipalities are principally explained by the ease of market entry, family socioeconomic status, and the relative performance of public and private schools; this model does not offer a satisfactory explanation of the growth in private school enrollments in Chile over time. The effect of the reform on cost-effectiveness is ambiguous. Ministry of Education non-teacher employment declined by over half, while cognitive tests also declined. There is some evidence that the growth in private school enrollments may have improved overall efficiency since private schools are found to be slightly more cost-effective than public schools.  相似文献   

民办幼儿园是目前学前教育的主力军,对实现学前教育的快速发展有着不容忽视的重要作用。但相比于公办幼儿园,民办幼儿园又不可避免地遭遇了发展的困境,存在诸多发展问题。民办幼儿园创办者要借国家政策的东风,解决发展中存在的诸多问题,规范幼儿园管理,使民办学前教育走上健康持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

Developing countries have been quite successful at expanding enrollments in education, especially at the lower levels. But for any given level of efficiency, increased enrollments require increased resources, in order to maintain quality. If these resources are not forthcoming, the increase in educational quantity may come at the expense of quality. Is there a quantity–quality trade-off and what public policies can diminish it, in the face of strong constraints on public budgets? This paper explores the negative impact of such an enrollment expansion—unaccompanied by increased numbers of teachers—on school conditions and learning, using a cross-district time series analysis of Tamil Nadu, India as a case in point. It examines alternative policies which can be used to avoid such negative effects—by more efficient use of existing public resources and by expansion of over-all educational resources through greater reliance on private management and finance.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the private share of tertiary enrollments and overall access, measured by the gross tertiary enrollment rate, using a cross-national dataset from 122 countries spanning 1999−2017. In contrast to the dominant assumption in international development that expanding the private sector will necessarily increase access, we find a weak association between the private share of tertiary enrollments and gross tertiary enrollment ratio globally. That said, this association is stronger when there is high demand for higher education, as proxied by secondary gross enrollment ratio and urbanization. We also find regional variation, with private higher education positively associated with access in Central and Eastern Europe and core English-speaking countries and negatively associated with access in sub-Saharan Africa, after accounting for demand factors. We argue that private higher education is only an effective policy solution for expanding access when there is high unmet demand for higher education and a conducive policy context.  相似文献   

尽管法律明确规定了民办学校与公办学校"具有同等的法律地位",但事实上,由于重"公(办教育)"轻"民(办教育)"的思想观念仍在作祟,这一规定常常被法律法规自身的其他规定以及某些政策所破坏, 给民办教育带来了诸多消极后果。为保障民办教育健康发展,从观念上和法律政策上对此种不良现象进行治理, 以落实法定的民办学校与公办学校的同等待遇,便显得极为必要。  相似文献   

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