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1.医生询问病情:What’s the matter?What’s the trouble?What’s wrong with you?What seems to he the trouble?你哪儿不舒服?/你怎么了?Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?How long have you been like this?像这种情况有多久了?What did you eat last night?你昨晚吃什么了?How are you feeling now?现在感觉怎么样?  相似文献   

1.Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪里度假了? (1)这是一个一般过去时的特殊疑问句,其句式结构为:特殊疑问词 一般疑问句。句中did是助动词do的过去式。 (2) on vacation=on holiday意思是  相似文献   

Teacher:Young man,did you do all your homework last night?  相似文献   

1.—What did you do last weekend,Lucy?露西你上周末干什么了? —on Saturday morning,I played tennis.星期六早晨我打网球了。  相似文献   

Watching TV     
Helen:What did you do last night?David:Nothing much.Watched TV mostly.Helen:So did I.What did you watch?David:Well,there was a movie on Channel6,but I’d already seen it,so I watched the football game on5.It was a good game.Helen:Who was playing?David:The…  相似文献   

Why Not Sleep?     
Mother:Why did you stay up last night?Jim:Mum,I had enough sleep in class yesterday afternoon.  相似文献   

【作文题目】My Weekend我的周末【写作导引】1.What did you do over the weekend? 2.Where did you go? 3.When did you get there? 4 Who did you meet there?  相似文献   

我们经常看到英语中由类似特殊疑问句与一般疑问句组成的一种问句,例如:What do you think we should do next?What did he say he liked for lunch?“But,”said D'Artagran,“did you not ask Godess to send me some wine?”“No,we did not and why do you think we did?”  相似文献   

一、听录音,选出你所听到的答语。(10分)()1.Where did you go on your holiday?A.I went to Shanghai.B.I went to Shenzhen.()2.What did you do on your holiday?A.I rowed a boat B.I bought presents.()3.How did you go there?A.I went by train.B.I went by plane.()4.D  相似文献   

在学英语的过程当中,人们常常认为语言环境是极其重要的。难得遇到一个老外,想和他面对面进行交流,但又不知道该从何说起,怎么办呢?其实和老外搭讪,也是有捷径的哦。 1.Where are you from? 你从哪里来? 2.How long have you been in China? 你来中国多久了? 3.Do you speak Chinese? 你会说中文吗? 4.Wow,where did you pick up your Chinese?  相似文献   

第一部分听力(20分)(略) 二、口语(30分) 1.Would you please introduce yourself or your family to us?Or say something about yourself or your family,OK?(5分) 2.Can you tell US something about dinosaurs? (2分) 3.How was your weekend?(1分) 4.Do you like going shopping?(1分) 5.Who do you often go shopping with?(1分) 6.Did you buy something last week?(1分) 7.What did you buy?(1分)  相似文献   

1.What is your trouble?Three days ago I began to cough and sneeze,I figured it was justa cold,but this morning I took my temperature and it was 39℃.So I thought I'd better see a doctor.2.What did you want to see me about?My shoulder has been sore for the last week.3.What seems to be bothering you?  相似文献   

肖立羽 《成才之路》2013,(24):62-62
How至少有六个意思。一、表手段、方法:如何,怎样,怎么例如:How did you work out the math problem?你是如何算出这道数学题的?How did the traffic accident happen?这场交通事故是怎样发生的?Tell me how you have studied English.跟我讲,你是怎么学习英语的。  相似文献   

Marie:Oh,where’s Nutcracker? 噢,胡桃夹子在哪里?Mother:You’d do better to worry about yourself than the Nutcracker,young lady. 多关心关心自己吧,别老想着胡桃夹子,小淑女。Mother:Why on earth did you stay up so late last night? 为什么昨晚你那么晚才睡?Marie: I had to,Mother. 没办法,妈妈!Marie:Nutcracker was in danger. 胡桃夹子当时有危险。Mother:The only one who was in danger was you.  相似文献   

一、医生询问病情的常用套语(12句):What!s wrong with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s the matter with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s the trouble with you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s your trouble?你哪儿不舒服?What!s troubling you?你哪儿不舒服?How can I help you?你哪儿不舒服?What can I do for you?你哪儿不舒服?What!s wrong with your heart?你心脏有什么毛病?When did the pain start?什么时候开始痛的?How long have you been like this?你这样有多久了?How long have you had it?你患这病有多久了?How are you feeling now?你现在感觉…  相似文献   

Take our quick quiz to see if you are.In the last week how much time did you spend relaxing by yourself?a) More than 20 hours, I like to play online[上网] a lot!b) Around 10 hoursc) No time at all, there's always some more homework to do :(  相似文献   

人们在用英语进行交谈和阅读英语书刊的过程中,常常会遇到这种现象: 1) He should be the last man to blame. 2) Where in the world did you go? 对上述的“last”和“in the world”,如果我们仅从字面意义上看,就可能将last误解为“最后的”,把“in the world”误解为“在世界上”。其实这里的“last”和“in the world”是起加强语气的作用,不能从字面去理  相似文献   

房芳 《中小学电教》2008,(12):136-136
<正>Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers.一、教学目标:1.单词:ate gave drank tonight2.句子:We gave our hamburgers to Sam.What did you eat/drink last night?I ate/drank…What are you going to eat/drink...I’m going to eat/drink...3.儿歌:I like fish  相似文献   

I.单项选择1.He_______school about three weeks last month. A.went to B.left C.stayed at D,got to 2.____did you buy the new dress? A.How long B.When C.How often D.How much 3.We____a school play last week. A.put on B.Duted on C.putted on D.did put 4.—Why____your teacher angry with  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Teacher:Tom,did you write this poem all by yourself?Tom: I did.Teacher:Then I’m very pleased to meet you, Robert Louis Stevenson.I thought you had died years ago!老师:汤姆,这首诗是你自己写的吗?汤姆:是我写的。老师:那我非常荣幸地见到了你,罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森。我原以为你早就去世了呢! 注:Robert Louis Steven(1850-1894),英国作家,著有小说《金银岛》等。  相似文献   

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