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李娜 《太原大学学报》2004,5(4):43-44,54
作为中国现代戏剧史上一位杰出的艺术家,曹禺以《雷雨》、《日出》为代表的剧作在现代文学史上树立了一座丰碑,为读者塑造了不朽的艺术形象,尤其是丰满的女性形象。曹禺笔下周蘩漪、陈白露这两位典型的悲剧女性,人性的表现达到相当的高度,放射出异常的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

话剧《日出》作为时代经典作品之一,剧中角色均可在现实生活中找到原型,但经过曹禺改写、虚构、嫁接与凸显等,使得角色较之原型更为丰满、深刻.如此一段匠心独运的创作,实际伴随着启蒙思想与左翼思想的竞争与博弈.而博弈的结果决定了曹禺采用何种故事策略与叙述机制,把原型王右家蜕变为充满多义性与复杂性的陈白露.  相似文献   

抛开世俗生活的道德尺度,挖掘陈白露这一艺术形象蕴含的诗意。  相似文献   

曹禺早期话剧对生命的基本价值诉求建立在形而上的终极层面。蘩漪的现实生活无疑是荒唐和丑恶的,她触犯了古老的伦理禁忌,并且为维护跟周家大少爷的乱伦私情而采用种种极端的手段。然而在现代中国以民主和自由为核心的价值观烛照下,蘩漪的俗世生活则得到了诗意的净化,汇入到“五四”以来妇女解放的时代洪流中。也正是在中国现代化历史的道德向度上,蘩漪形象才在现代文学的人物画廊中衣袂飘飘卓然而立。  相似文献   

何致文 《考试周刊》2009,(10):23-24
在剧本《日出》中,曹禺先生塑造了陈白露这样一个交际花形象。本文旨在分析这一人物的性格及其矛盾性。  相似文献   

著名剧作家曹禺笔下的人物个人生动形象,尤其是女性如蘩漪,陈白露,愫方等更是性格鲜明,各具风韵,极富典型性。分析剧作家笔下所创造 的这些典型环境中的典型性格是典型性格所形成的原因,对于揭示人物性格发展的必然性,即人物的命运,无疑会有帮助。  相似文献   

《日出》中的陈白露与《茶花女》中的玛格丽特,在从妓女生涯走向死亡这一点上具有共同的悲剧命运;但二者的性格内涵又有质的区别。陈白露屈服、依赖于黑暗势力而自甘堕落,而玛格丽特却始终保持着独立与自由,并最终挣脱金钱的羁绊而追求真挚的爱情。因而,陈白露的悲剧是社会悲剧,玛格丽特则表现为信仰的悲剧  相似文献   

《原野》是曹禺秉持着形而上的诗性哲学对宗法制社会家族复仇题材的一次考量。仇虎与焦大星之间兄弟亲情和家族世仇的情感焦虑,构成了《原野》的叙事主题。然而《原野》的审美价值更多地着落在它的副部主题上,正是有了花金子的参与,复仇的神圣使命才染上了情爱的野性活力,使涌动的生命得以冲破逼仄的喉咙,在残阳如血的“原野”直直放歌。也许是激情耗尽的缘故,花金子之后,曹禺再也没有完整地塑造过这样的野性女子。《原野》终成绝唱。  相似文献   

曹禺是一个在思想和艺术上都勇于探索的民主主义剧作家,他的戏剧强烈而集中地表达了“五四”新学的主题,呼唤出被压迫的心声,以个性解放的革命民主主义力量,有力地冲击了中国封建主义与黑暗社会,在《雷雨》和《日出》中,对蘩漪和白露这类知识妇女的悲剧命运和出路的探索可看出曹禺思想和艺术探索的成就及局限。  相似文献   

一当我们巡视世界艺术的画廊时,会发现有许多不朽的人物典型是属于戏剧的。哈姆雷特、罗密欧、朱丽叶、夏洛克、阿巴贡、达尔丢失、娜拉以及中国戏剧中的窦娥、红娘、杜十娘、陈世美等这样一些众所周知的人物  相似文献   

陈一得先生是众所周知的云南气象学、天文学的奠基人,他在天文学、气象学方面的贡献得到国内外的共同认可,但他在交通建设方面的情结,却常被人们所忽略。包括早年曾经失之交臂的赴比利时学习铁路工程的机遇,对叙昆铁路修建中的路线选址问题的意见,以及唐代文献中所谓"石门道"的确切考证等诸多方面,与其气象学、天文学成就一样,体现出先生热爱家乡、热爱科学的殷殷之情。  相似文献   

Three major evaluations of innovative projects designed and implemented in the US during the 1960s and 1970s provide models for the design and analysis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects. Large in scope, sophisticated in design and explicit in reporting, the three evaluations were: an analysis of major factors in “change agent” projects conducted by the Rand Corporation; an evaluation of Follow Through, a program to continue supporting “disadvantaged” children in elementary school; and a multi-year evaluation of the Comprehensive School Mathematics Program, a multi-grade project designed to change mathematics instruction and, at the same time, develop suitable assessment tools. Each of the studies provides a model of how ICT projects, both those in place and those in the design stages, may be evaluated in order that important questions — “What happened?” and “Why?” and “To what effect?” — can be answered. The three evaluations stress the importance of defining project characteristics, working from clearly defined practices, assessing fidelity of implementation, studying the multiple reactions of all the stakeholders, and conducting assessments of pupil progress at appropriate times and with appropriate measures. The models can serve ICT educators as guidelines as they look for complex, meaningful and educationally sound ways of determining the impact of ICT on all stakeholders.  相似文献   

在翻译过程中,语境对翻译过程是至关重要的。翻译必须在一定的语境中进行,语境和翻译之间关系密切,语境对翻译具有决定性作用。译者的重要功能就是运用各种翻译技巧,准确地转换不同的语境。以《简爱》中译本为例,论文扼要介绍了如何结合语境将原文的真意表达出来。  相似文献   

从系统功能语言学视角,对陕西籍作家陈忠实先生的散文《火晶柿子》的英译进行语言学分析,可以帮助我们重新审视一些翻译问题。在系统功能语言学理论的指导下客观地对翻译质量进行评估,为译者今后的再版和翻译提供一定的建议,使陕西文学作品更好地走向世界。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革倡导师生在教学中进行科学探究,让学生自行建构知识网络。根据这种理念,就原电池一节的教学设计了一种科学探究的教学模式。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):103-109
I read your articles and I feel that in quite a few things which you have said about writing reform recently, both your theoretical bases and your attitude in the debate, deserve to be discussed.  相似文献   


Researchers in the field of urban education politics have much in agreement ‐ they refute the notion of bureaucratic insulation in school policy making, connect the school to its broader political and economic community, and address the effects of school governance on race relations, governmental legitimacy and political representation. At the same time, approaching the field with different disciplinary backgrounds and substantive interests, researchers have offered competing frameworks in analysing school politics. In my view, disagreements and consensus within the field can be better appreciated if the diverse approaches and their substantive findings are understood in the proper context of the school policy organization ‐ the way power is allocated between the top of the system and the school site and the way clientele are involved in schooling decisions. In this partial review of the literature, I shall propose an integrative framework that specifies the circumstances under which different kinds of politics occur. The final section will explore research and policy implications.  相似文献   

作者的成长与进步离不开编辑的鼓励与帮助.在由丈学爱好者到知名作家的创作历程中,路遥、陈忠实受到了众多编辑工作者的帮助与支持.编辑对作者应有尊重和体谅的人文关怀之心,同时也要引导和监督作者的创作.  相似文献   

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