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在系统回顾国外研究生选拔中认知和非认知因素考察方式的基础上,对应用最为广泛的本科成绩、录取面试和推荐信三种方式的相关研究进行了综述。本科成绩对研究生绩效有良好的预测效度,录取面试由于结构化程度过低而影响了其预测价值,传统推荐信的预测作用并不理想而标准化推荐信则是极具潜力的发展方向。在我国研究生复试阶段应重视本科成绩的作用,提高录取面试的结构化程度,并采用标准化推荐信加强对考生非认知因素的考察。  相似文献   

结构化面试在研究生复试中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究生复试中引入结构化面试,对面试的程序、内容、方法、标准等方面做出系统严格的安排和设计,可以有效地解决当前研究生复试面试环节存在的问题,提高面试的科学性和有效性,确保复试录取质量。  相似文献   

研究生入学面试成绩在研究生入学总成绩中占很大比重,在很大程度上影响考生的排名情况。由于分组面试的组别不同,不同组的专家评分时容易出现误差。为此,文章提出一种消除组别误差的无偏处理模型,以期保证面试成绩的公正公平性,提高研究生的录取质量。  相似文献   

陆静 《文教资料》2011,(6):204-205
复试工作是研究生招生工作的重要环节.是进一步全面考查考生综合素质和科研潜质的重要手段。在研究生复试中引入结构化面试,建立较为客观、全面的指标体系.可以有效地解决当前研究生复试面试环节存在的问题.提高面试的科学性和有效性.确保复试录取质量。  相似文献   

<正>一、美国招生考量慕课表现的背景美国竞争性高校本科招生历来注重对申请者的全面考察,在招生录取决定中的考量因素甚是多样(大学预备课程成绩、修读课程强度、SAT/ACT考试分数、写作、推荐信等)。除了共识性的考量因素外,有些高校也会自主探索一些校本化的测量手段,比如塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)的非认知评价测验—彩虹项目(Rainbow Project)和"万花筒项目"(Kaleidoscope Project)、  相似文献   

硕士研究生的复试相比初试,增加了面试环节,使整个硕士研究生考核过程更加综合完善,但也因面试的灵活性,其公平性一直是人们关注的话题。为了使复试结果更加公平公正,在复试中引入了结构化面试,而在结构化面试中,面试考官担任着十分重要的角色,其评分直接决定了考生的面试成绩,因此考官评分的公平性对整个复试都有着重要影响。本文主要分析了影响面试考官评分公平性的因素,并提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

结构化面试是目前使用最为广泛的人事评价工具之一.在研究生复试中引入结构化面试,不仅可以更加客观、公正地考察考生的综合素质和能力,提高面试的科学性和有效性,而且可以据此指导研究生入学以后的管理与培养,甚至可以进一步促进研究生选拔机制的发展和完善.  相似文献   

近年来,外地研究生在跨文化接触过程中所采取的文化适应模式及伴随而来的心理变化引起了学者们的关注。为了解外地研究生的文化适应现状及策略,随机抽取246名研究生,采用东亚人的文化适应测量量表(中文版)和自编的文化适应影响因素问卷进行调查。结果表明:(1)外地研究生的文化适应状况良好。(2)男女性别在文化适应影响因素中的社会支持维度和应对方式维度上具有统计学差异,社会支持、应对方式、评价方式和认知资源四个维度均没有显著的年级差异,不同的生源地参与者在认知资源维度上的差异具有显著的统计学意义。(3)应对方式对边缘化策略有显著消极预测作用;认知资源对边缘化策略有显著消极预测作用,对分离策略有显著积极预测作用;社会支持对同化策略有显著积极预测作用。对于外地研究生而言,应对方式、认知资源和社会支持在他们的文化适应过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

目前的统考全日制硕士研究生统考生招生录取通过初试和复试过程完成,而如何保证录取工作的科学、公正、有效,引起了社会各界的关注,本文根据硕士生招生录取工作的实际情况,充分考虑了实际工作的可操作性,采用权重估测法、面试成绩分组误差消除法及加权加法合成法相结合的评分方法,构建录取成绩的合理化量化方法,为公正录取硕士生提供实用方法,并通过电气工程学院录取实例,分析了初复试考察考生能力的互补关系。  相似文献   

分析了现行研究生招生录取方法和组织程序时间安排对本科教学产生的不利影响,即研究生招生录取重统考笔试成绩,影响本科阶段课程系统的学习;招生组织时间安排不利于本科教学计划的正常实施,影响第七学期的正常教学组织,使本科生的毕业设计、论文质量难以保证。本文提出了调整统考时间,压缩招生持续时间,尽可能减少对本科教学的影响;将考生在本科学习期间学校教学计划规定的课程学习成绩融入录取量化指标,以改善学生为应试而学习、为考研而偏课、为应考准备而逃课缺课的现实状况,促使学生系统掌握专业理论知识的建议。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):153-184
We reviewed the literature on "noncognitive" predictors-specifically, personality as it pertains to graduate education. The review is divided into 3 sections. In the first section, we reviewed measures typically used in studies of graduate school outcomes, such as attrition and time to degree. We also reviewed which student qualities faculty and administrators said they desired and cultivated in graduate programs. We also noted that there are many qualities faculty ranked high in desirability but which could only imperfectly be gleaned from sources such as letters of recommendation and personal statements. In the second section, we reviewed general personality factors (e.g., the "Big Five"), specifically, definitions, measures, correlates, and the validity of those measures. We concluded with a discussion of how personality factors might be used in admissions and guidance applications for graduate education.  相似文献   

Letters of recommendation are commonly used to assess the potential of undergraduate students to be successful undergraduate research assistants/interns or their potential as graduate students. However, there is evidence to suggest that reference letters can include unconscious (or implicit) bias that can affect decisions and limit opportunities for under-represented minorities and students from non-research institutions. This study uses a text analysis software program to examine 457 letters of recommendation for undergraduate students applying to undertake international research experience to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the language used to describe the students accepted into the programme (n = 36 letters) compared to those who were not accepted (n = 421 letters). Results suggest that letters of recommendation for the accepted students describe the productivity of the students with greater certainty and include a greater number of quotes from student work. In comparison, the letters for those students who were not accepted into the programme include more positive emotion and describe the insight of the student, but include more words associated with discrepancy and tentative statements. Despite no statistically significant differences in grade point averages, a similar pattern was observed between male and female applicants, white and non-white applicants, and applicants from research and non-research institutions. Results suggest a need to standardise letters of recommendation to ensure that the biases are minimised and do not present a barrier to increasing diversity in undergraduate research.  相似文献   

深入研究 进一步做好“高职”专升本工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职专升本为专科毕业生进入本科院校继续深造提供了机会 ,本文通过对我院近几年高职专升本考试情况分析 ,认真总结经验 ,今后要加大教学改革力度 ,努力提高教学质量 ,使高职专升本再上新台阶  相似文献   


This study was conducted to investigate if there are any predictive relationships between scores of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and graduate grade point average (GGPA), and undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) and GGPA. The data were collected from all graduates from the Master's program in Criminal Justice at a medium-sized Southern university from 1989 to 1999 (N = 94). The results indicated that UGPA and GRE scores explain about 40% of the variance in GGPAs. It is concluded that all three GRE subscales should be considered in the graduate admissions process in criminal justice programs.  相似文献   

Academic careers of the 123 students admitted to a doctoral program in psychology between 1963–1967 were reviewed. The attrition rate was 35%, while 29% completed a Ph.D. within four years. While there was no evidence that women were discriminated against in acceptance, attrition was significantly higher among them than among men. Fifteen traditional predictors including GRE scores, undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, and prior graduate work were correlated with 13 criteria such as first and later years' graduate GPA, first-year faculty evaluation, withdrawal from program, and completion of Ph.D. Correlations of predictors with the four most important criteria of graduate success revealed that undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, major, and quality of undergraduate department were correlated positively with first-year performance but not with eventual success. The best predictors of the ultimate criterion, the Ph.D., were having a master's degree at entrance, age and marital status (the latter two highly correlated with the first), and first-year faculty evaluation. Inasmuch as the last was the best single predictor of the long-term criteria of years of successful study and obtaining the Ph.D., it is suggested that more attention be given by departments to the systematic development and use of early faculty evaluations of the performance of selected students rather than continuing to be concerned with perfecting selection.Carol Lillie (Rater 1) and Virginia de Wolf (Rater 2) assisted in data collection and development of letter rating schemes referred to. These may be requested from the Bureau of Testing, University of Washington, Seattle 98195.  相似文献   

本科生教育与研究生教育衔接方式的多样化是实现研究生教育目标多样化的必要条件。本文在借鉴美日两国本科生教育与研究生教育衔接方式的基础上,认为我国必须构建本科生教育与研究生教育多样化的衔接方式。改革学位授予制度、打破研究生教育的封闭性、构建多样化的高校研究生教育基层组织形式是重要的突破口。  相似文献   

历史教育具有传授知识、训练方法、拓宽视野等方面的重要功能。从高校研究生的教育背景和主观需求来看,他们应该接受一定的历史教育。研究生的历史教育应该与中学以及大学的历史教育在教育理念和开展形式等方面区别开来,要坚持生动性、现实性、教育性等原则来开展。  相似文献   

毕业设计是本科毕业生在大学阶段必须要经历的实践环节,学生只有顺利完成毕业论文才能够圆满结束四年的学习。本文分析了目前计算专业毕业设计存在的问题,将任务驱动法应用于计算机专业的毕业设计中,让学生带着任务主动地进行探索式学习,有助于激发学生的兴趣,培养其创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

导学关系的构建是研究生教育中的重要环节,研究生招生是导学关系构建的起点。近年来在国内推广的博士生招生"申请—考核"制从源头上为良好导学关系的构建提供了新思路。首批"申请—考核"制试点院校已逐步实现博士招生"申请—考核"制全覆盖。通过对经历过该招生制度的师生一对一访谈调研,进一步了解这一新型招生方式对导学关系构建的影响,探讨"申请—考核"制招生方式在导学关系构建中的作用。  相似文献   

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