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Book reviews     
Galmés de Fuentes, Aivara. Toponimia de Alicante (La oronimia). Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 1990.91 pp., index of names; paperback.

Arié, Rachel. L'Occident musulman au Bas Moyen Age. Paris: De Boccard, 1992.131 pp.

Lev, Yaacov. State and Society in Fatimid Egypt (Arab History and Civilization: Studies and Texts, 1) Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991. x+217 pp. Hfl. 110.‐

Melville, Charles and Ubaydli, Ahmad, eds. Christians and Moors in Spain, vol. III: Arabic Sources (711–1501). Warminsten Aris & Phillips, 1992. xviii+202 pp. £35 (cloth), £11.95 (paperback).

López Baralt, Luce. Islam in Spanish Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Leiden and San Juan: E.J. Brill and Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1992.323pp. Hfl. 145.‐

Baer, Eva. Ayyubid metalwork with Christian images. (Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture / Supplements to Muqarnas, 4). Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1989.55pp. 128 ills. (b/w). Hfl. 65.‐

Stroumsa, Sarah. Dāwūd Ibn Al‐Maqammis's Twenty Chapters (cIshrūn Maqāla) (Études sur le Judaïsme Médiéval, XIII). Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1989. 320pp. Hfl. 135.‐

Cassoia, Arnold (Ed). The Biblioteca Vallicelliana Regole per la Lingua Maltese. Malta: Said International, 1992. xlviii+193 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
De Epalza, Míkel. Jésus Otage: Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans en Espagne (VI e‐XVII e s.(. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1987. 238pp.

Rubiera Mata, María Jesús. Bibliografia de la Literatura Hispano‐Arabe. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 1988. 75pp.

Bernabé Pons, Luis F. El cántlco Islámico del morisco hispano‐tunecino Taybili. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 1988. 275pp.

Smith, Colin. Christians and Moors in Spain, 1: 711–1150. War‐minster: Arls and Phillips, 1988. xii+179pp., 2 maps; £19.95 hardback; £8.25 paperback.

López García, Bernabé. Política y movimientos sociales en el Mágreb. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas et Siglo XXI de España, 1988. xlv+207pp.

Esposlto, John L. Islam, The Straight Path. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. x+230pp., index; paperback.

Sharq Al‐Andalus: Estudios Arabes Ed. Mikel de Epalza. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante. 2 (1985) 310pp.; 3 (1986) 296pp.

Powers, David S. Studies In Qur'ān and Hadith: The Formation of the Islamic Law of Inheritance. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California, 1986. xiii + 263pp.

Abun‐Nasr, Jamil M. A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic period, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.XVI + 455pp., 6 maps; £42.50 hardback; £17.50 paperback.

Thomas, C. G. (editor). Paths from Ancient Greece. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988. 206pp, HF1.58.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Takeshita, Masataka. Ibn cArabi's Theory of the Perfect Man and Its Place in the History of Islamic Thought. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1987 (Studia Culturae Islamicae, 32). iii + 182 pp.

Pryor, John. H. Geography, Technology and War : Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean, 649–1571. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. xvii +238pp.;£ 22.50 / US$ 39.50.

Baali, Fuad. Society, State and Urbanism : Ibn Khaldun's Sociological Thought. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. 175 pp.; paper US$ 12.95, cloth US$ 34.50

Wilkinson, John (editor) with Hill, Joyce and Ryan, W.F., Jerusalem Pilgrimage 1099–1185. London: The Hakluyt Society,1988. xi + 372pp., 24 maps and plans; £ 16.00.

Heine, Peter. Kulinarische Studien: Vntersuchungen zur Kochkunst im arabisch‐islamischen Mittelalter. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,1988. 137pp.; DM 68.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Varela Gomes, Rosa. Cerâmicas Muçulmanas do Castelo de Silves. Silves: Museu Municipal de Arqueologia, 1988 (XELB, 1). 294pp, numerous figs, and pls.

Rubiera i Mata, María Jesús.Introducció a la literatura hispaho‐àrab (Col. ecció Xarc AI‐Andalus, l).Alicante: Universitat d'Alacant, 1989. 117pp.

Guichard, Pierre. L'Espagne et la Sicile musulmanes aux XIe et XIIe siècles. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1990. 232pp., figures, maps. FF. 138.‐ ‘ .

Lozano Cámara, Indalecio. Tres tratados árabes sobre el Cannabis Indica. Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Instituto de Cooperación con el Mundo Arabe, 1990. 220pp.

Powell, James M., ed. Muslims under Latin Rule, 1100–1300. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. 221pp.

Actas del Simposio Internacional sobre la Ciuidad Islámica. Ponencias y Comunicaciones. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico de la Diputación Provincial, 1991. 474pp.

Neugebauer, Otto. Abu Shaker's “Chronography”: A treatise of the 13th Century on Chronological, Calendrical and Astronomical Matters, written by a Christian Arab, preserved in Ethiopie (Õsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philos.‐Histor. Klasse: Sitzungsberichte, 498).Wien: Ö.A.W., 1988. 198pp., 7pl. OS 350.‐.

Arbel, Benjamin, Hamilton, Bernard and Jacoby, David, eds. Latins and Creeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204. London: Frank Cass, 1989. 245pp. £18.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bazzana, André; Cressier, Patrice; and Guichard, Pierre. Les châteaux ruraux d'al‐Andalus. Histoire et archéologie des husūn du sud‐est de l'Espagne. Preface by Pierre Toubert (Série Archéologie, XI). Madrid: Publications de la Casa de Velázquez, 1988. 326pp; illustrations (plates, maps, tables); bibliography, index.

Tāha, CAbdulwāhid Dhanūn. The Muslim Conquest and Settlement of North Africa and Spain (Exeter Arabic and Islamic Series, 3). London: Routledge, 1989. xiv + 280pp; £49.50.

Leaman, Oliver. Averroes and his Philosophy Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. 204pp.; £25.

Mascūdî. The Meadows of Cold: the Abbasids. Ed. & tr. P. Lunde & C. Stone. London: Kegan Paul International, 1989. 469 pp., 2 maps; £30.

Sirat, Colette. La philosophie juive médiévale en terre d'Islam. Paris: Presses du CNRS, 1988. 278 pp.

Epalza, Míkel de and others. Baños Arabes en el país Valenciano. [Valencia], Generalitat Valenciana: Consellería de Cultura, Educado i Ciència, 1989.157 pp., plates, figures., maps (unnumbered).

Waines, David In a Caliph's Kitchen.Medieval Arabic Cooking for the Modern Gourmet. London: Riad el‐Rayyes Books, 1989. 112pp., many illustrations; £14.

Abed, Shukri B. Aristotelian Logic and the Arabic Language in Alfārābi. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991. xxv+201pp., two appendices, bibliography, index.

Meyerson, Mark D. The Muslims of Valencia in the Age of Fernando and Isabel: Between Coexistence and Crusade. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. xi + 372 pp.

Zacour, Norman. Jews and Saracens in the Consilia of Oldradus de Ponte. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1990. x+144pp., index; paperback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
cAbd al‐Malik b. Habib. Kitāb al‐Ta'rij (La historia). Edición y estudio por Jorge Aguadé. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas & Instituto de Cooperación con el Mundo Arabe, 1991 (Fuentes Arabico‐Hispanas, 1). 163 + 224 pp. [Arabic title: Kltāb al‐Ta'tikh]

Kedar, Benjamin Z., ed. The Horns of Hattin. Jerusalem and London: Yad Izhak Ben‐Zvi, Israel Exploration Society and Variorum 1992. 368 pp., 12 plates; $74.75 (cloth).

Köprülü, Mehmed Fuad. The Seljuks of Anatolia: Their History and Culture According to Local Muslim Sources. Translated and edited by Gary Leiser. Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 1992. xi +101 pp., $22.00 (cloth).

Cameron, Averil and Conrad, Lawrence I., eds. The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East: Problems in the Literary Source Material (Papers in the First Workshop on Late Antiquity and Early Islam). Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1992. xiv + 428pp., 12 plates; $29.25 (cloth).

Vereno, Ingolf. Studien zum ältesten alchemistischen Schrifttum. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 155). 414pp.

Tolan, John. Petrus Alfonsi and his Medieval Readers. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 1993. xv + 288pp., $34.95 (cloth), $16.95 (paper).

Lassner, Jacob. Demonizing the Queen of Sheba: Boundaries of Gender and Culture in Postbiblical Judaism and Medieval Islam. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1994. 281 pp., $19.95 (paper), $49.95 (cloth).

Menocal, María Rosa. Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1994. xv + 295pp., $34.95 (cloth), $14.95 (paper).

Massignon, Louis. The Passion of al‐Hallāj, Mystic and Martyr of Islam. Translated and edited by Herbert Mason. Abridged edition, Bollingen Series XCVIII. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. xxxi + 293pp.

Viguera Molins, Maria Jesús. El Islam en Aragón. Saragossa: Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, 1995 (Colección “Mariano de Pano y Ruata”, 9), 174 pp., 182 ills. in colour, maps, diagrams, charts etc No price stated.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Zwartjes, Otto, ed. La Sociedad andalusí y sus tradiciones literarias (Foro Hispánico, 7). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Brincat, Joseph M. Malta 870–1054: Al‐Himyai's Account and its Linguistic Implications. Malta: Said International Ltd., 1995. 52pp.

Sells, Michael A. Mystical Languages of Unsaying. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. 316 pp., US$18.95 (paperback), US$49.91 (cloth).

Diem, Werner, Arabische Geschäftsbriefe des 10. bis 14. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien (Documents Arabica Antiqua 1), 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1995. Textband ix+518pp., Tafelband 76 plates.

Coope, Jessica A. The Martyrs of Cordoba: Community and Family Conflict in an Age of Mass Conversion. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. xvii+113 pp., US$ 25 (cloth).

Edwards, John. Religion and Society in Spain, c.1492 (Variorum Collected Studies Series: CS 520). Aldershot and Brookfield: Variorum, 1996. x+351 pp., US$ 97.00 (cloth).

Tolan, John Victor, ed. Medìeval Christian Perceptions of Islam. A Book of Essays (Garland Medieval Casebooks, Volume 10). New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1996. xxi+414 pp., US$60.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Mir, Mustansir. Verbal Idioms of the Qur'ān. (Michigan Series on the Middle East, no. I). Ann Arbon University of Michigan, 1989. xxi+378 pp., glossary; US$ 21.95 (paperback).

Fiotini, Stanley and Mallia‐Milanes, Victor, eds. Malta. A Case Study in International Cross‐Currents. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on the History of the Central Mediterranean held at the University of Malta, 13–17 December 1989. Msida: Malta University Publications, 1991. xxii+300pp. 17 plates, 8 text figures. M£5.

Bellamy, James A. ed. Studies in Near Eastern Culture and History in Memory of Ernest T. Abdel‐Massih. (Michigan Series on the Middle East, no. 2). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan, 1990. x+225pp.

Dajani‐Shakeel, Hadia and Messier, Ronald A. eds. The Jihād and its Times, dedicated to Andrew Stefan Ehrenkreutz. Ann Arbor: Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan, 1991. iii+135pp.

Minorités religieuses dans l'Espagne médiévale. (Nos. 63–64 of Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditerranée). Aix‐en‐Provence: Édisud, 1992. FF 160.

Burckhardt, Titus. Fez, City of Islam. Translated by William Stoddart. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1992. 175pp. 58pl.

Jayyusi, Salma Kh., ed. The Legacy of Muslim Spain. Leiden: Brill, 1992. (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung, The Near and Middle East, zwolfter Band), xix+1098 pp. 6 maps; 27 pages of colour and black and white illustrations. Hfl. 450.

Stetkevych, Jaroslav. The Zephyrs of Najd: The Poetics of Nostalgia in the Classical Arabic Nasib. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. xii+326pp.

Corbin, Henry. History of Islamic Philosophy. London: Kegan Paul International/Islamic Publications for The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 1993. xvii+445pp. £55.

Burrell, David B., C.S.C. Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1993. xi, 225 pp. Cloth $29.95; paper $13.95.

Köprülü, Mehmed Fuad. Islam in Anatolia after the Turkish Invasion. Translated and edited by Gary Leiser. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1993. xviii, 141pp.

Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney. The Mute Immortals Speak: Pre‐Islamic Poetry and the Poetics of Ritual (Myth and Poetics. Gen. ed. Gregory Nagy). Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1993. xvi, 334pp.; appendix of Arabic texts.

L'Expulsió dels Moriscos. Conseqüències en el món islàmic i el món cristià. Sant Caries de la Ràpita 5–9 de desembre de 1990. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, 1994. 418pp.

Agius, Dionisius A. and Hitchcock, Richard, eds. The Arab Influence in Medieval Europe (Folia Scholastica Mediterranean Reading: Ithaca Press, 1994. 167pp. £30.

Davidson, Olga M. Poet and Hero in the Persian Book of Kings (Myth and Poetics. Gen. ed. Gregory Nagy). Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1994. xi, 197pp.  相似文献   

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