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This paper uses coefficient estimates from a model of retirement decision-making for faculty members in higher education institutions to simulate the impact of financial incentives for early retirement. The results suggest that plans can be designed to induce relatively large numbers of faculty members to retire prior to the mandatory retirement age. However, the costs of hiring replacements plus pension subsidies can be substantial, especially if the subsidies are directed toward faculty members with relatively low salaries. Hence, institutions wishing to provide open positions to hire new faculty may prefer different incentive plans than those whose goals do not require filling each position with a new faculty member.  相似文献   

The clusters of disciplines originally developed by Biglan have been useful guides in classifying or categorizing academic departments. Questions remain, however, as to the validity of the Biglan clusters among a wide range of colleges and universities.This study provides evidence which supports the validity of the Biglan categories by showing how faculty salaries and instructional staffing patterns differ among departments along the dimensions described by Biglan.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the present state of the art of the economics of education in developing countries in the context of the papers in this special issue. These papers help fill analytical gaps in the field by addressing the frequently overlooked roles of organization and incentives in shaping more efficient and equitable educational outcomes. Additional work needs to be done to broaden the field's analytical framework if economists are to have more influence in favor of such outcomes. High on the list is to include within the field's analytical framework the behavioral relationships that shape decisions whether to implement more efficient or equitable policies.  相似文献   

《检察官法》规定的检察官薪酬制度尚未明确和落实。现行的检察官薪酬制度呈现与公务员高度同质化的特点,没有体现对检察官的职业激励。司法改革中关于有别于普通公务员的检察官管理制度的内容,为建立符合检察职业特点的检察官薪酬制度带来了机遇。域外先进的检察官薪酬管理机制值得借鉴。应遵循依法、协调稳步推进、责权利相一致的原则,构建检察官薪酬制度。在适当的时候,以立法的方式固定。  相似文献   

We examine AY2013 annual salaries, annual teaching assignments, and career publishing histories for more than 700 full-time lecturers and tenure-track faculty at 37 public Ph.D.-granting departments of economics. The roughly 15% of teaching faculty who were full-time lecturers were younger, more likely to be female and to teach at the program from which they received their Ph.D., and were assigned to teach both more courses and many more students. While lower than those for tenure-track faculty, the annual salaries paid to full-time lecturers compare favorably to those of tenure-track economics faculty at Master's- and Bachelor's-granting institutions. Regression results suggest that full-time lecturer salaries are determined by teaching assignments rather than research productivity while tenure-track salaries are determined by research productivity rather than teaching assignments.  相似文献   

We examine the variation in employment levels of part-time faculty, full-time teaching faculty, and full-time professorial faculty across 4-year colleges and universities in the United States. Employment structures and practices in higher education institutions are determined by a variety of economic and institutional factors. For example, a 1% increase in the average salaries paid to professorial faculty increases the employment level of part-time faculty by 0.845%. A 1% increase in the average salaries paid to full-time teaching faculty reduces the employment level of full-time teaching faculty by 0.757%. Institutions located in large cities or suburban areas hire 31.3% more part-time faculty but 12.5% fewer full-time teaching faculty. Private institutions hire more part-time faculty than their public counterparts. A 10% increase in FTE student enrollment is associated with a 5.4% increase in the number of part-time faculty, a 10.1% increase in the number of full-time teaching faculty, and a 9.1% increase in professorial faculty. In addition, we find divergent patterns of temporal variability among these three types of faculty. While employment levels of full-time instructors and professorial faculty are rather consistent over time, there is a wide range of fluctuation in the employment of part-time faculty. Finally, the employment of part-time faculty is significantly affected by that of full-time teaching faculty. There is no substitution effect on the employment of professorial faculty.  相似文献   

Many different approaches, almost all of which use some form of regression, have been used to study the issue of gender equity in university faculty salaries. One major point of contention in ail of these approaches is whether faculty rank, which is university conferred, should be included as a predictor variable. Two illustrations are presented to demonstrate how omitting faculty rank as a predictor variable from gender equity studies of university faculty salaries can lead to incorrect conclusions concerning gender discrimination. The first illustration uses hypothetical data constructed so that there is no difference in salary due to gender. However, when faculty rank is not included as a predictor variable in the regression model, there is a significant difference in salary due to gender. The second illustration uses actual data from a study of gender equity in pay at Bowling Green State University. This data set is used to construct a new data set that is totally free of gender bias. When a regression model omitting faculty rank is fit to this gender bias-free data, again a significant difference in salary due to gender is present. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty rank be included as a predictor variable in any model used to study gender equity relating to salary.  相似文献   

A linear causal model is postulated and path analysis procedures are used to examine the direct, indirect, and total influence of 39 variables (grouped into eight general measures) on the salaries of 24.461 faculty members associated with virtually every discipline and type of postsecondary institution in the academic community. The results show wide variation in the relative influence of characteristics of postsecondary institutions and the personal and professional characteristics of faculty members on faculty salaries. The implications of these findings are discussed and specific guidelines are provided to assist those interested in examining the external and internal consistency of the faculty salary structures of their respective institutions.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper Tuckman and Chang demonstrated that college faculty were substitutable and that differences in faculty salaries influenced the distribution of faculty by rank and sex. This paper uses a similar methodology to explore the question of whether institutions of high education with different missions have different substitution patterns and price elasticities. Our main conclusion is that price-related substitution does exist at each of the four types of colleges in our sample. However, the observed price effects are small and there is little evidence that any one college type is consistently more price responsive than any other.  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the problems throughout the educational system, but particularly in the fields of the sciences an dengineering, created by the loss of faculty members to industry and the difficulty of attracting qualified replacements, and discusses some ideas for correcting them. Included in a discussion of incentives and rewards of a teaching career is a table showing the years of education and experience required for comparable positions in industry and teaching, as well as average salaries for these positions in a medium-sized corporation. There is also a suggestion of how a change in the tax laws would benefit the fund-raising campaigns of schools and universities.  相似文献   

Increasingly, faculty members are rewarded financially for prestige-maximizing publications. As a result, the balance between publishing and other activities such as teaching or public service may collapse, as argued by Leisyte, Enders, and de Boer (2009). In our paper, we focus on career-related rewards and study their impact on publication productivity to see whether economic incentives do indeed affect faculty behavior, as measured empirically. We compare economic incentives resulting from two different career systems, namely those within the German and the U.S. university systems. We derive three hypotheses regarding expected publication patterns and test them by comparing the lifetime publication patterns of German and U.S. business and economics faculty members.  相似文献   

This study analyzes differences in power perception across hierarchical levels in university departments and their consequences on studying the power structure of universities. The study's major variables include the holder of power and the nature of decisions involved, controlling for the field and the prestige of the department. Two perceivers were the subjects of the study, chairpersons and faculty members. Comparison between the two perceivers yields considerable differences. The different patterns of power observed by faculty members and chairpersons and the various areas of agreement and disagreement between the perceivers are discussed and analyzed.  相似文献   

Although the limited past research on the effects of region on faculty salaries has presented inconsistent findings, it was expected that region would be significant in explaining faculty salaries over a seven-year period. The data had been collected from member institutions of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges in the annual faculty salary surveys during 1977–1978, 1980–1981, and 1983–1984. The data were weighted average salaries (N = 528) of new assistant, assistant, associate, and full professors in eleven grouped disciplines from four geographical regions. Analysis of variance was used to explain the variation in salaries by region, year, rank, and, to some extent, discipline. The significance level was set at .01. Year, rank, discipline, and the interaction of year and rank were found to be significant. The study revealed that since 1980 the ranges among salaries by region, rank, and discipline have been increasing.  相似文献   

Whether the salary differential between junior and senior faculty is overly small or is falling (salary compression) is currently a popular topic in higher education. However, simple comparisons of average salaries for junior and senior faculty alone cannot address the question of whether salaries are overly compressed, since there is no standard for comparison. This paper presents a simple five-step regression analysis procedure that researchers can use to determine whether salaries are overly compressed. Faculty salary data in academic year 1990-91 from the University of Minnesota show that contrary to popular opinion the average salaries paid to junior faculty are not above what they would be predicted to receive if they were paid as senior faculty.  相似文献   

A two-year research and faculty development project at Gallaudet University examined professor-student interactions and developed and implemented a faculty development model designed to promote equitable and effective teacher-student classroom interaction. A discussion of the research design, training model and results of the investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study predicts faculty salaries using data collected at a large public university on publications, teaching and administrative hours, years of education and experience, department, sex, race, and interaction terms. Female faculty earn 24 percent less than male faculty; 17 or 41 percent of this differential is attributable to discrimination, depending on the particular set of salary determinants used. Unlike previous investigators, this study does not find discrimination in favor of minority faculty members. The choice of variables and form of model appropriate for a study of salary discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

This study predicts faculty salaries using data collected at a large public university on publications, teaching and administrative hours, years of education and experience, department, sex, race, and interaction terms. Female faculty earn 24 percent less than male faculty; 17 or 41 percent of this differential is attributable to discrimination, depending on the particular set of salary determinants used. Unlike previous investigators, this study does not find discrimination in favor of minority faculty members. The choice of variables and form of model appropriate for a study of salary discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Facing a future of static or declining funding available for faculty salaries, higher education management must evolve strategies to enable their institutions to avoid stagnation of their most prominent and essential resource—the institution's faculty. This task is especially complex in the health sciences because of the existence of two distinct faculty cohorts each with unique organizational characteristics. A simulation model designed to embody this duality is used to assess a variety of policies both individually and in combination. The authors propose guidelines for health-science school administrators in formulating policies to help maintain faculty vitality given severe resource constraints.Presented at the Twentieth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Atlanta, April 1980.  相似文献   

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