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Cesarean birth rates in the United States reached a high of 27.6% in 2003, a 6% increase over 2002. A cultural conflict appears to exist between the views of those who believe that birth is normal and many cesareans are unnecessary and the views of those who feel that higher rates are justifiable. Childbirth educators can share cultural concepts of normal birth in their classroom.  相似文献   

孕育孔子学说的鲁国与晋国在历史文化传统上存在着的巨大差异,导致主张“礼治”的孔子对晋国历史文化传统及现实的叛逆性格指责颇多,表现出二者尖锐的冲突性。集中论述孔子“礼治”思想与晋国文化产生冲突的来龙去脉,从中可以看出造成战国时期开始的儒、法之争的历史前因。  相似文献   

Natural language speech enabled systems are an attractive option for in-car infotainment. Differences in cultural expectations in communication, however, can pose difficulties for interface developers and cause frustration for users. We adopt the perspective of cultural discourse theory to analyze 26 drivers interacting with an in-car speech interface. We focus here on directive sequences and the phenomenon of participants using non-task talk. The analysis of these sequences reveals a norm that one ought to engage in non-task talk with the system. We suggest that this norm is grounded in a user premise that the system’s interactional status involves the ability to speak. We find that this norm lacks crystallization among participants, and we formulate a competing norm that helps to account for this. The second norm reveals an underlying belief that the system’s status as a machine is the basis for how it should be treated.  相似文献   

英汉凝固词各成分之间内在的联系是有序的,并遵循一定规律。其线性次序反映出人类思维和认知的轨迹,既遵循认知上的时空观念,又遵循认知上的心理文化规约。因此,汉英互译中要注意英汉词序的差异,译文要符合译入语文化规约。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产保护之法理视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律手段介入非物质文化遗产保护是90年代末我国理论界与实践界经过反复讨论而达成的共识,然而过往理论探讨的视角仅停留于相应规范的修补和改造层面,缺乏应有的法理审视.而从法理视角看:价值目标定位是完善非物质文化遗产保护法律体系之逻辑前提;立法指导思想转变是完善非物质文化遗产保护立法之依托;法律规范的整合是完善非物质文化遗产保护法制的现实途径.  相似文献   

In this position paper-one of six care practice papers published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission-the value of keeping mothers and their babies together from the moment of birth is discussed and presented as an evidenced-based practice that helps promote, protect, and support normal birth. The paper is written for childbearing women and their families. Babies held skin-to-skin with their mothers cry less often, breathe easier, and stay warmer than babies who are separated from their mothers. They also instinctively attach to the breast and begin breastfeeding, usually within one hour of birth. The advantages of rooming-in for mother and baby are also discussed. The accompanying commentary-written by two leading professionals in the field of maternity care and pediatrics-provides further evidence to support the practice of keeping mothers and their babies together after birth. Lamaze International encourages women to give birth in settings that do not separate mothers and babies after birth.  相似文献   

大学作为功能独特的文化组织,以科学、人文与个性精神为支点,建构起了大学文化精神的主体内涵,凸显了大学文化精神的根本属性。通过探析大学文化精神这一群体认同的一种社会规范和意识形态,认为育人功能是它的本体功能,提出了文化传承、融合与创新是大学文化精神育人的三个重要途径。  相似文献   

A positive, nonjudgmental, and informed approach to sexual health during pregnancy promotes acceptance of the normal functioning of women's bodies. It also encourages the development of close and supportive relationships that are so essential during pregnancy and birth. Common concerns do not need to become problems. Concerns include issues of libido, positioning, and preterm labor or fetal health, as well as myths and cultural attitudes. Childbirth educators can use tools such as the PLISSIT model to approach the topic of sexuality during pregnancy. In addition, opportunities are available in every childbirth class to acknowledge or ignore sexual issues. Perinatal educators who take responsibility for addressing this often-taboo topic can enhance women's feelings of safety and their confidence in normal birth.  相似文献   

社会性别角色获得与民族文化系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李静  赵伟 《西北师大学报》2004,41(1):114-117
个体性别角色定型是一种文化上的规定性。它既是民族心理的重要表征 ,又是民族社会化的重要体现。不同民族所处的文化环境对这个民族性别角色的形成发生重要的影响。要研究民族的深层心理问题 ,就需要对性别角色及其获得进行研究 ,需要对相关的社会文化因素进行研究。  相似文献   

在文体学语域中,文体“规范”是指某种从诸多历时态的具体文本中抽象出来的具某种共时态特征的艺术构成。报告文学的规范由非虚构性,文化反思性和跨文体性三元素构成,它们分别从客观呈现、主体诉求与艺术表现三层面支撑着这一规范,并经由报告文学文体的语言体式与叙述模式传达出来。  相似文献   

后殖民主又是20世纪70年代以来影响深远的一种西方当代文化思潮。“寻根”文学自其产生之日起,就注定有无法克服的“悖谬”窘境。一方面,它对中国文化的“被迫现代化”表现出的明显的反叛情绪,显示了其后殖民主义的批判性;而另一方面,它对中国古老文化表现出的过分的迷恋和沉醉,又使它陷入了无法自拔的文化上的本土主义。  相似文献   

目前许多翻译研究者主张以文化翻译代替字面翻译,以达到翻译标准。文章从这一理论出发,主要论述文化翻译中影响“信”的因素,并进而探讨文化翻译中达到“信”的基本标准。  相似文献   

本文从语义和文化的角度出发,通过比较十二生肖的英汉语义和文化背景知识,探讨十二生肖在英语中恰当的翻译,揭示中英两种文化间的差异,阐述了将翻译研究与语义、文化研究有机地结合起来指导翻译实践,成功地实现跨文化交流的思想。  相似文献   

Presenting results from a Norwegian empirical study of student texts and moral education textbooks, this article contributes to the evaluation and development of contextual approaches to moral education. Theoretical perspectives from Seyla Benhabib and Mark Tappan are discussed in the light of empirical data. In particular, while textbooks focus primarily on norm aspects of morality, student texts display interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented cultural tools, indicating a possible synthesis of care and justice aspects of morality, as suggested by Benhabib. A hegemony of a ‘language of justice’ over a ‘language of care’, as suggested by Benhabib and Tappan, is possibly reflected in the uneven distribution of ethical perspectives in textbooks. Student texts, however, show close interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented aspects of morality, and also indicate a female superiority in the mastery of both norm‐oriented and relation‐oriented language.  相似文献   

恭维作为一种语言交际行为,其文化差异主要体现于交际时的语义、语境、社会意义以及语言使用的文化规律方面。采用补全对话法(DCT)以及真实语境中采集语料两种方法,并辅以采访、问卷等手段获取研究数据,从这四个方面分析英汉恭维言语行为的跨文化特性,能把跨文化交际中复杂的文化背景、动态多变的具体场景、言语交往所赖以生存的社会现实情景等重要因素综合考虑,从而促进更有效的交际。  相似文献   

不同的价值体系决定了文化的不同特征,不同的文化特征赋予价值体系不同的文化属性.社会主义核心价值体系具有独特的文化意蕴,体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质,凝聚着共产党人不懈的理想追求,印记着民族精神和时代精神的价值,反映了社会共同的道德规范,是社会转型时期跨越分歧的思想基础.要通过提升文化认同、引导文化心态、培育文化理性,激发文化的纽带作用,为社会主义核心价值体系建设提供坚实的文化路径.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural conflicts around the Western notion of child‐centeredness in Taiwanese preschools. The implementation and translation of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) in Taiwan is highlighted as an example to understand productions of differences, norms and cultural conflicts in Taiwanese early childhood education. Throughout this paper, it is argued that multiplicities and differences are not acknowledged but instead are dangerously ignored while assumptions are made about a singular norm and homogeneous universal standard. From this perspective, it is asserted that the global circulation of a particular Western notion of child‐centeredness should be (re)conceptualized as a cultural construct through which a particular system of reasoning or cultural knowledge is perpetuated.  相似文献   

从跨体式新闻语言看传媒语言的规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众传媒作为一种特殊的社会组织,常常通过报刊、广播、电视、互联网等传播媒体,向广大的受众宣传政策法规、传递信息、普及文化科技、进行审美娱乐等。其中,由不同大众传播媒介所形成的传媒语言及其规范问题,直接关系到大众传媒功能的实现和国家、民族的语言文化水平。本文结合大众传媒的功能和语体学的理论,以跨体式新闻语言为例,并在实证研究和问卷调查的基础上,对传媒语言的规范进行了全新的阐释。  相似文献   

情景语境是文化语境现实化的表现,情景语境决定了导游口译的特点以及导游的行为规范。日语导游口译要与情景语境和谐,应从以下几点入手:用游客最容易理解的方式口译;避免文化冲突;使用得体的职业语言;关注游客兴趣,做到情景交融,言之有物。  相似文献   

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