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The paper investigates the relationship between the expansion of higher education and the development of unemployment among higher education graduates by discipline using time series data. Our results find that the overall relationship between higher education and the world of labor is a recursive one. The relative weight of some disciplines among graduates, changes according to labor market needs, but this reaction is not immediate and subject to a delay. Other disciplines however develop independently of employment prospects. The rising proportion of graduates within these disciplines leads to pressures for change on the labor market. In both cases our data shows that the employment system absorbs the expansion of higher education graduates. This happens through a diversification of employment positions in order to accommodate the expansion of higher education graduates.  相似文献   

基于对《深圳统计年鉴》中相关数据的整理,分析了自1979年建市以来深圳服务业发展状况,包括服务业对经济增长的拉动作用、劳动生产率变化、就业带动作用、内部构成变化、区域发展不平衡等五个方面。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of fertility and relative wages on occupational choice (teaching versus non-teaching) and labor force participation decisions of female college graduates using selectivity-corrected panel estimations.We find that the presence of a new born baby is not particularly important to the choice of occupation, but significantly discourages female labor force participation, especially among teachers. Higher relative wages are found to effectively attract female college graduates into teaching. College major in education is one of the most relevant determinants for female college graduates to become teachers. Though investing educational expenditures on teachers’ salary seems to be a valid policy, providing incentives for female college students to major in education will be an alterative way to secure teacher supply.  相似文献   

Nature intends that the physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy insure the growth and development not just of the baby but of the mother. The physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and, then, labor, birth, and breastfeeding play vital roles in guiding women on the journey of becoming a mother. Standard prenatal care and medicalized labor and birth interfere in powerful ways with nature''s plan and, consequently, women''s ability to negotiate this journey. In this column, these issues are explored, and implications for childbirth education are discussed.  相似文献   

视听表演者权利保护制度在中国现行法中没有明确规定.视听表演者权在影视演出合同蜕变为署名权和劳务报酬请求权.在表演者权侵权判决书中一部分体现为对录像制品的表演者权,一部分体现为对影视作品的署名权和劳务报酬请求权.著作权法第三次修改草案取消了录像制品,规定了对视听作品的后续使用获酬权,取消了“约定”规定,但非主要表演者权利的剥夺,似有不公平之嫌.  相似文献   

本文采用中国劳动统计年鉴(1989-2019)的有关数据对1988-2018年间我国教师工资的空间分布、相对位序和演变趋势进行了系统分析。研究发现:就我国教师工资的总体水平来看,在三十年间获得了巨大的提升,其绝对数量增长了51倍,年均增长率达14%;就我国教师工资在不同省份和地区的均衡分配程度来看,整体上呈现出从绝对均衡向相对均衡的发展趋势;就我国教师工资收入在全部国民经济行业中的相对位置来看,呈现出频繁变动的趋势和先下降后逐渐回升的趋势;就我国教师群体内部工资差距来看,呈现出不同教育阶段教师工资间的差距持续拉大的趋势。考虑到教师在培养社会劳动力中的重要性,在未来的发展中,要更加重视从整体上提升教师群体的工资水平和其他待遇,特别是要重视提高初等教育阶段教师的工资收入。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of teacher relative wages and teacher wage dispersion on high school graduates’ preferences for teaching majors in College. This approximation to teacher quality is appropriate in a country like Venezuela as opposed to the US since the rigidity of the tertiary school system significantly limits mobility between majors. I combine data from the national college entrance examination from 1984 to 2003 with labor market data from the household surveys to construct a panel of data for quintiles of the test score distribution and age groups by states. The results suggest that teacher wage premia and wage dispersion have little effect on the quality mix of applicants to teaching. Most students’ preference for teaching is unresponsive to wage levels relative to other occupations and to wage growth prospects within teaching. If wages have a positive effect on the performance of educational systems, this paper argues that it is unlikely to be through the selection of the most talented individuals.  相似文献   

在后金融危机时代,保持持续稳定的经济增长具有重要意义。依据1978-2010年间的国内生产总值、劳动、资本、出口和进口等样本数据,对我国经济增长影响因素问题进行实证分析。研究表明:它们间有长期与短期的均衡关系;劳动、资本和对外贸易对经济增长的作用和影响程度不同,存在进口替代的现象;经济和出口的增长都是资本增长的格兰杰因果原因,进口增长也是出口增长的格兰杰因果原因。当务之急是要保持政策间的协调性和稳定性,增强投资决策的科学性。  相似文献   

通过分析1985—2011年中国制造业劳动力成本、劳动生产率与单位劳动成本的变动情况发现:制造业劳动力成本与劳动生产率保持着不断上升的趋势,内生与外生因素都对劳动力成本产生了上升的需求,单位劳动成本指标所展现的成本竞争优势在2000年后表现出了平稳发展趋势,提示制造业需从单纯强调劳动力成本的发展模式过渡到以提高劳动生产率为重心的道路上,采用“适度增长”的劳动力成本与“高速增长”的劳动生产率相结合的发展模式。  相似文献   

顶岗实习是职业教育十分重要的教学环节,但顶岗实习存在劳动风险。我国应建立学生实习劳动伤害社会保险制度化解学生顶岗实习劳动风险。学生实习劳动伤害社会保险基金应由政府、学校和实习单位按照适当的比例或费率共同来筹集。学生实习劳动伤害社会保险基金赔付范围的学生实习劳动伤害事故应当具备与学校的教育教学行为具有关联性和与实习单位的职业劳动具有关联性两个条件。学生实习劳动伤害社会保险基金的赔付应当以法定的程序进行,赔付的内容应包括治疗费用赔付、伤残赔付和死亡赔付。  相似文献   

从人力资本的外部性理论出发,考察教育私人投资的社会溢出和劳动力流动带来的教育公共投资的城乡与区域溢出效应,以及由此产生的教育投资决策的变化。结果表明,教育的溢出效应对弱势家庭和弱势地区政府教育投资激励产生抑制效果,一方面是教育的现有差距依然存在,另一方面作为主要投资来源的政府和家庭的激励程度的降低又进一步恶化了教育投入不平衡的程度,差距随着经济和教育投资的不同增长路径越来越大,弱势家庭与弱势地区的教育投入有陷入"低发展陷阱"的危险。需要建立针对弱势家庭的风险性补偿机制,以及针对弱势地区的区域性补偿机制,才能有效地促进教育和社会经济的均衡发展。  相似文献   

This article presents labor‐force tends that show certain geographic areas, such as Kentucky, Sweden, and Japan, experiencing very limited labor‐force growth and a heavier reliance on older workers because of declining younger‐age populations. The authors discuss these declines and other factors such as participation rates of women and older people in the labor force, retirement incentives of income‐support programs, and educational and training needs. Based on the data and trends presented, this article advocates for research and policy options to be studied in relation to this information if we are to respond effectively to an aging labor force.  相似文献   

运用面板数据模型研究2001—2008年海西经济区20个地市产业结构相关因素与经济增长的关系。面板数据模型分析表明第一产业比重变化对劳动效率有负影响,对资本效率和经济规模则有正的影响,而第三产业比重变化对资本要素效率的影响不显著,对劳动要素效率和经济规模具有正的影响。在分析的基础上,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

1IntroductionRecently traffic flow has attracted increasing intere-sts of scientists.A variety of traffic models have beenproposed to study complex traffic phenomena.Thesemodels describe traffic flowin the following three lev-els.(1)From the macroscopic level,traffic flow istreated as continuum,i.e.,compressible gas in fluiddynamic models;(2)Fromthe mesoscopic level,ve-hicles are regarded as gas molecules in the kineticmodels;(3)Fromthe microscopic level,the detailedinteractions betweenindivi…  相似文献   

文章应用灰色关联度的数量方法,比较了物质资本、劳动力数量、劳动力文化素质存量等因素对经济增长的作用,得出:我国劳动力文化素质存量对经济增长的影响相对较小;在经济增长中的作用,义务教育比高等教育更为明显。  相似文献   

Using an unanticipated policy reform that shifted 4 months the cutoff date for school eligibility in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico, we estimate the effect of relative age on test scores in grades 3–9. Different identification strategies produce similar results: 1 year of additional age confers an advantage of roughly 0.3 standard deviations. By contrasting Tlaxcala with a neighboring state that did not change the cutoff concurrently, we decompose the effect of relative age into a positive effect of age at test, and a negative effect of the position in the distribution of age. Older classmates have a positive spillover, whereas younger classmates have a negative spillover. If tested at the exact same age, younger students would outperform their older classmates. We complement the analysis with estimates of relative-age effects in six labor and marriage market outcomes in a sample of Mexican adults. Significant effects are found in the six outcomes. Lastly, we lay out a theoretical model to explain differences in relative-age effects in wages across countries, highlighting the role played by selectivity of the mechanisms used to allocate educational opportunities and the wage premium to those educational opportunities in the labor market.  相似文献   

论我国土地征用补偿费标准及其定量方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国农地征用中有关土地补偿费的现实矛盾十分突出。在社会主义市场经济体制建立完善过程中,农地征用应按“等价交换”的市场原则进行,征地补偿费应以被征地的正常市场价格为计算依据。各地应根据地域差异性等特征,分别采用不完全货币化模式即以货币补偿,劳动力安置相结合的补偿模式,和完全货币化模式。在前一种模式下,征地补偿费最恰当的核算方法应当是房地产估价的收益法;在后一种模式下,则可采用市场比较法和假设开发法。  相似文献   

针对目前学术界对劳动合同的解除和终止的不同理解.本文以我国劳动合同法为根据,就劳动合同解除和终止的概念、解除的条件、终止的法定事由,以及劳动合同解除或者终止的经济补偿和赔偿金适用进行了分析,并提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

劳动力剩余、劳动力工资和产业结构之间长期以来表现出一种复杂的关系,以致学术界对其间的相互影响难以形成统一的观点。根据中部六省1999-2011年的经济发展数据,构建产业结构变迁与劳动力市场变化之间的联立方程模型,对中部六省劳动力剩余、劳动力工资和产业结构的关系进行实证分析,发现大量的剩余劳动力的存在和工资的上涨对产业结构转型升级有巨大贡献,同时产业结构的变迁也有助于劳动力工资的上涨和农村剩余劳动力的转移。除此之外,内资和内需也是推动中部六省产业结构升级的重要因素,而经济因素和宏观因素是影响工资和剩余劳动力数量的决定性因素。  相似文献   

This study examines the trends in the Mincerian rates of return (MRRs) to education in urban China between 1989 and 2009 using two sources of data: the China Urban Household Survey and the China Health and Nutrition Survey, and attempts to explain the underlying causes of the trends. The authors find that while the rates of return to education had been rising steadily since 1992 in urban China, a trend consistent with earlier studies, they have stagnated and even shown a statistically insignificant and very small decline between 2004 and 2009. Using the conceptual framework of supply, demand and institution in labor economics, the authors show evidence that the rapid rise in MRRs since 1992 has been driven by the strong relative demand for skills and productivity unleashed by the market-oriented economic reforms of the late 1980s and 1990s when relative supply of skilled labor was by and large stable. However, the “great leap forward” in senior secondary and tertiary education since the late 1990s produced huge numbers of graduates by the mid-2000s, outpacing the growth of relative demand for skilled labor due to the economy’s overdependence on low value-added industries such as manufacturing and construction. The apparent slowdown in the deepening of marketization since the mid-2000s may have also contributed to the stagnation or slight decline in the returns to education in urban China.  相似文献   

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