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Six sociometric measures were evaluated on a sample of 85 four-year-olds from three preschool and day care centers. Stability, intercorrelations, and accuracy of classifying rejected children were compared for measures of social preference, social impact, peer ratings, alternative status, and positive and negative nominations. Test-retest correlations were moderately high and quite similar for all measures except social impact. Children were classified as rejected or not rejected based on Z scores of −.50 on all measures except for negative nominations, which employed a Z of +.50. In comparison with the commonly used social preference measure, accurate classifications were obtained using negative nominations, peer ratings, and alternative status. Positive nominations were somewhat less accurate in identifying rejected children, and social impact was a poor index of social status. Results suggest that both nominations and peer ratings can be assessed reliably with preschool children and that the two sociometric techniques measure similar aspects of social status. The alternative status measure was demonstrated to be a reliable and accurate technique for identifying rejected children in the preschool years. Implications for social skills intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we investigated the impact of an awareness-raising campaign on the behaviour of secondary school children in the Centre Region of France, regarding the recycling of used batteries. But, was it a question of pro-environmental behaviour or simply an environmental action? To answer this question, a three-year longitudinal study was carried out, revealing that the awareness-raising campaign had a greater impact on stabilizing the children’s behaviour than on the adoption of sustainable pro-environmental behaviour.  相似文献   

In recent years, sociometric techniques have been increasingly used to assess friendship development in children with special educational needs integrated in regular educational settings. In this paper, the findings produced by different techniques are contrasted with a view to examining whether the variable findings reported can be attributed to the technique employed. The analysis revealed that peer nominations have been used to determine pupils' social status and have overwhelmingly produced negative results. Peer ratings have been used to ascertain the level of acceptance pupils enjoy within their class network and have also produced negative results. Social Cognitive Mapping has been used to obtain information about the nature of social networks and the relations among peers and has produced mixed to positive results. As such, Social Cognitive Mapping could be viewed as a more robust approach that addresses more thoroughly the complexities of young children's social relations than the other two classic sociometric techniques. The paper concludes with highlighting methodological challenges surrounding the application of sociometric techniques and advocates their embedding within innovative multi-method research designs.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a theoretical framework on how school policy can promote student learning. School policy is considered to have an indirect effect on student achievement by changing school stakeholders' actions toward improving the School Learning Environment (SLE) and teaching practice. A reciprocal relationship between school policy and stakeholders' actions is also considered. A longitudinal study was conducted to test the framework's main assumptions. A stratified sample of 64 primary schools was selected and students' achievement in Mathematics at the beginning of Grade 4 and at the end of the next three consecutive school years was measured, alongside the school policy and teachers' actions with regards to issues associated with teaching and the SLE. The results of multilevel structural equation modelling analyses supported the main assumptions of the framework. Implications for the development of school policy are drawn and suggestions for further research are provided.  相似文献   

In this study, 140 Swedish preschoolers and their parents were first contacted, observed, and interviewed when the children averaged 16 months of age. Subsequently, 53 children entered day-care centers, and 33 were enrolled in family day-care facilities. Further assessments of the children, their families, and their care facilities took place 3, 12, and 24 months after the initial assessment. As predicted, type of child care had no apparent impact on the children's sociability or personality maturity, as measured 24 months after the study began. However, the quality of care received both at home and in the out-of-home care facilities, reported family social support, and child gender helped predict personality maturity (as reported by the mothers using the Block CCQ) and observed social skills with familiar peers and unfamiliar adults.  相似文献   

The study was designed to assess the development of Family Independence (FI), Peer Independence (PI), Liberalism (L), Social Conscience (SC), and Cultural Sophistication (CS) among students attending three predominantly black colleges. Responses to the Attitudes section of the College Student Questionnaires were obtained from 334 students when they were entering freshmen, end-of-year freshmen, and graduating seniors. The data were analyzed with a repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance design. College, Sex, and Time were the independent variables, and the five attitude scales were the dependent variables. The tests for the main effects of time revealed overall gains on all five scales. A significant Sex × Time interaction indicated that PI scores for males increased, while females' PI scores decreased, during the freshman year; the females' PI scores increased during the subsequent three year period. Significant College × Time interactions were found for FI and CS. College × Sex × Time interactions were significant for L and CS. The results indicated that students who attended these predominantly black colleges developed greater self-reliance and autonomy and broadened interests in political, social, and cultural affairs. The extent of change in these attitudes varied, however, according to the college attended and/or sex of the student.  相似文献   

Elementary-grade children referred to a school-based mental health program were compared with randomly selected classmates on measures of self-esteem, sociometric status, and insight. Interrelationships among criterion measures also were examined. Referred children had significantly lower self-esteem, peer acceptance, and insight than did the comparison group, even though these variables were modestly intercorrelated. Thus, the study lends support to the trend in prior research associating deficits in such variables with school maladjustment.  相似文献   

This study explores the differences between student and parents’ value orientation for a college degree across a large sample in the UAE. The value of obtaining a higher education degree in the UAE is transgenerational. Salient benefits of a college degree can be categorized by economic, social and entrepreneurial factors and a model is set forth based on an intrinsic/extrinsic and self vs. other continuum. Education and income are related to valuing several educational outcomes. The most important factor identified across generations included both self-transcendence and self-enhancement values. From 2011–2015, the importance of higher education’s social benefits has increased.  相似文献   

Accompanying the rise in the number of working parents is a growing demand for after-school care schemes for children. After-school care schemes, in addition to school, provide pupils with more learning opportunities than the experiences that school provides. The hypothesis is that after-school care schemes offer a better knowledge-basis for learning science than the school and home environments only. This article investigates how after-school care schemes affect learning in grades 5 and 8. While taking into account the socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds of pupils, results indicate that after-school care is of significance. The influence of after-school care is roughly explained by the increased number of learning opportunities. We discuss the implications for research and the limitations of this survey.  相似文献   

An effective education system depends upon attracting college students into the teaching profession, but most of the research on what motivates individuals to pursue teaching merely surveys individuals who have already entered a teacher education program. This study employs an experimental design to test the effects of exposure to randomly assigned lists of reasons to teach reflecting personal utility values or social utility values on the appeal of the career to a sample of college students. Results indicate that both personal and social utility values are relevant to the appeal of a career in teaching and to a similar degree. Gender differences in this relationship were negligible.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of moral reasoning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several issues concerning Gilligan's model of moral orientations and Kohlberg's models of moral stages and moral orientations were examined in a longitudinal study with 233 subjects (from 78 families) who ranged in age from 5 to 63 years. They participated in 2 identical interviews separated by a 2-year interval. In each interview, they discussed hypothetical dilemmas and a personally generated real-life dilemma, which were scored for both moral stage and moral orientation (both Gilligan's and Kohlberg's typologies). Results revealed few violations of the stage sequence over the longitudinal interval, supporting Kohlberg's moral stage model. Sex differences were almost completely absent for both Gilligan's and Kohlberg's moral orientations, although there were clear developmental trends. Hypothetical and real-life dilemmas elicited different moral orientations, especially in terms of Kohlberg's typology. The interrelations between the 2 models of moral orientations were generally weak, indicating that they are not synonymous.  相似文献   

Epistemological beliefs are subjective theories on the structure and acquisition of knowledge. Using data collected in the final year of high school (Time 1) and early in the college career (Time 2) as part of a large-scale longitudinal study, we examined the relationship of beliefs in the certainty of knowledge with school achievement and choice of college majors in Germany. In line with our hypothesis, students high on certainty beliefs showed lower school achievement at Time 1, even when controlling for indicators of intelligence and family background. Certainty beliefs also predicted the choice of future fields of study at college (self-selection hypothesis) and were shaped by enrolment in specific fields of study at college (socialization hypothesis).  相似文献   

Personal best goals (PB goals) articulate a target performance standard that matches or exceeds one’s previous best. This study examined the role of PB goals in academic and social functioning. Alongside academic and social outcome measures, PB goal items were administered to 249 high-school students at the beginning and end of their school year. Longitudinal structural equation modeling suggested, at Time 1, PB goals significantly predicted students’ deep learning, academic flow, academic buoyancy, positive teacher relationship, and favorable attitudes toward peer cooperation. Further, at Time 2, the effects of PB goals on deep learning, academic flow, and positive teacher relationship remained significant after controlling for prior variance of corresponding Time-1 factors, suggesting sustained benefits of PB goals in students’ academic and social development. These findings hold substantive, applied, and methodological implications for researchers and practitioners seeking to examine and harness PB goals in educational settings.  相似文献   

This article describes the work of Project ImpactCS, which was initiated to define the core content and pedagogical objectives for integrating social impact and ethics into the computer science (CS) curriculum. Over a three year period the project will address three major problems that hamper the implementation of across-the-board curriculum change: the lack of a well-specified definition of what the core content and learning objectives should include, the lack of a strategy for adapting and adopting existing materials that address the core topics into the existing CS curriculum, and the lack of awareness and expertise on the part of most CS faculties regarding the need and methodology for presenting such material in their courses. This report provides the conceptual frame-work and describes the learning objectives, called knowledge units, for defining a new content area in the computer science curriculum. It also discusses strategies and innovative pedagogical techniques for implementing the knowledge units into the curriculum.  相似文献   

马克思主义认为,人类实践活动涉及三个领域:自然、社会、人自身.故人类社会就是一个由人与自然、人与社会和人与自身的关系所构成的矛盾体.社会的和谐相应地表现为人与自然关系的和谐、人与社会关系的和谐、人与自身关系的和谐.任何社会只有实现人与自然、人与社会及人与自身关系的和谐,才能稳定发展,其中任何一个维度的弱化或缺失,都会导致社会的失序和混乱.  相似文献   

目前社会考试项目是多家办、多家推,其价值取向并非与社会和人们的预期相一致。在分析社会考试特征和价值取向基础上,以科学发展观为指导,以服务构建和谐社会为目的,探讨了促进社会考试活动和谐有序发展的问题。  相似文献   

This study is an examination of the relationship of perceived social support and adolescents' adjustment behaviors over time. The sample (n = 82) included students from two at‐risk urban middle schools. Utilizing two measures, the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS; C. K. Malecki, M. K. Demaray, & S. N. Elliott, 2000) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Self Report of Personality (BASC; C. R. Reynolds & R. W. Kamphaus, 1998), data were collected at three time points. Results point to a relationship between social support and student adjustment behaviors over time. Specifically, support from parents was related to clinical maladjustment and emotional symptoms one year later. In fact, parent support was still related to clinical maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier levels of clinical maladjustment were taken into account. Parent support was also related to personal adjustment in the short term (6 months). Classmate support was related to students' emotional symptoms one year later. Finally, school support was related to school maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier school maladjustment was taken into account. Implications for school psychologists are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 691–706, 2005.  相似文献   

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