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Expanding and diversifying the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workforce is a national priority. The National Science Foundation is investing efforts at post secondary education institutions to engage individuals who have been historically underrepresented in STEM. This paper investigated the use of strategies to broaden participation in STEM by grantees of NSF’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE), who are primarily located at 2-year colleges. The ATE program focuses on developing and improving technician training programs to prepare students for employment in fields that rely on advanced technologiessuch as nanotechnology, photonics, and mechatronics. A survey, conducted annually by the authors of this study, was used to collect data from ATE grantees on their use and perceptions of strategies to broaden participation in STEM. The findings showed that strategies related to motivation and access to enhance recruitment are more widely used then strategies that improve retention. Respondents identified strategies related to providing financial assistance, mentoring, and conducting outreach activities as the most effective for reaching and engaging underrepresented minority students in academic programs. Despite these perceptions, these strategies seem to be underutilized among this group.  相似文献   

To obtain evaluative data on outcomes of the Advanced Education Institution Award scheme a study which included a survey of graduates from masters programs in Australian colleges of advanced education in the years 1980–1985 was undertaken. The survey was designed to identify graduate characteristics, to analyse award distribution across disciplines and to obtain general evaluative data on awards and masters degrees. The impact of gender in each of these analyses was to be considered. Further, details on employment and further study activities were to be documented.  相似文献   

当前,国民体质越来越受到关注,青少年的体质水平的高低关系着整个民族未来的兴衰.要增进青少年的健康,增强其体质,学校体育是最基本、最重要的一环.本文分析了高职学生不喜欢上体育课的几种主要原因,并针对高职学生的生理心理特点,提出了几点提高学生对体育课参与性的教学方法,并分析了体育教师应具备的素质  相似文献   

学生素质与其社会参与之间存在密切的联系,从学生社会参与角度探讨高职素质教育问题,符合高职素质教育的内涵和高职学生的特性,有助于拓展和完善高职素质教育,引导学生切实提升其素质。在指出高职素质教育现实不足的基础上,分析探讨了高职素质教育的内涵和价值取向,梳理社会参与对完善高职素质教育的意义,从社会参与角度提出一些完善高职素质教育的思路与举措。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告明确提出要"不断提高党的建设质量,把党建设成为始终走在时代前列、人民衷心拥护、勇于自我革命、经得起各种风浪考验、朝气蓬勃的马克思主义执政党。"随着我国高等教育的发展,艺术院校学生党员人数剧增。总体上看,广大艺术院校学生党员的思想政治状况是积极、健康的。但理想信念模糊、政治意识淡漠等问题依然存在。学生党员如何保证自身先进性和模范性,成为艺术院校党建工作一个重要环节。  相似文献   

大学生参与高校的民主管理是世界高等教育改革与发展的趋势,也是我们党以人为本的教育理念在高等教育中的具体体现,更是提升大学生公民自觉意识、培养大学生现代民主法治观念的有效途径和方法。上海师范大学学生民主管理委员会经过十年的探索与发展,在学生参与高校民主管理方面取得了显著成绩,有效地促进大学生的成长成才。  相似文献   

构建高校学生党员先进性教育长效工作机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生党员先进性教育要长期取得实效,应组建学生党员工作机构,构筑学生党建工作新平台:合理设置学生党支部,为党员先进性教育提供组织保证;增设党建辅导员岗位,加强学生党建工作力量:建立健全保持高校学生党员的学习机制,教育机制,管理机制,监督机制,考核评估和奖惩激励机制。  相似文献   

This contribution offers a statistical and policy analysis of the movements of student enrolment in Colleges of Education and other teacher training institutions in England and Wales. It discusses the situation of the Colleges of Education, which differ widely in size, against the background of educational economics and policy after 1960, in particular the consequences of the rapid increase in the number of students and the resulting overcrowding of these institutions, especially the Colleges of Education. Thus some 1,000 more students than the Robbins Committee had anticipated for 1974 were already enrolled in Colleges of Education in 1969. The preponderance of women students with their specific study motivations also influences the work and results of the Colleges of Education. A principal factor in the organisation and content of the courses is the decision in favour of “concurrent courses” integrating specialist studies with practical teacher training. This design of the study programme will become an important issue in the integration of the Colleges of Education with other institutions where different didactic principles prevail, such as the universities (“consecutive courses”). Another point of crucial significance for the future of the Colleges of Education is the link between teacher training and further education for teachers. In the Annex the student population is analysed and extensive documentation provided on the possibilities of integrating these Colleges with other institutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines patterns of participation in higher education (HE) Wales, in the context of the devolution of powers over HE to the National Assembly for Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government. In particular, this democratic devolution has resulted in the introduction of arrangements for student finance which are quite distinctive from those in other parts of the UK. In the event, trends in participation amongst Welsh‐domiciled young people (even when disaggregated by gender and socio‐economic background) show little evidence of impacts from these arrangements. Analysis of the geography of participation within Wales does reveal some evidence of convergence between areas of low and high participation. The picture is further complicated when the flows of students into and out of Wales, which are much larger than for other parts of the UK, are taken into account. This poses major questions for Welsh policy makers, especially because, from 2007–2008, there will be a significant price differential for Welsh‐domiciled students studying in Wales and those who wish to go elsewhere.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是全社会的事业,高校是思想政治教育的主阵地。社会实践是增强高校思想政治教育实效性的必要途径。文章阐述了高校思想政治教育社会参与机制的内涵和特点,从理论和实践两方面阐明了高校思想政治教育社会参与机制的发生依据。  相似文献   


To support the success of community college students, the role of student affairs professionals is critical. Therefore, adequate preparation of student affairs professionals who work in community college settings is paramount. However, literature focused on the intersection between the community college, student affairs, and graduate preparation is sparse, suggesting that too little is known about the preparation of student affairs professionals exiting graduate education and entering a community college setting. We frame this dearth of literature as an issue of social justice. The lack of focus on community colleges within student affairs preparation programs further reinforces a systemic cycle of oppression related to the perception that community colleges are not an integral part of the higher education landscape. We point to potential entry points for the exploration of this topic through systematic inquiry. The goals of this work are to bring awareness to the paucity of literature on this topic, ask scholars to join us in adding to what is known about this topic, and encourage readers to think critically about this topic.  相似文献   

大学生党员的思想活跃、想法突出,最大限度的保持大学生党员的先进性,做好先进性教育能够一直为我国党建工作的发展注入新鲜血液,促进社会主义建设事业的顺利发展,所以保持独立学院学生党员先进性长效机制是各大高校党组织应该重视的工作,也是新时期各大高校党建工作的重大课题,本文就此进行细致的阐述,首先从独立学院学生党员先进性长效机制构建的意义进行入手分析,对于独立学院学生党员先进性长效机制构建的现状进行了细致的分析,然后提出了保持独立院校学生党员先进性长效机制的具体策略。  相似文献   

The percentage of Latinas/os decreases at each stage in the educational pipeline and is especially proportionally low at the post-baccalaureate level. This study investigates the complexities of the quest to increase post-baccalaureate participation for Latina/o students. We present data on post-baccalaureate education by utilizing 2 comprehensive survey instruments distributed at 3 California State University campuses (Hispanic-Serving Institutions), 1 for current Latina/o students and alumni and the other for faculty and administrators. Findings indicate that students evaluate the value of post-baccalaureate studies based on sometimes problematic undergraduate experiences, cost, and perceived opportunity.  相似文献   

美国社区学院转学教育功能研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨彬 《比较教育研究》2004,25(3):73-76,63
美国社区学院的转学教育是沟通副学士和学士学位的桥梁,透视美国社区学院转学教育的历史沿革、现状,研究影响转学功能的五个关键因素以及发展趋势,对完善中国高等教育专本衔接机制应有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

在利益相关者治理理论、"多元价值"教育评价思想以及博洛尼亚进程的影响下,英、法、德、意等欧洲国家纷纷出台了有关学生参与高等教育质量保障的政策。通过对学生参与质量保障的权利给予立法保障,吸纳学生参与高等教育管理机构和各级质量保障机构,以及充分发挥学生组织的作用等政策措施,欧洲国家在质量保障中实现学生的全面、充分参与。  相似文献   

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