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The aim of this article is to analyse political rationales for promoting student mobility in Europe and discuss these in the light of individual experiences of mobile students. Since the creation of the ERASMUS programme in 1987, student mobility in Europe has been the subject of unusual political promotion. More recently, in the context of the Bologna process, the goal of increasing student mobility has been reaffirmed by various higher education actors. Student mobility is thought to be both a component of the European Higher Education Area and one of its outcomes. Beyond this apparent widespread acceptance, we examine, on the one hand, underlying legitimating ideas and rationales that accompanied the institutionalisation of student mobility by the European Commission and a regional French authority. We also discuss the extent to which drives for mobility and outcomes at the individual student level are in line with the political perceptions and expectations of the above‐mentioned institutional actors.  相似文献   

We exploit changes in student funding policies across the four UK nations and the Republic of Ireland to conduct a natural experiment investigating the marginal effect of differing tuition fee levels on students' enrolment behaviour. Whilst previous international research suggests increases in fees suppress demand and disincentivise cross‐border educational migration, some studies in North America and Germany find an element of inelasticity of demand. In the UK, various commentators have predicted marked shifts in student mobility in response to variation in tuition fee prices by country, trends expected to sharpen following substantial planned rises in tuition fees from 2012. After outlining tuition fee policies in the UK and Ireland, we analyse data on student enrolment destinations across the five countries for the period 2000–2010. We find little evidence to support the notion that student mobility is driven by economic ‘rationality’. Enrolment rates have risen despite increases in tuition fees and there is a long‐term trend for students to stay at home. Students seem not to be ‘pushed’ out‐of‐country by higher fees, but may be discouraged from moving if fees are lower in‐country. Student mobility within the UK and Ireland follows well‐worn paths from and to specific countries and institutions. Finally, we consider the implications of our findings for student mobility in general and forthcoming changes to UK student funding policies in particular.  相似文献   

欧盟“伊拉斯谟计划”及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊拉斯谟计划作为欧盟(欧共体)推动的欧洲国家间的大学生流动计划,为我们提供了了解欧洲高等教育跨国合作的一个独特视角。本文通过阐述伊拉斯谟计划的实施背景、目前情况以及相关评估,指出了欧盟在该计划之外致力于推动高等教育国际化的新举措。  相似文献   

为打破欧洲各国的高等教育边界,欧洲各国于1999年签署了《博洛尼亚宣言》,由此启动了博洛尼亚进程。目前,欧洲各国教育部长们在推动旨在促进学生流动的学习项目方面达成了共识,一方面,吸引欧洲以外的学生到欧洲国家修读学位项目,另一方面促进欧洲内部的短期学生流动。虽然该政策的效果评估面临各种问题,但有些大体趋势依然可见。首先,博洛尼亚进程有助于促使欧洲以外的学生到欧洲学习,但对促进欧洲内部的学生流动作用不大。其次,到毕业为止,学生频繁向外流动的情形超出了很多学者的预期,但也因国家而异。最后,由于学生流动的排他性式微,其价值逐渐减小。  相似文献   


This article investigates growing tensions between traditional forms of schooling that serve largely settled student populations and new influences of increasing student mobility. The article is structured around four main considersations. The first brings to the fore dimensions of mobility that effect schools on a daily basis. The article then analyses statistical data illustrating the growing movement of students within and into Australia. This section contextualises the particular of real schools and draws out further complexities of student mobility, questioning taken‐for‐granted traditions of schooling. This analysis is followed by socio‐cultural perspectives informed by Foucault (1979), Bauman (1998) and Giddens (1994,2003) to explore tensions between the regulatory power of schooling and dimensions of student mobility in local/ global conditions. Finally, some recommendations for future practice are presented for critical consideration.  相似文献   

Transparent and consistent credit transfer procedures are essential if EU Universities are to successfully build the European Higher Education Area and thrive in the emerging global knowledge economy. Currently, the European Credit Transfer System is the most widely used mechanism to enable credit transfer between universities in different EU nations. Using data from 20 universities in four EU member states, this paper examines the problems in calculating and using ECTS grades. The results demonstrate that the alignment of ECTS grades varies within nation states and show that, despite the fact that ECTS grading is a norm‐referenced system, while national systems are usually criterion‐referenced, the ECTS conversion tables provided by universities indicate straight line transference from institutional to ECTS grades. Given the anticipated increase in student mobility following the EU enlargement to 25 nations, this paper proposes a re‐alignment of ECTS towards a criterion‐referenced system. Such a new system would acknowledge and build on the diversity of EU higher education systems, unlike the current mechanistic system. The latter masks this diversity and is flawed in calculation and ad hoc in operation.  相似文献   

The article is a plea for the establishment and the development of the University of the Peoples of Europe (UPE). As Europe comes together following the end of the post‐Second World War division, it is confronting a number of serious common problems of a kind amenable to solution by the concerted action of academics. The UPE, as a network of existing centres of academic excellence, could be harnessed to solve pan‐European problems of this sort on a pan‐European basis. As a part of its action, it would promote student mobility, but above all, it would facilitate the international movement of professors and advanced researchers. Steps should be taken to enhance the prestige of the participating institutions and to provide for the remuneration of participating academics.  相似文献   

Robin Shields 《Compare》2016,46(1):5-23
This paper examines international student mobility between member states of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a group of 47 countries that committed to reforming their higher education systems to improve the comparability and compatibility of degrees. While increased student mobility is a key goal in its official documents, little research has empirically investigated student mobility patterns in respect to the EHEA. The analysis employs multivariate techniques to identify trends in student mobility between 1999 and 2009, using a spatial approach to visualise the relationships between member states as constituted through student mobility flows. Results show that within the analysis timeframe student flows in the EHEA became more even in their distribution, but that in terms of the relationships between states, the EHEA became more centralised and segmented, meaning that key actors mediated exchanges between peripheral states and the region was more easily divided into self-contained clusters. These trends indicate a need to critically reconsider the nature of the EHEA and its role in the globalisation of higher education.  相似文献   

The promotion of mobility, while at the same time respecting the academic autonomy of higher education institutions, is the principle of the European Economic Community's policy with regard to co‐operation‐in the field of higher education. (Editor's Note: at the end of this article, on page 31 we present recent statistics on student mobility between the countries of the EEC.)

One type of instrument for the implementation of this policy can be seen in the joint programmes of study which are carried out as a part of the European Community's Scheme of Grants for the Development of Joint Programmes of Study (EEC Scheme). Recently the Institute of Education of the European Cultural Foundation published a report evaluating the EEC Scheme. This report was written by Alan Smith, The following information is based on the chapter of the report concerning the efficacy of the EEC Scheme in 1976/77, and prospects for its future development.  相似文献   

Many countries are working on the design of an external quality assessment agency for higher education. Such an agency has to fulfil national needs and expectations. However, higher education is as such international in scope. This paper draws attention to the need for internationalisation of quality assessment. The national frontiers are too narrow for validating our standards. Looking at the situation in Europe, the author discusses the need for a European dimension and makes a proposal for a European Centre for Substantial Equivalence. In the future a European or international quality hallmark will play an important role in student mobility, staff mobility and the mobility of employees.  相似文献   

This article explores different methodological approaches to the study of social inclusion in the European Commission’s Erasmus undergraduate exchange programme, elaborating upon the approach taken in a study of Erasmus conducted in Portugal. The opening section of the discussion acknowledges the prior tradition of quantitative research on student mobility in Europe as a means of providing indicators of programmatic success to policymakers and stakeholders, and the existence of micro level studies that examine specific aspects of the Erasmus experience such as the emergence of shared European identities and building work competencies. What these approaches share is an emphasis on student perspectives: learning about the impact of exchange visits from past participants. As an alternative approach, I have focused on the institutional level of the programme, using qualitative interviews with individuals involved in managing Erasmus mobility at a diverse range of universities, an approach that I argue unlocks valuable knowledge about issues such as social inclusion within the programme.  相似文献   

The development of higher education and research constitutes a possible pathway to innovation and global competitiveness. Nation states, however, often seek the quickest adaptations, with minimum investment, ignoring essential political and structural changes. Turkey maintains its highly centralized system of higher education observing the national policies in the field. This paper addresses the international aspects of Turkish higher education, with special focus on student and academic mobility. Present day Turkish higher education system has been shaped by two dominant major events: the post‐Soviet era and the country's integration into the European Union.  相似文献   

跨国界的高等教育已经由单纯地以学术为目的演变为服务贸易。20世纪后半期,国际高等教育服务贸易迅速发展。21世纪初,仅因学生流动而发生的贸易额就达数百亿美元,不少国家把教育服务出口当成经济战略。留学目的地主要集中于北美、欧洲和亚太地区,生源则分布较广泛。高等教育服务贸易促进了学术传播、知识转移,也强化了发达国家与发展中国家之间的依赖关系。  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育区域背景下的学分互换制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾玲玲 《高教论坛》2007,(2):166-168
伴随着欧洲经济一体化的进程,欧洲的高等教育也日益走向联合。在建设欧洲高等教育区域的框架内,为了方便学生的流动和国际课程的发展,欧洲学分互换制扮演着重要的角色。这篇文章主要从欧洲学分互换制的演变,欧洲学分互换制的主要特征,欧洲学分互换制所需要的主要文件,欧洲学分互换制的咨询顾问,获得欧洲学分互换制认可的权利和义务,大学在欧洲学分互换制中所承担的作用,欧洲学分互换制的发展近况,以及欧洲学分互换制对我国的启示这八个部分全面介绍了欧洲学分互换制的发展状况。  相似文献   

如同著名的荷兰科学家伊拉斯莫一样,凡是纵横欧洲几所大学研究的人都被视为是学生的楷模。与伊拉斯莫时代的习惯相左的是,现代大学对学生在其他大学学习的成果信息有所要求。作为一个综合学分互认体系,欧洲学分互认系统(ECTS)能够满足这样的要求。本次演讲将对包括荷兰开放大学在内的西欧院校的优秀实践将予以介绍。不幸的是,许多院校口头上称许学生流动性的种种优点,事实上却给学分互认制造障碍。障碍之一就是巨细靡遗的海外课程水平和内容具体要求说明。"学术教育是智慧和专业见解的增进","学胜于教","知识来源多元性和事实不是唯一存在性"等更为宽广的价值观是对待学生流动性的积极态度。本次演讲将探究这一更为宽广的价值观体系。由于期待所有大学都在这一问题上达成共识是不现实的,报告人建议让愿意采取切实行动对待学生流动的大学组成联盟。流动性友好大学联盟将基于自愿参与的形式为每个专业建立结构课程,并且采用综合学分互认系统和透明的先前知识认可规则。结构课程的概念将予以说明。它在本质上是一系列对于课程水平和内容的宽泛要求,而非具体必修课程清单。结构课程使学生能够利用世界各地大学的优势建立个人的课程组合。  相似文献   

对欧洲学分制的概述与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲学分制(ECTS)即欧洲学分积累与转移系统,由课程单元、学习负荷量、学业水平和高等教育机构的标签等重要因素构成。欧洲学分制最突出的成就是促进了欧盟国家的学生流动,进而成为推动欧洲高等教育一体化进程的重要工具。但是这一制度的实施也不可避免地引发了众多的疑问和反思。  相似文献   

This article discusses the European Union's ongoing campaign to create a common European Higher Education Area against a set of comparative results on the current state of university education within the envisioned area. Our data on 25,000 university graduates from ten European countries reveal both similarities and differences between these countries in the relationships between education and the world of work, degree structures, actual study duration, quality of education, and student mobility. Our results show that university education is interwoven with various social, cultural and economic factors. There are various national peculiarities that have evolved over decades in response to the problems thrown up by the expansion of higher education. Therefore, in order to be successful, pan-European higher education policy has to take into account the constant functional and institutional diversification of 'mass higher education' as well as the persistent cultural differences and regional inequality within Europe.  相似文献   

本文在联合国教科文组织、经合组织和美国国际教育协会2018年发布的全球学生流动数据基础上,结合相关文献,探究了全球学生流动的特点、影响因素与趋势。研究发现:全球学生流动呈现出流入流出区域较为集中、硕博层次流动比例高、STEM领域流动性强等特点;全球学生流动受到政策、经济和教育等方面因素的影响;其趋势表现为美英两国的国际学生增速放缓,加澳两国有望成为接收国际学生的新增长极,东亚和东非的学生流动性将有所提高。建议评估影响国际学生选择的可能因素,加快和扩大教育对外开放,建设留学教育强国。  相似文献   

Considering the rising tide of international student return mobility, the UK needs to pay attention to the long-term circulation and development of international student returnees. This study analyses the mobility, variations and pathways of the transnational in-between identity of Chinese student returnees from the UK, an under-researched group in the changing dynamics of international student mobility. This longitudinal study uses original data from 48 semi-structured interviews to show how student returnees’ identities change over time in transnational sociocultural contexts. This study develops a spider chart comprising multiple manifestations of transnational selves to account for returnees’ intermediary and heterogeneous states of transnational in-between identities. Based on the empirical evidence, the study finds that transnational in-between identity is characterised by a ‘self-in-between mobility’, seeking compromises and connections between the polar extremes of essentialist and non-essentialist approaches to identity. In such an identification process, the changing dynamics of agency play a pivotal role in (re)shaping multiple identity pathways as variegated temporal outcomes of mobility. The findings not only advance the theoretical and methodological constructs of identity, but also have implications for relevant concerns in international education.  相似文献   

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